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The Adventure (Pt. 2)

About an hour later, they finally arrived at the castle on top of the Alppien Mäki. It is grand and huge, about three stories tall, looking like an everyday castle; it is also colorless, since it is made out of water.
"Whoa, man...a place that's actually not underwater, dude..." Patrick gets off of the canoe, tying it down to the post of the staircase. He climbs up the stairs with Jonna and Sidney behind him up to the entrance of the castle.
Jonna stands in front of the doors looking at them with awe.
"Knock," Sidney whispers to Jonna. "Aren't you gonna knock?" He looks at Patrick. "Does she know how to knock?"
Jonna knocks three sturdy times; the doors open on their own. "Well--" she turns around, looking at her friends. "--I guess I should go in."
"I'll come with you, man!" Patrick raises his hand.
"No, sorry, you can't. Last time I introduced Antti to a guy, he flooded the whole kingdom."
Sidney begins to wander into the castle.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Sidney, I'm sorry, but you can't also come--you're also a guy." She places her hand on his shoulder.
"Awww..." Sidney walks backwards.
"I just want it to be between us two. Thanks." Jonna walks into the castle courageously.
Sidney and Patrick sit down on the stairsteps.
Sidney beings to count up to sixty. "One, two, three, four--"
"Five," Patrick joins in.
Meanwhile, Jonna moseys around the large entrance of the castle. There is a fountain in the middle with running water while two staircases are around it, joining into one hallway, leading to more hallways and staircases.
"Hello?" Jonna calls out.
"Jonna?" a familiar voice says.
Jonna turns to her right, seeing her brother on top of the staircase with his new outfit on. "Whoa, Antti...you look so...different..."
Antti chuckles. "Thanks."
"And this castle...it's so beautiful."
"Thank you. I didn't know that I was capable of doing this."
"Yea... But you should come back home...with me."
"No, no, I can't do that. This is my home. You should go back...without me."
"I can't do that. I came all the way here just to get you. I need you back."
"I'm sorry, but I can't return. I love it here...all alone..." Antti leans on the railing of the staircase. "...where I can't harm anyone."
"But Antti, you can harm no one down at home as well--"
"Jonna, didn't you see me‽ I knocked out everyone at the celebration. I can't return! And I won't!"
"I can help you..."
"I don't need your help, I'm fine. Just leave, Jonna...before I hurt you."
"You're gonna hurt me?" Jonna makes a horrified look on her face.
"No, no, no, it's just that I can't control my powers...that's all. And I might accidentally hurt you."
"No, I'm not afraid of you, Antti! And you can't make me afraid of you! Please, just come back with me--"
"Sixty!!!" Sidney shouts, bounding into the castle.
"Wh-who are you?" Antti asks with a confused look.
"I'm Sidney and I like gorillas!!!"
Patrick comes in as well. "Are you guys done yet, dude?"
"Who are you?" Antti asks Patrick. "You know what, forget, good-bye." Antti crosses his arms, walking away.
Jonna sighs. "Stay right here!" She runs up the staircase Antti was on top of a moment ago. "Wait, Antti!" She begins to sing: "Please don't shut me out again!" She sees Antti running storming down a hallway, leading them to another staircase. "Please don't slam the door! You don't have to keep your distance anymore!" She begins running up the staircase after Antti. "'Cause for the first time in forever, I finally understand. And for the first time in forever, we can fix this hand in hand. We can go down this hill together! You don't have to live in fear!" She places her hand on the doorjamb that is part of the room Antti enters. "'Cause for the first time in forever...I'll be right here!"
Antti turns around and begins singing back to his sister. "Jonna, please go back home... Your life awaits! Go enjoy the day and open up the gates!"
"Yea, but--"
"I know." Antti places the palms of his hands out in front of Jonna, signaling her stop talking. "You mean well...but leave me be..." He walks over to the balcony, showing her the beautiful view of the flooded forest. "Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free!" He turns to Jonna, walking back into the room. "Just stay away and you'll be safe from meeeee."
"Actually we're not," Jonna tells Antti, walking back into the room.
Antti turns around sharply, looking at Jonna. "What do you mean we're not?"
"I get the feeling you don't know..."
"What do I not know??"
"Finland is in deep, deep, deep, water..." Jonna grits her teeth.
Antti makes a shocked look. "What?"
"You set off like a flood that's gonna last forever...everywhere."
"Everywhere?" Water begins to grow beneath Antti's feet, covering the whole floor.
"But it's okay, you can just get rid of it!"
"No, I can't! I don't know how!" Antti looks at his hands then back up at Jonna.
"Sure you can, I know you can!" Jonna begins singing again. "'Cause for the for the first time in forever!"
Water begins to rise from the ground, circling around the two siblings.
Antti turns away from Jonna. "Ohhh...I'm such a fool, I can't be freeeee!"
"You don't have to be afraid..."
Antti hugs himself. "No escape from the waves inside of meeee..."
"We can work this out together..."
He looks at himself in the reflection of the wall. "I can't control the curse!"
"We'll reverse the flood the you made."
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh..."Antti turns to look at his sister. "Jonna, please, you'll only make it worse!"
"Don't panic!"
"There's so much fear!"
"We'll make the ground be seen!"
"You're not safe here!"
"We can fix this thing together!"
"We can change this flood together..." Jonna's voice beings to be taken over by Antti's voice.
"And everything'll be alright--!!!"
"I CAN'T!!!" Antti gathers all the water that is in the room and bursts it from his body, making it strike Jonna's heart.
Jonna gasps, going onto her knees with a hand over her heart.
Antti turns around to see what is going on with Jonna and gasps at what he has done.
"Jonna, are you okay, man?" Patrick runs up to Jonna and pulls her up.
"You guys should get out of here," Antti tells them.
"No, I'm not leaving until you come me." Jonna has a serious look.
"Yes...you are." He blasts water straight at them, forcing them to fly out of the room and back down the stairs.
"Ooo...waterfall!" Sidney says, looking at the water that is coming straight towards him.
"Sidney, dude!!! Watch out, man!!!" Patrick shouts.
"ACK!" He gets wiped out as well, with all three of them falling out of the castle and down the staircase, back to their canoe.
"Oh man, what a brother, dude." Patrick says while getting onto the canoe, coughing a bit.
"I can't believe this!" Jonna sits on the canoe with a pouty look. "I didn't get him to come with me!"
"So now what do we do?" Sidney asks, squeezing water out of Bubby Jr.
"Ohhhh noooo..." Jonna holds on to her blond hair. "Now what do we do? He kicked us out... Oh man, this is a mess!" She buries her face in her hands.
"Whoa, Jonna, your hair, man!" Patrick exclaims.
"What about my hair?" Jonna asks.
"It looks like...water, dude."
"Water?" Jonna takes a lock and looks at it. There are streaks of hair that looks like they are made out of water. "Ohmygosh, what's going on?"
"Well, your brother did strike you with water, man..."
"Oh no, am I turning into water, then?" Jonna makes a worried look.
Patrick just shrugs.
"Like we need more water! Uh-huh-huh-huh-huh-huh!" Sidney laughs.
Jonna groans. "Man, what's gonna happen now..." Her brown eyes light up. "I know where we can go to! To Tommy Gorman!"
"Tommy who, dude?" Patrick makes a puzzled look.
"Tommy Gorman! He knows how to fix me! C'mon, I'll you the way!"
They paddle away from the hill.

About thirty minutes later, they arrived at an area of the forest that isn't flooded at all.
"Whoa, this is weird, dude..." Patrick drags the canoe by a tree, tying it up.
"Grass!!!" Sidney throws himself onto the ground face down. "I never knew I'll miss you so much!!!"
"Tommy?" Jonna calls. "Tommy Gorman?"
A man that is in a blue hologram-like form walks into view. "Oh, hello there, your majesty." He bows down.
"Hello, Gorman. I need help."
"I know...I sense it. Come here."
Jonna walks closer to Tommy.
"You have water in your heart set there by your brother."
"What?" Jonna makes an anxious look. "What's gonna happen to me?"
"You'll turn into water yourself."
"No, man!" Patrick shouts. "That can't happen, dude!" He walks up next to Jonna.
"It can only be prevented by an act of true love. That's it."
"True love... A kiss," Jonna mutters.
"Jimmy, man," Patrick answers.
Jonna gasps as more of her hair turns into water; she falls into Patrick's arms.
"You should get going. She's running out of time. Go!" Tommy tells him.
"Okay, dude, thanks, man." Patrick runs over to the canoe, placing Jonna in it gently. "You're gonna be okay, right, dude?"
Jonna nods her head. "Take me to Jimmy."
"I will, man." Patrick turns to Sidney, who's still on the ground. "Hey, Sidney dude, stop kissing the ground and get up here, man!"
"I'm not kissing the ground! I'm loving it!" Sidney gets up and goes into the canoe.
Patrick pushes the canoe back into the water, then climbs into it, paddling.
"Let's go kiss Jimmy!" Sidney shouts, paddling down the forest. "Who is this Jimmy?"

Jimmy and his guards reach the end of the staircase that leads up to Antti's castle.
"You two stay here and guard while the rest come with me into the castle to get Jonna and now that we're here, we can also get Antti," Jimmy orders, pointing to the guard with black hair and the other guard with a missing tooth.
Suddenly, waves erupt from between the two hills, wiping out a guard, including Jimmy.
Two guards, the black haired and spiky brown haired with some facial hair, manage to get past the waves, running up the staircase over to the castle with crossbows armed and ready. They burst into the castle, spotting the King running up the stair to safety.
"There he is!" the black haired guard shouts, pointing to Antti. "Let's go get him!"
They run up the stairs, entering the same room Antti is in.
"You're dead!" the brown haired guard shoots at Antti.
Antti puts his hands in front of him, letting water spray out and whack the arrow off its direction.
"Pass the arrow around," the black haired guard whispers, giving the other guard his arrow.
"Go away!" Antti sprays water at the brown haired guard, trapping him against the wall with water; he sees the other guard trying to get a good angle at him. With his other hand, he makes waves burst from the ground, making the guard go off track. Then he blasts water at him, pushing him out of the room and on to the balcony, planning to throw him off the edge, but then--
"Antti, stop!" Jimmy, who is soaked, shouts. He has the other of guard behind him.
Antti stops spraying water, and turns around, looking at Jimmy with big eyes.
The brown haired guard loads his crossbow, ready to fire it at Antti, who was unaware that he was being targeted.
"No!" Jimmy rushes over to the guard, making him redirect his shot at the ceiling.
The arrow strikes the ceiling, which begins to crack above Antti. Antti begins to run out of the room as the ceiling crumbles to ground, but he was thrown onto the ground and everything goes black.

There is a high pitched whirling as Antti opens his eyes. He is no longer in his castle--he is now in a cell, in jail. "Mitä?" He sits up on his highly uncomfortable bed, looking at the window, which is the only source of light. Antti stands up and walks up to the window, but is held back by chains that covered his hands. He grunts, trying to get a good view of his kingdom. (What?)
It is flooded, almost having the houses go underwater.
"What have I done?" Antti asks under his breath.
There is a groan as the door opens; Jimmy enters the room.
"What do you want?" Antti snaps turning to him.
"I want you to get rid of this flood immediately!" He gives Antti a grave look.
"Can't you see? I can't. I had no idea I flooded the whole kingdom. So I have no idea how to bring it out of the water."
"So you can't?" Jimmy crosses his arms.
Antti shakes his head slowly and sadly. "Ei." (No.)
"Well then, I'm gonna have to kill you."
Antti snaps his head back up. "What, no!"
"So then get rid of this flood!"
"But I can't!"
"Then I'm gonna have to execute you then."
"You can't do that! I'm the King!"
"What type of king are you that runs away from his own kingdom?" Jimmy spits out. "I can do better than you--I'm actually doing my best to keep bring this kingdom back to normal. Get ready, you're dead in ten minutes." He walks out of the cell, thrusting the door shut behind him.
Antti begins to panic, breathing hard. He looks down, seeing water seeping out of the metal covering that covered his hands.

Patrick lets the canoe take a little free fall down the stream, since they are going downhill.
"Yipeeeeee!" Sidney yells. He then throws himself into the water. "I'll see you guys later!!! This is so much fuuuuun!!!" He takes a different route.
"Okay, Sidney, dude! Just don't get lost, man!" Patrick shouts over the roaring water.
"Alright!" Sidney disappears from view.
Patrick directs the canoe to the gates of the castle. Guards and butlers row over to him, taking Jonna with thank you's, then they close the gates into front of him.
Patrick sighs. "Well, I guess that's it, dude." He begins rowing back up towards the direction of the forest.

Ten minutes have passed and Jimmy leads two guards over to Antti's cell.
"Watch out, he's dangerous." Jimmy whispers to them. He stops in front the cell's door and looks down, noticing that there is water beneath his feet. "What?" He opens the door; his eyes fly open.
The room is empty; Antti had escaped.
Jimmy narrows his eyes and growls. "I'll go back into the castle." He turns around, walking away.

A few minutes later, Jonna enters the library on a raft with the help of two butlers, since she was getting weaker. She sees Jimmy in the room and gasps happily. "Jimmy!" She throws herself at his kayak. "Jimmy, there you are! You have to kiss me!" She grabs on to his collar.
"We'll leave you two alone," the butlers tell them, exiting the room.
"Whoa, Jonna, what's going on?" Jimmy asks. He paddles over to a floating sofa, putting her on it.
"Antti stuck me with his powers, putting water in my heart. I'm gonna turn into water myself...unless I do an act of true love."
"A true love's kiss, I take it," Jimmy guesses.
Jonna smiles in agreement.
Jimmy gets closer to Jonna, cupping her chin with his hand gently and pulls her closer to him, ready to kiss her. "Aw, Jonna, only if I loved you." He pulls away, paddling off.
"Wait, what?" Jonna makes a confused look as her eyes follow Jimmy.
"As the youngest one of twelve brothers, I had no chance of becoming king. I want to be king, so I decided: Why don't I just marry into another kingdom? So I chose you." He closes a window, which was opened wide. "But then your brother decided to go crazy, flooding the entire kingdom and man, it just made my plan way easier. All I just need to do is to get rid of your brother, since you're gonna turn into water... And me? I'll be the hero that saves Finland from going underwater." He slams more windows closed. "And you were stupid enough to put me in charge, so you know who's the next king of Finland's gonna be? Me." Jimmy chuckles evilly. "Thank you, Jonna, for helping me out." Jimmy shuts the rest of the windows closed and paddles to the other side of the room to the entrance.
"No, you can't do that..." Jonna says weakly.
"Yes, I can. Now would you excuse me, I have a kingdom to save..." He opens the door.
"Antti's gonna beat you, Jimmy," Jonna spits out. "You're no match for him."
"No." Jimmy turns Jonna. "You're no match for him. Good-bye." He closes the door behind him.
"Wait!" Jonna extends her hand out towards the doors. "Oh...kay..." She looks up at the ceiling while her hair turns completely like water. "Help..."

Patrick rows slowly up the water, when a huge BLASH!!! behind him slices the air. He turns around, seeing water violently shaking the forest down below that is close to the castle.
"Jonna!" He makes a U-turn, speeding back down the water and towards the lower section of the forest.

Jonna is still laying on the sofa, helpless, when she hears the knob on the door rattling.
"Help..." she calls out feebly again.
The door bursts open and Sidney floats into the room on a raft. "Thanks Bubby Jr. for helping me unlock the door!" He looks at Jonna. "Oh my Bubbys, are you okay?" He rows over to her. "What happened to your kiss?"
"There was no kiss," Jonna croaks. "It was a lie the whole time--Jimmy never loved me, he just wanted to be king."
"He wants to be king? He wants to overthrow Antti?"
Sidney gasps. "He's eeeeeevil! But's what's gonna happen to you?"
"I don't know... I don't even know what true love is."
"Well..." Sidney thinks for a moment. "True love it putting others' needs before your own. Like what Bubby Jr. did in order to get in here! He didn't want to stick his hand into the keyhole, but he did because he knew if he didn't we wouldn't be able to go in and save you!"
"Oh...but how can I do that? I can't help--I'm too weak."
"Hmmm..." Sidney rows over to the windows, opening them so that the water can pour out. "Another example is that Patrick decided to help you out instead of doing what he likes to do. But now he's gone, so I can't really say that's true love..." He looks out the window. "Oh, wait, what do I see?" He leans out the window. "Look at that! Patrick's coming back! Wait, he's going into the forest where some wild water storm's at! Eh, oh well, I thought he was coming to get you."
"Get me out of here, I need to go over to that water storm."
"Well, that's weirdly worded, but okay." Sidney rows over to Jonna and puts on board; he turns on the engine and speeds out of the castle and into the forest.




A Shruinger A Shruinger

Beau is backkkkkk!!! Yesssss!!!!! wooo hoooooo!!!!!!!

lazyisscoreee lazyisscoreee

Can't play like this anymore!!! (because Beau gets injured so many times 8( )

A Shruinger A Shruinger

Let it Beau! Let it Beau!!!:)))))

lazyisscoreee lazyisscoreee

Oh yay!!! 8D Sorry about that, though...maybe you can write that version if you'd like to! Or maybe I can...I dunno...
Well, I can picture Kane doing that, but in Frozen, Kristoff didn't knock out Hans, so yea... :)

A Shruinger A Shruinger