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The Ice Prince and The Snow Queen

Kala Mari, Hollywood Actress

Once upon a time, there was a famous Hollywood actress. Her name was Kalila Mari, but her friends called her Kala. She had luscious red hair like Princess Ariel and she had the sweet, sultry voice of a princess. True to her princess-y type nature, she landed a role playing a dashing warrior princess named Kayley, who was out to rescue her one true love Johnny, played by the handsome Dimitri Nikolaikov, a Russian actor, from a wicked villain Dublin, played by Dublin Volchenkov.

“Quiet on the set!” the director shouted out. “Alright, stand by people. Let’s try to get this next scene in one take! Kala, ready?”

“Ready!” Kala replied. She was standing on the top of a rock. She shook her head and let her wavy princessy hair cascade behind her shoulders. She raised up a sword to eye-level and brought it to the right side of her head.

In front of her, a wicked looking man stood in a black cloak and hood. His face was painted like the Sith from Star Wars with red and black facepaint. He had a sword raised up as well. He flicked it around in front of him a few times, as though to warm-up. Behind him was a brunette-haired man. This was Dimitri, Kala’s best friend, actor and movie star crush. He was chained to a rocky wall.

“And, action!” the director screamed.

Kala got into her Kayley character. “What have you done to Johnny? Where is he?” She tightened her grip on the sword.

“Why, my dear, he’s right...here…” Dublin stepped to the side and revealed Johnny (Dimitri) in the chains. Instantly Johnny began to struggle in the chains, yanking at them with a focused desperation. The villain poked his hostage with the sword a couple times.

“Stop that!” Johnny screamed. “Kayley, please, help me!”

Kayley stepped forward a few feet, careful not to fall off the rock.

“CUT!” the director shouted.

Kala turned to the director.

“That was all good, but I want you to try moving the sword to the other side of your face. I want to see how the scene will look if the cameras can see your face from the side.” He mimed the pose he wanted Kala to do.

Kala copied him and got set in her pose at the beginning of the scene. She raised the sword up, this time putting it to the left side of her face. “Like this?”

“Excellent. Alright, from the top of the scene...stand by and…” The actors all got set, while the technical crew did too. “Action!”

Kala channeled her Kayley character once again. “What have you done to Johnny? Where is he?” She tightened her grip on the sword.

“Why, my dear, he’s right...here…” Dublin stepped to the side and revealed Johnny (Dimitri) in the chains. Instantly Johnny began to struggle in the chains, yanking at them with a focused desperation. The villain poked his hostage with the sword a couple times.

“Stop that!” Johnny screamed. “Kayley, please, help me!”

Kayley stepped forward a few feet, careful not to fall off the rock. She prepared to jump the crevice between where she was and where the villain was. If she missed, she would plummet down into boiling hot lava below. She couldn’t miss. She had to save her one true love.

“You’re not going to make that jump,” Dublin taunted her.

Kayley smirked and sprang from the rock with a powerful jump into the air. She cleared the crevice with ease and did a backflip into the air. She did a complete 360 degree flip and landed on the ground in a runner’s type stance. Her left hand was in a fist on the ground and her right arm was up at an angle. In her right hand she had the sword gripped tightly in her hand.

“Inconceivable!” Dublin gasped and stepped back.

Kayley stood up and swung the sword in front of her. She narrowed her eyes at the villain and stepped forward. “You don’t EVER mess with someone’s true love! You will always get a battle!”

“Stand by, lighting effects for Dublin’s sword,” the director whispered.

“Well, I welcome one dearie. You want a fight? You’ll get one!” Dublin snarled. He let out a loud howl and his sword glowed a bright red color.

The director grabbed his mic set and whispered the next instructions, “Stand by, smoke on Dublin and costume change.”

Kayley halted in her forward progress. Dublin began cackling wickedly as he noticed her braveness falter for a few heartbeats. The villain snapped his fingers and smoke engulfed him. Kayley took a step back in wonder and shock and watched as Dublin was completely covered in the smoke. She coughed and spotted Johnny vanish into the gray cloud too.

“Johnny!” she screamed out with worry, between coughs.

The smoke gradually dissolved in the air and Dublin stood in a full body armor suit like some kind of black knight. His face was still painted red and black, but now he had devil horns sticking out of his head and he had a pitchfork in his other hand, which he jammed into the ground.

“Cut sound effects and platform.”

Noises that sounded like the ground cracking thundered around the set. Kayley stumbled and fell to her hands and knees. The sword she was holding clattered to the ground beside her. She looked up to see Dublin and Johnny on some kind of tall platform, towering over her. Johnny was being held up in the air by Dublin, who had a firm hold on the collar of his shirt. “No one can stop me! I always win! I am Dublin, Lord of the Earth! And there are no happy endings, no true love, no gushy fairy tale romance, only evil!”

With that, he lowered Johnny over the edge of the platform and released him with a little jab of his hand.


“JOHNNY!” Kayley watched with horror as Johnny vanished from her sight over the edge of the platform.

“And, CUT!” the director said, half paying attention as he was looking at his script supervisor. “Get all that? Was that good?”

The script supervisor gave a thumbs up, while she quickly scribbled the last of her notes on her paper.

The director stood up from his chair, clapping his hands. “Good work people, that’s a wrap today. Tomorrow we travel to Chicago for the next few scenes.”

The platform lowered and Dublin stepped off of it. Kala rolled her eyes at him as he gave her a smirk. They were still into their characters. Kala actually shook her head and punched him in the shoulder. He instantly reached for his arm and rubbed it. Behind where the platform had been, Dimitri walked forward out of the smoke and mist.

“Is the jab at the end real necessary? It felt like you frickin’ punched me in the throat,” Dimitri growled, touching his neck and coughing for dramatic emphasis.

“Oh man up Dimi, are you a man or a woman?” Dublin snapped.

“Man, you fiend!” Dimitri retorted. “And don’t call me Dimi, it’s Dimitri.”

“Whoa, scene’s over you guys, come on. Let’s get to the trailers and out of our costumes and then get to Chicago!” Kala stated. “I don’t know about you, but I’m excited for this next part!”

“Yeah, because I get kidnapped in Chicago and you get to kick butt...remind me again why I am doing this part?” Dimitri sighed.

“Because you make one hell of a sexy prince in distress!” Kala cooed, wrapping her arms around Dimitri.

“I’d rather get eaten by a dragon named Stalock.”

Kala giggled and slapped him on the shoulder playfully. Dublin shook his head and walked off, grumbling under his breath. Dimitri and Kala followed him, heading for the dressing rooms in the Hollywood movie set.


Alright, so I had an idea similar to this one a long time ago and I've always found the challenge of putting a movie in a novel to be original and, well, a challenge. So I have reconstructed and resurrected the idea.
I hope you like it.
And yes, this will be a romance story. But for the drama it is classic and typical me.
There will be slight Kazer with this, but I promise it won't be heavy on the Kazer. XP

Next up: Jonny....Jonny Toews and his Chicago Blackhawk-y-ness


Hmm I don't mind this. Better...

ukiss ukiss