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Come Closer

Chapter Twenty-Three

“Hi Brad, this is Meghan Fuller calling, how are you?” I needed to make the call to the Raiders General Manager to tell him about the accident and that I will be out for a few weeks to fully get my strength back.

“Meghan! Hi, it’s so nice to hear from you. I was wondering why you haven’t called. Is everything alright?” I could hear a little bit of concern in his voice.

“Well, that’s what I’m calling about.” I sat down at one of the island stools and started doodling on a note pad. “I was in a car accident when I was in Canada and I was hurt pretty bad.”

“Oh my goodness, are you felling alright?”

“Yeah, I feel fine now; I just have some broken ribs, collar bone and wrist. I don’t think I will be able to coach for a while, I want to make sure I am fully healed before I start running drills with the girls.”

“You take all the time you need Meghan, we are still excited to have you here and we will be awaiting your arrival to coach this team.” His voice was so happy and cheerful, he is just so sweet.

I gave him a brief outline on when I should be back, even if I’m not 100% I can still coach, just not run drills.

James left for his road trip this morning so I was in the house alone.

I was just heading up the stairs to unpack some of the boxes what weren’t unpacked yet, I heard the doorbell ring.

“What the hell…” I talked out loud to myself.

I did not know anyone in Pittsburgh than James and Paul.

“Hi!” she said in a cheerful voice. “I’m Giselle Messing, Brandon Sutter’s fiancé.” She held out her hand for me to shake it. “Brandon was talking to James and told him that you didn’t know anyone so I decided to stop by and introduce myself.” She said smiling.

Holy shit I thought to myself wasn’t Brandon making out with Bianca at the bar when the team and I first got here. I wasn’t going to say anything about it, just let it be…none of my business.

“Hi! Come in” I said to her motioning her to come in. “Can I get you anything to drink?”
“Water would be great.” She said looking around and sitting on the couch.

Handling two glasses in my hand I walked over to Giselle and sat down next to her.

“Brandon told me about your accident, how are you doing?” Taking a drink from her glass.

“Better, my ribs still hurt a little, and obviously my wrist and collarbone.” I said “Other than that I’m doing well.”

“That’s good, James was really worried…even at the rink Brandon told me that he wasn’t himself, but now that you’re ok everything with him is back to normal.”

“So, do you have a good relationship with the other wives? Are they nice?” I asked her.

“I didn’t really hit it off with the other wives and girlfriends; the only two that are really nice is Chris Kunitz wife Maureen and Marc-Andre Fleury’s wife Vero.” She said sitting back.

“Really? I always thought they were all really nice.” I was looking confused.

“Well, you would think so, most of them think that since they are with hockey players they are hot shit…but way far from it, so I thought that you and I would hit it off since you played volleyball, I played in high school and in college I loved it.”

I love this girl, I began to tell her about my career and how James and I met. We sat and talked for about 3 hours, next thing we knew it was 9:30 at night.

“Holy shit, time fly’s when you’re having fun, but I better head out, the dog needs to be let out and fed.”

“Sounds good, I’m glad you came over.” I got up and took her glass to the kitchen.

“Hey, I need to get some dishes and furniture for the house, since it was almost empty when I got here. Do you want to come with me since it could be hard with one arm?” I asked her walking up to the door.

“That would be awesome, tomorrow?” she said as we exchanged numbers.

“Sounds great, I’ll talk you tomorrow, it was so good to meet you.”

“You too girl.” She said as she walked out the door.

Right after she left I had to phone Khloe.

“Hello how is your first day?” she answered the phone on the second ring.

“Ok, Khloe, do you remember the night when we first got to Pittsburgh and we went to that bar?” I was talking really fast.


“Guess who showed up at my house today…”


“Brandon Sutter’s fiancé.”

“Ok... so.”

“Remember Bianca was making out with him at the bar…remember.” I was still talking way to fast.

“Meg, I was too busy making out with Paul. I have no idea what everyone else was doing. But holy fuck… he is a cheater.” She said. “Are you going to tell her about it?”

“I figured that I was just going to leave it be, I don’t want to be the one to ruin a relationship.”

“Honestly, if James cheated on you would you want to know?”

“Maybe, I don’t know… I mean I do kind of want to tell her but I’m scared that if I tell her that she will break it off with Brandon, then Brandon will tell James and then James will get pissed off at me for telling her.”

“Do what you think is right girl.” Sounding professional. “So speaking of hockey players…”

“Oh Christ.” I said to her.

“Paul sent me a text today, I was going to text you but I forgot.”

“What did he say?”

“We just got to talking about what we are up to, how me being team captain is since you left. He said that when I’m down in Pittsburgh again what we should hook up.” I could tell there was a smile on her face.

“Like sex hook up or go out for dinner hook up?” I asked her.

“I don’t really know, I didn’t ask.”

“Well you can come visit me anytime, I am home alone most of the time and I’m broken so I can’t really go anywhere.”

“You could plant a garden.” She said with a chuckle.

“Yeah…ok let’s be real here, I kill all flowers.” I said laughing. “Imagine me, down on my hands and knees weeding out a garden and digging out potato's.”

“It might be a turn on, maybe James is into that kinda shit…role play” she was also laughing on the other line.

“You sick fuck.” I said to her.

“Anyway girl, I’m tired so I think I’m going to go to bed.” I said as I yawned.

“Good night, text me soon. Love ya!”

“Love ya too.”

After I hung up with Khloe I texted James just to wish him a good night and how my day was.
I went upstairs and put one a pair of my sleep shorts and a tank top, climbed into bed and fell asleep thinking how good my life was.”


Thanks for all the love guys! I am having so much fun writing this and I'm glad you are loving it!!

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Wow!!! I cant wait til sexy meghan comes back not gonna lie lol...and i really dont understand khole and brad being engaged but oh well and deborah gets the mother of the year award for doing what she has for the both of them especially meghan :)

I loved reading this chapter!! :) and where she says that she doesnt wanna feel like shes living in a tuna can that had me cracking up!!! I love the spontaneity by james for them to get married and I wonder how its all gonna go down when they tell their friends and family!! Just love this story!!! :)

hakuna matata<3

ohhh myyy goooddd!!!!! first i just cant believe khloe did like best friends dont do that at all but im happy they are ok but i know shes has to do whatever she can to get meghans trust back but im sooo happy for her and james about the babies!!! im soo excited!!!!!!! :D cant wait for the next update :)

ahhh!!! wait to leave me hanging haha...im still in shock about him getting traded!!! but amazing job as always and cant wait for an update :)