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I'm With You (Don't Tell Me)

Chapter 13

Jane had put on black jeans, a white shirt and a thick, red wool cardigan along with red heels. She’d felt like wearing nice shoes for a change. Her usual shoes were comfortable and practical, and she loved them, but sometimes it was nice to wear heels. In addition she was a little taller.
She switched cars at Viktor’s apartment and texted him to come downstairs so they could get going. Her shoes were on the backseat and she was driving with flats. It was much safer this way. Viktor greeted her, but they drove in silence to Patrick’s place. When they got out of the car, Jane took of her shoes and slipped on her heels.
“What are you… Why are you wearing these shoes?” Viktor had rounded the car using only one of his crutches, and was now staring at her feet. It was the first time that he saw her wearing heels and it was a little strange. It looked good altogether, just a little unusual.
“Do you have a problem with that?” Jane straightened and took her purse out of the car, before she shut the door.
“Not at all. That color looks good on you.”
“Let’s get going.” She blushed a little and walked straight ahead. Viktor went after her, and reached the door a little later than her.
They were soon lost in conversation with Viktor’s teammates and friends. It was fun to talk with all of them, catch up, and share a laugh. Still, Jane couldn’t really enjoy it, because she had to talk to Abby. After some time, she took her friend’s hand and led her toward the kitchen where they closed the door and were alone to talk.
“Viktor kissed me,” Jane burst out. “Twice.” She bit down on her bottom lip and breathed in deeply through her nose, awaiting a response from Abby.
“How was it?!”
Okay, she’d expected a different reaction. Or at least not that question right at the beginning. But she knew that they’d get to that point eventually, so she could answer it straight away.
“Oh God,” Jane sighed. “It was amazing.” She didn’t even have to think about it, and there was no denying it. “The first kiss was three days ago and yesterday it happened again.”
“And you have a problem with that.”
“Yes. You know I have trust-issues and problems with telling people too much about me, and especially my past. And if I started something with Viktor, I’d have to explain a few things. It’s different, when you know that you won’t see the person again. But Viktor will want to know. He already does.”
“Honey, maybe it’s time you confided in someone. Even Patrick and I don’t know and it might be good for you to talk to someone. And why not Viktor?” Abby gave her friend a hug, put her hands on her shoulders and looked in her eyes. “Once he’s healed, nobody will force you to see him again. So you can talk to him, enjoy it while it lasts and then leave it behind you. You’ll never see him again, if you don’t want to.”
“Never might be an exaggeration. He’ll still play hockey with your husband.”
“Yeah, but you won’t have to talk to him or anything.”
“You have a point.”
“At least think about it.”
“Think about what?” Patrick walked in the kitchen and immediately sidled up to his wife, snaking an arm around her waist and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Having sex with Viktor.” Abby grinned at her husband.
“Abby!” Jane gasped, all the color draining from her face.
“That’s a great idea. We already know that he’s interested in her. You can tell by the way he reacted yesterday. It looked like he was joking around, but his eyes were serious.” Patrick chuckled at Jane’s expression. “You do know that we talk about everything, right? Me and Abby don’t have secrets, so it’s natural that we talk about you, or rather you and Viktor as well.”
“I know, I know, I know! But that doesn’t mean that the three of us have to talk about it together.”
“Jane?” Viktor’s voice made her spine snap erect and she turned around. She hadn’t expected him to appear so suddenly. “You ready to go to the hospital?”
“Yes, thank God!” She didn’t even wave at Patrick and Abby, she simply fled from the kitchen, grabbed her coat and headed out the door.
“You okay?”
“Yes. Just happy that you saved me from those two lunatics.” Jane unlocked the door and got in. She switched shoes again, and decided to keep the flats on for the hospital.
“I know what you mean,” Viktor agreed with a grin on his face, that quickly disappeared when they entered the hospital and went to look for Nathan’s mother. It was good that they finally found a heart for him, but the operation was still risky. The smile on the face of Nathan’s Mom told them everything they needed to know.
The operation had been successful and Nathan should wake up soon. Viktor left the two women alone and sat down next to the bed. He’d been standing for hours now, so sitting was good for his knee.
“You two make a great couple.” Nathan’s mother was watching Viktor with her son while talking to Jane.
“Oh, no, we’re not-“
“And I appreciate everything you’ve done for Nathan. His Hulk had to be in the ER for the operation, because he wanted to have you two with him.”
Jane didn’t try again to correct her. Let her believe that she was in a relationship with Viktor. It didn’t hurt anybody. Seeing Viktor with Nathan put a smile on her face. Nathan’s mother was so exhausted, that she went to get coffee to stay awake.
After about an hour Nathan opened his eyes. He looked at Viktor and said: “You’re here!”
“Of course I am.” Viktor put his hand on top of Nathan’s. “But I won’t stay for long. You need a lot of rest and your Mom wants to see you.”
“I know.” His voice was hoarse, but a smile was playing on his lips.
“We’ll get on the ice together, okay? I’ll start skating in about a week again and when you’re ready, I’ll take you with me. Until then you need to get lots and lots of rest. Listen to what the people here tell you and what your Mom tells you.”
“Do you do what Jane tells you to?”
“Most of the time.” Viktor grinned. “She’s mostly right and it’s all thanks to her, that I recovered so quickly.”
Nathan looked out the window and waved at Jane, who wiggled her fingers at him, a huge smile on her lips.
Viktor stayed for five more minutes, before he gave his place to Nathan’s mother. He and Jane headed to his apartment. She took her heels with her. Otherwise she’d leave them in his car when she’d head home later on.
“Nathan’s Mom thinks we’re a great couple.” Jane put her coat away, put her shoes on the floor and looked up at Viktor.
“How did you react?” Viktor put his crutches aside and watched her as she straightened. Her hair was falling loosely around her face, draping over her shoulders.
“I wanted to tell her that we weren’t together, but she didn’t let me finish. And then I didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth. I figured that it won’t hurt anybody if she thinks we’re together.”
“You’re right.” Viktor stepped closer and stopped right in front of her. “But I think we’d make a great couple as well. We do look quite good together.” He pushed her hair behind her ear and let his fingers linger on the back of her neck.
Jane’s eyes drifted shut, and she had to take a deep breath. She looked at him again quickly and walked past him, just to get away from him. She would start on dinner already. Originally she’d wanted to wait at least another hour, but it would give her something to do.
“You can go and do your upper body exercise now,” she called out to Viktor. “I’ll start dinner and move your knee once the food is in the oven.”
Viktor sighed heavily. Once again she’d run away from him, even if it was just to another room. He’d give her a little bit of time and then he’d try again. Catch her off guard. Reluctantly he left the living room. Sooner or later he’d have to start working out, so he’d better start now.


Go:Audio?!? I L-O-V-E She Left Me!!

mgflutie mgflutie
Is her dad in there?
Fairart Fairart