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Somebody to Love

Chapter 13

The road trip is now over and Marc is on his way back, so I could not be any happier. I don't know if I can wait till tomorrow to afternoon to see him, but I'm going to have to deal. Since it was around midnight, I decided that I'd better get my ass to bed. I quickly fell asleep and hoped that tomorrow afternoon would come fast. A couple hours later, I heard my front door unlock and I woke up, half asleep and made my way to the living room to see what the hell was going on. I turned the light on and smiled when I saw who it was. He saw me and laughed.

"Why aren't you in bed? You have school in the morning."

I yawned then laughed.

"You sound like my mom. Well, I heard you unlock the door and you know that I'm a light sleeper, unlike you."

He shook his head and dropped his bags. I walked towards him and hugged him for the longest time. The feeling of his arms around me never felt any better than they did now.

"I missed you." I mumbled into his neck.

"I missed you too."

"Umm...I'm going back to bed then." I said pulling apart.

"Alright. I'll be there soon."

"I love you."

"I love you too."

I climbed back into my warm bed and slowly drifted off to sleep once again. The following morning, I moaned into my pillow when I heard my alarm go off. It was 7:00 AM.

"No... I don't wanna go to school." I whined.

I heard a faint laugh.

"Shut up."

He laughed even more. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. After my shower, I headed out of the shower and into my room to find my outfit for the day. I heard a whistle as I dropped my towel that caused me to laugh.

"Why are you even awake?"

"I was waiting for you to drop your towel before you got dressed." he said, trying to say it with a straight face.

I hit him with a pillow for that.

"You're an ass."

"You're a bitch."

"Thank you."

He rolled his eyes.

"I'm going back to sleep. Can I have a kiss?"

"Of course. That was a stupid question."

We kissed.

"See you after school." I said.

"Have a good day. I'll be at my house when you get home."


We said our short goodbyes and he fell back asleep, while I continued to get ready for school. Once there, I remembered that I needed to tell Madison about Marc coming home early last night when lunchtime came around. The morning went well and fast, so that made me really happy. At lunch, I brought up the topic of my boyfriend.

"Guess what?"


"Marc came home around two in the morning last night."

"Were you up?"

"He woke me up. I heard the door unlock and I went to see what it was. He thought that it was weird that I was up, but I still went up to him and hugged him before I went back to bed."

"Did you ask him about why he told you that he loved you in French?"

"No, but I plan on asking him when I head to his house after school. I'm excited about it." I said with a smile.

"Awesome! Make sure to tell him I met someone."

"I'll be sure to do that."

Three o'clock couldn't have come faster than it did. I went home and changed before I headed over to Marc's down the street. Not even five seconds after I knocked on the door, Marc answered the door.



"Can I come inside?"

"But, of course."

"You are such a dork."

"...and proud of it!"

I kissed him on the cheek before we sat down on the couch.

"How'd your day go?" he asked.

"Well, but I'm tired."

"Part of that is you waking up last night. Wait...what time did you go to bed?"


He gave me a look.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You shouldn't be going to bed that late."

"Don't tell me what I should or shouldn't be doing." I said irritatedly.

"Bella..." he said.

"Don't Bella me. I can do whatever I want when I want."

"I didn't mean it that way."

"Then, which way did you mean it? Huh?"

He had no answer, so I got up to leave.

"Bella. Stay."

"There you go again."

I walked closer to the door. He took my hand causing me to stop. My emotions got the best of me and my eyes became watery. Why did he have this effect on me? I'm angry and about to leave, then he takes my hand and my emotions run wild.I mentally cursed.

"Why are you leaving?" he asked looking straight into my eyes.

"You told me what to do."

My confidence was faltering.

"I'm sorry. I honestly didn't think that would hurt you. I love you."

I took a deep breath before a small smile appeared.

"I love you too and I change my mind. I'm staying. You're quite the negotiator, by the way."

He laughed.

"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked.

"The night you guys lost to the Sharks, you told me something that I wasn't expecting. You told me that you loved me in French." I said with a smile.

A smile appeared on his face as I said that.

"I don't know why I never said it before that night; I love you to death. I figured that I should just say it already, so I picked that night to tell you."

"I was speechless after that. It made me blush just thinking about it. You have no idea how special I felt after it happened."

I moved, so I was in his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer and holding me tight.

"Je'taime." he whispered into my ear.

Chills went through my body and my heart began to pound. I kissed him passionately and he kissed me back with the same intensity. When I felt my bra strap snap, I felt so relieved and free.

"Feel better?" he asked after we pulled apart.

"Much. You wanna move this to the bedroom?" I said with a raised eyebrow.


He lifted me up as he moved us from the couch and we made our way to his bedroom. The second he was removing my shirt on his bed, his phone rang.

"Are you fucking kidding me? It's like this person knows that we're about to have sex. Damnit. I'm not answering it."

I had to laugh. We ignored it and went back to kissing; the phone rang and rang and rang until it went to voicemail.

"You think I should check who it was?" he asked as his lips were on my neck.

"Yes. It could've been an important call."


He checked it and sighed.

"Who was it?"

"My sister."

"Are you gonna call her back?"

"Not right now."

"What if it's something important?"

He whined like a little kid being asked to clean his room.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I'll text her and if it is, I'll call her. Ok?"


Five seconds later...

"What does it say?"

"It's important. Please call me asap."

He sighed and moved over to his side of the bed while he waited for his sister to answer.


"I'm getting straight to the point. What's so important?"

"What has your panties in a bunch? Were you in the middle of something?" she said laughing.

"That's none of your business!"

I had no idea what they were saying, but it was making me laugh, so it had to be something that was funny.

"Ok. Chill. I just wanted to ask about your girlfriend coming over at Christmas time."

"Yeah..." he said, rolling his eyes.

"Do you know when she's coming exactly?"

"Not yet. She has to talk to her mother first."

"Alright. That's all I wanted to know."

"Are you serious? That's what was so important?! You are so irritating sometimes."

I found my bra on the floor and waved it in front of him, trying to make him feel less irritated. A smile appeared on his face and he almost laughed. Mission accomplished. I could hear her laughing over the phone.

"It is so fun pissing you off!"

"Yeah, yeah. Well, if you don't mind, I'm gonna hang up."

"I don't. I'll talk to you later."



He hung up and tossed his phone on the floor.

"What was that about?"

"It was about when you were coming over."

"That's it?"

"Yep. She also did that to annoy me."

"I noticed. What was the first thing you were yelling about?"

"She asked if I was in the middle of something."

I laughed.

"I think that I'm going to like your sister."

He smiled.

"So...what do we do now?" he asked.

"What do you want to do?" I asked raising an eyebrow while giving a sexy smirk.

He licked his lips.

"That's what I thought."

We went back to what we were doing and then the fun really began. This gives a new meaning to a 'warm welcome' and I'm definitely glad to be part of it.


Word count: 1,586.



HeatherFormica HeatherFormica
Are you continuing this story I liked it. :)
jaws1218 jaws1218
whats the rest of chapter 5? lol i love it btw!
hockaayy hockaayy