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The light of my life


(The letter)
The pills are in the bathroom, Pat. My uncle and his wife is in New York. No one can stop me now, not even you.
My moth - no, she doesn't deserve to be called that. Let's start over. My birthgiver found out I'm living at her brother's place, and she wasn't too happy about it. I heard every single word she said about me. She said I was worthless, ugly, hated of all etc.

I know you have told me I shouldn't listen to her, but it's so hard. It's like a little word like worthless can break me into thousands of pieces, and she knows it so well.

If you're reading this, I'm probably dead by now.
I'm sorry I let you down, I'm sorry I left you like I did. It was so selfish of me to leave you like that, I know. I wish I could turn back time and change it, but I can't.
If you meet my parents, can you tell them a big fuck you from me? It's the only thing I want right now.
And I love you, Kaner.


Woop woop.


This is my favorite story can you please keep writing it

Devils emma Devils emma