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The Fifth Peril

Sidney Crosby made his way across the Colorado Rockies to the city of Vail, where he pulled into the parking lot of the most famous ski resort. He didn’t care if people saw him. He wanted them too. This was all a game to him.

He got out of his car and this time, he yanked out another man, who was bound at the wrists, ankles and had a ball gag strapped on his face. He was struggling as the Penguin dragged him away from the car and over to the mountain.

The particular spot he had chosen was directly to the left side of the ski lift and mechanism at Vail. There were many people bustling around, but shockingly none seemed to notice him. Or else they didn’t care. Nathan whimpered, as Sidney forced/dragged him over to the location he wanted.

He dropped him off at the base of the mountain. Nathan gazed around in horror, struggling to break the ropes restraining him. But he could only twist in failure. He watched as Sidney walked off, leaving him alone for a few minutes. He returned with a few chains and a cross bow, which made the forward and center man extremely nervous and frightened. He muffled something into the ball contraption strapped around his head.

Sidney scoped out the right tree from the forest at the base of the spot in the mountain where they were. He did some calculating, taking his time and seeming totally chill and in control. Nathan didn’t like it. Finally the Pittsburgh Penguin zeroed in on his chosen tree and then he turned and grabbed Nathan, dragging him over. He untied the ropes from the Avalanche player and instead wrapped the chains around him, pulling them tightly in a bizarre jumble around him. He couldn’t move anything. Please with Nathan’s distress and inability to move, Sidney clamped the end of the chain around the trunk of the tree.

He also dropped down and clamped one end of an ankle chain to the centre’s left ankle and then another to his right and clamped the other two ends of the chains to the wooden base of the foliage. Nathan didn’t like this. At all. He wriggled and struggled in place.

“Nathan MacKinnon, so nice to see you. Too bad it couldn’t be on better terms!”

Nathan gave a muffled grunt to which Sidney stepped forward and unhooked the strap to the ball gag. He took it out and made it drape around his neck. The Colorado forward coughed violently. He spat out some drops of blood, staining the glistening white snow under his feet. “What the hell’s going on Sid?”

“Yes, that’s right MacKinnon, it’s me...Sidney Crosby!”

“I asked you what the fuck is going on here?! Why have you chained me up at the base of some stupid mountain?”

“For dramatic effect dearie.”

“That’s not an answer, Sid!”

Sidney grabbed Nathan’s chin in his fingers. “I don’t have to give you one, pretty boy!”

“But I thought we were friends. I mean, I was supposed to be the next you. I looked up to you and now…fuck that! You won’t get away with this! The NHL won’t look too kindly at your shit!”

“You’d better watch your mouth, Kinny boy. And you should probably keep your voice down, lest you wake the mountain and its dangerous beast that dwells within!”

“What?” Nathan narrowed his eyes and spat some more blood onto the ground. His bottom lip was bleeding from a cut caused by having the ball gag shoved roughly into his mouth. It had made him bite his lip super hard at first. The pinch had only helped to allow him to bleed.

“That’s right, I’ve chained you under the prime spot for a killer avalanche! How ironic that that will be the way you shall meet your end? Huh? Amiright, MacKinnon?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Look up and find out for yourself, Kinny.” Sidney released Nathan’s chin, so he could look up.

Nathan blinked in horror, as he saw a huge snowbank. One shout, explosion, or slight disturbance and all of that snow would come crashing down on him. He would get buried in the snowy whiteness and suffocate or catch pneumonia. He gulped and snapped his head back down to look at the smirking Penguin. The villainous look the guy wore made the sophomore for the Avs incredibly horrified deep inside.

“Clever, isn’t it, MacKinnon.”

“Sid, what did I do you?” The forward questioned, fear breaking into his tough exterior. He tried to loosen the chains, wrapped tightly around him, but they seemed to only tighten. He bit his lip as he watched the evil man reach out and comb his fingers through Nathan’s wavy blond locks of hair.

“You didn’t do anything to me, Kinny. It’s more so what SHE did to me.”


“Christina Kane. Your secret lover!”

“What? Who’s that?”

“The blond Blackhawk’s sibling...you know, Patrick Kane!”

“Kaner’s sister?”

“Right. Unfortunately her and her friend - Jonathan’s sister - did something to me that isn’t exactly forgivable. I’m taking it out on all the players they like, such as yourself.”

“That’s a bit extreme, don’t you think Sid? I mean, would you really go so low as to go after me and not her!”

“Shut up MacKinnon! I can easily make things a helluva lot worse for you if you don’t watch your pretty little mouth!”

“Fuck you!”


The snow up above shook and thunderous noise sounded. Nathan flinched, but luckily the snow didn’t move. It remained in place. It was extremely close and Nathan wasn’t so sure he’d be so lucky a second time. He bit his lip and Sidney patted him roughly on the cheek.

“You see, you should be careful how you talk to me. I control your fate, Av. Don’t think for one minute that I wound sent that shit down the mountain and kill you right now!”

“Alright, alright. You’re still despicable for even thinking about this villainy though!”

“I’ll gag you again with the ball if you don’t stop!”


Sidney combed Nathan’s hair with his fingers again, while his other hand caressed the forward’s chin, neck and teased him by touching the ball gag draped around his neck. “However, they have managed to succeed in saving everyone so far. But for you, they won’t be able to save you in time. You’ll be buried in a fucking Avalanche!” Sidney threw his head back and cackled. He made sure to cackle silently, as he didn’t want the peril to begin yet. No matter how much he wanted it to inside. He knew that he couldn’t advance the pile of snow yet.

He started to walk away, when he paused and spun back to see Nathan MacKinnon struggling desperately. It pleased him. “Just so you know, I’m going to watch this peril I think. I can hang out. I mean I got no rush. Plus I want to see Christina’s reaction to seeing her precious Nathan all tied up!” He gave Nathan a classic sinister villain smirk that made the Avalanche player shiver with dread.

“Why, what did she, uh Christina, do?”

“Something that I won’t tell you about. But it is something worth watching her gape in horror as you get covered by an avalanche of snow and die!”

“That’s a little harsh...don’t you think? Please let me go, Sid. This isn’t fair!”

“Life’s not fair, now is it? Goodbye MacKinnon.” Sidney spun back around on his heals. He could hear the twistedly sweet sound of Nathan’s struggles and efforts to get free. He snatched up a crossbow and walked over to another mountainous area, across from where the poor chained up hockey player was. He slipped beside a boulder and loaded the crossbow with an arrow.

“And now I wait for the rescue quartet!” He snickered to himself, as he dropped into position and gazed out of his hiding spot. He watched the show Nathan put on, before he saw the four figures walking into view. He raised the crossbow up. He didn’t direct it at Nathan or the mountain though.


Oh man, here it comes....*rubs hands together evilly cause I know the outcome of the story and what happens*
You people should try going between something light-hearted like Peekaboo with a Tomas Hertl beaver character and then jump into this thing....oh man...what a switch in brain waves, eh?

Next up: Kaner's run-in with a cross bow and poor Kinny....


“That man seriously needs to lay off the booze. There’s nothing quite like drunken Kanerboo dialing you in the middle of night to tell you how much he loves your brother.” - Heehee! I LOVE THIS LINE!! It's sooooo true :PPPP

EvelynaKitty EvelynaKitty

@A Shruinger
Heehee XD I couldn't help it and I knew you'd love that!! ;)

EvelynaKitty EvelynaKitty

Hahaha, writing as influenced you! XDD That's cool that you made him say, "Oh my Bubbys!" Yay, it's catching on! :DDD

A Shruinger A Shruinger

Oooo, I can't wait now! 8DDD

A Shruinger A Shruinger

@A Shruinger
Haha...it won't be what you think. That's revealed next though!!!! I'm excited to hear what you have to say about the reason behind it!! :D I think you'll love it though.

EvelynaKitty EvelynaKitty