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Chicago Disaster

Chapter 6

Sidney Crosby finally returns with Derek Dorsett. Patrick Kane has successfully forced himself into a calm state. He holds his head high. He takes deep breaths in and out, like he is the midst of a yoga session.

“Where is the fear, boy? Peeksy, you should be shaking with fright right now!” Sidney comments, rounding the Blackhawk’s goal scorer.

“You obviously don't know me and have underestimated my abilities,” Patrick calmly replies, giving the Goon’s leader a sly grin.

Sidney shrugs. “Suit yourself. We'll see your true colors in a little bit. Dor, ready the instruments.”

Derek whirls around to his "barber station." He pulls out some pretty sickening looking weapons. He starts to sharpen them and then place them in an order on a towel.
Sidney walks around to Jonathan's view.

“I'm begging you not to do this!” Jonathan pleads.

“It's too late for that. Besides, I want to. Now, have you decided the artistic vision for the party boy?”

“I have. But I hoped you would make the right decision.”

“Don't be a fucking idiot, Tazer. That's not your style. Now spit it out, enough stalling. Let me have the idea!”

“Okay.” Jonathan launches into a long explanation of his image.

At first, Sidney is intent and interested, but as Jonathan continues on, he becomes less and less intrigued by the Blackhawk's plan. Patrick focuses on controlling his nerves, desperately, as he continues to manage his breathing with deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling.

“Alright, alright. That's good enough. Geez. Maybe you're not ready for the villain life yet.”

“Hey you wanted a good idea. I am just giving you an extremely accurate description of my idea.”

“That runs 100 pages long!”

“But it's good, is it not?”

“It's evil enough, yes, but I don't really like it. No, I figured I'd give you a chance and hear your idea out, but I much prefer Dor's idea!”

“And his is better than mine?”


“Let's hear it then!”

“Fine. I'll tell you. Dorsett's going to just stick to the basics.”

“Basics? How boring?”

“Ah, but it's not. He showed me the method to his madness.”

“Show me then. You can use my own face as a canvas!”

“Tazer, no!” Patrick howls, losing his concentration and control over his nerves.

“Relax, Peekaboo,” Jonathan shouts to his friend, before he turns and focuses on Sidney Crosby. “Do it.”

Sidney shrugs. He grabs up one of the carving knifes.

Patrick jerks at the ropes, grunting in desperation and frustration. He begins to cry, sheading tears, as he imagines the Pittsburgh Penguin cutting into his friend’s skin. “Johnny, please! Don't hurt him, Sid! Don't hurt my line-e!”

Jonathan remains quite calm and collected. He would gladly lay down his life for that of Patrick Kane, however, he has a different idea. It is all apart of his stalling and he figures that Sidney is not actually going to cut him up to pieces.

“I have different plans for you, dear Toews. I will not actually cut your face up, I like it how it is.”

Jonathan frowns. That wasn't a compliment. “Show me your “grand” idea!” He can hear Patrick whimpering and still trying to get free. He can hear the grunts of distress and the struggling sounds that would make any fetish maniac scream with joy.

Sidney suddenly launches forward. “First, I'm going to carve a large scar over his left eye, like this,” he traces the path of the mark on Jonathan’s eye, “Then, I'm going to bring the blade and slash both sides of his mouth, creating a permanent "Glasgow Smile." He now demonstrates on Jonathan's mouth, gliding the blade lightly at the corners.

“So, basically, he's going to be part Scar from The Lion King and part Joker from Batman?” Jonathan questions, remaining perfectly still, with a sharp expression present on his face.

Sidney drops the knife to his side. He straightens up for a split second. “I guess so, but I wasn't done.”

“I don't really want to hear any more.”

“Oh, but you must. The finale is going to be the best. You see, once I am done with the carving, scarring, and all that art, I'm going to finish it off with a slash to the throat. And that is how Patrick Timothy Kane Jr. will die!”

Behind Jonathan, Patrick freezes in place, his blood running ice cold. He stares at Derek and the "barber station." He maintains his classic "worried" expression now, gulping, nervously. No matter how hard he has tried, the fear returns to him. Derek sharpens the third to last tool, eyeing the petrified Blackhawk, named Patrick Kane. He draws the weapon upward, illustrating Sidney's grand finale. Patrick feels his heartbeat increase.

(Poor baby Patrick Kane...)

Jonathan eyes Sidney. He is refusing to give up on his argument and give into Sidney. He is intent on stalling and drawing the agonizing pretense out. “It's good, but there's only one problem.”

“And what's that?”

“What if Patrick doesn't last that long?”

“Johnny!” Patrick scolds, giving another jerk against his bonds.

“It's a legit question.”

“I've already thought about that Mr. Jonathan Toews. What do you think, I'm stupid?”

Jonathan snorts in amusement, rolling his eyes.

“Nah, that won't be a problem. Dor…” He nods his head in Derek's direction.

Derek picks up a surgical syringe and walks over and jabs it into Patrick's arm. Patrick yelps in shock.

Sidney snorts, pinching Jonathan’s cheek, roughly. “I've got that covered. And now, it looks like you're out of stalling time. I'm done talking anyway.”

The Blackhawk leader watches, now in horror, as Sidney walks over to his equipment. The villain picks up the smallest of the knives and makes his way up to Patrick. Derek follows him. They both cackle evilly, closing in on the terrified blonde.

“Tazer!” Patrick wails, as the Pittsburgh Penguin stalks up, flashing the sharp weapon at him.

“Kaner, be brave! Be brave! My Lil Peekaboo, you'll be okay!”

Derek holds Patrick's head still, as Sidney cracks his neck. Almost immediately, he lifts the knife. And slashes Patrick over the eye. Patrick screams in pain. Blood squirts outward.

Sidney flicks the knife to the side, attempting to get the drops off, for a second slash. He glowers. Derek lets go for a quick second. Patrick drops his head, as blood gushes from the fresh cut on his face. He trembles, violently.

Jonathan closes his eyes tightly. His best friend’s pain fills him. He is tortured by it. He almost feels as it Sidney is cutting him up in the process. His heart aches for poor helpless, Patrick Kane. “Olympians, where are you??”

Another slash of the knife sounds behind him, followed by another heart-wrenching scream from Patrick.


Poor Kaner, I'm so cruel to you...


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