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The Games We Play


Game day for James. All the holidays were over, and now it was back to business. This feeling was noticeable as James sauntered into the locker room the next morning. A few of the guys were talking, but most were just padding up and getting their skates sharpened or taping their sticks. James wasn’t late, but he felt like he was walking in to a party that was half over and he missed the good part.

“Hey Nealer” Matt Niskanen said. “Happy new year.”

“Thanks man.” He tapped Nisky on the shoulder. “What’s with the dark cloud in here? Did I miss something?”

Matt shook his head. “Nah…think everyone’s still hung over. Check out Sutter’s dark circles – they’re worse than normal.”

James glanced over to see that yes, indeed...Brandon Sutter's face was longer than ever. His beard was shaggy, his eyes were dark, and he wasn't the only one who looked this way. James threw his gym bag next to his stall and took a seat. Removing his hat, he ran his hands through his hair. In a twisted turn of events, he really did seem to be one of the only ones there who felt well-rested. Even Sid looked a little droopy.

“Hey Sid.”

“Morning.” He passed by James’ stall, fully dressed and taped up; all that was missing was his helmet.

James figured he’d catch up on everything with Geno later. He stripped down to just his compression shirt and pants, threw on his pads, his white practice jersey, and taped up his calves. As he was lacing up his skates, Geno intercepted him first.


“Hey G.” He sat up and nodded towards the others in the room. “Hung over or what?”

“Major. You miss great party.”

I’m sure I did. He grabbed his other skate and slipped it on. “How’d everything turn out, anyway?”

“Oh good…good…” Geno flipped his gloves in his hands. “Kelly stop by. Say she miss you.”

“Kelly?” James frowned, yanking on his laces. “Kelly who?”

“Bar tender, blonde.”

“Holy shit, G – she actually came to your party?” James sat up again. “You do anything with her?” he asked, voice hushed.

“Nah, she not happy. Kind of, uh…bitch…..to me, others.”

“No way.”

Geno laughed and leaned over his knees to be level with James. “She say you fuck her few months back.”

“What?!?” James stared at him. “You know that shit’s not true.”

“I know, that's why I send her home.”

“You kicked her out!?” James slapped his padded knee. “Look at you! Laying down the hammer…”

“I lay nothing of hers.” Geno grinned, and so did James.

“Did anyone else?”


James sat back and sighed. “So what made her say that, anyways? You believe me, right?”

“Yeah, you know that. She just…” Geno shrugged one shoulder. “She just crazy. No worry.”

James did worry though.How many other people heard her say that? And just what the fuck did she think she was proving by saying it in the first place?

“You and Ali have good night?” Geno asked.

“Yeah, definitely. And a good day. She came in pretty high in her race.”

“Really?” Geno nodded at him. “Great to hear!”

When James finished with his skates, he and Geno stayed sitting together on the bench, watching as the others finished getting ready. Bylsma made an appearance, and hustled the rest of the guys out towards the ice. James stood up alongside Geno; both of them grabbing their helmets and sticks before taking the ice.

Practice was fairly standard, but James definitely felt the days off he’d had since their last practice. Coach ran them hard, but not so hard that they’d be spent before their game later that night. Either way, James felt a little weaker than he’d like, but ended practice on a high note.

That was, until Sid approached him.

“So how did Ali do in her race?” he asked, gliding over to him. “I texted her, but never heard back. Figured she’d be busy anyways, but wanted to show her support.”

James nodded. Fair enough. “She did really well, actually. Came in 103rd overall in the half.”

“For real?” Crosby’s face took on a dreamy look. “That’s really great.”

“I thought so. Hell, SHE thought so…that’s what counts, right?” He gave Sid a half-smile.

Sid skated in a lazy circle, staring at the ice. James watched him, waiting to see if there was more. It was always a puzzle trying to figure out what was running around in Sid’s mind, and this appeared to be no different.

“You go to Geno’s?” James asked, trying to bust through the silence.

Sid chuckled a little. “For an hour, yeah.”

“No hangover?” James asked with a grin. He saw Sid shake his head.

“I passed.”

“Probably smart.”

“You guys ever show up?” Sid asked him.

“Nah, we stayed in. Kinda did our own thing.”

Sid nodded. “Probably good, since Kelly was there talking about your little romp together.”

I should've seen this coming.James frowned. “You actually believe for one second I banged that chick?”

“No, I was just stating that she—“

“—Because listen up, Crosby” he said, “You met her the same night I did a couple months ago. Pretty fucking sure you saw her fall into my lap in Buffalo. Right?”

Sid laughed. “Shit, Nealer - why so defensive?”

“Because I didn’t fucking bang that chick!”

His voice echoed a little, turning the heads of the few players still on the ice. James exhaled, frustrated with himself. Sid waited patiently.

“Do you understand?” he asked a little more quietly.

With a nod, Sid looked up at him. “Yeah, sorry. Didn’t mean to get under your skin like that. I meant nothing by it.”

Yeah, and I didn’t mean to finger fuck my girlfriend behind your back in your own damn house.

“It’s okay."

Sid understood. Kind of.

“I just want to leave that shit I did in the past where it belongs.” James added. New year, new us.

“I got it.” Sid was happy to hear it. No matter if he and Ali were as close as before or not, or if he helped James get her back after ‘the incident’, he would always look out for her. She was a girl who deserved that much, and he knew Neal a lot longer than she did.

James tried to smile. “I sound like a complete ass, don’t I.”

“Do you really want me to answer that?” Sid’s eyes seemed to cool a little and James responded to it.


Sid tapped James’ legs with his stick. “Good practice too, by the way.”

“You too. See ya tonight?”

Sid waved to James as he turned and headed back to the locker room. Still skating around the ice, he took a few more hits at the puck. With each hit, he delivered the puck to the glass with increased force. He had to get his shit together. An important game against the Islanders was happening in a few hours, and he couldn’t afford to worry about why Ali hadn’t responded to any of his texts.

He shot another puck towards the glass. The sound it made as it hit cracked through the anger Sid was feeling at that moment. His ability to focus was one of his greatest strengths, so he changed its course and thought solely of the game coming up that evening.

* * *

Ali was back to work as well, so she wasn’t home to see James come back with a redeveloped temper. He slammed the door on his way into the house, happy to be alone so he could rage by himself.

He sighed heavily and fell back onto the couch. The silence in the room was glorious. Leaning his head back against the cushion, he stretched out further and allowed himself to close his eyes. He sat like this for a little while, just enjoying the silence. The sound of his blades cutting the ice and pucks being slung at the boards still echoed in his mind, but that was normal.

When he lifted his head again and opened his eyes, he realized the Christmas tree was missing. He smiled. She must have done it this morning. Pretty sure it was still here when I left.

James rubbed his face, feeling worn out. He scratched at the stubble around his mouth, which was becoming fuller by the day. He’d keep it for Ali, but would keep it short.

A nap. I need a nap.

With his hands, he pushed himself up off the couch and lazily moved upstairs. A basket with laundry had been set in the hall containing most of Ali’s race clothes and running gear from the past week or so. Inside the bedroom, he saw a note folded up on his pillow. He noticed their bed was made up nicely, which was also unusual.

James unfolded the note:

Hi baby. I did some cleaning and washed everything I could this morning, including our sheets. Doesn’t the bed look professionally done? Last time, ever! :)

Since I won’t be home, I also made you chicken parm for your pre-game routine. It’s in a casserole dish ready to bake in the fridge. Used your leftover sauce, too! Yum City.

Hope practice went well and I’ll be watching your amazingness the minute I get home.
-- Ali

James fell onto the bed and read the letter three times. He wasn’t even sure why he read it over and over, but he did. Maybe it was because he never got letters written to him. It made him feel like he was in gradeschool and he kind of liked it.

Of all things, his cell phone rang from within his pants pocket. When he looked at the screen, he was relieved to see it was his sister.

“Hey princess.”

“Hiya James! Are you busy?”

“Just got home from practice. What’s up?”

“Well…." Rebecca hesitated. "Okay....I’ll just be right out with it: can I come stay with you?”

James laughed. “Why? Everything okay, or are you just pissed at mom?”

“Nooooo.” Her voice sounded upset.

“Well what happened?” James sat up a little. “You can tell me.”

“Promise not to act like a completedouche like Mike did?”

“That's easy. Now spill.”

Rebecca sighed heavily. “I broke up with Adam.”

“Who the hell is Adam?” James bit his lip and tried not to laugh as he sister screamed in his ear.


“Sorry, sorry.”


James rolled his eyes and smiled. “So did you break up with him or did he do it?” He listened but his sister didn’t reply. “Becca?”

“He did.”

“Oh.” Dammit. “I’m sorry.”

His sister sniffled. “It’s okay.”

James wanted to kick Adam’s ass. He was a punk anyways. In no way was he ever good enough for Rebecca. James was actually glad he was out of the picture now. She could do ten times better than him.

“What do I do?” she asked him, her voice full of pity.

“You come down and hang with your brother, that’s what. I’ll make you forget that loser.”

“He wasn’t a loser, James.”

“Well he fucking dumped you – that spells ‘loser’ to me” he fired back. “How long is your winter break, anyway?”

“Two weeks.”

James thought it over. He was almost positive that Ali wouldn’t mind having another girl to hang with; and he was 100% positive that would help his sister out more than he could ever help her.

“Let me clear it with Ali just so there aren’t any weird scheduling conflicts, okay?” he said. “But I think the sooner you get out of there, the better. I can see about getting you a ticket to a game too, if you want.”

“REALLY?” Rebecca instantly sounded better. “Ohmigod, James, I SO owe you.”

“Just make sure mom knows” he added. “I don’t need her calling me wondering why you haven’t been home in three days and the whole time you’re down here with me.”

Rebecca laughed. “You are such a dork. Of course I’ll let mom know. She knows every move I make anyway.”

“We all just love ya, Becca” James said. “Me included. Let me know when you need a ride at the airport.”

“Love you, Jimmy. Niiiiight.”

James was still pissed after they hung up. Who the fuck would be stupid enough to dump his little sister? Next time he was home, he’d have to get a better look at this moron to see exactly what he was dealing with here.

He sent a text to Ali next: Got your note and it made me smile. Can’t wait for the parm! Thank u. PS: can Becca stay with us for a week? She broke up w/her bf. Taking it hard.

He didn’t receive a response right away, which meant Ali was likely busy at work. As he stripped down and settled in for his pre-game nap, he set his phone to silent and left it on the side table. He’d try and touch base with Ali later before the game, if anything.

Thinking of her, he drifted to sleep.

* * *

“Awww, noooo.” Ali frowned, looking down at her phone. She met eyes with John. “James’ sister broke up with her boyfriend.”

“Uh oh. How long were they dating?”

“I actually don’t even know.” Ali quickly replied to James’ text, letting him know she was more than okay with Rebecca coming to stay with them. She was already thinking how refreshing it would be to have another girl in the house. Two against one was always more fun.

“Still a bummer” John added. “What else did he say?”

“Just that she wants to stay with us…I think, anyway. His message was a little choppy.” Ali sighed and leaned against the check-in counter. “Might be kind of nice to have her around for a while, though. She’s a really sweet girl.”

“In other words: you’ll have a female drinking partner other than Becky?” He said this in his infamously jokey tone, and Ali laughed.

“Becca’s not even legal to drink! Well….” Ali thought for a second. “Maybe in Canada, she is.”

“Okay, so you two are going to stay in and get your drink on.”

Ali shook her head. “You’re horrible, John. Just horrible! To corrupt the mind of a young lady.” She smirked at him just as a guest stepped up to the desk. She helped to check the man in and got his reservation all in order.

When she finished, Ali came around the side of the desk, the points of her heels clicking on the tile. “Be right back, John. I’m parched. Want anything from the lounge?”

He waved his hand. “All good here, thanks!”

Ali felt thirsty all day. She wondered if maybe she was making up for the sweat she lost during the race. It was near 3 in the afternoon, and she had already downed about three 16 ounce bottles of water.

She bought two more bottles and cursed herself for forgetting her Nalgene bottle. Ali felt so scatterbrained anymore. She blamed it on the giant relief when the holidays are over and commitments to family and friends and gift-purchasing and such things were no longer a concern. Now she was free to float again. No running (unless it was for fun), no worrying about gifts, no wondering about time spent with James. Things were going back to normal.

Unless his sister came to visit.

I really hope she does Ali thought, taking a large gulp of water. Would be neat to spend some real time with another one of James’ family.

To her surprise, Ali noticed her phone light up once she returned to the desk. John was helping a guest, so she stole a second to herself to read James’ text:

Awesome. Didn’t think you’d have a prob, just wanted to check. How’s your day going?

She tossed back a response she hoped he’d enjoy:

Day’s going great! Masturbated to thoughts of you in a pink hat this morning before work.

Ali was smiling as she clicked send. She smiled even more when James replied within two seconds:

J: The fuck? Really?

A: Well, I touched myself. I didn’t get off. Does that count?

J: Fuck yeah it does. That’s hot. I’ll get you off later.

Glancing up, Ali felt her face get a little warm. John was still tending to his guests at his side of the counter, so Ali kept the convo going:

A: Promise?

J: Of course. I’ll use my tongue first before I fuck you. Unless you have other plans.

Ali exhaled heavily, looking up again to see if anyone was watching. She felt extremely guilty, but this was just too good to not continue. Biting her lip, she went back to her messages.

A: My only other plan was to use my tongue on you before you get anywhere near me. You know it turns me on when I get to suck you off first.

It took a few seconds longer for James to respond this time:

J: So then I’ll just have you touch yourself while you’re blowing me. Deal?

A: Deal.

Thinking their dirty little conversation was over, Ali set her phone down and pressed her hands to her face. Her cheeks were on fire, and her breathing had increased a little. She inhaled slowly, then exhaled slowly.

And then her phone lit up again. Cautiously, she took a peek at James’ latest message, feeling her face get hot all over again.

J: Do you know how tight your body is around my dick when we fuck? Have I ever told you? Fucking amazing, babe. I’m hard now just thinking about it.

A: Am I tight, or are you just huge inside me? ;-)

J: Hot.

A: I kind of want to fuck right now, and I’m stuck at work. Where are you?

J: Home. In bed.

A: So rub yourself because I can’t.

J: Been rubbing.

Another heavy exhale. Ali looked up again, hoping that the fact she was getting severely flustered at work wasn’t obvious to anyone else near her. John was done with his guests, but hadn’t noticed Ali when she glanced up. Being as smooth as she could, she used one hand to slowly tap back a response:

A: Don’t cum. That’s for me to make you do later. And leave your suit on when I take you in my mouth.

J: Secretary, boss?

Jesus Christ, he’s going to kill me and I’m at work! Ali nervously fluffed her hair, envisioning the entire night in her head. James would be home late after his game, but fuck, if what they were saying was true and this was what she had to look forward to….

J: Guess that’s a no.

A: That’s a VERY BIG YES.

J: Thigh highs?

A: Consider it done.

J: So fucking hot, babe. How am I going to play tonight?

A: You’re going to play knowing you get to come home and fuck my tight little pussy as long as you want.

“Excuse me?”

Ali jumped and almost dropped her phone. She placed a shaky hand on her chest, laughing in embarrassment. “I’m sorry, yes – can I help you?”

The elderly woman across the desk from her smiled. “I was wondering, is there a shuttle from here that could take me downtown? And how late does it run?”

Breathe, Ali. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her phone light up again, but she ignored it.

“Yes, we certainly do. Here, this is our shuttle map and guide…” Ali lifted a pamphlet from beneath the desk, noticing her phone lighting up yet again. She explained to the woman the pick-up and drop-off times and locations, and everywhere she could go with the free shuttle. After thanking her, the elderly woman left Ali alone once more.

Another text popped up, so Ali hurried to read back through the ones she missed:

J: You love the way I fuck you, don’t you?

J: The way you squirm under me while I drill you is the hottest thing about it. That, and your moans.

J: You better not be in the restroom there fingering yourself to this.

Ali shook her head. No, she wasn’t in the restroom, but she felt wet enough that if she did go in and get herself off, she wouldn’t last two minutes.

A: You’re awfully horny, James Neal.

J: Your fault. Every time.

A: Tell me how hard you are right now. I want to picture you.

A minute or two went by before James responded. Just knowing he was at home and essentially getting himself off to her words gave her a tremendous amount of pleasure, and she didn’t even need to touch herself to get it.

To Ali’s surprise, she was expecting another string of pussy-slickening words, but instead she got a picture of James holding his hard dick in his hand.

“Holy shit.”

“Holy shit what?” John asked, looking over. “You okay, girl? Your look a little flushed.”

“Um…” Ali steadied herself. “Yeah, I think I just….need some air….”

“Well go outside, silly!” John said with a grin. “It’s not like we’re busy and I can’t manage.”

Ali took the opportunity. At least outside she wouldn’t get caught, and maybe, just maybe, the cold air would snap her body out of its temporary shock.

A: Goddammit James. All I want to do is ride that…Ride it until I cum over you and then have you fuck me again.

The rumble of airplanes taking off overhead gave Ali something to look at while she waited for the response. She thought about looking at the picture again, but no good would come from doing that. She would, however, save it for later.

J: I want you spread on all fours on the floor again. I’ll take you like that tonight after I get home. Might as well be in position for me when I come upstairs.

A: And if I’m not? ;-)

J: You’ll get treated like the bad girl that you are.

Shivers ran up Ali’s spine, and it wasn’t from the cold winter air outside in the parking lot. Ali chewed on one of her nails, hoping toGod the game went well and James would deliver after he got home.

A: Spank me?

J: Til your ass turns red.

A: I love it rough, baby.

J: Just wait.

That was the worst part. Ali wasn’t sure she could.

A: I’m actually wet right now.

J: Go to the restroom and get off with me.

She considered it. She really, really considered it.

A: I don’t want to waste an O. I want you to get all of them.

J: I’ll wait too, then. But the game is going to kill me.

A: It better not. I want to treat you to every inch of my body.

J: Now I can’t wait.

A: Me either, babe.

J: What do I do with this hard on?

Ali actually giggled out loud.

A: You’re free to do whatever. I know I’ll get you off later no matter what. So have fun.

J: Damn you, Ali.

A: I gotta run. Thanks for this. ;-)

J: Welcome. Love ya.

Hurrying back inside, Ali felt her face again. It was still hot, just like her body was, and just like her pussy was. She could feel through her lace panties just from walking how slick she was.

“Feel better?” John asked.

“Definitely.” With a grin, Ali regained her position behind the desk. Setting her phone permanently in her purse for the remainder of her shift, she waited. And waited, and waited, and waited.

The night never went so slow.

* * *



Thank you so much! Amazing people still read it and enjoy it so much. That was my goal :)

Winter22 Winter22

I absolutely adore this story! I've read it a few times and it gets better each time!

Lolo2020 Lolo2020

Love love loved this :) great work!!

anna anna

Just started reading. Can I say that they do not have to do anything but acknowledge people if even that when they are in a club. If girls are approaching them they can say no, they can just chose to ignore them. So James saying there was a s slip up is crap. He is allowed to be friends and talk to other girls and all but having someone literally just hang off of him. No

6-28-14 ** A NOTE TO MY READERS **

As a result of James getting traded, I've found myself at a loss for words; a loss I'm not sure I'll be quick to recover from. The trade was a hard hit, and it will take some time for me to get over the initial hurt.

I wanted to post a message to at least tell all of you who have followed my stories up to this point that after this, I'm not sure how long it's going to be before I post a new story. James will forever be a Penguin to me, and likely to many of you as well. I'm just not sure how to go forward right now. As a result - I can't promise I'll be back, but I hope to be. I really do.

Let's let the dust settle and the hurt fade...and maybe we'll find one other again on this wonderful site.

Thank you all again for your support...It really has made writing so much fun for me, and I don't want to go forward with another story until it's fun again. Right now - that doesn't seem plausible.

I'll leave it open for any of you to message me anytime, if you'd like. I will occasionally check in just to see how everyone's doing. :-)


Winter22 Winter22