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Redemption of Puck Slut: Part I

February 25, 2014

Feb. 3, 2014

Dear Diary,

Sid met me at the airport Monday morning. We spent the morning together until he had to leave for a pre-game practice.

I watched their game against the Sabres with the wags. It was weird not skating at a Penguins game. They won 0-3, which meant Sid and I had post win sex.

We had two days together before he left for a three day road trip. But when he gets back they only have two days and then we get to go the Olympics! Caeleigh has not stopped talking about it since I got back. She convinced Geno to bring her so we can watch figure skating together. I’m really happy she’s coming with me because I won’t be able to stay with Sid and he’ll be really busy.

The day after Sid left I cleaned the entire house again. It felt different this time. I’m not sure why, but it’s probably because I knew Sid was living there alone. That night Caeleigh came over and we watched their game against the Kings together.

I spent the next day baking and then skated with Caeleigh. I’m teaching her a lot of stuff that I used to do, like the triple axel she had always admired, and the cantilever, but she is still terrified of the back flip.

The next day I baked cupcakes. It was my turn to host a wag game night party. Caeleigh came over to help me get ready. I was actually very nervous, even though they were just going to be watching the game.

Everything went okay. Everyone complimented me on how nice Sid’s house was. They even liked my cupcakes, so that’s good. Mrs. Duper updated us on her husband’s condition (waiting for surgery). Mrs. Flower started talking about the new Kunitz baby but stopped suddenly when she looked at me. I didn’t really care, but she kept giving me sympathetic looks. I guess it’s better than the dirty looks she used to give me.

Sid came back the next day. He had already heard how much the wags liked his house and my cupcakes. Probably from Flower. He and Mrs. Flower talk a lot when they have road trips.

We spent the next day together until we had practice. Caeleigh invited me to skate with them so I could help her with stuff, but I think she missed me. I missed her too.

Sid and I were supposed to have another private figure skating lesson after his practice, but a couple more guys showed up this time, including Brandon, Flower, and Geno. I think Caeleigh talked Geno into it.

We had a lot of fun with them and I think the guys enjoyed it too. We were a bit harder on them this time than the first skating lesson they had in September. Flower is surprisingly flexible, though I guess being a goalie that would be important.

I watched their next game with the wags again. Sid leaves tomorrow for another game against the Sabres, and then he only has one game until the Olympics!

I think I might be more excited about it than Sid.




Feb. 25 2014

Dear Diary,

The Olympics was everything I thought it would be and more! Sid and Geno had gotten Caeleigh and I a suite in the same hotel their parents were saying in so we got to see them a lot.

The opening ceremony was fantastic. I sat with Caeleigh and Sid and Geno’s parents.

Caels and I saw as much of the figure skating competitions as we could, however we were kind of there to watch hockey. It was kind of strange, because she and I being Americans supported team USA, but we also cheered for Canada and Russia, respectively. It was really funny seeing Sid and Geno play against each other and their teammates.

Sid and I spent our first Valentine’s Day together in Russia eating Russian food at a Russian restaurant. It was actually very romantic. He bought me some roses too.

I sent Brandon a text wishing him a happy birthday. Other than that I didn’t think of him much.

I can’t believe I got to go to the Olympics!

I’m so happy, but so tired. I got one day in Pittsburgh with Sid before I had to go back to Chicago, where I am now.

I have yet to see Jon and Pat again, but I saw them in Sochi. Whenever I saw Jon and Sid wasn’t around he winked at me. He’s actually starting to grow on me. Maybe it’s because I’m not so grumpy any more.

Ugh. Not looking forward to having to train the Blackhawk ice girls tomorrow. They are all so bad at skating.

At least I get to see Sid again in about a week. They play Chicago in an outdoor game, which I am very excited about skating at.





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