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The One Night That Changed My Life Forever


"Shit" I thought to myself as I was waiting in the Starbucks lineup and saw a familiar figure making his way in. This was not happening. Didn't he know I never wanted to see him again. Maybe he won't see me I hoped. Knowing my luck he did, fuck this wasn't going to go well.
"Mike." I said straight faced.
"How have you been?"
"Seriously after 6 months you ask me how I am doing?"
"I'm sorry. I should have atleast called or something. I know, and I'm sorry."
"Well I'm just grabbing my coffee. You have time to talk now? Though six months is quite inexcusable!"
"Yah, sure. I have a bit of time."
"Soooo…." he said as we sat down at an isolated table.
"So.." I replied awkwardly. Here was the man I had wasted 3 years of my life on, honestly what did he want me to say.
"Rach I'm sorry. I loved you and I screwed it up, and I wish I could take it back but I can't so I'm sorry. As for not talking I thought you had gone back home, at least that's what Ellie told me."
"Mike, you cheated on me and waited 6 months to apologize what do you expect me to do? Forgive you and jump back into your arms?"
"I'd love that. But I have a feeling that won't be happening. Atleast not anytime soon."
"Bang on. It's hard for me to even look at you after what you did. I put my heart out there and you broke it. After three years I was not expecting that. Honestly I was expecting to spend my life with you, and you just ripped my heart out and stomped on it."
"I'm sorry. There isn't much else I can say. I'm sorry I hurt you, and you deserve better than that."
"I have to ask, what did I do wrong?"
"Nothing. It was just me. I didn't appreciate what I had until I lost it. Not waking up to you made me realize just how perfect you are, and how badly I screwed up. I was going to apologize the next day, but I gave up when El said you went home, which I realize now was the dumbest thing I ever did. I'm sorry for hurting you, and not fighting for you. I'm just sorry."
"Okay. I accept the apology. That being said it doesn't excuse what you did, and it doesn't change the fact that we are never getting back together. But it gives both of us the closure we deserved six months ago."
"I never thought I'd see you again, so I'm just grateful you heard me out."
"We were together three years. You might have broken my heart but I still loved you and nothing will change that. "
"Loved. It's tough to hear that."
"There will always be a spot there for you, but you don't own my heart anymore."
"I'm glad. You deserve better than me. I'm sorry I put you through so much!" he said sincerely.
"So how's life? Dating anyone?" I said lightening the mood, although I was still upset. There was no reason in me hating him forever, so I decided to hear him out and hopefully never see him again.
"Boring. Still got the same job. Nothing serious, you?"
"Hockey is pretty much my career right now. I just graduated a few weeks ago, and I have a boyfriend which I have you to thank for."
"Yup. You do realize who Megan was dating?"
"Megan. Yes the girl from that night. No who?"
"Really you don't watch the news?"
"Not recently no. Why?"
"Um I don't know how to tell you this, but you broke up a two year relationship."
"Shit. And I ruined our three year one. I'm such a dick!"
"Yes, you are. I don't know maybe you've changed, but that is how I see you. Sorry"
"Don't apologize. I'd see myself like that too if I were in your shoes."
"I'm still mad, don't get me wrong. But in some ways I'm glad you cheated and you chose to do it with her. I would have never met my boyfriend if you hadn't. It's terrible to say, but maybe life worked out that way because we weren't mean't to be together."
"So your new relationship is pretty serious huh?"
"Yah. Quite."
"And he got you back into hockey. I'm impressed."
"You could say that."
"Well I'm glad you are happy Rach. I hope you two work out, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. I lost my shot with you, but this guy you are dating makes you happy. I can see that from the way you light up even talking about your relationship. I'm going to go now. If this guy ever breaks your heart I'm here as a friend. I know we will probably never see each other again, so good bye Rachel Carson, it was great loving you and I'm sorry for royally fucking it up."
"Bye" I said making my way out of the shop getting the closure I needed, even if it was six months later. I was still pissed, but it was nice to get an apology although it changed nothing. He was still the man who had cheated on me, and I was still the foolish one to believe we had something more than we did. I walked home not looking back even once, that life was over, time to continue my new and improved one.
"Whoa, you look like shit. What happened?" El asked as I walked into the apartment.
"Like hell it's nothing, what's up? Pat do something?"
"No, I just ran into someone I wasn't planning on seeing ever again. No big deal, it's over now."
"Ahh I see. How was the dick doing?"
" Fine. He apologized, wished me luck in the future, and left."
"I bet he was surprised to see you here. After all I did mention you had gone home" she said chuckling.
"Actually he did mention that, amidst all the apologizing."
"Was he trying to get you back?"
"Nope. I made it clear I wasn't available and even if I was he didn't have a shot."
"You go girl!"
"It had to be done at some point. Now it's over and done with, and we never have to see each other again. Now let's stop talking about my cheating ex and do something fun. I'm in need of some fun."
"Sure I need some summer clothes. Plus I don't have to pay school off anymore. I also need a job, but that will have to wait until after the summer."
Hours later we were back bags in hand. As soon as we made it back into the apartment I flung all the bags in my room, and flopped down on the couch. "I'm so tired'" I said from the couch.
"Haha me too. Another early night for us huh?"
"I really need to get back to my regular sleeping schedule. I feel like I'm back in middle school going to bed at 10" I said laughing as El nodded agreeing, "I'm going to text Pat night and then I'm going to bed. Who knows what tomorrow holds."
"I'll be right behind you, night girly."
Me~~ Night Babe. I love you.
Pat~~ See you tomorrow? <3
Me~~ That's the plan :)
Pat~~ Alright. Text me. Love you too.
I turned my phone on silent, and headed to bed. When I woke up the next day, I checked to see if Pat had texted with any ideas of what we could do today. I was greeted with a lot, a lot of messages.
Me~~ Sorry I just got up. What's up? I texted Pat. I looked at some of the messages questioning something, what I had no clue.
Jon~~ Explain?
Me~~ What's up?
Jon~~ Why Pat's going crazy? Some article or something. He won't stop texting me and I'm tired. What happened?
Me~~ I don't know. When I find out I'll let you know. Good to know he isn't replying to my texts.
Jon~~ K. Hope its nothing big. You didn't do anything did you?
Me~~ Of course not. What would I do? I love the kid :)
Jon~~ I know. I don't know what he's going on about, so I'm turning my phone off so I can go back to bed and get somewhat of a decent sleep. You should probably go talk to him.
Me~~ On my way. Thanks Jon. Sorry about waking you.
Jon~~ Hey that wasn't you. I blame your boyfriend for that ;)
Me~~ Have fun back home. I hope to see you soon, if not I'm for sure coming to see you when training camp starts! Miss ya :(
Jon~~ Miss ya too Rach. I wouldn't miss seeing you kick the other girls asses ;) Night.
Me~~ Night Jonny! See ya in Winnipeg. :)
With that I got up and got dressed heading out to the kitchen getting ready to figure out what was wrong.
"Ah good your up." El said as I made my way out to the room.
"Yup. I have to go see what all this fuss is about though. Pat's mad about something."
"It might have something to do with this" she said handing me the newspaper.
"Shit!" I exclaimed out loud. It was a picture of Mike and I drinking coffee, practically questioning the fact if I was being faithful to Pat. I felt terrible because it made me look like I was cheating, although it was far from the truth. " Carson, dating hockey star Patrick Kane was spotted yesterday having coffee with a different stud. Who is this mystery man? Trouble in paradise already Pat? We hope not, though pictures almost never lie as seen in the picture above…"
"But it wasn't like that!" I whined.
"Pat doesn't know that. You need to talk to him."
"I know I'm on my way. Wish me luck" I said weakly making my way out the door and to my car. I made my way into Pat's building, waving to Jefrey and heading for the elevator. I made it to his door, and knocked. I hoped I could fix this.
"Oh it's you. What do you want?" Pat said looking like shit.
"We need to talk. Can I come in?"
"Fine." he said opening the door and going to the couch without another word.
"Pat!" I said annoyed.
"You haven't even let me tell you what happened and your already ignoring me as though I did something. I thought you would understand how the media twists things, but I guess you've already chosen to believe them. So I guess it really doesn't matter what I say. " I said letting my annoyance show. "I'm going to go. When you stop being a baby and realize you should trust your girlfriend and give her more credit than you are come find me and I'll tell you what really happened." I said leaving his place just as fast as I had got there.
Me~~ Jon I figured out the problem. Text me when you get up. He's not listening to me so maybe you can talk some sense into him. I'm so mad right now.
Jon~~ I'm up. I couldn't get back to sleep. What's up?
Me~~ Well apparently he thinks I cheated on him with my ex that cheated on me. Why the hell would I do that, I don't know. However I saw him in Starbucks yesterday and he apologized, and said that I deserved better, and wished me luck in my new relationship. Then we said goodbye likely forever, but the press somehow got the picture of us talking, and twisted it around making me look bad.
Jon~~You try and tell him that?
Me~~ Yah he was too stubborn to even give me a chance. He doesn't want to believe me fine! I'm just so mad that he doesn't trust me, and he takes the medias side without even talking to me. I'm his girlfriend for goodness sake, at least I hope I still am.
Jon~~ He'll come to his senses. What are you going to do?
Me~~ Let him have his time. Eat my weight in ice cream, and sulk.
Jon~~ Why don't you come up here?
Me~~ Really?
Jon~~ Ya. You could get a feel for your training camp, plus I could use a friend and you could use some fun for a few days. Plus Amanda's flying out tomorrow so it would be fun.
Me~~ You sure I wouldn't be interrupting you two…you know?
Jon~~ Not at all! We were hanging with the fam anyways. Everyone would love to see you and you need to get away.
Me~~ Alright I could use a break from all this stress.
Jon~~ Good. I booked you a ticket on the next flight out. You have an hour to get to the airport. Better get going. ;)
Me~ Awee. Thanks Jonny. I needed this.
Jon~~ I know :) See you in a few hours.
I printed out the boarding pass, and packed a few things in a suitcase quickly.
"El! I'll be back in a few days!"
"Wait where you going?"
"Wait for what, to see your parents?"
"Nope. I'm going to Winnipeg."
"Winnipeg as in Jon's Winnipeg?"
"That would be the one."
"I needed a break from all the drama down here, and to give Pat his space. Plus Amanda's coming so it will be fun"
"Alright. I'll stay here and man the fort. Take some time for you, when you come back I know Pat will have come to his senses." She said hugging me.
"I'll drive ya."
"Thanks" I said making my way out with her to the car and to the airport.
"I love ya Rach! See you in a few days!" She said giving me one last hug before I boarded the plane. The flight was short enough, and I think I fell asleep through some of it, It was early afternoon when I made my way out of the plane and into the Winnipeg airport.
"Jonny!" I cried when I spotted his face in the crowd.
"Wow you look like shit. No offence." he said returning my hug.
"Thanks. I feel the same as well."
"He'll come around and realize how stupid he's being. "
"I hope. I love him" I said weakly.
"I know kiddo. I know. " He said wrapping his arm around my shoulder and leading me out to the car. A little while later we were pulling up to a beautiful house.
"Home sweet home!" he exclaimed.
"It's beautiful!"
"Come on in. Everyone is excited to see you again!"
"Alright, I hope they know I look like shit."
"They know what your going through… it's not a problem." he said grabbing my suitcase and started making his way to the door.
"I'm home!" he called opening the door.
"We are in the kitchen. Rachel how are you?" I heard Andrée shout out in french from the kitchen. Then I heard "Oh I'm sorry…"
I cut her off…
"No it's ok. I understood. I'm alright, things could be better" I replied back in French.
"You speak french?" She asked continuing.
"Yup. Perfectly" I responded in French, obviously to her liking.
We switched back into English, however I knew that wouldn't be the last time I heard french in the next few days. Jon showed me to one of the guest bedrooms, and gave me some time to settle in. He said to come back down, when I was ready. After a few minutes I made my way back down. "I'm back" I said smiling as I returned to the group in the living room. "I can't thank you guys enough for letting me come up here on such short notice!"
"Awe sweetie. We love having you here. Pat can be stupid sometimes, don't worry he'll get over it." Andrée said motioning me over to the spot next to her on the couch.
"That's what everyone keeps telling me. It just hurts though. I hate fighting, especially when it's honestly over something that didn't happen." I said sadness lacing my voice.
"Well a few days up here will do you good" She said squeezing my shoulder.
"Ahh David. This is Rachel." she said introducing me to man coming through the door.
"Rachel, this is my younger son David. "
"Nice to meet you" I said with a small wave.
"Likewise. So you my brother's girlfriend?"
"Haha nope. We are just friends." I said smiling.
"Haha wondered how he could have possibly landed you."
"Shut up David!" Jon exclaimed from the couch.
"Haha brothers. I missed this" I said laughing at the two of them bickering.
"Really you miss that?" Andrée questioned.
"Yah. It was fun. It reminds me of my childhood growing up with two older brothers." I smiled.
"Oh and by the way David. Just wait until you meet his actual girlfriend Amanda. You will really be wondering how he landed her. I'm nothing compared to her." I said winking.
"Not true! You guys are both beautiful. Obviously, seeing as you got Pat to date you." Jon said laughing.
"Wait you are dating Pat? As in Kane?" David asked rejoining the conversation.
"Um. Yes. Atleast I think so. We are kind of having a little lovers spat at the moment. I'll get back to you on that one" I said smiling.
"It was nice meeting you." David said continuing upstairs.
"Well what do you want to do Jon?" I asked.
"Wanna play Mario Kart? "
"Sure! I have to warn you that I'm pretty good. Pat can attest to that" I said winking.
"Challenge accepted. By the way Dad stopped by Timmies on the way home. There's a coffee and doughnut with your name on it if your interested?"
"Really? It's been forever. " I exclaimed. "Thanks Bryan!" I yelled to Jon's dad wherever he was. I grabbed the coffee and doughnut and followed Jon down to the basement, eating my doughnut as he set up Mario Kart. We played for a good few hours, both winning and loosing. We went up when his mom called saying dinner was ready.
"So has Pat called yet?" Andrée asked as we were eating.
"Nope" I said frowning.
"Boys can be so stupid sometimes" she replied earning a frown from each of the guys from the table. "What? It's true boys, don't even try and deny it." She said addressing the men at the table. They were going to say something but then they obviously realized she was right, and decided to continue eating instead.
"This is great Andrée!" I said complimenting the chef.
"Thanks. It's nice to hear that once in a while" she said hinting to the guys.
"Well it's exactly what I needed. Delicious! Thanks again for everything guys. I'm going to go get some sleep if you don't mind. Today's been tough, but you guys are really helping."
"No problem honey. We love you and it''s our pleasure. Go get some sleep, you probably need it." She said smiling sincerely.
"Jon. What time is Amanda getting in?"
"1:30. You want to come pick her up?"
"If I'm up and ready then yes! I can't wait to see her!" I said smiling. I excused myself from the table, put my plate in the dishwasher and made my way to my room for the next few days.
I settled into the bed, and started thinking about everything. I had Mike to thank for me meeting Pat, I sure hoped he wouldn't be the reason for our split as well. I heard a knock on the door, and wiped away the tears filling my eyes.
"Come in." I said. Smiling when I saw Jon.
"Hey." I said weakly.
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I see that you aren't."
"I'll be fine, I was just thinking."
"You want me to hang around a little until you fall asleep? I can be a good listener."
"Sure." I said patting the bed beside me.
"Come here girl." He said opening his arms for a hug.
I rested my head against Jon's shoulder. "Thanks Jonny. You are a great friend. I hope I'm not too much of a burden on your you and Amanda time." I said sniffling slightly.
"Don't you worry about that. She will understand, she is your friend as well!"
"I just want everything to go back to the way it was. I didn't do anything wrong. I just got a coffee" I said tears resurfacing in my eyes.
"It's okay Rach." Jon said softly rubbing my shoulders. I closed my eyes, and got comfy knowing Jon was there. I must have fallen asleep, as I woke up still leaning against Jon however it was morning.
I started to get out of bed, when Jon stirred waking up.
"Morning" I said.
"Morning. I must have fallen asleep last night too huh?"
"Probably after hearing my sob story" I said laughing. "You should probably get up, if you want to go pick Amanda up soon."
"Ahh yes." He said after seeing the time on the clock. I had a quick shower and made myself presentable for the trip to the airport. Jon and I left a few minutes later, and were soon at the airport waiting for Amanda. She instantly broke out into a smile at the sight of Jon.
"Rach! I didn't know you would be here. I missed you!"
"I hope your alright with me being here. It's just for a few days."
"Of course it's alright. Why wouldn't it be?"
"I just thought you two would want time to yourselves."
"Ahhh. We'll be fine. So what's up?" she asked as we made our way in the car.
"Nothing much just needed a break from Chicago."
"Chicago or Pat?"
"Haha I hope everything works out. I expect details later missy!" she said smiling back at me from the front seat.
"You better not steal my girlfriend Rach!"
"You don't have to worry about that. She's all yours. Right Amanda?"
"Right!" She said giving him a kiss on the cheek.
"Good" he said winking as we pulled up to the familiar house. I made my way up to my room, as Amanda had her time with the family, and was properly introduced to David. I grabbed my laptop and sifted through my emails, none of them being important. It was the same with my twitter and Facebook. I had gotten a text from El, however so I opened it up.
El~~ Your not making this media thing any better :(
Underneath was a url, leading me to an article about me now being in Winnipeg. Can't I get any privacy? I thought to myself. It was a picture of Jon and I walking in the airport, with his arm around me. To anyone else it could have looked as if we were more than friends which of course we aren't. There was another picture of us eating together at Tim Hortons. " Making her way around the team it seems. What could Carson be looking for in Winnipeg? We will keep you updated. Although her and the Captain are looking pretty friendly together, though there are rumours of him having a girlfriend…"
Me~~ Fuck. I wish they would leave me alone. They don't know half of it.
El~~ I believe you. How's it going so far?
Me~~ I'm having a good time. They are being super nice up here, and Amanda just arrived so it should be fun ;) How's Chicago?
El~~ Boring. My partner in crime is off gallivanting in Canada :*( Heard from Pat lately?
Me~~ Not yet. But I'm sure to after this article. Knowing my luck he will think I'm cheating on him with Jon too.
El~~ Yah. Not sure how he's going to take this, but good luck girl. I'll ttyl.
Me~~ Love you El!!! Miss ya girl
"Jon!!" I exclaimed coming downstairs. "A little situation here!" I said frowning.
"What's up?"
"Read it." I said showing him the article on my computer.
"Sorry Amanda. I hope this doesn't bug you!"
"Nope, you are all good. The media can be pains. Plus I know Jonny wouldn't do anything and neither would you so why be mad over a picture of two friends hanging out?" she smiled.
"Goodness! Jon. You've got a keeper." I said smiling and hugging the girl.
"I know" he said with a goofy grin.
"So what have you guys planned for the rest of the day?"
"We were thinking dinner. You want to come?" Jon asked.
"Haha. No I think I'll decline. You two go have fun, I'll be fine here."
"Alright. You are sure?" Amanda said.
"Yes, I am alright. You two get out of here, and make up for the month you've been apart" I said winking. "See you guys tomorrow." I waved as they left hand in hand.
Pat~~ So… You're in Winnipeg?
Me~~ Look! He speaks!
Pat~~ Why are you in Winnipeg?
Me~~ I needed to talk to someone who would actually listen, and Jon offered. Why do you care?
Pat~~ Talk? Really?
Me~~ Yes, Patrick. Talk. As a matter of fact he is out on a date with his girlfriend Amanda. Remember her? I guess that means I'll have to settle for David, because I'm just a girl who loves cheating on you whenever possible.
Pat~~ I didn't mean that.
Me~~ Yes, you did Pat. For some reason you don't trust me, though I have given you no reason not to. I thought I made it clear I loved you and only you, but I guess that didn't make it into your brain. It really sucks that you think that little of me. I don't have time for this, I'm going to dinner. Bye.
I made my way down to where Jon's parents and brothers were. I grabbed a spot at the table, and said hi to everyone.
"I'm guessing Pat saw the article? Judging from the annoyed scowl on your face, he is still being stupid" Andrée said.
"You guessed it. I'm just so mad. Sorry for taking it out on you guys. I feel like I'm causing more problems than fixing them."
"You haven't caused any problems honey. Jon's off on a date and we are having a normal family dinner. Don't you worry about anything. Enjoy your time here!"
"Thanks. It means so much. You are a great mom, and have a great family" I said giving Andrée a hug. After dinner I went back up to my room, ready to face whatever message Pat had left on my phone.
Pat~~ Alright let me know your side of the story then.
Me~~ Now you want to hear it?
Pat~~ Yes.
Me~~ One question. Why the hell would I cheat on you with my EX that cheated on me just months ago? Really? Does that make any sense? Oh wait you didn't let me even tell you that.
I waited a few minutes for his response.
Pat~~ Sorry.
Me~~ For what? Insinuating I was a slut? Not trusting me? Believing the media over me? Overreacting? I can think of a lot you might be sorry for.
Pat~~ Everything.
Me~~ Well sorry isn't going to cut it this time. You hurt me without even knowing it. I'm up here depressed taking it out on Jon's family, while you are sitting at home being a stupid idiot.
Pat~~I was wrong. I'm sorry. I should have listened, and not jumped to conclusions.
Me~~ Great. I'm still staying up here. When I get back we will talk when I feel like it. I'm going to bed. Don't worry I'm alone!
Pat~~Come back soon. I miss you.
Me~~ We'll see. Honestly I'm not that happy with you right now. I'll be back in a few days. Night.
"Eggghhh why are guys so stupid?" I grumbled face planting into my pillow.
"I don't know." Amanda said poking her head through the door laughing. "Want to talk about it?"
"Sure why not. I need a girlfriend right now" I said sighing.
"So what's up? I feel out of the loop, living in Ottawa."
"So basically everything was great, and then this picture surfaces with me talking to my Ex. I honestly had no intention of seeing him and I was pissed, that after 6 months he had the nerve to talk to me. So anyways, he apologized and we talked, and then we said bye too each other for likely the last time. He wished me luck in life, and that's it. So anyways Pat wouldn't listen to anything I had to say. He already believed the media that I had cheated on him, and wouldn't even let me explain. So I was talking to Jon at the time, and he invited me to come up here and get away from everything for a while. So then when Pat figured out I was here, he just assumes I'm cheating on him with Jon. Which I'm not!!!! So he blows up on me again via text message, and then he apologized to me like 5 minutes ago like it was nothing. Not even a call. " I said ranting.
"Wow. Sounds like fun. Wasn't worried about you and Jon. I'm glad he has a great friend like you. As for Pat, I say you two just need to talk. It sucks what he said to you, and how little he made it seem like he trusts you. However he was probably just angry over the entire situation, and said things he didn't mean to say."
"But he still said them, and a piece of my heart broke hearing that from him. I've never given him a reason for him to believe I cheated, yet he still doesn't trust me?"
"Maybe it just hit him hard, seeing as his last girlfriend did that to him?"
"But my last boyfriend did that to me too. We both saw how it destroyed each of us. What he did at the olympics was worse... Egghhhh this is just so stupid!"
"Let's forget about Pat for one night and go have some fun. It's not too late and you need to let loose."
"Fine. But I almost forgot! How was dinner?"
"Great!" she said smiling. "Now lets go. No more sulking." I chucked on an appropriate outfit, and headed out for a night of fun with Amanda. It felt weird not having Pat around to dance with, and talk to. I wasn't used to not knowing anyone in a club. I was the awkward girl sitting at the bar, drinking her pop, unknown to the world. "Lets go dance!" Amanda said coming up beside me and dragging me to the dance floor. I awkwardly had fun, having to push guys off me every few minutes. I should not have come without male backup. After a while Amanda and I headed back to the bar.
"Can I buy you beautiful ladies something to drink?" Some random guy came up to us giving us a one over.
"I'm good." I replied quickly, annoyed that all guys seemed to want was sex. "We were actually just leaving. Amanda you ready to go?"
"Yup. I've had enough fun for the night. Thanks for the offer." She said back to the clearly drunk man.
"But I haven't had my fun for tonight! You girls both look stunning! Where are your boyfriends? Clearly beautiful people like you wouldn't be single." he said following us.
"They are at home. Now please we'd like to leave."
"Why wouldn't they come with you? Unless you didn't want them here. Maybe you were looking for a little fun?"
"Not with you, Sorry!" I said pulling Amanda out of the club. "That was creepy. " I said shuddering.
"Agreed. How much more uninterested could we have been?"
"I don't know. Full on ignoring him?"
"Haha. True." she said laughing, and walking towards the car.
"Ready to head home to Jonny boy?" I asked winking.
"Hell, yes. I've had enough of these men trying to get me to sleep with them. It's so annoying that they don't even hide the fact that that is what they want. You ready to talk to Patty Cake?
"Talk yes. We'll see where that goes. Knowing my luck another fight." "What the hell?" I exclaimed as I was shoved against the car.
"Hey beautiful…" The guy slurred. Fuck this isn't happening, I thought to myself wondering where Amanda was.
"Goodbye!" I said trying to wiggle free.
"Not so fast. You need to have some fun!" he said pushing me back against the car. Where was my muscle power when I needed him, I thought to myself.
"You shouldn't have said no to me little girl."
"Let go."
"No." He replied curtly pressing his body to mine, and running his tongue along my lips. I needed to get out of here fast. He was getting too excited for my liking, I decided now was as good as any, and I kneed whatever I could come into contact with.
"You bitch!" He exclaimed as I got free. I figured I was home free, which wasn't the case. I felt the fist collide into my body, causing me to shake from the impact. That does it I thought to myself. I was brought up around hockey players, there is no way I was stepping away from this now. I whirled around landing a punch into the side of his face.
"First! Don't call me a bitch. Second don't hit on a taken woman, who happens to know a thing or two about fighting!" I spat out in disgust, walking over to where Amanda was cringing and "hiding". "Ready to go?" I asked.
"How are you still walking? Didn't that hurt?"
"Haha yes." I said wincing. "I'll be fine, I'm used to it. Though I wasn't prepared for it" I said forcing a smile. I got into the drivers seat, and we made our way home.
"Fuck. What happened to you?" Jon asked as we entered the house.
"Nothing. I'm fine. Just some creep at the bar got a bit to close, so I gave him a black eye." I said shrugging.
"Like hell you are fine. Let me see."
"I'm fine Jon. I just want to go to bed."
"Not until I figure out what is making you wince in pain every time you walk. I'm not stupid I see things, even if you try to hide them."
"Amanda! Help please."
"Sorry I'm with Jon on this one." She said apologetically.
"Fine" I huffed. "It's really not that bad!" I said lifting up my shirt.
"Fuck that! I am going to find that dick and give him a taste of his own medicine" Jon growled.
"It's fine Jon."
"No it's not. Look at yourself."
"I promise it looks worse than it feels" I said slightly lying, as I hurt like hell. "I'm going to go sleep this off. I want to be ready for my last day tomorrow!"
"Promise me your fine?" Jon asked.
"I promise. Honestly you should see the other guy" I said forcing a wink.
"Night Rach." The two of them chorused. I tuned out the conversation they were having and headed to bed.
Pat~~ I love you.
I love you too. I thought as I drifted off into a painful sleep.
The next day I woke up hoping everything had been a dream. "Nope that happened," I said as I felt my side. I got up slowly and made my way to my suitcase to find some clothes for the day. Why he had to hit my ribs I had no idea. I chucked on one of Pat's sweaters I had stolen, and a pair of skinny jeans. I grabbed a coffee from the kitchen, before making my way to the living room where all the noise was coming from. "Hey guys." I said smiling.
"Rach! How you feeling? Jon told us about last night."
"He did, did he?" I said shaking my head. "I'll be alright. I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow." I said pouting.
"Where is Jon? Is he still sleeping? Do I have to wake him up?" I asked smirking.
"No, he just went to get something we needed. He should be back any minute now."
"Ok. I'm going to have a quick shower then."
"Alright sweetie. I hope you feel better" Andrée said squeezing my shoulder. I had my quick shower and laid back in bed, waiting for Jon to get back. I must have fallen asleep at some point, because I woke up with someones arm draped over me. "What the hell?" I exclaimed.
"It's just me. You are fine."
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here for you."
"Jon told you didn't he?"
"I hope you didn't fly here to give me yet another checkup!"
"Nope. I missed you. However hearing what happened to you scared the crap out of me. "
"I missed you too."
"God! I love you Rach. I can't believe I let something happen to you!"
"Quit blaming yourself and hold me!" He opened his arms and brought me in for a hug.
"Nope. Ow. No more hug please."
"That's it. I'm seeing what is wrong."
"No. It's fine." I said as he lifted off my shirt to reveal my bruised upper body.
"Ah hell no! You are not fine. Jon! Get in here!"
"You said she got hit! This is full on punched!" he said to Jon.
"I know it's bah huh?"
"Rach. We are going out tonight. You going to be able to manage?" he asked seething.
"Pat. Whatever you are thinking it's not worth it."
"Yes. It is. We are going to find him one way or another" he said pointing to Jon behind him who was nodding.
"Fine! I'll come! I need a fun night out for real this time." I said huffing. We spent the rest of the day chilling, walking around Jon's town, and just having fun. We headed out later on that night to the club. Tonight we got a lot more stares due to the fact we were with the boys. Atleast this time the random guys weren't eying us up like the night before.
"Let's dance babe." Pat whispered in my ear.
"You're going to have to take is easy with me tonight. I'm sure you won't mind having to put your hands a bit further down" I said winking.
"I missed this Pat!" I exclaimed as we made it onto the dance floor.
"Me too. Me too" he murmured. "I'm sorry,"
"Stop apologizing!" I exclaimed wrapping my hands around his neck. "I love you" I murmured into his chest. He responded with a kiss that made me melt right back into him.
"I love you too. Sorry for causing this stupid fight."
"Haha. Sorry for making it worse."
"Not your fault. Let's put it behind us and move forward."
"Agreed. Now you have to let me go talk more give a piece of my mind to at the bar."
"Wait. What? Who? Ohhhh. There is no way in hell you are going over there!"
"Pat. You are my backup. I won't let you leave my sight I promise."
"Alright but I'm going to be right beside you at the bar, even if he doesn't know that." Pat said making his way to the bar.
"Nice eye. How'd you get that?" I asked coming up to the guy.
"Some Bi---. Never mind. Back for more?"
"Nope. Just wanted to thank you for the probably broken ribs, jeopardizing my future hockey career, and for bringing my boyfriend to my rescue. "
"Ha boyfriend. Good one. "
"Actually he is great. I'm surprised he's withstood punching you for this long" I said shrugging.
"It's literally killing me." Pat growled beside me.
"Hey Rach what's up--oh" Amanda said coming up behind me, her face instantly turning dark.
"Alright tough guy. Want to fight for her?" the guy asked slurring a little.
"Why would I fight you when I've already won?" Pat said head still down. "Rach you ready to go?"
"Yup. Nice seeing you again. Sorry about your eyes. "
"Yah your black eyes!"
"I only have one, thanks to you bitch."
"Oh yah, Sorry I forgot to tell you, my boyfriend also brought his and my best friend. Enjoy!" I said waving and smiling as I saw Jon punch him.
"Thanks man." Pat said giving Jon a man hug.
"No problem. You already look bad when it comes to fighting, I think I can take one for the team."
"Thanks Jon!" I said giving him a gentle hug. "I owe ya big time!"
"That's what friends are for" he said returning my hug before returning to Amanda.
A few hours later Pat and I were packed, and at the airport for our flight back to Chicago. I thanked Jon and his family once again for their hospitality, and boarded the plane hand in hand with Pat. "I miss them already!" I said throwing all my stuff on my bedroom floor. "Haha found yourself a second family?"
"Nope. A close third however. If your family will have me." I said winking.
"I wish you weren't hurt!" Pat pouted.
"Haha go home. Get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." I said kissing him softly and crawling under my covers. "Yes Pat, you can stay." I said when he didn't move.
"Yes!" he exclaimed like a kid climbing in behind me. The last thing I heard was his I love you and then I was out.


feeling generous ...let me know what you think!!!! Please comment xoxoxo Jordan

Let's Go CANADA!!!!!! Nice assist by Kaner today though


Thanks so much! Honestly I just felt so so bad about not posting !!! Thanks for always reading it ;)


hockeygirl07 hockeygirl07

Great job. I really enjoyed it

Meh....just felt like i should have updated sooner so i wanted to get something up :) but thanks

hockeygirl07 hockeygirl07

Great job

Amazing job. Wasn't expecting him to have another kid from a different relationship in this story. Kudos for them for not resenting each other or the kid though. Great job