Redemption of a Puck Slut: Part II
June 23, 2014
June 23, 2014
Dear Diary,
Taylor visited for a couple of days before heading back to their parents. She is so nice and totally the type of person I would have been best friends with if we’d gone to high school together or something.
We were sitting by the lake on her last night with us talking about the upcoming wedding.
“I still need to get a dress for that, I haven’t had much time to go shopping while at school,” she said.
Suddenly a thought occurred to me, and I wasn’t sure why I (or Sid) hadn’t thought of it earlier.
“That’s good, because I wanted to ask you to be a bridesmaid,” I smiled.
“Really?” She smiled (and it looked exactly like Sid’s smile). “Wow, that would be so much fun!”
“We’ll have to get you fitted for a dress, but there’s no hurry for that. I don’t even have a dress yet,” I laughed.
Sid came out to get us for dinner, “What are you guys laughing about?”
“Emme asked me to be a bridesmaid!” Taylor said, still smiling.
Sid looked at me, “Oh really? But wouldn’t we have an odd number of males to females then?”
“No, not if my brother is escorting me down the aisle, he would be the seventh guy,” I explained, counting them on my fingers, but he still looked unsure.
“We won’t be having a crazy bachelorette party or anything like that, not in my condition, so I don’t know what you’re worried about,” I said to him.
Reluctantly he smiled, “if you want to.”
Taylor and I continued to talk wedding plans all through dinner, Sid contributed when he could.
The wedding seems so far away, considering what has to happen before it. In less a couple of weeks, seventeen days exactly, we will have two babies to take care of and love and stay up all night with.
As if that wasn’t enough, I still need to get a second paternity test done before the wedding. Unfortunately it will be harder than the first one because around here everyone knows who Sid is, and I’m the pregnant girl he’s marrying, so they definitely know me too.
Maybe I can mail it away somewhere? Or have someone do it for me?
I wonder if Caeleigh would do that. I know she wouldn’t tell anyone (like Carli did) and she already knows that I’m not sure of the paternity.
She will be here sometime around the beginning of August to help me with the wedding stuff, being my maid of honor and all, so that would give me enough time to get the twin’s DNA samples (and Sid’s) and hopefully get the results back before August 16.
This is very stressful, but at my last doctor’s appointment the twin’s were healthy. She said I had lost some weight, which wasn’t bad, as long as I didn’t continue to lose weight. It’s probably because I spend a lot of time either in bed or sitting, not doing much. I’ve been reading a lot, and I’ve started knitting. I’m not that good at it so I’ll probably just make a scarf.
I heard back from Smith the lawyer a few days ago. We had an interesting conversation on the phone.
“Ms. Saxon, after reading your diary, I strongly advise you to inform Mr. Crosby that he is not the father of one of your unborn children.”
“I would rather wait until after I get a second paternity test done. What if the first one was wrong?” I asked.
“That is possible; the type of test you had done has a higher error rate, but the fact that it showed a positive match to Mr. Sutter was probably not an error,” Smith sighed, I could tell he was upset with me. “I am going to make sure you will not get any of Mr. Crosby’s money or assets after you are married unless he specifically says so, and when (not if) he divorces you, you will not have custody of your children and you will not receive a cent of his money.”
“That is exactly what I have been saying I want. Wait, you said he would get custody of my children? What if they aren’t his?”
“That doesn’t matter, he could still be their guardian if he chose to. I will write up a new, and stronger, prenuptial agreement within the next few weeks and have David bring it over for you two to sign.”
He very curtly said goodbye and hung up before I could respond.
I don’t blame him though, he is obviously just trying to look out for Sid and after reading my diary I probably seem like the biggest slut. Though if he read it carefully he would know how much I loved and cared about Sid.
Sid has been introducing me to all of his childhood friends and people he grew up with. Everyone seems so happy to meet me, yet I can’t help feeling they think we’re only getting married because I’m pregnant.
I feel like I’m the only one who thinks we’re not going to get married because I’m pregnant.
Once they are born I’ll get another paternity test, and then I’ll know if I can go through with this or not.
But until then I will sit in bed and knit or re-read a Jane Austen novel or something.
P.S.: Actually, maybe not Jane Austen. I just remembered that I used to watch ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and ‘Sense and Sensibility’ with Brandon.
Shorter chapter, but it's leading up to more exciting things.
Awww !!!! Yayyyyyy <3333