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One Timers

Marcus Kruger

The sound of laughter and a door slamming is what wakes me up. For a second I panic, thinking he’s back for another round, but then I remember I’m not at my apartment anymore. I’m relatively safe, wrapped up like a burrito on my best friend’s couch. The commotion is just my best friend and some of his teammates returning home from dinner, celebrating the playoff berth they clinched last night. With a rare two days off between games this late in the season, they are taking advantage of no practice today and a light skate tomorrow morning.

“Reilly?” Marcus asks, surprise in his voice.
“Hey.” I manage to croak out, my voice scratchy from crying.
“What are you-- shit.” His face pales as he catches a glance of my appearance. “What the fuck?”
“Um.. I’m sorry I broke into your condo. I just needed a place--” I cut myself off, noticing the group of large hockey players gathering behind him. I can’t bring myself to look at them, so I drop my gaze to my fingers and start picking at my nails.
“It isn’t breaking in if you have a key.” Marcus states, sitting down on the couch next to me.

His fingertips brush softly along my cheek bone, no doubt tracing the bruise that’s forming. I have no idea what it looks like this time, since I’ve avoided looking at myself. But I’m sure it’s dark purple and blue, encompassing my eyebrow down to my cheek, just like the others have been. It’s probably a little bigger than usual, since Jake spent a longer time “punishing” me than he usually does.

It started off simple, a smack on the ass or arm or thigh here and there when I argued with him. I didn’t think anything of it until the first time he hit my face, but he apologized profusely and cried over how it was an accident and he didn’t mean to do it and he loved me. I forgave him, but then it just kept happening over and over and I got so scared that he was going to really hurt me if I tried to get away. So I invested in high quality concealer and kept quiet about it all.

Until tonight.

“Who-- Are you-- He did this to you?” He finally asks, his voice shaking.

I can’t bring myself to speak but I nod slightly, still not meeting his eyes. Marcus’s fists close in on themselves, his knuckles turning white, and for a second I’m afraid of what they are going to do.

“Is this the first time?” I shake my head no. “How many times?” I shrug my shoulders. To be honest, I have no clue. I lost count. “Rei, I need you to answer me. How long has this been going on?”

“Last summer.” I admit. Despite draining all the tears I thought my body could produce over the past couple hours, a couple fall down my cheek. I sniff and it sends a shooting pain through my face.
“Alskling.” He whispers painfully, quickly wiping them away. He takes a shaky breath and lets it out slowly. “Johnny is going to stay here with you while the boys and I go take care of this for you. When I come back, I’ll bring Chinese food and we’re going to watch Mulan. Okay?”

I feel more than see Johnny Oduya sit down on my other side, his hand settling cautiously on the middle of my back. I look up at Marcus, meeting his eyes for the first time.

“Please don’t get in trouble.” I ask. He smiles sadly at me.
“That’s why the boys are going with me.” He answers. “To make sure that I don’t end up killing him.”

He presses a soft kiss to my forehead and murmurs something in Swedish too quiet and too fast for me to understand. All too soon, he’s heading out the door, his teammates following him.

“Do you want to watch tv or something?” Johnny asks nervously.

I nod and settle lightly into his side as he flips through the channels. There’s nothing really good on at the moment, so with my permission he stops on the Predators vs Islanders game.

I’m actually grateful for Johnny’s presence. He’s one of my favorites out of Marcus’s friends. He’s sweet and gentle and doesn’t mind speaking slowly to me as I’m trying to learn his native language. And in this moment, he doesn’t press me to talk about anything. He’s just a solid presence next to me, reminding me that I’m safe at the moment.

“You’re probably going to have to play Nashville in the playoffs.” I say when the game goes to intermission.
“Yeah. Probably first or second round.”
“They’re a good team.”
“We’re better.” He smirks at me.

That’s the end of our conversation, as we choose instead to watch the recap of the period and listen to the commentary. Intermission ends and the next period is halfway over by the time the front door to the condo opens again.

“Hey.” Marcus’s voice is soft. He places a takeout bag from my favorite Chinese restaurant on the table in front of me and I notice his knuckles are split and bloody. There’s also drying blood on his shirt and jeans.

“Marcus.” I gasp, reaching out and taking his hand in mine.
“I’m fine.” He promises, bringing his other hand up to skim my chin. “More importantly, that fucking worthless piece of shit will never touch you again. I made sure of it.”

My stomach flops. Jake will never hurt me again. But-- how can he promise that? He can’t be around all the time to protect me. And he’s got the playoff push to worry about.

“Stop thinking so much.” Johnny says, his arm still laying protectively around my shoulders. “We’ll find a way to take care of you.” He gives me a little squeeze and leans in to kiss the top of my head. “I’m going to head home now. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Actually,” Marcus starts. “We’re taking Reilly back to her apartment after morning skate tomorrow to get all her stuff. I’d appreciate it if you would come with us.”
“Of course.” Johnny agrees, clapping Marcus on the back. “You two have a good night.”

And with that, he’s out the door and Marcus is heading over to the entertainment system. He fumbles with the controls, setting the preferences, and inserts a DVD. The main screen for Mulan comes up quickly and I can’t help but feel a little pressure lift from my chest. No one knows how to make me feel better than my best friend.

“I’m going to wash this shit off my hands and change into something comfy and then we’ll start the movie, okay?” He asks.
“Yeah.” I nod. I gesture to the bag on the table. “Do you want me to make you a plate?”
“Not right now.” He responds. “I’m still full from earlier.”

He heads towards his room and I dish out chicken and broccoli, rice, and an egg roll for myself. I also see wonton soup in the bag, which makes me smile for the first time since Jake came home from work today. Truly, the only person in the world who knows me well enough to make me feel better right now is Marcus. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend, and I’m so lucky to have him.

He comes back into the room in workout shorts and a Hawks shirt, his hands free of blood but still bruised and split. He’s got a couple bandaids that I immediately take from him and wrap over the cuts.

“Thank you.” He says, taking over the spot on the couch where Johnny had been.
“No, thank you.” I say, cuddling into him.
“Anything.” He smiles at me.

I grab what’s left of my dinner and he starts the movie. Only a couple minutes in, I feel my eyes start to get heavy. The next thing I know, Marcus is picking me up and carrying me into his guest room. I’m barely awake when he lays me down on the bed, pulling the covers up around me and pressing a soft kiss to my forehead.

“Sleep tight, älskling.” He whispers. "You're safe now."


This wasn't next on my list, but something sparked and I had to write it out.

I currently have 2 stories already in the process of being written (the Schenn brothers and Bozak part 2) so hopefully I can get some work done and have them finished soon.

In the meantime, rate! comment! subscribe! and all that fun stuff :)


Can you do a Henrik Zetterberg one shot, NC-17 and the scenario is that she's a new member of the training staff and they get some alone time in the locker room?

kreiderrrrrrrr2 kreiderrrrrrrr2

I've read all of these now (at least once, sometimes more lol) and the Sidney Crosby & Tyler Bozak arcs are incredibly good. We NEED Part 3's on those. Maybe Philly has to go to the All Star Game and manage Sid because he FINALLY agrees to go one year -but Giroux is also there.... oh man, angry threesome?? As for Bozak, surely lunch turns into afternoon delight. Surely! :) Keep it up, these are great!

Perdita Roseau Perdita Roseau

yes should do a richie/carter threesome

kaykay kaykay

Or just use one of them :)

hockeygirl9 hockeygirl9

Could u do William Nylander and Kasperi Kapanen with one girl :) NC-17 please

hockeygirl9 hockeygirl9