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Relationship status: In Love with my Career


“Who’s the extra coffee for, Virts?” Hutts teased. I gave him a sly smile but he didn’t answer, so he kept talking. “So it’s not for me?” He pretended to be sad so I shook my head and exited the cafe with him in tow. I set the coffee on top of my car to unlock the door and he raised his eyebrows questioningly. “Where’re you going bud? Practice rink is that way.” He pointed down the block with his free hand and balanced his coffee and croissant in the other.

“I know. There’s something I have to do first. I’m going to be a few minutes late, cover for me, okay?” I asked and tried not to look as worried as I was feeling.

“Oh I see, you’ve got a girl in your apartment and you promised her coffee, eh?” He winked and turned to leave for practice. “Your secret’s safe with me,” he added with an exaggerated eyebrow wiggle. I rolled my eyes and climbed into my car.

I should not have left her. I knew something was wrong, and I still left her all alone. This thought had not left my mind since last night when I was walking home from her apartment. People might accuse me of not caring enough about the girls I sleep with, but the fact is, I care too much. I can’t let that kind of thing distract me from a game. It’s heartless, but necessary.

I shook my head as I made a wrong turn and tried to backtrack. Nurse Andy’s apartment was just a block away and I tried to figure out what exactly I was going say to her, or why I was even there. I knew why I was there, but how do I explain that? ‘Hey, I was worried about you because you seemed a little off last night when you were really drunk, even though I don’t know you at all.’ It’s crazy, but I’ve already bought her coffee and I need to know she’s okay. I once had a friend who I should have made sure was okay, and I didn’t, and I’ve regretted it ever since.

I knocked on the door just as someone was opening it. It was a girl, but not Andy. She looked annoyed, or worried, or perhaps just had resting bitch face (it’s a thing). “Is Andy here?” I asked and received no response. When I realized I wasn’t going to get one, I handed her the coffee. “Can you give this to her? And tell her it’s from Jake, I just wanted to make sure she was okay.” The girl eyed the coffee before closing the door. I double checked the number to make sure I was at the right apartment. Her roommate had probably heard about what a ‘fuckboy’ I am from nurse Andy and didn’t like that I was here.

I brushed it off as I drove to practice. There’s nothing I can do about it now except hope to run into her again. She has my number but I doubt she’ll call.

I should have gotten her number.



Thanks! I will be updating soon hopefully!

Purple Crayon Purple Crayon

Love this so mucj

: ) I'm so happy someone is still reading this! I've been so busy, but I hope to update in a couple of days.

Purple Crayon Purple Crayon

love it ! finally someone who is writing a story on a canuck player and the girl is in the nursing profession ! update soon, please !

hockeychick22 hockeychick22

love it ! finally someone who is writing a story on a canuck player and the girl is in the nursing profession ! update soon, please !

hockeychick22 hockeychick22