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Find My Way Back To You

Moving Out

The next morning for Autumn was hell. She woke up in her bed, groaning and cursing as she held her hand to her head. She sighed softly as she rolled out of bed slowly, her eyes still barely open. Her head pounded from the major hangover she was currently having as she walked into the living room. On the couch was Jordan putting some more of her items away in a box. Jake walked out of Jordan's room with a box which he carried with ease. Walking out of the apartment, he was back in a second as Autumn seen a trolley waiting outside the door. Jordan turned around as she saw Autumn's state. She frowned as she stood up and walked over to her friend. Autumn had her curled hair all over the place, her make up rubbed all over her face, and she was crying. Just being told that Sidney was in the bar at the same time as her, made her more than upset. She went to bed that night kicking and screaming and Jordan could hear but Jake told her she'd sleep on it. Grabbing her friend and holding her in her arms, Autumn threw her head over Jordan's shoulder and sobbed. She cried and let them not remain silent as Jordan soothed her friend. Jake walked into the living room to see the two. He locked eyes with Jordan as she frowned. He knew Autumn for a while now and they had become great friends. He was upset he couldn't do anything last night by talking to Sidney, but he wanted to make sure the girls were alright and he didn't want to do something the girls would look down on him for. He slowly walked over the the girls as he stood behind Jordan, trying to look at Autumn's face.

"Autumn?" Jake asked softly.
"What?" She spoke as she sobbed.
"Look, you're better than him. You're a great girl and you could snag any guy. That's why I think you should try to cut Sid from your life." He confessed as she huffed.
"It's not that easy when you grow up loving him and then being played by him! I have feelings for him!" She cried as she hung her head, stepping away from Jordan and grabbing a water off the table.
"I know, I know.. I just think that maybe if you set your mind on another guy, you could find someone really special and maybe the one for you." He encouraged.
"Hey! Maybe Sidney will get jealous even." Jordan cut in and winked as Jake began to speak.
"Don't fight fire with fire.." He warned as Jordan rolled her eyes.
"Alright old guy." She joked as he frowned.
"I get what you're both saying, and maybe I'll start opening my eyes a bit. But first I need a fucking Advil." She explained as she stomped away and moaned, holding her head.

Jake and Jordan looked at each other as she gave him a soft punch to the stomach as he pushed her gently. They smiled at each other softly before she walked off to the boxes.

"Get back to work." She ordered him as he slapped her behind, making her gasp.
"Yes, owner." He winked as she rolled her eyes and got back to work.

Autumn grabbed her phone from her purse as she unlocked the device. Searching through her notifications, she had 4 missed calls and 23 texts. Sighing softly she read through them all. They were all from ether Victoria, Kenzie, Keirstyn, or Faith. From the texts she learned that Sidney did in fact tell Victoria and Geno he wasn't coming and he surprised everyone. Beau and Geno were going to talk to their teammate and they were going to be there for Autumn. Setting the phone down, Autumn walked over to the television and turned it on. She needed to calm herself and relax her mind from her drama.

Meanwhile back at the Penguin's hotel, Victoria sat on the bed and read through a magazine as she waited for Geno to get out of the bathroom. Once she heard the fan shut off, she shot her head up as he walked out in a suit. She smiled softly at how good he looked while he stalked over to her. He hovered over her and pressed his lips softly to her lips, working them slowly while his hand held her neck. She smiled into the kiss as he began to as well before pulling away.

"You going to talk to Sidney?" She quizzed as she bit her lip.
Geno nodded as he sighed. "Yeah, I try."
"I really appreciate you helping my friends." She smiled up at him.
"He lie to me and you too. He can't do that." He answered as she nodded, putting her hair behind her ear.
"I hope this doesn't ruin your friendship or anything.." She whispered as he shook his head and bend down in front of her.
"No V! He did this and I need to understand why." He explained as Victoria took his hand in hers.
"I love you, G." She smiled as he returned one of his own.
"Love you too, V." He winked as he pressed his lips to hers one last time before making his way out with a wave.

Geno walked across the hall and knocked on the door as Sidney opened it with a smile.
"Hey, G!" Sid greeted as Geno nodded.

Sidney raised a brow as he grew a little confused as to why his best friend on the team was acting short with him.
"Uh, get a good sleep?" Sid asked as he shut the door behind him and joined Geno in the hall.
"Yepp." Geno replied, looking around the hall, anywhere but Sidney.
"Why are you acting weird?" Sidney asked as Geno looked at the brunette.
"Why you lie?" Geno asked as Sid grew even more confused.
"Lie? About wh-" He began as he was interrupted by the Russian.
"You know what! You lie to V and I. You say you no come to bar!" He cried as Sidney frowned.
"Oh that, well I didn't know if Kailee would be okay with getting drinks or if she wanted to spend time alone." Sidney explained as Geno raised a brow.
"Or because I tell you Autumn go." He asked as Sid put on a sly face.
"No! Why would I care if Autumn went?" Sidney laughed awkwardly but seemed convincing.
"Maybe because you cheat on Kailee with her." Geno smirked as he crossed his arms.
"G, could you not be so loud about that, she's in the room.." Sidney asked as Geno rolled his eyes.
"You hurt very nice girl. You lie to best friend. Why play games?" Geno quizzed as Sidney sighed softly.
"I guess I'm just stressed from planning the wedding." Sidney lied as Geno let out a laugh.
"You no plan wedding, you have planner." Geno spoke before shaking his head.
"You play mean games, you changed." Geno spat before Sidney could react.

Geno walked down the hall and to the elevator as he buzzed it up. He looked down the hall to see Sidney run a hand through his hair and punch the wall. Shaking his head, Geno stepped into the open doors and was brought down to the lobby. Once he arrived there, he noticed Beau and Jason Megna on their phones beside one another. He sighed as he walked over and towered over the two.

"Beau, we talk?" Geno asked as the blondes head shot up.
"Yeah, sure." He nodded as he stood up and walked with Geno away from Jason.

Once they were far enough away, Geno began to explain what had happened with Sidney. Beau didn't believe any of it for a minute as he went off saying how much of a douche Sidney was acting like. The boys never seen Sidney act like this before and it surprised them both. Usually he was the sweet and caring type, but for the past months he had been rude and heartless. The boys looked over to Sidney who was talking to James Neal on the couch. The boys boarded onto the team bus and made their way to the Air Canada Centre. As they arrived into the visitor change room, Geno grabbed a seat away from Sidney, he could see the hurt over his friends face. Geno felt bad but he needed to fight for his cause and for what was right. The boys had their morning practise and had the rest of the day to do whatever they wanted before they had curfew for the game tomorrow. Geno had received a text from Victoria saying she was going to be out with some of the girls for lunch and if he and Beau wanted to stop by. He turned to Beau and had asked him which he agreed to. They found the restaurant where the girls were at as they grabbed a seat and greeted the girls. Around the table was Victoria, Keirstyn, Faith, and Kenzie. Victoria spoke up in the group as she turned to Geno.

"Did you talk to Sid?" She asked as Geno nodded.
"He no talk. Just lie." He sighed as the girls all groaned.
"Beau, did you talk to him?" Keirstyn asked as he shook his head.
"Not yet, but I doubt he'll say anything to me if he wouldn't even tell G." He sighed as Keirstyn nodded.
"God he's such a dick." Faith spat as the girls nodded.
"He no like this always. He nice and caring." Geno spoke softly as Beau nodded.
"Yeah, he's usually such a cool guy." Beau added as Kenzie spoke up.
"There needs to be a reason why he's playing Autumn, we'll found out though." She spoke as the table agreed and carried on with their lunch.

Back at the apartment, Jake and Jordan were finished packing up as Jordan looked around the apartment. Jake smiled softly at Jordan as he took her hand in his, his thumb running up and down the back of her palm.

"This was my first apartment, the first place I owned." She sighed as he nodded.
"But now you get to live with me." He spoke, turning on the charm as she nodded, smiling.
"Let's get going old man." She announced as he stopped in his tracks.
"Why do you keep calling me old?" He asked, his face falling softly as she defended.
"I'm just joking, I don't mean to hurt you or anything.." She told him as he nodded.
"It's just, I know there's quite an age difference, five years, I just hope it doesn't bother you.." He confessed as Jordan shook her head.
"Jake, I don't care about our age difference, I like you for you. Hell I wouldn't care if you were 40 or something. I like you for you. Plus, I like older men." She winked as he let a smile grow across his face.
"Ah, kissing up now." He playfully spoke.
"No!" Jordan objected, laughing.
"Let's just get going home." He told her as she nodded.
"Alright, dad." She joked as she ran out of the apartment with him on her feet.



omg. update or I will die. Geno is toooooo freaking cute and fuck Sid the Kid

marlene marlene

I'm cry

autz autz