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Across the State

Pucks and Talks

The game, oh the game. I should have been happy for the guys since well they won but just seeing his face brought back the things I have been trying to get ride of, especially the butterflies in my stomach, my heart speeding up and my breath catching in my throat. Which caused me to remember my hate for him, I swear could be felt though the glass and the guys because they kept glancing up at us. Since we ere sitting behind the bench, oh joy. Not wanting to look at him was kind of hard to do since he was right their in front of me during the game. Ever so often my eyes would quickly glance over at him, watching him on the ice every movement he made. They way his muscles move I just remember the feel of his arms around him holding me close. Yet once the game finished with a win for the Penguins my veins pumped angry and frustration. God damn mother fucker. How can he get back in my head like that he is a cheating whore who should be thrown in the trash. being pulled from my thoughts as Ash pulls me through the crowed and towards the waiting room for the families and girlfriends of the guys.

“Come on move your ass faster! I want to go see the guys!!”

Yanking my arm back I freeze. “Oh no, no, no. I am not going down there while that cheating son of a bitch is still there.”

Rolling her eyes she grabs my arm again. “You won’t have to see him. The boys will keep the big bad monster away. Besides you know he is the last one out so you won’t have to worry. So let’s go!” Yanking hard she moves me from my spot and drags me the rest of the way to the room.

Once there Ashley lets go and runs over to Jordan, since he didn’t play due to his injury, and tackles him in a hug.

Rolling my eyes I wave to a few of the girls as I go to find a spot in the back corner of the room and take a seat. While seating here I take notice as one by one the guys come in here and watch as they each great their significant other with a gently kiss and pulls them close. Each time this happens the longing inside of me gets worse. The longing to have Sidney come out and over to me like nothing ever happened.

No bad thoughts stop that, Crosby is a cheating whore bag and can not be thought about.

Being caught up in my thoughts I did not even notice that everyone has gone and left me alone until my phone vibrates a few times. Pulling it out I find a text from Jordan, Ashley, Flower, and Vero stating that I need to talk to he who must not be named and that it is good for the both of us.

“Oh god damn it you have to be kidding me I can not believe them why would they do this!!” running out of the room I bump into Geno. “Oh…” Rubbing my head I hear a laugh escape from the Russians lips.

“You watch where you going then. Do not want you getting hurt.”

Giving him a smile I tackle him in a hug. “Do not worry about me getting hurt. But do you understand how happy I am to see you!! You are my savior can you please give me a ride out of here?”

“No, was told you talk with Sid so I go now.”

“Ugh Geno come on please.” Chasing him down the hallway trying to catch up I run into his back not noticing he had stopped.

“Was told by Flower and Jordan not give you ride home. You talk to Sid. Now I got party you go talk.” Giving me a push back towards the locker room he makes his escape out the door.

Watching him leave I curse him out. Standing in front of the locker room door I stair at the door and let out a sigh.

I can not go in there. I hate him. Maybe I can cal a taxi, yea I will do --- crap I don’t have any money. Walking is out of the question it’s to damn far to anyone’s house. They have planned this well.

Pacing around a bit I try to rake my brain for any other option of getting out of here, yet the only thing I come up with is talking to bitch face nicely for a ride so I can get the Ashley and the hell out of here. Pacing for a bit longer for the second time I and pulled from my thoughts when I hear my name come from an all too familiar voice.


Turning to look at him I notice his mouth slightly agape.

“Close your mouth you buffoon.” Adverting my gaze from him I find an interesting spot on the floor to stair at.

“I never thought I would see you again.”

Hearing his foot steps move closer I snap my head back up to him and glare. “Stay right there and away from me. Any closer and you will be on the floor and out of hockey forever.”

Smiling he stops moving. “Ah the same as always all talk and no bite.” Moving closer he backs me up against the wall. “I have missed you.” Leaning closer to my face he closes his eyes.

“If you want me to say I missed you too then you must be more fucked in the head then I thought. Who could ever miss a lying, cheating son of a bitch?”

I could miss the lying, cheating son of a bitch. God what is he doing to me I can not go back to him, butterflies go away!

Shaking those thoughts from my head I try to push past him he graps me and holds me closer.

“Let me go or I swear to god I will-“

“You will do what? You won’t do a damn thing. Just, Emily, can you listen to me please. I never wanted that to happen I swear to you that night was never suppose to happen.”

Rolling my eyes at him I let out a grunt and watch as he runs a hand through his hair, a nervous hobby of his. “I loved you, wait no I still love you. You never left my mind.”

“Well you have a funny way of showing it don’t you.” Pushing past him I walk down the hallway trying to find a way out.

“Emily please wait. Can we talk please?”

“No leave me the hell alone I don’t want to see your face.” Bring me hand to my face I feel the tears slipping down my face as my body struggles with all the feelings running inside of me.

Feeling him grab my shoulder and sping me around his eyes widen.

“I am so sorry I never wanted you to cry. Emily I am so sorry. Come here.” Wrapping his arms around my waist he pulls me into his chest and rubs my back.

“No let me go!” After a few minutes of struggling I stop and give into the battle in me and wrap my arms around him pulling myself closer as the tears continue to fall. With his arms around me I feel so safe and nothing can hurt me.

Pulling myself even closer remembering all the times he held me I feel him smile as his places a light, gently kiss to my head.

“Here let me take you back. Then you will never have to see me again.”

Pulling away from him he brings a hand up and brushes a few stray tears left then tucks some hair behind my ear. “That sound good?”

Feeling a blush appear across my face I nod.

With a small smile he kisses the top of my head. “So do I drop you off with Flower or Jordan?”

“Can you drop me off at Max’s instead?”

Nodding his head he pulls me close to his side and leads the way out to his car.


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