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Hockey Players And How To Fix Them

Chapter One

"Do you have your coat?"

I looked over at my roommates Charlie, Lily, and Schechter who were hovering over the kitchen counter. It was my first day of work since moving to Pittsburgh, landing a job as one of the team physicians for the Penguins after couch surfing for months. Charlie hopped off the kitchen counter to come squeeze me into one of her infamous bear hugs.
"And you're going to call us when you get there?"
Schechter joined Charlie in the embrace, further suffocating me.
"And will you promise to call me if the gorgeous Mr. Crosby talks to you? Or even breaths near you?"
"Yes! Jesus Christ."
Schechter's hands reached out to fix my hair and dress shirt.
"It is of the upmost importance that you look gorgeous."
I glanced back at the three, all anxious that I meet some 'future honey with lots and lots of money'.
"I'm going to work. Not a bar, it would be beyond unprofessional to seduce my patients."
Schechter scoffed.
"If you get fired because you've shacked up with one of the players, at least you wont have to work."
Lily pouted, still lingering in the kitchen.
"It's not fair that you get to work around so many attractive men. I mean you don't even appreciate male attention."
Schechter batted her away from me, "Lily you are such a puck slut! I love it. I really do, your enthusiasm is inspiring. I wonder if any of them swing the other way." Lily crossed her arms, a slow smile forming, "Oh you would like that wouldn't you? An attractive man to sweep you off your feet-" Schechter chimed in, "And make all my student loans go away!"
Charlie walked towards Schechter and leaned into him affectionately.
"Oh come on guys! This is a big chance for her! This job could kick start her career."
Schechter looked over at Charlie, who was by far the prettiest and most kind of us all.
"You really got something kid. Charlotte, if Caroline here doesn't bag herself a man I'll sleep easy at night knowing you'll have no trouble finding a sugar daddy." Charlie rolled her eyes at the remark and usage of her full name. "You know I don't do that kind of thing." Looking at the three of them I was filled with a mixture of annoyance and amusement. Schechter's constant matchmaking was the bane of my life. But I couldn't live without him. Not like I would admit that though. Prying his hands off my bag, I slung it over my shoulder and headed towards the door.
"They grow up so fast don't they?"
Lily looked over at Schechter, putting her head on his shoulder and scrunching her face in mock sadness.
"Oh, our little girl has grown up so fast!"
Flicking them off I turned to leave, catching the last of their smart-ass remarks as the door closed.
"Your use of sign language has improved so much dear!"
Staring up at the Consol Energy Center I couldn't help but feel a little bit sick. I had worked for NHL teams before and had recently taken the NHL Modified SCAT3. But had yet to be a full fledged primary care physician for a team. There wasn't a reason I shouldn't be here. But this was all knew, the coworkers, the team, everything. Taking a deep breath, I stepped towards the door and walked into the stadium.
"Yes, you must be Caroline Moore. Right this way"
A small neurotic man named Mr. Hall greeted me and proceeded to give me a brisk tour of the area. He was the chief of team operations, and insisted that he oversee my orientation.
"Now, I know you being a woman and well being so young you might think this job to be one for fun and games. This is where you are wrong. In the NHL you need to be prepared for the worst. You need to be gracious and you need to be lady like."
Eyeing me briefly, he continued.
"As well the players are very busy, honestly I think it a bad idea to let such a distraction in. What is your previous work experience? Do you fit the requirements to work for such an establishment?"
I looked this man up and down. Was this not my first day?
"Excuse me sir, but I was under the impression that I was to be working here."
He turned to face me, a look of confusion crossing his features.
"Yes but-"
"If that is the case it would not be necessary to question my education or past working situations since you have my resume on file."
His confusion swiftly changed to astonishment as he tried to interrupt me again but was cut off.
"And if you had taken the time you would have known that I have my MD from USC and have since then completed residency. In addition I have interned for NHL teams such as the Bruins and the Red Wings."
I stared at this little man who had wasted too much of my time.
"I am sorry"
He looked away from me and proceeded to walk as if nothing had happened.
If I was a normal self-respecting American I would have left and refused to work around such sexism. But I had a rent to pay and thousands of dollars in student loans to pay off.
So I continued.
Heels were not the best choice for the amount of walking I was doing and finally when we reached the locker room where I was supposed to meet the team my feet felt like they were about to give out. As Mr. Hall's short frame pulled the door open to let him self go by, I grasped the opening. Stumbling into the white board near the exit. Standing back up I came face to face with Mike Johnston, the new coach. Chuckling he steadied me as I swiveled to get a view of the team, who were suppressing their own laughter at my obvious lack of grace. Mr. Hall turned to me, a smug look on his face.
"Would you like to say a few words Ms. Moore? "
Face burning, smiling sheepishly I began to speak about my excitement for the end of summer and the possibilities it will bring in addition to my hope that I can work with the Penguins this year to better help their performance for the upcoming season. Rambling and slightly shaken up, I realized that I was just making myself look even more unprofessional. After trailing off, an awkward silence filled the air, prompting me to excuse myself and go to the bathroom. Pulling out my cell phone I dialed Charlie's number.
"CARO! So how's it going? Anything happen? Did someone mysteriously go into coma?"
"No" I laughed half-heartedly, a few tears slipping away.
"Oh my god. Is THE Caroline Moore crying?"
"Its just... I made this move to Pittsburgh... and now I think I've made a complete ass of myself on the first day...and there's this man who's awful...and you know I only cry when I'm frustrated."
My sentences came out choppy and gurgled but Charlie managed to understand them.
"Hey now, don't let those ass wholes get you down. You've run away from too many of your problems and you're also really behind on rent. Like seriously I can't financially support you. If we had the extra money we would have gotten a pet not a human."
"Thanks that's—really encouraging I'm so-o uplifted"
"Hey, babe it's going to be okay. I know Schechter pressured you about dating and the first day is always the hardest but you'll get through this."
"You think so?"
A giggle came from the other line, "Is someone else there right now?"
"Oh yeah, It's just Sam. She came over to wish you luck but got stuck in traffic- " "HI CARO"
Laughing, I said hi back to Sam and briefly updated her on my current situation.
"Woman up, Caroline. You can do better than this."
I agreed suddenly embarrassed at how easily I cried. Usually I was much better under pressure.
"Yeah, ok. I've got to stop being such a flake."
The two girls on the other line gave approving sounds, both a little preoccupied getting ready for their own jobs.
Realizing I was wasting time I quickly said goodbye and hung up, turning to look at myself in the mirror. Hiccuping, I quickly rubbed off the mascara smears around my cheeks and fluffed my hair. Taking a tissue and blowing my nose, after noticing some snot from my previous emotional break. With the exception of having slightly watery eyes I looked okay. I had straightened my hair to seem more polished and opted to wear black slacks and a white button up. After telling my self repeatedly to get it together I started walking back into the locker room. The group of men had dispersed throughout the rooms surrounding the one I was currently in. A perky looking red head approached me and guided me to one of the players' cubes labeled #87.
"This is Sid's stall. He'll be here in a moment." Her little manicured nailed jabbed in the direction he was in. He had a stern look on his face. His hands were working some tape onto a hockey stick, every so often re-doing the placement of the adhesive when he was unsatisfied. "He is going to be one of the players you will work with the most seeing as he insists on being around any teammate that is injured, keeping their moral up as well as staying on top of as much training as possible." He looked up at me and held the contact for a moment, only to avert his eyes back to his work. "Seems like he is in a bad mood." I said looking over at her, "By the way what's your name?" She smirked, "Chelsea, and with the amount of moo-la he's racking in who cares if he's got the worst attitude in the league."
Not wanting to be rude I simply nodded. But the way she was looking at him put me off.
Hearing heavy steps approaching I turned to make eye contact with the man I was to be working with for the next Hockey season. We shook hands and I gushed over the pleasure of working for an organization such as this. Sid seemed reserved though and barely responded to my advances. Evgeni, another player on the team walked up to welcome me more warmly than the others had. Being the alternate captain, he too was to be another of my priorities.
"Tonight, all the boys go for drink. You come and bring friends?"
I nodded, eager to bond with all of the players.
"Wow, just wow. You are a goddess. Really I'm grateful to have you in my life and I swear you always have a place on my couch."
Schechter was elated when I told him he, Charlie, Lily, and Sam were to be my dates for the night. Having a borderline obsession with Sidney Crosby, he was hopping up and down at the chance of meeting him. Lily was equally happy, not because she idolized NHL players like Schechter but because in her words:
"I need a little fun. You know get back in the game and maybe make a few scores."
Winking at me she disappeared into her room to get ready while Schechter continued to gush over the kid and what he assumed his pure talent was like off the ice. After getting ready and pre-gaming a little too hard we called an Uber to drive us to the club the team was at. A little tipsy and excited, Charlie, Schechter, Lily, Sam and I danced and socialized with the team.
We were all enjoying ourselves when Sam and I decided to go get another round of shots.
"I think this is going well! And did you see Evgeni and Charlie?"
"If he's not in love with her by the end of the night I doubt he likes women at all."
"And Sidney seems nice too. Are you by any chance interested?"
As I began to answer Sam clasped her hand over my mouth pointing exaggeratedly at the space a few seats down where the bartender was serving two men.
Evgeni downed the shot and turned towards Sidney.
"Charlie is one of prettiest girls I've seen!"
Sid nodded.
Sam squeezed my hand and moved around in her seat excitedly.
"Our doctor, Caroline, she is also pretty. I think she flirts with you."
I straightened a little bit, trying to hear all of Geno's words. His broken english making it harder to understand.
Sidney shrugged saying, "Shes alright, but there are prettier girls. Her clumsiness and emotion have already gotten in the way of her ability to do her job. And her friends seem too interested in what's in our wallets"
Sam, still holding my hand, ordered another round.
"He's just really dumb that's all" "Dumb dumb boy"
I looked over at my completely inebriated friend.
"You have had a lot to drink. And I'm glad I know what he thinks of me. Less time to bullshit and just get straight to my job. Which I will show him I am excellent at." Sam nodded and I called her a cab, seeing as she was done for the night.
Now finding myself in a circle of conversation with Sidney, Geno, Schechter, Chelsea, and Charlie I wanted nothing but to go home and sleep.
"Sam would have so many men chasing her if she wasn't so boring. It's sad really, she's got a great personality and she's not ugly, but not anything beautiful either."
Sid looked over at Schechter with slight disgust.
"But Charlie here, now she has men after her. Who was that guy from New York again? A singer! He wrote a song just for her! But he was a loser so I said to her 'If he doesn't have money he can't be your honey'" Schechter slurred, waiving his Cosmo around so much it was nearly empty.
A blush fell across Charlie's face. She didn't appreciate Schechter's outbursts and they only became meaner and obnoxious the more he drank.
"Sounds like you have your priorities straight." Chelsea smirked behind her drink, making fun of Schechter's vulgar attitude. "Tell me have you heard of the term gold digger?"
Hoping to change the implication of Schechter's words I cut in.
"Who wants a singer anyway? It's not about the money but more the attitude. Poets and artists, they love to suffer. That would hardly end well."
Geno, confused looked over at Charlie, "I thought women like romance?"
Sid turned to me then "What about you?" "What is it you look for in men?"
Chelsea subtly leaned towards him, hoping to take his attention away from the group.
I eyed him warily. Looking for some sort of sign. Was he playing with me? His eyes held no sense of malice as he waited for my answer. However I was still licking the wounds he had inflicted on my ego just a few minutes ago. Squaring my shoulders I looked him in the eye and said:
"Women love passion in men. But realistically, any man that can put up with my emotions and clumsiness is tempting."

Realization colored his features upon hearing my reply. I turned and walked toward the exit of the bar. Holding myself back from looking at his shocked face again.



Please update this. I loved the play on pride and prejudice!

cinjin cinjin

yeah im so sorry about that! i originally made it for a non-fanfiction audience and couldnt figure out how to edit it once published

LameAusten LameAusten


LameAusten LameAusten

This is like the best ever, need so much more chapters can barely wait until the next one. Even though it's some name mix up in the beginning I totally understand which character you really mean. Love it!

MessComplete MessComplete

im glad you like my mashup :)

LameAusten LameAusten