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A World Awaits

Part I

John awoke when he was thrown from his sleeping canopy, a large blast causing his ears to ring and the ship to pitch as he struggled to get his feet underneath him and figure out what in God’s name was happening. He could hear men screaming from the main deck, the rest of the crew that were asleep in the cabin scrambling around to pull on clothing, reaching for their weapons as they took off towards the commotion. He finally snapped to attention, hastily pulling on his overcoat, grabbing the small dagger that he kept on his person and heading up towards the main deck his blood running cold as the world ‘pirates’ echoed its way down the ladder.

He pulled himself onto the deck as the ship took another hit, pitching to the side and throwing John off his feet. He looked up to see madness, explosions ringing out, as they seemed to be fired upon from all sides. A slight whoosh had him dropping back to the deck, narrowly avoiding a cannonball as it flew above him and embedded itself in the quarterdeck.

The night was black as he struggled to see just how many ships had them surrounded when one of the crew called out that they were going to be boarded. The screams of dying men made him sick as dozens of pirates stormed the deck, easily overrunning the remaining crew, who held their hands up in surrender as they realized that they were fighting a losing battle.

He was quickly manhandled with a gun at his back towards the rest of the surrendered crew, a large hand disposing him of his lone dagger as he was roughly pushed onto his knees by the circle of men.

“Well, well, gentlemen. What a beautiful night it is.”

John’s head snapped up as the group of pirates surrounding them parted to allow their captain to step through. His eyes widened as he looked up from the deck, taking in the woman before him. She wore seamen’s clothing, slop pants tucked into worn leather boots and a billowy low cut tunic that was pushed up to her elbows as she crossed her surprisingly muscular arms over her chest. Her long blonde hair was bound by a leather, hanging over one shoulder, stray pieces of it blowing in the cool night air. A blonde eyebrow was cocked as she smirked at her prisoners, motioning to an overly large black man to her right.

“What are they moving, Simmonds?”

“Tea, some livestock and quite a bit of weaponry Captain.”

The woman tsked before leaning down so she was eye level with the men, looking each one of them square in the eye with a wicked smile on her face. John gulped when her piercing blue gaze met his, never before fearing for his life like he currently was.

“No doubt bound for the colonies, aye?”

When she didn’t get an answer she sighed before standing up to her full height and eying the men before her like they weren’t worth the salt on the bottom of her boots.

“Where were you to come ashore? Tell me and you may just live to see the sunrise.”

“We will not be talkin’ to no wench!”

John barely had time to blink before a shot rang out and the cankerous old captain from his ship fell dead to the deck, a crimson pool quickly forming on the wood paneling. The woman cocked her gun again, pointing it calmly at the group as John struggled not to get sick.

“You have five seconds and then you all end up like your little pig of a captain here.”

The words were barely out of her mouth before an unfortunate man that John had conversed with once or twice during the voyage spoke up.

“North colonies. New York first and then up to Boston.”

The captain gave the man a dry smile and brought the barrel of her gun up to rest in between his eyes, causing the man to gulp.

“You aren’t lying to me are ya?”

The man sputtered and shook his head causing her to smile and nod.

“Good,” her words were followed by another shot as the man’s body keeled over, brain matter scattering behind him.

“What’d you do that for! He told you what ye wanted!”

She turned the gun on the young man kneeling next to John, cocking the weapon and walking over to them, eyes ablaze. John managed to kick his ankle into the boy’s in warning. Sidney had been one of his only companions on this horrible journey across the Atlantic and he didn’t want the young man to meet the same fate as the last two crewmen.

“Would you like to be next boy?”

“N-no,” he stuttered. “No, m’lady. I’m sorry.”

To John’s shock the woman threw her head back and laughed, some of her crew chuckling along with her.

“You hear that lads? This boy thinks me a lady!”

Her crew roared before settling down as she looked down at the young dark haired boy, tilting her head in skepticism.

“How old are ya, boy?”

“Seventeen, miss.”

“Barely a man. This your first voyage?”

Sidney nodded nervously, gulping as she smiled wickedly at him before taking a step back and surveying the remaining ten members of the crew.

“They will do nicely, toss em in the brig!”

John stumbled as a pair of large hands hauled him to his feet, pushing him to the side of the ship where a gangplank had been erected to a larger ship.

“Raid the stocks, take what we need and then burn the rest. I have no use of an outdated galleon.”

“Aye Captain,” John was pushed down the slippery gangplank and stepped down onto the deck of the pirate’s ship, another dozen or so of her crew meeting them with guns drawn and swords pointed. They were pushed and pulled down a flight of stairs to the belly of the ship and thrust into large cells, the stank of the brig causing John’s nose to crinkle in displeasure. Once they were all secured and settled in the men started to talk, expressing their displeasure at being taken captive by pirates, and by a pirate woman no less.

“What’d ya think they’re gonna do to us?”

John shook his head at Sidney, leaning back against the damp wood of the hull.

“God only knows.”


John awoke the next morning with a crick in his neck to the clanging of the cell gates. To his surprise a short muscular woman was pulling open the cell door, eying the prisoners with glee. John saw the look the two men next to him gave each other a split second before she did as they charged at her. She huffed as one grabbed for her, figuring they could easily overpower her slight frame. John drew back in shock as the woman head butted the man, a crack ringing out through the bowels of the ship as his nose broke before she spun and landed a kick to the temple of the other idiot. She huffed again before tossing her dark braid over her shoulder and glaring at the rest of the prisoners.

“Anyone else care to be fresh this morning?”

Her question was met by silence from the men, with the exception of the cursing and groaning from the two men writhing on the floor.

“That’s what I thought. Well, these two imbeciles made my decision easy,” she reached for the two men, catching them by the scruffs of their neck and pushing them towards the stair that led to the main deck before relocking the cell. “Come on you two. We have quite the surprise for you, oh yes we do.”

John shivered at the wicked gleam in her eye as the two men were lead up the stairwell. Loud cheers and the clang of swords could be heard for hours on the deck, only stopping after the crew was heard whooping and hollering, followed by the loud crack of the gun causing John to wince. Sidney’s head fell back against the hard steel of the cell wall as he let out a curse.

“God help us all,” he was met by a short bark of laughter as the short dark haired woman from before descended the stairs with two large buckets. She set them down outside of the cellblock and cocked an eyebrow at the young lad.

“You think god can help ya? Let me tell you somethin’ laddie, God aint anywhere near this vessel.”

John could hear Sidney gulp as the woman opened the cell door and pushed in the two buckets, one containing bread and the other fresh water. She cocked her pistol and aimed it at the ravenous prisoners.

“Now, none of you fools are thinking about followin’ your shipmates in their stupidity are ya?”

At the shake of their heads she smirked and kicked the bucket of bread over, laughing as the desperate men jumped on the pieces. John waited until she locked the cell door before grabbing a piece of bread off the floor and biting into it, before a ladle of water was passed to him.

The theme continued each day, around noon two prisoners were brought to the deck, cheering from the pirates ensued and then silence followed by a gunshot. By day four there was only John, Sidney and two crewmen left, all of them having resigned their fait to die on this blasted ship. However, when the large black man was sent down to take all of them up to the deck, John was certain that he would not be returning to the cells.

“Ah gentlemen!” John’s back tensed as the captain called out to them from her perch on a wooden chair overlooking the main deck. “What a beautiful day it is, hm? You lads are in for quite the treat today.”

She pushed herself up from the chair beckoning to John and Sidney with a flourish.

“Please lads, if you would care to join me to watch the entertainment from the forecastle I’d be quite honored,” her voice was laced with sarcasm as she motioned to the two small chairs placed next to her. John knew he had no choice in the matter as he and Sidney trudged up the stair, sitting stiffly down in the chairs provided for them, getting a wicked grin from the Captain.

“Ah splendid, well lads, it is time!”

“Time for what?” John had to curse the man’s stupidity as he stood next to the other prisoner on the deck.

“Ah time for what he asks! Well, you see it’s really quite simple, you two are to fight for our entertainment! Kane, get them some weapons will you!”

The men were each handed a crude blade, weighing it in their hands while one turned back to the Captain.

“That’s it?”

The woman got a wicked gleam in her eye as she nodded to the man.

“To the death.”

John could visibly see the man’s face pale.

“Who ever shall survive may be offered a place amongst my crew, if I see him fit.”

John glanced around with the other men, none of them noticing any of their former crewmembers on the deck. Noticing their looks the woman rolled her eyes and fixed them with a glare.

“None of them were deemed fit. All the more reason for you to impress me.”
John dug his fingers into the armrest of the chair as the men faced each other, wondering if they would actually go through with it. The clang of swords answered his question as a balding man with a few missing teeth attacked the tall skinny one. He watched as the fighting went on and on, each man visibly exhausted as they parried blow after blow. Finally the balding man stumbled, missing a step and the lanky one took his chance, knocking the sword from the man’s hand and driving his up and through his chest, the crack of his chest bone giving way causing John’s stomach to roll.

John’s gaze flicked to Sidney’s, the terror in the young man’s eyes palpable as he figured out that they were going to be the next two to duel to the death.
The crew roared as the balding man’s body fell to the deck, blood pouring out of the wound and quickly bleeding the life from the poor old bastard. The tall lanky man stood out of breath, dropping his sword and squeezing his eyes closed. The Captain stood, hands clapping together as she looked at the condemned man.

“Good, very good. What is your name sailor?”

“Higgins, Captain. Me name is Higgins.”

“Very well. Tell me Mr. Higgins, do you fear death?”

The man seemed to stutter before shaking his head causing the captain to smile.

“Ah, and why is that?”

“Me wife, in death we’d be reunited at last.”

The captain nodded.

“Ah, poetic indeed. Now Mr. Higgins I am about to offer you something that none of your unfortunate crewmates received, are you going to accept?”

The man nodded and the woman smiled.

“Excellent! Well done Higgins, McDonald show the man his quarters!”

Higgins was led to the hull by a burly man of an escort, the captain watching with a satisfied gaze before turning back to Sidney and John.

“Well, that was quite entertaining wasn’t it?”

Neither John or Sidney answered but were left looking skeptically towards each other. Her gaze turned towards Sidney, a crude smile on her face at the terror in the young man’s eyes.

“Tell me, boy, what is your name?”

“Si-sidney, m’lady.”

The woman tutted and drew her curved dagger from her hip, holding it up in the light and inspecting the blade for the boy to see.

“Again with the m’lady nonsense. If you are insisting upon proper titles my lad, then you shall address me accordingly as Captain McTavish, aye?”

“Aye, captain. My apologies.”

“Tell me Sidney, what’s a young boy like you doing working for the British Royal Navy scum?”
Sidney flushed and stuttered his response out.

“I-I, wanted to leave Great Britain and see the world. Adventurin’ like the great explorers of old m’la- Captain.”

Captain McTavish smirked, sheathing her blade before calling out to the deck below.

“Anna!” The same small dark haired woman that had been bringing them their meals in the brig trotted up the stairs, her gaze freely roaming over the young boy who was shaking in his boots.

“Why don’t you take young Sidney here below deck and help him get acquainted with the ship aye?”

The young woman’s gaze was sharp as she smiled and nodded, grabbing the poor boy by the arm and yanking him from his seat.

“Aye,” her fingers walked themselves up Sidney’s chest causing him to gulp. “I think we could have much use for you here.”
Sidney was dragged away and John pushed himself from his seat.

“Don’t hurt him, please. He’s just a boy!”

His words fell on deaf ears as Sidney was lead below deck and Captain McTavish turned towards him with a predatory gleam in her eye.

“Who said anything about hurting him?”

She glanced towards where Sidney and Anna had disappeared, grinning as she looked back to John.

“And that boy you speak of will be a man the next time you catch sight of him.”

John flushed bright red at the woman’s insinuation, the heat blossoming in his cheeks causing the captain to laugh out in glee.

“And you, what is your name?”

“John, Jonathan Tavares.”

“Well John, give me your hand.”

John tried to control the shaking appendage as he placed it in her outstretched palm. She grabbed it, flipping it so his palm was facing up before running her fingers over the plump flesh. Her fingers were rough and calloused, evidence of long days of hard work proudly displayed as she lightly traced the lines of his soft hands.

He didn’t breathe as she traced the place where his fingers met his palm, finally finding what she was looking for as she dropped his hand. Turning to the crew that was bustling around the deck she barked out a name, a small blonde man running up the few stairs that separated the forecastle from the main deck and nodding at the captain.

“Aye Captain?”

“Kane, please show Mr. Tavares here to my quarters and keep him entertained until I am able to meet with him.”

“Aye Captain.”

The man grabbed John’s bicep, his grip strong for such a short man, leading him up another flight of stairs towards the stern of the ship. John could feel his pulse beating through his veins, his blood rushing through his ears as he struggled to control his breathing, knowing for certain that he would not live to see the next sunrise.

Kane opened a set of double doors and pushed John through them, leading him into a large ornately furnished room with windows overlooking the stern. Kane pushed John into a thick wooden chair next to a large mahogany table, maps and various charts strewn about with no particular order, held down by metal paperweights and golden candelabras. John wiped his sweaty palms on the thick wool of his pants, glancing around before his gaze landed on the blonde man, receiving a scowl from the childish looking man in return.

“What’re you lookin at pretty boy?”

“N-nothing,” John cursed himself as he stuttered out an answer.

“Probably wondering what the Captain’s gonna do with your sorry arse, aint ya?”

John didn’t answer but the look on his face must have been enough. Kane grinned and plopped himself onto the large table in front of John.

“Oh she’s got quite the creative streak, our Captain. Once saw her rip a man’s pride and joy clean off with her bare hands. British scum said some choice words about women and the like and she de-maned him without breakin’ a sweat. Fed him live to the sharks after that.”
John was sure Kane could see the sweat breaking out across his brow as the man continued to talk.
“Another time, she got word that the Royal Navy had a contract out on ‘er. So she single handily commandeered their pride and joy, The Charlatan, and sunk the other four ships right there in Port Bristol.”

John had remembered hearing about the attack a few years back, four of the British Royal Navy’s pride and joy sunk in the dead of the night and the flagship commandeered by the very pirates they were contracted to hunt. The fact that this woman had been the one behind it made him fear her even more.

“That’s how we got this here beauty,” Kane smacked the desk he was sitting on. “Course we couldn’t very well be sailing around in a British ship, so the Captain painted ‘er black.”
John nodded, his leg twitching as it tried to bounce with nerves.
“That’s when I first saw ‘er, right off the coast of Galway. Black as night she was with red sails, takin’ on one of the Royal fleetmaster’s best. Sank it right in front of me eyes and brought her to port. I was just a lad at the time but I proved me worth to ‘er and sure enough here I am.”

“Quite a tale Mr. Kane, surely Mr. Tavares doesn’t need to be hearin’ your idle gossip.”
The man gave her a roughish grin as the captain walked around to where he was sitting, hopping off of the table with a flourish.

“Well, ye did say to keep ‘em entertained.”

“So I did. Dismissed.”

“Aye Captain.”

John could hear the click of the wooden door shutting, not daring to turn around as he kept his eyes on the woman in front of him. She stood over him, menacing and brutal as John vibrated with fear. Captain McTavish bent down, bringing her to his eye level as her cool blue gaze met his, the side of her mouth quirked up in amusement.

“You may stop quivering in your boots Mr. Tavares, I am not going to hurt you.”

John nodded but her words did not stop the fear running through his veins. The captain shook her head and stood to her full height.

“I can see that you do not believe me,” she walked to the end of the table, grabbing a ripe red apple before biting into it. John could feel her gaze roaming over him.

“Tell me, what is it that you did in rainy old Great Britain?”

“I-I managed accounts.”

“Accounts you say. Who for?”

“The Royal Treasury, Captain.”

“The Royal Treasury! And what was an accounts manager for the Royal Treasury doing on a ship to the colonies. I’d imagine a title such as yours held quite the prestige at home.”
John nodded and tried to swallow, his mouth felt as if it had been stuffed with cotton.

“I was set to settle with relatives on Long Island and eventually to marry.”

“Ah,” her eyes lit up with delight, “to marry you say!”

“Aye, a marriage arranged between families.”

“Ah, I see. And your fiancé, do you wish to see her again?”

John blushed and looked at the floor.
“We’ve never met.”

Captain McTavish sat down on the table in front of him.
“Aye, that’s quite the popular tradition between you Brits isn’t it? Forcing children to marry off to ensure bloodlines and wealth.”
She scoffed and threw the finished apple core out of an open porthole.

“You’re not from England?”

The words were barely out of his mouth before he was wincing, wishing he could take them back. She blinked at him once before throwing her head back and letting out a long laugh.

“No laddie. I’m from Ireland, though your king seems to think that we are one and the same.”
John nodded, the slight rouge in her accent that had originally been puzzling for him now made sense.

“So why leave a steady job and British prestige for the colonies. Surely you had heard the stories about how uncivilized they are?”

John managed a shrug of his shoulders and met her gaze.
“It is what my family bade me to do.”

“And do you not control your own fate Mr. Tavares?”
He didn’t reply and she sighed.
“You Brits, always so prim and proper,” she jumped off of the table and slowly walked around it, hand ghosting over the charts on the table before coming to rest on an ivory pistol.

“I needn’t be rude but if you are to kill me could you please be done with it?”
Her hand froze and John gulped, having enough of the cat and mouse game she was playing with him.

“Do you know how you can tell the most about a man, Mr. Tavares?”
She slid around the table so she was back in front of him, ignoring his previous request as she grabbed his arm, jerking him to his feet and bringing the ivory pistol to his neck. He flinched as the cool bone made contact with his feverish skin, tracing its way up towards his temple. The warmth of her breath ghosted over his skin as he stood hip to hip with her.

“Many people say it is the eyes that are the window to the soul,” the barrel of the pistol stopped and John took a deep breath, waiting for the inevitable. When he felt the pistol move away from his skin he released the air from his lungs. Her other hand jerked his arm up, presenting his hand to her gaze. He heard the thud of the pistol as it was placed back on the table, her hand tracing over the lines on his palm.

“But it is a man’s hands that truly tell his life story,” her gaze flicked back to his. “And yours speak volumes Mr. Tavares.”
She dropped his hand from hers and took a step back, eying him as she leaned back against the table.
“I told you no harm would come to you Mr. Tavares and I am a woman of my word. I have no use to harm an innocent man that has not seen a day of manual work in his life. Alas, you have no place in my crew as such, you will need a way to earn your keep if you are to stay on my ship.”

“I suppose I don’t have a choice do I?”

“Aye, your answer tells me you are at least somewhat intelligent. As you may have noticed I am quite a busy woman and tend not to have time for certain delicate matters such as bookkeeping and the like,” she motioned to a smaller desk in the corner, the top of which was piled high with thick books and scattered with papers.

“You help me keep up with my records and you might live to see land again, aye?”
John nodded, knowing that it was either this or a bullet to the brain.


“Splendid, I expect you will need to get started right away,” she gestured to the desk before heading to the door that lead out of her chambers.

“Oh and John?”
John nodded at her, eying the various papers on the table with skepticism.

“Cross me, or try anything funny and you’ll be meetin’ Davey Jones, savy?”
His gaze flicked to hers and he gulped, nodding in consent before she left. He sighed as he walked over to the desk, plopping down as he eyed the volumes before him, trying to find a place to start.


The door opening had him pushing back from the desk, straightening his spine and sighing as it popped in relief. He rubbed his hands into his eyes, trying to clear his head before turning to find two men and a woman clearing the long dining table. They paid him no mind as they set a tablecloth and two place settings before bringing in trays of food that made his mouth water and his stomach rumble. He had eaten nothing but bread and water for the past four days, and nothing but salted meat and hardtack on the previous ship.

The door opened again and Captain McTavish strode through, smiling when she saw the spread on the table.

“Ah this looks excellent! Neal, Skinner, Meg I’d like you to meet our newest captive Jonathan Tavares.”
The two men barely nodded at him, both looking raged and worn out. The girl was tall, with curly brown hair and a pale complexion, she gave him a proper nod and a blush to go with it.

“Mr. Tavares here is going to be taking over the bookkeeping for the time being.”
At this the men perked up, both of them smiling slyly at the captain.

“Captain, Ovie aint gonna be happy with this.”

“Aye, he’s gonna have another fit. Barely gettin’ over the last tantrum he threw.”
Captain McTavish laughed and shook her head.

“Well maybe that damn man should learn how to properly count before he makes attempts at me bookkeeping again.”
This had the two men guffawing, bent over at the waist while Meg let out a little chuckle.

“Gentlemen, you are dismissed. Get some shuteye. Meg,” the girl stepped forward and nodded at her captain.

“Why don’t you go help out Anna with young Sidney?”

The girl flushed red but nodded, quickly scrambling out of the cabin causing the captain to chuckle.

“That wee girl is too shy for her own good. Scary as a demon during a fight though.”
She gestured to the table and nodded her head at John.

“Please Mr. Tavares, have a seat.”

John tried not to look too hasty as he approached the table, the aroma from the food in front of him causing his stomach to growl. Still, he was a proper English gentleman and waited for the captain to be seated before sitting in his own, placing his napkin in his lap and picking up his fork and knife instead of just grabbing the leg of chicken in front of him like he wanted to.

They ate in silence, John overly aware that, for a pirate, Captain McTavish possessed impeccable table manners. She took a sip of her goblet before passing the decanter towards him, motioning to his now empty cup. Pouring the wine into his goblet he took a sip, biting back a moan as the flavors of cherries and smoke danced on his tongue. When he glanced up at her a smile was on her face as she stared at him.

“Do you like the wine, Mr. Tavares?”

“Yes, Captain. It is unlike anything I have ever tasted.”

“Far cry from the dry grapes that the Brits import no doubt. This special reserve is from a far away land called Australia. Have you heard of it?”

“Only tall tales, of prisoners and convicts.”

“Yes, well there are also quite a few vineyards as well. The wind coming from the south of the earth creates quite a different flavor.”

“It is rivaled by no other,” Captain McTavish nodded before tipping her glass back and finishing the remainder of the sweet drink.

“So, how fare me books?”

John flushed and rubbed the back of his neck as he struggled to tell the woman just how unorganized and frustrating reviewing just a few pages of the manifests had been. He wasn’t even sure half of it had even been written in English.

“I, uh, I am running into some trouble but it is nothing that is not solvable.”
He expected anger but only got the captain rolling her eyes and pouring herself another drink.

“Aye, I expected as much. Our last bookkeeper didn’t exactly understand the process and detail that bookkeeping took, although he did try. Didn’t so much help that he barely speaks proper English as it is.”

John helped himself to a small cake for desert, the sweet treat making him think that perhaps the life of a pirate wasn’t so bad. He had eaten better in one night then in his entire voyage across the Atlantic.

“Where is it that we will be going?”
The captain smirked at him, leaning back in her chair.

“That, I cannot tell you. Most of me crew don’t know either, less chance of a mutiny.”

“But from what I’ve seen your crew seems loyal.”

“Aye, they are good souls, but sometimes too long at sea will scramble even the best man’s brains.”

She made to stand up, causing John to push back his chair in respect, standing as she did. She nodded to him before walking over to the door, boding him to follow. Pushing through the doors onto the quarterdeck she walked to the railing overlooking her ship.

For the first time since boarding the ship John was able to truly get a sense of its grandeur. It was a large three masted vessel that boasted three square sails along each mast. The sails were red as blood, the fading light of the setting sun setting them ablaze as if the fires of hell itself were fueling them. All he could see in every direction was the open sea, the sun setting over the port side of the ship, turning the sky and sea below it a fiery orange and red. On the horizon of the starboard side the sky was a deep blue, fading into an inky black as the light disappeared.

This was a sight John had failed to appreciate on his previous voyage, spending most of the two weeks trying to hold in his seasickness and stay out of the way of the surly crew. Needless to say, the sight before him left him in awe, the majesty of it could be described no less then an act of god, for surely a beauty such as this would not grace this world without it.

“It’s beautiful isn’t it?”

John turned his eyes away from the sight and focused on the captain, whom he had forgot stood next to him.

“Aye, it is.”

“The sea is a cruel mistress, Mr. Tavares. She produces such beauty but will turn on you in the blink of an eye, spewing forth a tempest that takes no prisoners nor cares for the soul a man.”

He was no fool, he heard tales of ships that left for sea and never again returned to port. Tales of raging hurricanes and great sea monsters that overtook the grandest ship hole, swallowing it and its crew to the deepest cavern of its belly. He must have been wearing his fear on his face for the captain chuckled, shaking her head.

“Do not worry, Mr. Tavares, for tonight and tomorrow the sailing will be smooth. Sailors can tell much from the sea, read her signs and know her secrets. There is a saying that holds true of the sea and you’d do well to remember it. Red sky at night, sailor’s delight, red sky in mornin’ sailors take warning.”

John sighed in relief nodding as he watched the sun slip out of sight. Captain McTavish took a step back, frowning as she looked at something that obviously displeased her on the main deck. John watched as an extremely tall man looked up from where he was mopping the deck, his gaze narrowing as he threw the mop down and stomped over to the stairway leading to the quarterdeck.

He heard the captain sigh as he climbed the stairs, getting a better look at the man in front of him. The man’s dark hair was slicked back over his head, his large nose held the appearance that he had been in one too many bar brawls and when he opened his mouth to speak John was partially horrified to find that he was missing one of his front teeth.

The man started rambling in a language John had never heard, gesturing with his hands in an angry manner.

The man quickly shut his mouth as the captain growled out his name.

“If you have something to say to me, you damn well do it in a language I understand.”

“I no understand! Why you pick Лучшие альбомы to do books! I loyal five year why you no think I good?”

“Ovie, you know I know you are a good pirate and sailor. But I don’t think you have a future in accounting.”
The man blinked as her before narrowing his eyes at John.

“I no understand.”

“John here is an accountant, he will be taking over the books and will give you more free time. Perhaps to continue your English lessons with Meg?”

At the woman’s name Alex grinned, nodding once before shaking John’s hand, bowing to the captain and trotting off down the stairs, whistling as he went.
John blinked in confusion before turning to the captain who merely rolled her eyes.

“You’ll get used to him. Russian’s are a weird bunch.”


“Aye, wont tell me his real story but found the poor lad starving of belly and thirst during my travels to the north. He’s a bit eccentric but a good worker.”

She shook her head and leveled her voice, as if just remembering that she was talking to a man that had been on her ship for less than a week.

“You will be sleeping with the crew, they’ll pay you no mind or it’ll be their hides for it. Claude!”

A ginger haired man who had been cleaning the deck’s head snapped up. He placed the scrub brush he had been using back into a bucket and wiped off his hands before trotting up the stairs and nodding to his captain.

“Aye Captain?”

“Please show Mr. Tavares his sleeping quarters and show ‘em the ropes a bit. You’ll be on first watch.”

“Aye Captain.”

“Oh, and Claude? Talk to Kane about gettin’ the man some proper clothes aye?”
Claude nodded at the captain before pushing John out in front of him.

“Come on you.”

John briefly thanked the captain before following the man, Claude, down the steps and into the bowels of the ship. He listened as Claude pointed out various rooms, taking only a few minutes before his head was spinning and he was officially lost. Finally Claude pushed open a door to a large open room, sleeping canopies hung in between posts, some with men snoring away in them. Claude wove his way through them, finally coming to an empty one and waving his hand over in a grand fashion.

“You’re quarters good sir.”

John heard a snort coming from the hammock to his right and Claude kicked his leg out, hitting the figure and getting a grunt in return.

“I dunno what you’re laughin’ about pretty boy. Captain says you gotta stitch up some new clothes for this man ‘er.”

The man in the hammock groaned, letting out a curse as his hand popped up to give Claude his middle finger. Claude simply laughed and turned back to John.

“Where you from?”

“Great Britain.”
Claude rolled his eyes and leaned against a support column.

“No shite, I’m not a simpleton. Where in the great majesty’s kingdom?”
John noted the utter sarcasm in the man’s voice as he spoke about the king but wisely chose to ignore it.


“Ah, a right proper gentleman we have on our hands. You hear that boys?”

A few cheers and a catcall came from the men in the hammocks causing Claude to laugh and John to nervously wipe his hands on his trousers.

“And where, might I ask, do you come from?”

Claude blinked at John, a smirk planted on his face.

“La France.”

With that Claude pushed off of the column and headed towards the door, John’s gaze flicking around for his friend before calling out to Claude before he left.

“Wait, I- my friend, Sidney. Is he here? May I speak with him?”

Claude turned around, chuckling darkly before shaking his head.
“Aye, he’s ‘ere alright. I don’t think he’d be likin’ the looks of you at the moment.”

“Is he well?”

At this multiple chuckles arose from the men.
“Aye, if Meg and Anna are tending to him then he’s more then well.”

John sighed in relief and nodded before heading back towards his hammock, kicking off his shoes and hoisting himself into it as he drifted off to sleep, wondering what was to become of his fate.
The next week went by in the same fashion as his first day above deck. He spent his days pouring over the complexity of the books the captain kept, running numbers and pounding out calculations as he fought off constant headaches. He was glad to discover that his seasickness was all but gone, the larger pirate vessel cutting through the choppy waters of the Atlantic at a much smoother pace. Dinner was spent with the captain, answering all of her questions about his life in London and his schooling, while getting little to no information about the woman that held him captive.

On day three he had finally caught sight of Sidney, the young man stumbling into the bunkroom with a dreamy look on his face, hair mused and large bruises around his neck. When John had enquired if someone had hurt him the young man had simply laughed, shaking his head before giving John a tight hug and telling him that he’d understand one day. Needless to say John had been quite confused and put out as the younger man spoke to him like Sidney had been John’s elder.

At night the crew mostly ignored him, taking to their hammocks while bickering at each other, leaving him be. One of his few interactions had been with Kane, or Patrick as he now knew him, to get his sizing and to deliver pants and shirts worthy of sea work.

On day twelve he was awoken when he hit the hard wood of the floor, glancing up to see Ovie standing over him, grin planted firmly on his face.

“You come with me. Captain orders.”

John grunted and pushed himself off the floor, pulling on his boots and a shirt before following the large Russian above deck. He was startled to find most of the crew there, some of them holding mock sword duels while others placed wages. Unlike the fights that had taken place with the prisoners, these held a sense of entertainment and fun.
A blunt sword was thrust into his hand by Ovie before he faced him.

“Teach you fight.”


“Captain say you need know fight. Otherwise lie-liebilty.”

“Very well then.”

“We see what you know,” John had no other warning before Ovie was advancing on him, bringing his sword up to parry a blow before Ovie could hit him. Ovie raised an eyebrow, looking somewhat impressed. John took a step back before lunging and going on the offensive, shocking the large man as he looked for a weak point. The Russian grinned, dueling with John for a few minutes before he stepped back.

“You not bad like Tavish say.”

“You’re right Ovie,” John looked over as the captain walked towards the pair, eying him up.

“You were a fencer, were you not?”

John nodded and eyed her wearily as she drew the sword at her hip, holding it up in salute. John gulped but did the same, squaring off and correcting his footwork to proper form. The captain advanced, John parrying her blows as she struck with a talent he had rarely seen the likes of. He held her off and managed to get in a few attacks of his own before she quickly parried his blade, the hilts getting caught in each other. He glanced down to disengage them only to have his feet taken out from underneath him and the feel the cool steel of a blade digging into his neck. Glancing up he dropped his blade as the captain held a curved dagger to his neck.

“Your technique is impeccable Mr. Tavares, however what fencing does not teach you is the art of taking a man’s life. On the seas there is no code of honor for a duel, it is simply kill or be killed. Ovie, teach him how to fight like a pirate.”

Ovie laughed and reached a paw of a hand out to help John back up. Smirking as John looked at the captain in awe. She nodded towards him before making her rounds, correcting her crew on their technique where she saw fit. John sparred with the Russian for some time before switching to one of the men that had served them their dinner the first night he ate with the captain.

“How’s it goin’ mate? My names James but this sorry lot knows me as Neal, Nealer sometimes if they’re feelin’ particularly off.”

John extended his hand, James taking it and giving it a firm shake.

“John,” James nodded and looked him up and down.

“Aye, I remember. You’ve been the talk of the ship you have. Hold up in the captain’s quarters all day, sleepin’ with the lowly crew at night.”

“I’m doing her bookkeeping for her.”

“Aye, we had to hear Ovie rantin’ and ravin’ like a loony once he found out. Best entertainment we’ve had in a good long while.”

John opened his mouth to answer but was interrupted by a shout from across the deck. He turned to see the slight woman, Anna, viciously sparring with Kane, and from the looks of things she was winning. James laughed at the look on John’s face and nudged his shoulder against his.

“Looks like you’ve never seen a woman fight before.”

“No, well, it certainly wasn’t a proper practice back in London.”

“Indeed. Don’t let that she-devil’s size fool you. I’ve seen ‘er take down men three times her size without battin’ one of ‘er pretty little eyelashes. She’s a vicious little thing.”

“Yes, the first day in the dungeons two of the men tried to overpower her.”

James nodded and smirked, watching with John as Anna disarmed Kane, swinging her leg around and taking the man’s legs out from underneath him before straddling his chest, pinning his arms down with her knees and holding her sword to his throat, a wicked grin on her face.

“An act that they ultimately would regret.”

The crew around them cheered as Kane surrendered and Anna pushed herself to her feet, taking a little bow before shouting out to the crew.

“Alright you sorry poffers, who’s next!”

Claude stepped up to the woman, grinning as he held his sword up. Anna laughed and circled him sword drawn.

“Sure you can handle this Frenchie?”

The clanging of blades rang out as the rest of the crew continued with their training. John and James sparring for a bit before resting against the outer railing, letting the sea breeze cool the sweat from their skin. The ringing of a bell from above had John glancing up and the rest of the crew still.

“Captain! Captain! Port side, Royal Navy!”

McTavish was already there, looking glass extended as the crew waited for orders.

“All hands make sail!”

At her words the crew scrambled about, each man, or woman, running to a particular station. John stood stupidly, not knowing what to do as the captain barked out orders.

“Simmonds on the helm!”

John watched as she took the stairs to the quarterdeck two at a time, standing besides Simmonds as he took hold of the wheel.

“Loose the mizzen sail, prepare to come about!”

It was an organized chaos on deck, each crewmember knowing their exact place as they scurried up and down the masts and worked ropes seamlessly.

“Ready about!”

John stumbled as the ship pitched, sails swinging across on their booms as the ship turned direction. Just like that the ship had about faced and was sailing in the opposite direction.

“More sail! Right yar between wind and tide lads! Whole damn British Royal Navy out there.”

John squinted over the side of the ship, barely seeing the whites of sails in the distance as his heart leapt. If the navy caught up with them then he could have a chance to go home!
Unfortunately for him it seemed that the ship he was on was far superior and he watched with a heavy heart as the sails disappeared over the horizon. Even though the navy was out of sight the ship still sailed at full mast. The red sails pushing it onward at a great speed.

“Well done lads, keep a steady eye out. Don’t need those bloody royals breathin’ down our necks aye?”

“Aye,” rang out from the crew as McTavish slapped Simmonds on the shoulder and took to her quarters. Not realizing that his feet were following her John stopped when he was outside of the door to her chambers, hesitating before knocking lightly.


She was standing over the large wooden table, a large sea chart spread out before her as her gaze poured over it. She glanced up and motioned him inside when she saw who it was.

“Mr. Tavares, what may I assist you in?”

“I, well, um-“

“Please Mr. Tavares I do not have all day. Especially not with the British Royal Navy breathing down my neck.”

Before he could respond the door slammed open, Claude striding through them, barely glancing at John before looking to his captain.

“Yes, First Mate Giroux, what is it?”

“What is our course of action, Captain?”
She glared at the man in front of her before looking towards John.

“Mr. Tavares, if you will excuse us please?”

John nodded and left her quarters shutting the door behind him but leaning towards it in an attempt to listen. If they were to make for England and he could get word out somehow, he might be saved. He leaned closer to the door and, although muted, he could hear their voices.

“That’s the third armada we’ve seen in as many weeks Captain. No doubt they’ve seen us.”

“I know. They will be expecting us to head south, probably to Ponta Delgada.”

“Right into the middle of those bastards trade routes. We don’t have enough supplies to make for the colonies, no doubt British eyes will find us in France and we very well cant make port in Spain after you took down three of their ships in one night.”

“We make for Ilhéu de Vila.”

“Surely there is somewhere else…”

“We make for Pirate Bay, surely that should excite you? Or have you slept your way through that entire town?”

John could hear the Frenchman curse through the door and the captain laugh.

“Set course for Ilhéu de Vila Claude, we will restock there and head for the Caribbean. Before we make sail for the islands you and your crewmates are going to get a nice holiday.”

John scrambled away from the door stepping back as it banged open and Claude glared at him. He was called in by the captain and told to sit.

“So you know of our plans then,” John could feel his face flush at being caught and the captain chuckled.

“I know my own ship, Mr. Tavares. Now, I do believe there was something you wished to discuss with me, was there not?”

“Yes, I, um before. When the crew was at the ready I felt as if I were merely in the way.”

“Ah, well that’s most likely because you were.”

She smiled as he squirmed in his seat.

“Your friend Sidney is fitting in quite seamlessly, as is Higgins. Maybe, I cut back your time spent on my books and they teach you a proper day’s work aye?”

John gulped but nodded, knowing he was much more valuable as a crewman then as a bookkeeper.

“Aye, that seems fitting.”

“Very well, you will start with Sidney at dawn on first shift. Be warned, Mr. Tavares, this work will break your back if not done properly. Might still even if it is.”
John nodded before pushing his chair back.

“Will you join me again for dinner this evening. I’ve quite enjoyed our conversation, however once you start work with the crew we will no longer be able to continue.”

“Yes, Captain. I will see you then.”

That night John walked in to a feast and wondered, not for the first time, where all this decadent food was being stored and who was cooking it. He almost moaned in delight at the dessert pudding, closing his eyes and savoring the flavors on his tongue, knowing that the following night would most likely be salted meat and hardtack again.

He had, unwisely, drank one too many glasses of the decadent wine and found his lips a little looser than a proper English gentleman’s should be. Captain McTavish seemed to revel it, asking him questions and getting any answer she desired.

“I have a question!”
McTavish snorted and leaned back in her chair, taking another sip out of her goblet.

“Do you?”

“Aye, what, and I mean no offense when I ask this, are you doin’ captainin’ a pirate ship?”

“You mean because I’m a woman?”

“Not sayin’ you’re any less for that, just seems a little untraditional.”

“You know John, I’ve killed a man for sayin’ less than that.”

“My apologies, I meant no offense.”

“Lucky for you my mood is right this night. You will find your answer when you seek the name of this mighty ship.”
John closed his eyes and thought, knowing he had heard the ship’s name from one of the crew before.


McTavish smiled and nodded.
“Aye, John, revenge.”

The room was tilting and John shook his head to try and clear it.
“Revenge against who?”
He watched as her hand came up to fondle a chain around her neck before she answered him.
“British scum.”

“What’d they do to you?”

McTavish blinked at him before taking another drink of her wine.
“I think that question is for another time.”

“Okay,” he tried not to slur his words but didn’t figure he was having luck. “One more question!”
McTavish looked torn between annoyed and amused before she nodded her head.

“What’s yer real name? Like, your first name.”
At this she laughed out loud, guiding him over to the door, opening it and pushing him out onto the quarterdeck.

“Molly, me name is Molly.”
With that the door shut in his face, causing him to stumble back and smile, walking to the bunkroom and muttering to himself.

“Molly McTavish, pirate of the high seas.”


The next morning John could only describe as absolute torture. He was awoken by Sidney, the young man shaking him awake well before the sun was up. His head was pounding from the wine the night before as he followed the boy above deck. From there it had been hell. Hours of back wrenching dangerous work as he struggled to learn the ins and outs of a ship.

By day three he almost considered himself a cripple, his back wrenched so bad that he had trouble moving and his hands cut open and raw from his work. His skin was a bright red, burnt by the sun and the sea wind. The only good thing about his predicament was the crew had slowly started to warm up to him, no longer seeing him as the prim and proper Londoner that hid out in the captain’s quarters.
He ate with the crew in a small kitchen, provisions looted from other ships ensured that there was always fresh water and some sort of meat. He was surprised to find Meg and Anna pulled their weight just as much as the men, scurrying up rigging to loose the staysails or on their hands and knees scrubbing the deck. In fact, the two women scared him most out of all the crew, him taking sight at how vicious Anna was while he was in the brig. He thought Meg to be a little less insane but all it took was Kane smacking her ass for her to snarl at him and punch the pretty boy right in the nose, taking her knife out and holding it to his Adam’s apple.

John had glanced at Sidney at that moment and almost laughed at the look of utter adoration on the young man’s face.

An older man that went only by Briere gave him a salve for his hands and some pointers on the tasks he was completing. After a week he was invited to play cards with the men after supper and was told of tales of their lives. He talked with Sidney during his shifts on deck but the boy was not found at night. When he inquired with the crew about it they simply smirked and stated he was being well taken care of.

Two weeks in and he had officially formed blisters across his palms, the rough skin allowing him to work without the salve anymore. His back had gotten used to the work and he couldn’t help but notice that his clothing fit a bit tighter across his chest and arms. The crew had all but welcomed him, only a few older members throwing him suspicious looks every now and again.

He had dropped his time to the books to once a week, and during that time Captain McTavish had been absent from her chambers. He found himself missing not only the food, but her company as well. He had been at the books for hours, the sun slowly setting through the large glass window that overlooked the stern, casting a beautiful pink glow throughout the captain’s quarters. John rubbed his eyes and leaned back in his chair, cracking his spine and sighing in relief. The door opening caught his attention as Captain McTavish walked through, giving him a slight smile.

“How fare the books, Mr. Tavares?”

“Better than before Captain. Might I insist that you call me by my given name? Such other formalities might see the crew put out.”

She smirked at him and nodded.

“Aye John, you are correct.”

She walked around to where he was still sitting in his chair, propping herself up against the large table in the center of the room.

“You have been on me ship for a week shy of a month now. Me crew ‘as taking a liking to ya, says you’re a hard worker and a decent man. I myself find it harder to trust you, giving you being English and all, but I’m willing to give you a chance.”

John held his breath, watching as she studied him with her cool blue gaze.

“I’d like to make you part of the crew on a permanent basis, if that’s somethin’ you desire.”

John sat in silence for a minute contemplating. What had his life been before being taken captive by pirates? A boring, monotonous shell of an existence, always doing as his family bade him, serving his father, and God almighty, like a good Christian man. He had even agreed to the treacherous journey across the Atlantic to marry a woman he’d never met just to appease his parents. He had never known what it was to live, to feel alive as he had these past weeks. He knew now the value of hard work, the strength of the sea and the men that tried to tame her. How could he ever go back to a life of propriety, luncheons and teatimes when he had known such adventure?

“Of course I would give you fair time to consider-“

“I’ll do it.”

Molly stopped midsentence as he cut her off, leaning against the table and smiling.

“I’ll do it,” he repeated. “I have no use for my previous life.”

“You do realize that you are forfeiting any amnesty you had with the crown for a life of piracy?”

“I do, and I am more than willing to make that sacrifice.”

Molly smiled before extending her hand, pulling him to his feet and squeezing his fingers.
“Well then, welcome aboard Tavares.”

When he broke the news below deck the men cheered, slapping him on the back and forcing him to down a shot of the vilest alcohol he’d ever tasted. When he almost coughed a lung up after swallowing it Ovie had laughed and patted him on the back, informing him that it was true vodka from Russia, only to be saved for the specialist of occasions.

Two days after he had been dubbed an honorary member of the crew, the bell rang out from the crow’s nest.

“Land Ho!”

The crew scrambled to deck, preparing to pull into port as the small island drew near. The excitement on deck was palpable, the men buzzing with the thoughts of what they would do once ashore and the riches they would spend. The ship moored, longboats drawn out to bring the crew ashore. When John found out that he was to keep first watch over the ship he couldn’t help but pout, wanting nothing more than to join in the festivities that were surely to take place on land.

“Oh piss off you landlubber! You’ll ‘ave your chance yet!”

He scowled at the Frenchman as Claude tossed him a grin before lowering down onto a boat. Only John, Briere, Sidney, Meg and the captain were left on board to guard the ship, but after a few moments John found himself alone on the deck. Sighing he glanced up to the quarterdeck where Briere had disappeared into the captain’s quarters.

He huffed as he sought to find Meg and Sidney, not willing to take the night watch alone. Heading below deck he turned towards the bunkroom, changing course when he heard a giggle coming from the opposite direction. Heading down the hall he fumed when he heard Sidney’s laughter. How dare he play
games while John was left to bare the brunt of his dirty work!

Finally coming to stop outside a door, John opened it, ready to give the duo a piece of his mind only to find himself shocked stupid. He had been expecting Meg and Sidney to be playing a game, cards, or dice perhaps, not to be entangled in one another.

John knew that what he was seeing was blasphemy, that he should turn around at once and leave them be, but he could do no such thing. His eyes were fixed on the miles of porcelain skin, flushed in arousal as Meg’s cupid bow lips let out sounds of rapture. He watched frozen as Sidney moved over her, pulling her leg up higher over his hip as his lips claimed hers in a passion that left John breathless. His eyes fixed on the way her skin turned white as Sidney’s fingers dug into her thigh, holding steady as he thrust into her at an alarming speed.

Finally coming to his senses John stumbled back, closing the door in front of him and leaning against the opposite wall, completely out of breath. He tried to close his eyes but the sinful visions played behind his eyelids, tormenting him as he listened to the noises coming from behind the closed door.
“You know, some consider it impolite to interrupt such an act,” John jumped, almost startled out of his skin as McTavish eyed him down the hallway. He opened his mouth to reply and was most horrified that he could not formulate words, his blood rushing through his veins like a raging river overflowed by the rain. He could do nothing but dig his fingers into the wood of the wall behind him as she made her way towards him, gasping for breath as she crowded his space.

“Surely, a man of your status would be familiar with such… relations?”

John could do nothing but stare at her, overly aware of her warm breath ghosting over his neck. Her eyebrow rose at his lack of response, a smirk gracing her lips as she eyed him.

“Perhaps not?”

He was saved from answering by Breire making his presence known in the hall, stopping when he heard the noises coming from within the room and shaking his head.

“Claude will be heartbroken.”

“Oh rubbish, that man has managed to sleep his way through every port we anchor at.”
Briere let out a chuckle and nodded his head.

“True, but he is a bit soft for Meg.”

A loud moan followed by Sidney’s name came from the room and had John blushing to his roots. McTavish chuckled and motioned down the hall for the two men to follow. The two spoke of shift watches and plans ashore but John could only think of what he had walked in on. No doubt what he saw had been the holiest most sacred act between a man and his wife, but never in all his years of schooling could he imagine it to be so primal, so passionate.
He was vaguely aware of McTavish dismissing Briere before she turned to him, knowing smile on her face.

“You’ve never known the love of a woman, have you John?”

John wanted to deny it, to claim that he had experience with the opposite sex but the words died in his mouth when she looked at him. McTavish smiled at him and shook her head.

“Poor man. When you go ashore tomorrow ask Kane to bring you to the company of a lady. You do not know what you miss out on.”
John managed a shaky, flushed nod.

“Aye Captain.”

“Aye, go get some shut eye. Briere will talk first watch and those two will take second.”

“Thank you Captain.”

John managed to climb into his hammock and attempted to sleep. The images he saw haunting him as they played over and over in his head. He was ashamed as arousal grew in him and he felt guilt when he pressed the heel of his hand to the growing bulge in his trousers, moaning out at the bliss that ran through his veins at his own touch.

And so with no sailors around, and no one to interrupt him, John stroked himself to completion for the first time since he was a preteen, thoughts of blonde hair and blue eyes haunting him as he released onto his stomach.



Wow, hi there, I'm friends with A Shruinger and she just told me about this story. It is really really good. I hope you write some more like it. I love the description and the action. Very well done! :) I am a fan! :D

EvelynaKitty EvelynaKitty

I got 'em! Cool, thank youuuuuu!!! :DDD I'll comment on here what I think about it! ;)

A Shruinger A Shruinger

@A Shruinger
Hey sent you the first part of the edited version, i'll send the second part soon!

Oh, okay... I can handle violence and gore, but I don't know about sex scenes, especially graphic ones ... Thanks for the explanation, though! :)

A Shruinger A Shruinger

@A Shruinger
Hey there is some pretty graphic sex scenes in it, which is what merited the rating. There's also a little bit of blood and gore (as there is with pirates) but nothing over the top.