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Rescue Me (Sidney Crosby)

Rescue Me (Sidney Crosby) 005:

Chapter Five

“Um, Allie, are you sure that’s how much you added?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Because they don’t look like cookies,” I said as I pulled the tray out of the over and there were just tiny burnt blobs there.

“Oh man, come on!” she said and then huffed and held her head, “I’m so tired, I probably read the recipe wrong!”

“Call for back up.”


“Allie, call that Tyler boy, maybe he can help. It’s the day before Valentine’s Day and we’re not even close to being ready.”


“Call him.”

“All right,” she said and then got out her phone and then placed it to her ear, “Hey sweetie, are you busy today?... Great, I need a huge favor?... Just come to the shop and I’ll explain everything!... Thanks you’re the best!... Love you too!”

“So he’s coming?”

“Yeah, he didn’t have practice or a game today?”

“Come again?”

“Oh, Tyler plays hockey for a living,” she said and smiled.

“Oh, that’s nice,” I said and then threw the bad batch of batter out and threw the ‘cookies’ out and started on a new batch, “I think I’m going to work on the strawberries instead.”

“All right, I’ll have Tyler do the cookie batter when he gets here.”

When the kid got here, he didn’t expect that he was going to be baking, nor did the three friends that he brought.

“Babe, I thought we had to move something for you again, not bake.”

“Please, it’s an emergency and we need like anyone we can get,” Allie said and they sighed and finally agreed, “Oh, Tyler, this is my friend Julie, she helps out here too.”

“Nice to meet you,” he said and I smiled and nodded my head, “These are my friends James,”

“Hello,” he said and I smiled and nodded my head.

“This is Ge-“

“Evgeni Malkin, but you can call me Geno,” he said as he stood next to me and smirked.


“And this is Marc,” Tyler finished and Marc shook my hand.

“Nice to meet you,” he said and I could hear the accent in his voice and smiled.

“Bonjour.” (Hello)

His eyes widened and he smiled towards me, “Vous parlez francais?” (You speak French)

“Oui, je l'ai pris à l'école secondaire et j'ai adoré!” (Yes, I took it in high school and loved it)

“Exceptionnelle, au moins j'ai trouvé quelqu'un à qui parler pendant que je suis ici,” (Outstanding, at least I found someone to talk to while I’m here) he said and I smiled towards him, “Alors qu'est-ce qu'on va faire aujourd'hui?” (So what are we going to be doing here today)

“Cuisson!” (Baking) I said and then gave him a piece of paper and then looked up to see that James, Geno, Tyler and Allie were all looking at us, “Y at-il quelque chose de mal avec eux?” (Is there something wrong with them)

Marc looked up towards the four and smirked, “What?”

“I’m just- Wow!” Geno said and Marc smirked.

“Shut up man! I’m just excited that she can speak French!” he yelled and I laughed and Allie got the boys started on what they needed to do, “Alors qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?” (So what are we going to be doing)

“Nous allons être prise fraises enrobées de chocolat!” (We are going to be making chocolate covered strawberries) I said and he nodded his head.

“Hey! I heard chocolate in that sentence!” Geno yelled and I looked at him.

“Good for you man, you’re learning,” Marc said and then shook his head and I snickered, “Russes!” (Russians)

“ll est russe?” (He’s Russian)

“Hey! Quit talking about ‘Russes’! I know that’s Russians!” he said and I smirked.

“Désolé, mais pouvez-vous comprendre ce que nous disons?” (Sorry, but can you understand what we’re saying) I teased and Marc laughed.

“Ok that! That I had no clue, but you just wait!” he said and then started to curse in Russian.

“All right man, calm down, we’re just teasing,” Marc said and I laughed and we started to get started on melting the chocolate for the strawberries.

When I was handing Marc some strawberries to clean I saw that he had a ring on his wedding finger and smiled knowing that he was married, ‘…That must be nice…’

“Parlez-moi de vous-même?” (So tell me about yourself) he asked and I sighed and shook my head.

“Pas grand chose à dire,” (Not much to tell) I said as I started to dip the strawberries into the chocolate and then laid them on the tray covered in wax paper.

“Oh allez, il doit y avoir quelque chose,” (Oh come on, there has to be something) he said and I shook my head.

“J'ai un fils du nom de Josué,” (I have a son named Joshua) I said and he looked at me and smiled.

“C'est quelque chose. Il a quel âge?” (That’s something. How old is he) he asked and I smiled back.

“il est sept,” (He’s seven) I said as I finished filling one tray of strawberries and looked to see that Marc was almost finished with his and they actually looked pretty good, “Vous avez fait ça avant?” (You’ve done this before)

He smirked at me and nodded his head, “Ma femme m'a appris à le faire quand nous avons commencé à sortir. Il était trop coûteux de sortir et d'acheter les trucs, et il signifiait plus pour elle, quand j'ai effectivement faits. C'est sa friandise préférée.” (My wife taught me how to do this when we started to go out. It was too expensive to go out and buy the stuff, and it meant more to her when I actually made them. It’s her favorite treat)

“Oh, c'est gentil de ta part. Vous êtes la femme est une femme chanceuse." (Oh that’s so nice of you. You’re wife is a lucky woman)

“J'aime à le penser,” (I like to think so) he teased and I laughed and shook my head.

“Alors, avez-vous des enfants?” (So, do you have any children) I asked and then heard him sigh, ‘…That’s a no…’

“Non, mais je ne veux. Il est difficile mais avec mon emploi du temps de vie.” (No, but I do want some. It’s hard though with my life schedule)

“Quel calendrier la vie serait-elle?” (What life schedule would that be)

“La vie d'un gardien de but professionnel pour les Penguins de Pittsburgh,” (The life of a professional goaltender for the Pittsburgh Penguins) he said and I looked at him surprised.

“C'est certainement un peu de vie,” (That’s definitely some life) I said and then looked to see that he nodded his head.

“Mommy! Mommy!”

I looked behind Marc to see Josh running towards us, “Mommy look! I helped Conner with his Math!”

“Wonderful sweetie, now have Conner help you with your Reading.”

“All right Mommy,” he said and then looked around, “Who are these people?”

“These are friends,” I said and Marc smiled and bent down to Josh’s level.

“Hello, I’m Marc.”

“I’m Josh! And I like cars!” Josh yelled and I laughed.

“Nice to meet you Josh! I like cars too!” he said and then I saw that two of the other guys were walking over, Allie’s boyfriend staying by her side.

“Hey little man, what’s your name?” James asked and Josh looked up and smiled towards them and then looked at me.

“Mommy, they’re so tall! Am I going to be as tall as them one day?”

“Maybe,” I said and he smiled and started to talk to them and enjoy himself. I smiled towards Allie, who smiled back and then continued thinking that this place wasn’t so bad.

Day Thirty Six, things are still looking up. I think I found a home for Josh and I.


Awww I did not want this to end!! Great job!
alicatt alicatt
Yay, I'm so happy they caught Boris. Now Julie and Sid can settle into happiness.
Fairart Fairart
Come on Sid, kick Boris' ass! I can't satnd him anymore !
Sidster87 Sidster87
literally balling my eyes out right now oh my god
hockaayy hockaayy
literally balling my eyes out right now oh my god
hockaayy hockaayy