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Marked By Love


Glancing once more in the mirror once more I giggle as I hear the un-patient man yell my name again. Walking down the stairs slowly I find him sitting on the armrest of the sofa grumping to himself in Russian while the two other people sit there giggling at him and his grumpiness.

“Okay lets go!” grabbing the Russians giant hand I pull him along noticing the two other men have stop laughing and have their mouths slightly agape. “Umm, something on my face? I want to go party! You know I don’t party so before I change my mind lets go.” Whining a bit I tug harder at the Russians hand.

Rolling his eyes Greeny pats Ovi’s back. “Chill out princess we just need to see this since you’ve never gotten to dress like this for us before.”

Feeling a blush I look away, “Is it bad?” twirling my necklace with my fingers I feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me close.

“It perfect. And you stay by so no one take advantage. Don’t want to scare you way first time out to party.”

Smiling up at the big man I feel my heart thumping “Sounds like a good idea to me.” Glancing quickly over at Greeny and Brooks who give me and cheeky grin and two thumbs up I mouth fuck off before turning my head back and leaning into Ovi as he leads us out to his car. Blushing as he opens the door and helps me in I fiddling with the ends of my dress.

“You don’t look bad princess stop messing with your outfit.”

“And at the end of the night its not you who will be taking off the dress.”

Turning to the back I flip them off, “just shut the fuck up that will never happen he doesn’t like me so drop it and shut the fuck up.” Doing the sipping motion I glare as he gets in the drivers side and drives off.


Glancing around the room I notice the boys on the floor dancing, well more like having sex, with puck bunnies. Hearing a glass hit the table I glance over at the glass, then up to the body who set it there.

“You drink and then relax. We then dance.” Giving me his shit eating grin I shake my head.

“I don’t drink. I have never done it and never want to.” Pushing th e glass towards him he shakes profusely back and forth.

“Just try if not like then I will finish the rest.” Pushing the drink back into my hands he takes a swig of his. “Try once, wont hurt you it do you some good.”

Watching the man closely I sigh and pick up the cup containing my questionable drink and sniff it.

“Come on already just drink. If that scared hold your nose and do not breathe while you take a sip. Helps keep the taste away.” Chugging the last part of his beer he watches me.

“You promise nothing bad will come of this?” glancing up I see Ovi’s grin and feel butterflies appear in my stomach.

“I promise I will take care of you I finish last drink now you start drinking and I will watch.”

Rolling my eyes I glance around the bar seeing other members of the team, some with their wives and others with some chick they just pulled into their lap. Finally looking back doen at the glass I lift it to my lips and take a big swig. At first the smooth frink goes down fine till a couple of seconds later I can taste the after taste and feel the burn in my mouth. Shaking my head I close my eyes to keep it from coming back up again.

“Well see it not bad.”

Forcing the rest down my head snaps up and looks at him. “This stuff is horrible! I don’t think I can drink more. It is super gross”

Seeing him laugh I feel the blush across my face and look over to see Greeny and Broooks watching us from the bar area at the back of the club and wink a wink in my direction.

“Drink more, the bad taste then goes away.” Waving for a waiter my eyes go wide.

“Alex! No! I don’t drink!”

Waving me off his gives me his grin and orders another drink. “You need to relax I wont let you do bad things or bad things happen to you. I promise.” Pulling me into his chest he looks back over at the boys while I lift the new glass to my lips. Well I guess I could do this just for tonight. I mean what could really happen from this.


Groaning I roll over and wrap my arms tighter against my pillow, or what I thought was a pillow till I heard a light snore come from next to me. Jumping up and out of the bed I notice I’m still dressed and let out a breath. Glancing up to the bed I slowly glance up roaming the chest sticking out from the sheets. Reaching his face I feel my cheeks heat up and my heart beat faster. what the hell happen last night. Did I get that drunk? grabbing some sweats and a sweater I change in the bathroom, grabbing some aspirin and a glass of water I curl up on edge of the bed and watch him sleep. I could catch a few more zzz’s before he wakes up. curling along his side I burry my head into his chest and smile as I feel his arms pull me close.

Feeling a light circular motion on my back I snuggle closer to the large man next to me.

“Wakey, wakey.”

Groaning I burry my face into his chest as a rumble runs through it. “My head hurts.”

“Well you had five drinks.”

“…I never want to drink again.” Pulling myself closer to him I sigh. Rubbing circles on his chest as he plays with the end of my hair I wait after a few moments of silence before asking the question that’s been on my mind since I’ve woken up. “What happened last night. Did I do anything?”

“Do you do anything? You did everything. You dance on table, you went to the dance floor with other guys...” hearing a low growl from his chest I look up at him.

“I didn’t you know do anything with them did i?”

“No they try something I beat them up. They shouldn’t touch you like that only I should be able to do that.”

Feeling a blush I look up at him. “What did you say?” Noticing a blush appear on his as he rambles his words in Russian and rubs his face. Giggling I place a hand on giant one and pull it away and kiss it. “Alex, calm down can you repeat what you just said.”

Sighing he intertwines our hands together and looks down at me. “I say you a beautiful and I hate that I didn’t get you to myself last night then when they made moves on you. I really like you and I want you to be mine. I don’t want to scare you away.” Playing with the ring he gave me for Christmas he doesn’t look at me.

Sitting up leaning on my arm I place a light kiss to his lips. I’ve been waiting for you to say that.” Smiling as a smirk appears on his face hi flips us so he is on top.

“So I no scary man?”

“Nope you are not. You are very cute and adorable.” Pinching his checks lightly he leans down and kisses me.

“You make a fun drunk. From now on you drink only at home with me.” Smirking mischievously he kisses me again and kisses down neck and stops once he reaches the nape of my neck. “You have tattoo?”

Nodding my head I run my hand through his hair and smile. “It’s to show my pride for being Canadian and it was a gift from my brother.” Noticing a glint in his eyes my brow frown a bit.

“Well no I need to mark you to show you belong to a Russian.” Smirking he goes back and attacks my neck leaving little marks so for later that night when we went out to celebrate for the first round win everyone could see that I was taken and marked by love.


Finished. :)


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