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San Jose Mischief


When Tris Farron travels with the Predators, she expects a few days of sunshine and peace. But when a series of events happen that causes chaos for the Sharks, what will she do to protect her team? Who is attacking the NHL this time?
*Fiction! Also will contain violence...it's Supernatural, after all.*


Kay Robertson

Kay Robertson

Tris' friend that is on the Predators. Was the last victim of the shapeshifter. Now, he is helping Tris recover from her battle with the shifter.



Trainer for the Predators. Helped out Tris with the last battle. The second half of Predators' protection. Can be a little sarcastic towards people.

Nashville Predators

Nashville Predators

Various players will be used. Currently going to play San Jose. They do not know what is happening

Sam and Dean Winchester

Sam and Dean Winchester

Two hunters that are trying to solve the mystery in San Jose. They also helped Tris out when she first returned to their world. These two informed Tris of the case.

San Jose Sharks

San Jose Sharks

The team that is in peril in this edition! They are not sure of what is happening...only that trouble is coming their way.

Tris Farron

Tris Farron

The secretary for the Predators by day, and the protector by night. She is an Angel learning how to use her powers. She is looking for a good time to relax and recover from her recent battle...


  1. Traveling

    "Maybe we should just sing the sky song."

  2. Meeting

    "Well, didn't expect a welcoming crew!"


Also, in case any of you, the readers, were wondering, the Sky Song is based off of Spongebob Squarepants' Road Song. I would recommend to listen to that while reading the Sky Song.
