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Changing Your Ways

Chapter 12: Running Away From Your Problems

*Back at Kaners' and Tazers' house*

"Hey Kaner! What's up?" Sharpie yelled handing him a beer, Patrick refused to take it though, "You ok Kaner? You're not the kind of person to turn down a beer?"
"Christian and I got in an argument and he ran off. He was crying and told me he wanted time to think. I shouldn't have left him alone." Kaner said clearly worried
"Patrick, he's a big kid. I'm sure he has his phone with him, and if he gets lost or something he'll call. Don't worry." Sharp said trying to relax Kane
Kaner ignored what Sharp just said and tried calling Christian, but it went right to voice mail.

* Christian's POV*

My brother yelled at me and said how much he cared for me. I couldn't look at him in the face, so I just walked away. I wanted to be alone, and I was. I was walking around the city of Chicago around 11 O'Clock at night and it was the end of November so it was cold. I only had shorts and a T-shirt on. My phone had died and I didn't have any money on me to pay for a cab. I wish I knew my way around Chicago better... I decided to head back to the UC and see if my brother or anyone on the team stopped by, but the doors were locked so I just waited outside in the cold.

*End of POV*

*With the guys*

"Kaner! Come have fun with us! He's probably at a friends house for the night!" Sharp said
"That or he's out smoking pot!" Shaw said laughing but Kaner gave him a death glare
"Shaw that's not funny. Leave my brother alone. Its not like you haven't smoked pot before!" Kaner said pissed, and all the guys knew to shut up, "While you guys are here drinking your asses off I'm going to go look for my little brother! Bye!" He said as he slammed the door on his way out.
"Shaw not the time and place bud. C'mon lets go help Kaner." Jon said as he put down his bottle and got up with a few of the guys to go look for Christian, "Sharpie, Kaner, Bicks, Crawford, Keith, Seabs, Bollig and I will go look for him, rest of you stay here incase he comes back."
The guys got their stuff and left in 3 cars, Kaner, Sharpie and Jon in one car,
Keith Crawford in another,
and Seabs, Bicks, and Bollig in the last car.

They all looked around till 3 am, they couldn't find him anywhere, they checked his favorite restaurant, they checked his friends houses, they asked neighbors in their condo, they checked at the bean, by the practice rink, everywhere, except the UC. None of them thought of checking there. So they finally gave up and went home for some rest and tried calling Christian. No answer.

The next day they all woke up at 10 because they had a morning skate to do before their game. Gina stopped by because she was going to attend this game.
"Patrick! Babe! You guys need to hurry up and get ready before Coach Q yells at you guys." She said as all the guys were just exhausted, "What's wrong with you guys?"
Jon answered for them, "Christian ran away and we stayed up till 3 looking for him. We didn't find him."
Gina was absolutely shocked and scared. She couldn't believe that the brother of the man she loves was missing. "I'll try calling him!" as she started dialing
"Don't his phone is off" Kaner said walking up to her
"Babe! I'm so sorry! I promise you we'll find him! Come here." She said as she hugged Kaner who was upset and exhausted.

*Christian's POV*

I was freezing cold all night, I didn't get much sleep because I thought I heard someone. I saw someone drive past and pull into the UC parking lot, I didn't recognized the car, so I was somewhat freaking out. I noticed someone got out of the car and started walking towards me. It took me awhile to notice, but it was Coach Q. I'd never been more happy to see him.

*End of POV*

"Christian? What in Gods' green earth are you doing here?" Coach Q said crouching down next to him
"I-I ran away from P-P-Patrick because w-we got in a fight, a-a-and I couldn't remember how t-t-t-to get back home so I-I-I thought I'd j-j-just wait here till someone s-s-s-showed u-u-up." He said shivering
"Come here. We'll get you inside and get you some hot chocolate with a nice warm blanket and some warm and dry clothes." He said helping up Christian, "Have you talked to your brother today?"
Christian shook his head no
"Alright, while your changing I'll call him and let him know you're alright." He said unlocked the door.

Coach Q got him some hot chocolate and warm clothes, while he changed, he made a call to Patrick.

*On the Phone with Patrick*
P: Hey Coach Q! I know we're all late, but I swear it's for a really good reas-
Q: I found your brother.
P: You did!?!?!?!
Q: Yes I did. He's alright, he's freezing cold, but alright.
P: We're all heading over right now! Bye Coach Q! And thanks!

*At the UC*

The guys all showed up within 20 min, and Kaner, and Gina ran out to go see Christian.
"Christian! I'm so happy you're ok! Please don't do that ever again!" Patrick said hugging his little brother
"I-I-I'm sorry. It w-w-was all m-my fault. I p-p-promise to never f-f-fight with you a-a-again." Christian said still freezing cold.
The rest of the guys all walked in and saw Christian shivering and with 3 blankets and a hot chocolate.
Shaw walked up to Christian and said, "Hey bud. I'm sorry I got into your personal business. It won't happen again. We good?"
Christian looked up at him and hugged him, "Yea w-w-we're good."
"Little man! Your new nickname is going to be little shit. Next time charge your phone, or tell us where you're going!" Bickell said hugging him.

All the guys came up to him and they did a big group hug. They could all felt how cold Christian was, and Seabs and Bickell went and got him a new hot blanket.

"You wanna go home and go get some rest?" Kaner said looking at his shivering little brother
"C-C-Can I just s-s-stay here? I-I-I wanna s-see your game t-t-tonight." He begged
Patrick said, "As long as you go into the family skybox with Gina and promise to sleep in there for a little bit."
Christian agreed to that, and Gina helped him up to the skybox.


I would definitely read it :)
Pensgirl_11 Pensgirl_11
I would love reading a sequel! I think it's a great idea! 8)
alex alex
I like the idea of a squeal to this story. It is really good. :)
Keep going!!!
Pensgirl_11 Pensgirl_11
keep going !!!

laughin_lizzy laughin_lizzy