Film Strips and Hockey Sticks - Comments, page 3
Woo, definitely like the update! Oh that lovely Hannah some of the things she does never surprises me..
It'll be up tonight hopefully! I wanted to have it finished by yesterday (for his birthday) but I fell asleep and only got half of it done : (
This story is great! I love how awkward Olli is. God how do you not just love that boy. Keep up the good work.
I am loving this story - Love Olli..........very glad the Pens decided to keep him and not send him to Wilkes Barre. Hopefully he will be back on the roster come October!
Oh, Hannah...LOL! He's of age, at least. I'm sure the Finnish prime minister would approve. It'll be interesting when Olli meets Beth...that girl is special. :-p His parents seemed so cute during the draft. Good chapter! :-)
Apparently my phone ate my comments...LOL. I definitely think Olli should initiate next time...and some ice cream
should be involved somewhere. :-) It would be sweet to see him teach her a slap shot, etc.
I was going for awkward because that's more realistic and funny, I'm glad you liked it : ) I've already started the next chapter and I might have to include some morning after stuff... : ) and the Shakespeare reference was so random that I deleted it haha I was so tired when I wrote it and later realized it had nothing to do with the story, but it was 'Much Ado About Nothing.' If you haven't seen it, Joss Whedon did a fun version of it (right after he did Avengers) and it has Nathan Fillion and Clark Gregg and some other people. (It's on Netflix if anyone's interested) but not at all relevant to this story, so don't worry about it. Btw, you are the only person who has commented on this chapter (on here or on Mibba) and I was worried that people were mad haha! So happy to see you liked it. Thank you!
I wish I'd read more Shakespearean comedies, because I have no idea...I did watch the "Microwave" episode of In The Room a couple of weeks ago on Pens TV. Wow...just wow. I think the way you captured their first time had just enough detail to let the readers use their imagination. The slight awkwardness made me laugh (poor Olli...don't be afraid. LOL!). I'd love to see a "morning after" chapter...hopefully they both enjoyed their experience and are bonding. I can already see Suttsy giving Olli tons of shit about being less awkward because he "got some"...haha. I also hope to hear them say those three little words. I can't wait to see more!!
"Good luck with that." That scene cracks me up!! Hopefully Hannah will, or Olli will just give in himself. ;-) Love!!
@Purple Crayon
Thanks! I'm not sure if my husband would do it, but I would definitely go as Princess Zelda. Haha.
Thank you! We might be seeing that in a couple of chapters.... ; )
And yes, Olli would be so hot as Link!! I tried to make my boyfriend go as Link for Halloween so I could be Zelda, but he wouldn't do it : (
ps: I love your username
They're so adorable. Olli is so sweet. :-) I'm looking forward to a few love scenes. :-) LOL at Beau.
I LOVE this story!! I love Hannah's character, and I adore Olli. I played all the Zelda games as a kid. :-) He'd be the sexiest Link ever. I can't wait to see the next update!!
I was really hoping that Mario would approve, and I had a feeling that he would. :) Oh Olli thinking some bad thoughts there ;)
Can't wait for the next update!!