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The One Night That Changed My Life Forever

Uhhh Hello...

Awww fuck. I thought to myself as I got up.
"Jonny!" I said shaking him to wake him up.
"What?" He mumbled.
"I need you to drive me!" I exclaimed.
"Where--Oh shit!" He said getting out of bed quickly. "Why now? When your parents are both at work?"
"Eggghhh just get me out of here." I growled. "Ellie get your lazy ass out of bed and come with us." I said opening her door, and watching her wake up and then spring into action as well. 5 minutes later Jon was driving and I was giving directions to the best of my ability.
"Well you're a bit chubbier but still no where near what it would normally look like." My doctor said smiling. "Is this the father?" He asked pointing to Jon.
"Uhh no. My best Canadian friend!" I said laughing. "Damn I wanted Pat to be here. So much for over a month huh doc?"
"Yes this is a bit early but nothing to worry about health wise."
"Eghhh life hates me right now!" I said as pain shot through my body.
"Let's have that baby then." He said smiling.
"Fuck! Jon what the hell have I done!"
"Nothing Rach! I'll be right here okay and El is just outside. You can do it ok!"
"Pat's going to kill me." I exclaimed.
"No he won't, though he might faint." Jon chuckled.
"I hope not!" I said laughing admitst the pain.
"Thank God that's over" I said lying back on the hospital bed. "Never again Jon! Never!"
"You did it though." He said smiling.
"Sorry about your hand!" I exclaimed letting go.
"I'll be fine, don't you worry about me." He said laughing.
"Would you like to see her?" The doctor said coming back into the room with a pink bundle.
"Yes!" I exclaimed. She was beautiful, and she was mine.
"She's going to be a heartbreaker." Jon said laughing and taking her as I passed her to him.
"Knowing her mom and dad I'd say it's inevitable." I said laughing.
"Sorry to interrupt but I need a name." The doctor said smiling.
"Oh sorry. Jon can I use his last name?"
"Of course you can. Someday it will be yours too." He said winking and playing with the little girl in his arms.
"Then I want to name her Isabella. Isabella Grace Kane." I said smiling.
"And there we go, now I recognize you. Congratulations." My doctor said smiling. "I'll let your family in now." He said leaving the room and telling everyone they were welcome in the room.
"Sweetie!" Mom said giving me a hug. "Give me my granddaughter" She said pouting at Jon who obliged to her request.
"Hey! She's my Goddaughter too, so you better share." He said winking. Isabella was passed around one by one. My parents looked as though they were about to cry the whole time. A few hours later I cradled a sleeping bundle of joy in my arms. I had been discharged for the second time in a month. I headed home and made sure all the little things I had bought were set up. I was very happy as she seemed content just sleeping. I was also surprised when she went hours without crying even after being placed in her baby cradle. I got enough sleep to be productive during the day, which at this moment included watching my baby. Jon had to leave a bit earlier this morning, promising to call and check up. The day seemed to fly by quicker than usual, and I wasn't doing too bad at picking up on this whole mother thing. One day done, only years to go I thought to myself as I put the sleeping baby in her cradle. I woke up a few times in the night, and rocked her back to sleep and fed her before it was finally morning. I had just put her down to sleep when I heard the knock on the door. Whoever this is better not care that I look like shit. I thought to myself as I put my hair up and chucked on a clean tank top and headed to the door.
"Pat?" I squeaked.
"Rach. You look like crap. Have you been sleeping?"
"Uhh not much lately. What are you doing here?"
"Jonny told me to to get of my ass and apologize." He shrugged. He kept blabbering out his apology for what seemed like ages, before I just kissed him to get him to shut up.
"What was that for?"
"You wouldn't shut up." I shrugged.
"That it?" He asked smirking.
"Yes. We need to talk. I just have to let El know something and then we can head out and chat okay?"
"Alright." I went up and let El know I was outside and that Issabella shouldn't wake up. Then I went back downstairs and went outside with Pat.
"Alright I have a question to ask you." I said breaking the ice.
"Go for it."
"You love me right?"
"Of course!"
"Alright and you would marry me if I gave you the option right?"
"I would get down here right now if that mean't getting you back." He said sincerely.
"Alright what?"
"Do it!" I said smirking,
"Do what? Propose?"
"Are you being serious right now?"
"No. I'm joking. You don't get off that easy mister." I said laughing.
"I would do it you know that right?"
"I do. I'm glad." I said smiling.
"Rachel! Help! Make it stop!" El cried from the upstairs window.
"Channel your inner woman and figure it out. I'm busy!"
"With what? Ohh hey Patty!" She called from the window, before disappearing back into the room. Suddenly she was outside, read faced and looking very confused.
"So you two made up yet?" Pat looked over at me.
"I hope so." I said smiling.
"Perfect. Sorry Pat I'm stealing your girlfriend for a few minutes."
"I'll go. Entertain Pat for a few minutes I'll be back down soon."
"That I can do. So Pat how's life"" I heard her making conversation as I ran upstairs to my crying baby.
"Sshhh it's okay." I said rocking her and calming her down. I was glad when she didn't make a huge fuss and went back to sleeping against my chest.
"Awww, someone missed mommy!" I said quietly. I slowly made my way down the stairs.
"Ellie! Why the hell are you videotaping me?" I heard Pat ask from the living room.
"Cause it's going to be priceless. You'll thank me later."
"Rach! Why is she video taping me?" He called.
"I don't know!" I called back grabbing Isabella's bottle and put it in the microwave to warm it up.
"Hey! Where'd you steal a baby?" Pat asked leaning against the doorway to the kitchen. Ellie laughed.
"That comment's sticking around." She said laughing.
"What's so funny?"
"Pat I didn't steal a baby you doof. Who would give up this beautiful child?" I asked shaking my head. I grabbed the bottle out of the microwave and tested the heat.
"Well where'd ya get it?"
"I don't know. You tell me." I said bringing her over to where the two of them were standing." "Here baby girl, say hi to Pat." I said as she yawned and woke up.
"Awww she likes you." I cooed. "Probably a good thing." I said winking at El and the camera.
"Rachel." Pat said.
"Yes?" I said smiling. "Here's her bottle by the way, she's probably hungry." I said handing the bottle to Pat who was trying to digest everything running through his brain.
"Is this why you declined the London offer to play hockey?"
"Yup. Plus Q has something lined up for me in Chicago." I said smiling.
"What's her name?" He asked smiling a little when she reached up for the bottle.
"Isabella Grace."
"Last name?"
"Do you have to ask?"
"No but I need to hear it." He said smiling down at his daughter.
"I hope it will stay the same name as her father." I said smiling. "Either way that's the one she's got now." I said chuckling.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I honestly didn't know Pat. I found out a couple weeks ago, and I was scared. I was going to call you and have you come up, but then she came a little bit early." I said.
"Were you going to tell me?"
"Duh! why do you think Jon practically forced you up here?"
"So that was your doing!" He said laughing.
"You're not mad?"
"No. She's beautiful. To be honest I thought of our kids way back when we first met Izzy."
"Before we were even dating? Really?"
"Yah" He said blushing slightly. "I honestly thought I ruined it though! What was Megan doing up here? You two looked pretty friendly?" he said cocking his eyebrow.
"She told me the truth. She was practically depressed so she stayed here. I'm sorry if that was awkward. Anyways she's out of the country now." I said laughing.
"Also my doing." I chuckled.
"Where'd you send her?"
"To a loving family that will take care of her because they want to and not because they have to."
"Goodness you didn't?"
"Hey she needed a break. What better place? You wouldn't have wanted to see her spiral out of control. What else could I have done?"
"You could have done anything, but you wouldn't have. It's just the way you are." He said winking.
"Trying to get on my good side Kane?" I smirked.
"Maybe." He said laughing. "Did you have to have a girl." He said laughing.
"Sorry man. I don't get to choose." I said throwing my hands comically in the air.
"I have too many girls in my life."
"Awww that sucks." I said laughing. "They all love you though! Here give her to me." I said taking a crying Isabella from Pat.
"You don't like daddy huh?" I said making faces at the little girl in my arms. "No. You like mommy more right?"
"So when are you coming down to Chicago?"
"Soon. The season's almost starting and Q needs me to come down to finalize a deal. If you're heading down this weekend El and I will head back too. I'm going to have to make a fews trips however. Isabella won't make the first trip with us. I think mom's going to look after her for the weekend."
This is going to take some getting used to, that's for sure!" He exclaimed.
"You think? I'm only friggin 23!"
"I'm a guy. I know nothing about this stuff!"
"I know I have to take advantage of when she's sleeping. You tired?"
"Yah the drive up was long. I haven't slept well all summer though."
"Alright come upstairs." I set the sleeping baby in the crib and flopped down on the bed. I texted El that we were having a nap because I was too exhausted to go to the room beside mine. She was skyping with Brandon so it worked perfectly. Seconds later I was out, I had no idea if Pat had even made it to the bed. What seemed like minutes later I was awoken by the sound I had become accustomed to hearing.
"Uggghhh." I groaned.
"Go back to sleep I got it." I heard Pat say as he got up from beside me. I heard the crying stop just as I fell back asleep. When I woke up it was definitely darker than it had been when I first went to bed. Shit what time was it? 7 o'clock frig! I got up and threw my hair in a bun and made my way downstairs. There was laughter that had to be a good sign right?
"Look who finally wakes up." El said laughing as I came sauntering in. "Slacker!"
"Shush!" I said scowling and taking a seat beside Pat on the couch. " So what did I miss?"
" I got quite a scare seeing Pat come downstairs after asking who's car was in the driveway. You missed dinner, and your daughter being cute."
"Man! That sucks. I was exhausted though. You think you can go without me a little bit more? I need to have a shower." I said laughing.
"Go for it. We've got more embarrassing stories to tell." Mom said winking.
"You wouldn't!"
"Oh but they would babe." Pat said laughing. "In fact they already have." He said smirking.
"When are you going back to Chicago again?" I smirked.
"Tomorrow, remember you're joining me." He said winking.
"And I get my granddaughter all to myself." My mother said laughing.
"Maybe you could move to Chicago and be a full time nanny!" I said laughing before turning and making my way to the bathroom. I let the warm water roll off me, and relax my entire body. Re-energized and clean I grabbed a bit of food from the fridge. I ate it quickly and then returned to the living room. I took my little girl and made sure she was fed and changed before rocking her to sleep and retiring to my bedroom.
"So you never told me how you found me. I don't think Jonny told you my address. He probably assumed you knew it already."
"I have my ways." Pat said chuckling beside me. "You forget I've been here before. I've got connections."
"So you didn't ask everyone out on the street if they knew me?"
"Nah I did that for 5 minutes with no luck, so I went to my secret weapon. You see I played for the Knights, the team that wanted to offer you a spot."
"Damn. And they just gave me up that easy?" I said laughing quietly.
"Never said it was easy, but I obviously managed." He said yawning.
"Yes I'm tired too. Night Pat."
The heck? Why didn't either of us wake up during the night. Where was the crying I thought to myself. My mom had totally hijacked my baby, I thought smiling.
"Morning." Pat whispered beside me.
"Morning" I said snugging into his chest.
"Ready to get on the road?"
"Eghhh no. It's going to be painfully long, but I have to go."I said.
"I drove it by myself, no idea why I didn't just fly. Oh well it's only a good 6 hour drive."
"Atleast I'm rested up. Otherwise you'd be just as bored." I said laughing and getting some things together in an overnight duffle bag. "Alright that will do." I said going over everything in the bag, making sure I had everything I needed. "I'm going to steal my baby back. One minute." I said laughing.
"Did Grandma steal you away baby girl?" I said rocking her in my arms all the way into the bedroom.
"Wanna show daddy the new outfits we just got?"
"Ooooo. Show me!" Pat said from his sitting position in bed.
"You think we should? Yah I think that would be a good idea." I said laughing and grabbing the merchandise I had bought with Jonny.
"Does daddy approve?" I said coming back into the room.
"I think he does." Pat said nodding and taking out his phone.
"Really you have to take pictures now? I look like I just woke up."
"Yes. You look beautiful, now smile girls." He said laughing. "That's one for the memory book." He said laughing and saving the picture.
"Now I think daddy should have to take a picture." I said handing him Isabella and shrugging off the jersey and then trading him for the baby. "Awww too cute." I said smiling as I took a couple pictures. "Alright now we actually have to get going if we want to make decent time." I said laughing. I changed into a comfy Team Canada t-shirt, and brought along Pat's Hawk sweater which was a permanent addition to my clothing collection. I threw on some shorts and straightened my hair, before chucking my sunglasses on my head, and switching Pat so he could change his clothes. Mom had a late breakfast waiting for us. She took Isabella almost instantly after we entered the kitchen. We ate our breakfast pretty quickly. I said bye to Ellie, who had been the smart one taking the plane later on this morning.
"Take care of my little angel." I said hugging mom. "And you little one be good for your Grandma otherwise you might be shipped off to your Godfather's house and he's no fun." I said lightly tickling her and kissing her forehead.
"Let me guess. Jonny's?" Pat said laughing.
"Yup!" I said smiling. Pat said his goodbyes and we hit the road. Everything felt good. Our conversations came easily, and the time flew by. I never thought I would enjoy a 6 hour drive as much as this one. "Home sweet home!" Pat exclaimed pulling into one of his many parking spots.
"You hear that?" I said walking into the penthouse.
"Silence!" I exclaimed.
"For a weekend." He said laughing.
"Way to ruin it." I said winking.
"Come here!" He said pulling me in giving me a loving kiss. "I've wanted to do that for two months." He said hugging me.
"Two months and that's it? I think you can do better!" I said winking.
"Ohh ok." He said full on kissing me this time. "Can you?" He asked between kisses.
"No." I said returning his kisses.
"That's what got us in this situation in the first place." I said smiling against his lips. "Soon." I said laughing as he pouted slightly. "Ohhh shush. I'm the one that gets the loosing end of the stick!" I said working my hands under his shirt.
"What you don't want me to do this?" I smiled innocently moving further down his body.
"Ohhh goodness." He said tensing up.
"Two months is a vey long time to wait." I said laughing. "I'm impressed."
"Better? You going to stop pouting now?"
"I mean, I guess I can." He said smiling and pulling me back up to attach his lips on mine. "I love you."
"Oh Pat I love you too." I said lying back down beside him on the couch.
"You ready to send a picture to my family?"
"Shit. They have no clue do they? They don't even know if we worked things out!" I exclaimed. "Which one?"
"The one from this morning with the three of us and then the two of you in the jerseys."
"Alright but we are sending the one with you and her from this morning as well." I exclaimed.
"Fine. It was cute anyways." he said agreeing. "Once we do this, there's no turning back. Expect a call within the next five minutes" he said attaching the three pictures and sending them to his mom.
I texted Jonny telling him we were back, and that we needed to hang at some point during the weekend. I sent him a picture 'missing your goddaughter yet?' it read.
Jon~~ I see you two worked things out.
Me~~ Yup :) Thanks for getting him into action.
Jon~~ How's the little one?
Me~~ Spending the weekend with Grandma, and Grandpa. We should go out tomorrow night after my meeting.
Jon~~ Fun. Sure sounds good. Not many guys are back yet.
Me~~ Alright I got to go. Pat's on the phone with his parent's I think ;)
Jon~~ See ya tomorrow. Sleep well, you'll need it.
Me~~ Bye Jonny :)
Pat put the phone on speaker. His mom went on and on about how excited she was to be a Grandma, after getting all the details from Pat. I sat back and relaxed as I watched Pat and his mom interact.
"She's so beautiful Patty!
"What's her name?"
"Adorable.I can't wait to tell everyone I'm a grandma!"
"I bet mom." He said winking at me.
"Where are you now?"
"Is Rach with you?"
"Hi Sweetie." She cooed through the phone.
"Hi Donna!" I said smiling.
"Thanks for making me a grandma."
I laughed. "No problem."
"So if you two are back home then wheres the little one?"
"Probably chilling with Grandma listening to music, or cooking some dinner." I said laughing.
"I see."
"Yah I have to head back up and bring her down here after this weekend. "
"Stop by in Buffalo dear!"
"Alright. I'll fly out of Buffalo on my way back down here then." I said laughing.
"I'm going to go cook some dinner. I'll talk to you again soon Donna." I said making my way to Pat's near empty kitchen.
"Scratch that!" I exclaimed into the phone. "I'm going grocery shopping." I said earning a laugh from Donna and a chuckle from Pat. Rebecca had decided to leave the apartment to us, and I put her up in mine and Ellie's apartment for the time being.
"Not my fault Beccs ate the remaining food and ate out most days!" He exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.
"Yah, yah blame everyone else. Either way I have to go." I said laughing and grabbing the keys to his roomiest vehicle and my purse.I gave him a small kiss before saying bye to his mom and heading out of the apartment.
Me~~Jonny what you up to?
Jon~~ Nothing I'm bored. Why?
Me~~ Be ready in 5. I need some muscle ;)
Jon~~ Where we going?
Me~~Grocery shopping. ;)
Jon~~ Fine…
Me~~Great :)
I started the car and made my way over to Jon's apartment.
"So why can't Pat help ya?" Jon said laughing as he slid into the car.
"He's still talking to his parents, which is understandable." I said laughing. "You were bored anyways!" I said pulling onto the road and towards the Costco just a few minutes outside the city.
"So how'd he take it?"
"Surprisingly well." I said shrugging. "Apparently that isn't the first time he's thought about kids."
"Interesting. He's changed more than I thought. I really thought he'd faint." Jon said laughing.
"Nahh. All I got was a little bit of eye expanding when he realized. That was after he asked who's baby I stole!" I said laughing.
"He would." Jon said shaking his head.
"She seems to like him, so I think ill keep him around." I winked laughing. "I think I'll keep her Godfather around too, he's not too shabby."
"Did he atleast give you his card to buy all this crap?"
"Yes. If you have seen his place you know why. I literally got up to make dinner and there was nothing anywhere." I said laughing.
"That hasn't changed." Jon said laughing and getting out of the car. We were both pretty well disguised, and I hoped it wouldn't be too busy at this time of the day. I hoped my Canadian Costco card would get me in I thought as we neared the attendant. We got in and got gown to business. Jon and I both grabbed carts because there was no way everything I needed was going to fit in one cart.
"Where to first?"
"Food." I said laughing. It took us a while to get everything you could possibly need. I tried to minimize the food that needed refrigerated and frozen as he only had one fridge. "Seriously Jonny." I said when he put a case of beer on the bottom of the cart.
"Yup. You'll thank me. Plus he's a guy!" He said shrugging.
"I was kidding. That's not a bad idea." I said laughing.
"Alright I think you've got enough food for a while. Next stop?"
"We need some baby stuff. But I don't want to be recognized with it." I whined.
"Ill put it in my cart don't worry. They'll have no clue why I'm getting it. " He said laughing.
"I'm glad you're the Godfather Jonny." I said giving his shoulder a quick squeeze.
"Wouldn't want it to be anyone else. You're both my best friends." He said laughing. "Now you're going to have to get everything cause I have no clue what you need. He said looking very much out of his element.
"Don't worry Jonny." I said shaking my head. I grabbed the essential food my mom had told me to buy, as well as diapers and wipes. Then we got things like a crib, small changing station, and some toys. Once I was satisfied with my purchases, we headed to the checkout line.
"Frig Jonny! I said as I looked at the final total."
"It's fine." He said laughing. "That's not going to make him go bankrupt."
"I know. It's just a lot." I said laughing.
"It's his house."
"Card please." The attendant asked. I handed over Pat's card getting a little glance from the attendant.
"Thank you." I said signing the receipt and reloading everything into the carts. I saw Jon signing a piece of paper she had out and I laughed.
"Slacker get over here and help me." I said smiling at the girl.
"Coming." He chuckled and said bye to the attendant and helped put everything else in the carts.
"I don't know how you are going to check this." I said laughing as I handed the mile long receipt to the attendant at the door.
"I think we'll just guess." The guy said laughing. "Party?"
"Oh no. My boyfriend doesn't know how to buy food." I said laughing. "Thanks." I said taking back the receipt.
"Uggh now comes the hard part. We have to get it all in the car, and then all the way up to his apartment.
We got everything and got back to the underground garage under Pat's building.
"Jonny! What you doing here?" Pat asked when we made the first trip up.
"Believe me you'll thank me. Now get your lazy ass down here and help us." He said giving him a man hug and making his way back down with Pat and I just behind.
"Shit Rach! You feeding a friggin army?"
"I plan on it at some point. Have you seen the way you eat? Now lets get this upstairs so I can cook some food. Jonny you're welcome to stay for dinner." I said laughing
"That right there makes it all worth it." He said grabbing some more bags. 30 minutes later everything was upstairs and unpacked.
"What do you boys want?" I asked the guys who were in the guest room trying to figure out how to set up the stuff I had got. "Whoa having fun?" I said laughing.
"Alright change of plans. You boys put some steaks on the barbecue, grab a beer and lie back. I will set this up." I said shaking my head. "Did you even look at the instructions?"
"No." They both shook their heads.
"Alright. Steaks are in the fridge. I'll whip up some potatoes and veggies after I set the crib up."
"Ok." Pat said laughing as the two of them made their way back out to the kitchen."
Boys I thought laughing and shaking my head. 15 minutes later the crib was installed and set up in the corner. I put on the water to cook the potatoes. I steamed some carrots and covered them in butter when they were done. Soon enough we were sitting at the table overlooking the city with food on our plates.
"Not bad." I said to the boys.
"Delicious!" They said between mouthfuls. We finished dinner, and I put the plates in the dishwasher. Jonny stuck around for a while longer, before retiring back to his apartment.
"What's up tomorrow night?" Pat asked.
"We are going out!" I exclaimed. "And we are letting loose, because I have no idea the next time I will be doing so." I said laughing.
"Cool. It's going to be an adjustment that's for sure." He said laughing.
"I'm having a shower and then heading to bed." I said stifling a yawn.
"Alright. I'm tired too." He said laughing.
I came back to the bedroom to find him laughing into the computer screen. "Who is it?" I mouthed.
"Come see." He said laughing.
"Hi baby!" I said laughing as she was trying to touch us through the screen. "Hey mom, dad. How's she been?"
"Perfect." Mom gushed. "How's Chicago?"
"Great. I've already been grocery shopping and cooking and I've been back for like 5 hours." I said laughing.
"You love it, now say goodbye to your daughter and get some sleep." Mom said waving Bella's arm.
"Bye." We said, before ending the call and settling down into the bed.
"I love you Pat." I said facing him.
"Love you too Rach." He said pulling me in for a light kiss.
"Are you actually okay with all this?"
"It was a surprise that's for sure, but yah. I'm almost 26, it's not a bad time to settle down." He said giving me another little kiss. "Especially with you." He said smiling.
"Thank you Pat." I sighed and turned back around snuggling in and embracing his body against mine.
"I missed this." He said into my ear.
"Me too." I all but mumbled feeling my body slowly falling asleep.


lemme know what ya think xoxoxoxo Jordan


Thanks so much! Honestly I just felt so so bad about not posting !!! Thanks for always reading it ;)


hockeygirl07 hockeygirl07

Great job. I really enjoyed it

Meh....just felt like i should have updated sooner so i wanted to get something up :) but thanks

hockeygirl07 hockeygirl07

Great job

Amazing job. Wasn't expecting him to have another kid from a different relationship in this story. Kudos for them for not resenting each other or the kid though. Great job