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White Orchids


An affectionate hand dragging across Nicki’s stomach woke her up. She groaned and stretched out her arms, earning a chuckle from Tyler. Without saying a word, she pushed herself back, molding her body into his, surrounding herself with his warmth. A warmth she couldn’t get from their down comforter, nor the thickest blanket in the house. His lips blessed her face with their presence, leaving a tingling effect on every inch of skin they touched.

“Babe, I think I feel a bump,” Tyler said softly, continuing to run his hand over her stomach.

His statement woke her up instantly.

“Are you serious?!” she asked, sitting up before jolting out of bed.

She ran into the bathroom and stopped short in front of the mirror. A sleepy, half naked Tyler followed her in slowly, rubbing his eyes with his fists as he entered the room. Normally, she would have locked him into a hug and told him a hundred times over how adorable he was in the morning. But there was a more pressing matter at hand.

Nicki lifted her tank top and peered into the large mirror above the countertop that held their double sinks. It took some squinting, but she noticed that her usually flat belly had the slightest curve to it. Her hand hesitantly reached down to feel it.

“Holy shit,” she murmured, entranced by her changing physique.

As she turned to check Tyler’s reaction, his hands grasped her hips and he carefully knelt down in front of her, one knee at a time. He looked up at her, and his expression nearly knocked her backwards. The last time he’d looked at her that way had been when she’d said her vows at their wedding. He gave his head a small shake and pressed his lips to her growing stomach before wrapping his arms around her legs and letting his head fall to her. Nicki let him have his moment, and she held his head in her hands, which moved back and forth with her stomach as she breathed.

“Has it been nine months yet?” he whispered, leaving another kiss just above her navel.

Acknowledging that it was a rhetorical question, she didn’t respond. She’d found that the most painful part about pregnancy was simply waiting.

On cue, gurgling in her stomach put an end to the beautiful moment.

“Gonna be sick,” she choked out as she shook Tyler’s arms off of her and dashed to the toilet.

Every morning, she expected him to run away, to take cover so that he wouldn’t have to deal with it. And every morning, he knelt behind her, holding her hair in one hand while the other rubbed her back. This particular morning was worse than the previous ones. When it was finally over, she collapsed against him, already drained.

Tyler smoothed her hair back and pressed his lips to the side of her head.

“Do you feel like you can eat?” he asked softly into her ear.

“It’s not like I really have a choice,” she muttered, desiring nothing more than to climb back into bed and crawl underneath the covers.

He lifted her up slowly, unable to keep her head from spinning as she straightened out. His arms stayed securely around her until she assured him that she was able to stand by herself.

“I’ll go make something,” he said, flashing a sympathetic smile. “Is there anything you want?”

Nicki ran through in her mind all of the things she could have for breakfast. When she thought of eggs, she nearly doubled over again.

“Not eggs,” she said, gripping her stomach. “Anything but eggs.”

So far, instead of having raging cravings for food, Nicki found herself incapable of eating things she used to have on a daily basis. Every day was different, every day something else nauseated her. She felt horrible for Tyler, who’d taken over most of the cooking. Even after telling him that she enjoyed it more now than ever, he insisted. Sometimes she would push her way into the kitchen and help him, whether he liked it or not.

After placing a prolonged kiss on her forehead, Tyler left the room. Nicki reached for her toothbrush and slathered it with toothpaste. She wondered if she would ever be able to permanently rid her mouth of the taste of vomit, or if there would always be a trace of it left once she was through with the torture of morning sickness.

She brushed fervently, as if it would somehow erase the painful memories of being hurled over in front of the toilet for two months straight. Dr. Reed had reassured her that it normally only lasted through the first trimester. She sincerely hoped he was right, as that would mean she only had to endure a few more weeks of it.

Nicki wandered back into their bedroom, slightly dismantled from losing her stomach contents so forcefully. She grabbed Tyler’s old sweatshirt off of a hanger; the one that had been her favorite when they first started dating. It fit her a little more snugly now due to the fact that she’d already gained nearly eight pounds. Luckily, he was so much larger than her that it would probably still be loose on her when she went into labor.

She walked carefully down the stairs, gripping the iron railings for support. The bump Tyler had found in her abdomen finally made everything seem real. Until then, she’d had trouble believing that there was something inside of her, growing and moving and developing. Now that she could see it, it truly dawned on her that she wasn’t the only person using her body anymore, and it called for even more precaution than she’d already been using.

When Tyler caught a glimpse of her, he left his position at the kitchen counter and approached her, wrapping her up in his arms.

“I haven’t seen you wear that in years.”

“That’s because I usually only wear it when you’re gone,” she said, finding a much needed comfort in his embrace.

“You should wear it more when I’m around. I love that sweatshirt on you.”

“I will,” she promised. When Tyler stepped back, she caught a whiff of something familiar. “What are you making?”

He turned around and picked up a glass off of the counter, handing it to her. “I made you a smoothie. Figured it might help if you didn’t have to chew anything. Especially after that thing with the watermelon.”

Nicki accepted it from him graciously. “You’re the greatest. And let’s never speak about that again, hm?”

A week ago, she’d had her first real craving. It had been her only one. For some reason, she was absolutely dying for watermelon. The second she put a piece in her mouth, she vomited. She spent the rest of the day in the bathroom, emptying things she swore she’d eaten a year ago. The grainy texture of the fruit had been what had set her off, and suddenly, the texture of everything began to bother her. Nicki had to resort to eating nothing but crunchy foods like toast, cereal, and apples.

She took a sip from the glass, and was relieved to find nothing about it, neither the taste nor the texture, bothered her in the slightest. The cool, thick liquid settled in her empty stomach, soothing the small bit of nausea that remained. It must have been obvious that she was feeling better, because Tyler was grinning proudly at his work.

After taking a seat at the island, she inhaled the scent again. It was making her mouth water.

“Ty, what’s that smell?”

He stared at her, the grin fading from his face. “Are you serious?”

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Tyler raised an eyebrow and opened the top door of the double oven.

“Oh my God. I completely forgot…”

“Babe, how could you forget about Thanksgiving? It’s all we’ve been talking about for a week.”

Nicki glared at the granite in front of her, frustrated with herself. Her memory had been terrible lately, and it was starting to frighten her. Thanksgiving was her second favorite holiday. She had been looking forward to it since the moment they moved into the house. It would be the first time both of their families would be together under their roof.

“I... I don’t know. The fuck’s wrong with me?” she asked, beginning to choke up.

For the second time that morning, Tyler came to the rescue. His hands soothed her, moving gently across her back.

“It’s okay,” he cooed. “You’ve had a lot on your mind. Did you take your vitamins yet?”

She shook her head, still ashamed that she could forget something so important to her. Tyler crossed the room and shook a pill from each of the three bottles placed in the furthest corner of the counter. He dropped them into her open hand, and she threw them into her mouth, tilting her head back to get them down with the aid of her smoothie.

Nicki leaned forward, using her elbows on the island to prop up her head. “How could I do any of this without you?” she asked, more for herself than for him.

“You’d be fine,” he said, taking a seat next to her. “You can take care of yourself. I’m just not letting you.”

The truth behind his words coaxed a small smile from her.

“There it is,” he teased, tracing his thumb over her lips. “You should be happy. Lisa and Zach should be landing in an hour, and my mom, Candace, and Cass are coming over early to help. Before you know it, we’ll be surrounded by our obnoxious family that you somehow manage to love.”

A soft giggle escaped her lips. Yet again, he’d managed to make her forget all of her worries. He was right. There was so much to look forward to in the coming day, there was no room for being upset.

“I love you so much,” she whispered, momentarily looking up from the granite.

“I love you so much,” he said, pulling her to him for a kiss on the cheek. “Now finish that so you can get ready. Once Bella’s here, you aren’t going to have a second to yourself.”

“If I want a second to myself I’ll just tell her Uncle Tyler wants to see her.”

“Don’t you dare.”

Nicki’s lips pulled back into a devious smile. She knew he couldn’t pretend to be mad at her for long, no matter how hard he tried. Last time she’d told Bella that, she clung to Tyler like a parasite for the entire day. As much as he loved her, even he needed a break from her occasionally.

As an apology, Nicki wrapped a hand around the back of his neck and brought him to her, sighing as their mouths connected for the first time that day. Every single morning, a small shock shot through her when they kissed. Every single morning, she managed to forget just how amazing it felt.

“Are you gonna shower?” he asked, his voice sounding slightly raspier than normal.

“I planned on it.”

She knew exactly where he was going. Three large gulps later, her breakfast was gone and she was in Tyler’s arms, being whisked up the stairs.

** * * * *

“I can’t get over this house,” Lisa said, looking above her at the impossibly high ceilings. “I thought the two of you would end up in some fancy gated community or something. I’m so proud.”

Nicki laughed and took a seat next to her on the couch, where Tyler and Zach were already extremely occupied with the kids. Danny had woken up from his nap and needed attention to keep him from crying, and Bella had attached herself to Tyler, unwilling to move for anyone or anything.

“You know how much I love this place, Lis.”

“That’s true. I really shouldn’t be surprised that Prince Charming over there bought you your dream house. Why wouldn’t he?”

“Prince Charming?!” Bella shrieked, right into Tyler’s ear. Nicki fought back a laugh as he scrunched his face at the piercing noise. “Like from Shrek?!”

“Yeah, sure honey,” Lisa replied, rolling her eyes at Nicki.

Apparently, Bella was going through a bit of an annoying stage. She didn’t seem any different to Nicki, but guessed she as she got older, the things they thought were cute before were now obnoxious. Like the screaming, the over excitement, and the constant chatter.

“Hey, you wanna help me in the kitchen?” she asked Lisa, trying to give her a moment away from the kids. She imagined that spending a plane ride with them, even a short one, probably tested her patience like never before.

Lisa nodded her head and used the arm rest to hoist herself off of the couch. Her stomach was enormous. If she popped out twins, Nicki honestly wouldn’t have been very surprised.

“How are you doing? You look like you’re ready to burst,” she pointed out once they were in the kitchen.

Most of the cooking had been done the day before, the only thing left was to wait for the turkey and to prepare the table for the feast. They’d purchased two gigantic turkeys, and had enough side dishes to feed Tyler’s entire hockey team. Nicki began to set out serving bowls and spoons, more to preoccupy herself than anything else. Lisa took a seat at the island and groaned.

“I apologize in advance if I spontaneously go into labor during dinner.”

Nicki giggled and took a seat next to her, already a bit tired from the exertion. As the weeks went on, she had less and less energy to do anything at all.

“I’m starting to show,” she said.

“What? Already?”

She nodded. “Ty noticed this morning. It’s just a little, but it’s definitely there.”

“Well for Christ’s sake let me see!”

Nicki stood up and lifted her sweater to show Lisa. Her jeans made it more noticeable in comparison to her pajama pants, almost making it seem like it had gotten even bigger since the last time she’d looked. Lisa ran her hand down the length of her stomach and was about to make a comment when light footsteps came bounding down the hallway.

“Mommy why are you touching Auntie’s tummy?!”

Bella entered the room, pulling Tyler behind her by his hand. When he saw what they were doing, a smile crept onto his face.

“Because your little cousin is in there, Bells,” Lisa explained.

Her face displayed all of the wonder and amazement of any five year old who’d just discovered that she wasn’t only getting a little brother, but a “cousin” as well.

“Really?!” she screamed, running over to them.

“Really sweetie. In a little while, Auntie’s gonna look just like Mommy.”


They all laughed at her disbelief, and Tyler came up behind Nicki to rub her shoulders. Every free second he had he spent on her, and she was relishing in it. Sometimes, it was the brief moments they shared together in the midst of a busy day that were her favorites. It was just a small something to show how much he cared, to let them get lost in their own perfect world for a second or two.

“Can… can I feel?” she asked tentatively.

“Do you mind?”

Nicki shook her head and lifted her sweater again. “It’s nothing compared to your mom.”

Lisa lifted Bella so that she could reach, and her clammy, tiny hand clumsily made its way across her skin.

“There’s a baby in there?”

Bella looked absolutely bewildered. She must have grown so accustomed to her mother’s pregnancy, not realizing that Lisa wasn’t the only person in the world who got pregnant. There were dozens of reasons why she might have been so wonderstruck; the mind of a child was as mysterious to Nicki as the Milky Way.

“Yeah honey, there is,” Nicki said. Tyler’s hands clenched tighter over her shoulders, and she rolled them back just enough to tell him she knew what he was trying to say.

“How did it get in there? Did you eat it?”

Nicki looked to Lisa. There was no way in hell she was taking the hit on that one.

“When a mommy and daddy are ready, they wish really hard for a baby. And if they’re lucky, they get one,” she explained. Nicki had to give her credit. Not a word of that wasn’t true.

“Ohh. That’s it?”

“That’s it hon.”

So maybe she couldn’t be completely truthful. Plenty of work had gone into it, that was for damn sure.

“Wait… how can Auntie be a mommy too? Is Daddy that baby’s daddy too?”

Nicki had to fight back a laugh. If only Bella knew how wrong that would be.

“I’m the daddy, Bells,” Tyler said.

Hearing those words come from his mouth almost brought Nicki to tears. The absolute, unconditional pride in his voice was too much to handle. He was already so devoted to this little thing inside of her. She knew the love he showed her would be nothing compared to the love he would show their child. It amazed her that he wanted it so badly.

“I’m confused,” she mumbled.

“Why doesn’t Auntie explain it to you, then?” Lisa suggested, her eyes darting between Nicki and Tyler.

She had known it was only a matter of time until Lisa summoned Tyler to their inevitable conversation. Whatever Lisa wanted to share with him must have been important, because she hadn’t left it alone since the moment she found out about the baby.

** * * * *

Tyler watched as Nicki took Bella and led her back to the living room. He took a seat where she had been, and turned to face Lisa.

“How ya doing, Ty?”

“I’m pretty good,” he said, smiling. “What about you?”

“We both know that isn’t what I was getting at. How are you handling it? And be honest. I’m not saying anything to Nicki about this.”

He sighed. He hated keeping things from Nicki.

“Come on, bud. We have however long it takes for Nicki to get it through Bella’s thick skull that the world doesn’t revolve around her to talk. If you have any questions, get them out now.”

As long as he didn’t have to flat out lie to her, then he guessed it would be okay. Besides, there were some things he really wanted answers to that he wasn’t exactly keen on bringing up with her.

“Honestly, I have no idea how I’m going to wait another six months. I just… want to hold it. And I’d love to stop calling it ‘it’,” he admitted.

Lisa laughed and nodded her head. “That was the worst part for Zach, too. Well, besides the sixteen hours of labor.”

Tyler remembered very well when Bella was born, and remembered even better how Zach had looked when he came out to see them after it was over. It still haunted him.

“Is it always that bad?”

“No, not always. Sometimes it’s worse, sometimes people just pop them right out. Nicki’s got those child bearing hips, so I doubt it will be too tough on her.”

“Why was it so hard for you?” he asked, hoping he wasn’t crossing any boundaries.

“Just remember, you asked,” she said, making him regret saying anything. “When she was on her way out, her head turned, and got caught in my pelvis. They couldn’t get her out, and she started to suffocate, so I had to get a C-section. They let Zach stay and watch, which is probably why everyone tells me he was green when he came out to tell you guys.”

He shuddered at the notion of staring down at Nicki’s open body. As if the nine months leading up to it weren’t nerve wracking enough, now he had millions of other things to worry about, like his future child getting lodged in her pelvis. Wonderful.

“So when can we find out if it’s a boy or a girl?”

It was the one question on his mind day and night.

“We found out about Bella at eighteen weeks. But right about the time I got pregnant with Danny, they released this new test that was supposed to be able to tell you at thirteen weeks. They told us he was a girl. Believe me, it was a big shocker two months later when the ultrasound showed us otherwise.”

“I remember that,” he said, wracking his brain for other questions.

“What are you hoping for?” she asked.

Tyler folded his hands and looked down at his lap. “I mean, obviously I don’t care either way. I’d love for it to be a boy, teach him how to play hockey and everything. But for some reason, I really want it to be a girl. Maybe it’s Bella’s fault.”

Lisa smiled at him. “I hope it’s a girl, too. I’m already arranging the wedding.” She softly patted a hand on her stomach. “This little guy’s our ticket to finally being related.”

A laugh escaped Tyler. So, Lisa’s sense of humor could be a little warped at times. She was hysterical. And who knew? Maybe things would work out that way.

“We probably don’t have too much time left, so I’m going to make you feel really uncomfortable for about five to ten minutes,” Lisa said, still grinning.

** * * * *

“Let me see my future grandchild!” Jackie shouted as she burst through the front doors.

Nicki left her spot on Tyler’s lap to greet her. Jackie pulled her into a monster of a hug, with no intention of letting her go without a fight.

“It’s so good to see you honey, you look gorgeous.”

“Aw, thank you Jackie,” Nicki responded. She hadn’t realized how much she missed her until then.

Once Jackie finally let her go, Tyler joined them and she exchanged quick hello’s with Candace, Cassidy, and Jim. The only thing Cassidy really cared about was questioning her about the baby. She had been busy with her senior year of high school, and they’d barely spoken over the past few months.

“Does it feel weird?” she asked, following the train of family members into the kitchen.

“Yeah, it does. No matter how much I think about it, it still seems so strange that there’s something in there,” she said, not knowing a better way to explain it. “And physically things feel off. It doesn’t really feel like my body anymore.”

“Ugh, I do not want to be pregnant,” Cassidy said, showcasing a dramatic shiver.

“I always said the same thing. But then I met your brother, and things changed. I won’t lie to you, I’m still kind of scared about it. It’s something I know I have to do, not just for me, but for him,” she explained.

“I’ve never seen him so excited about anything. I really can’t picture him as a dad. It’s so…”

“Weird,” Nicki finished for her. She knew exactly how Cassidy felt.

She nodded her head. “It’s gonna be really lucky to have you for a mom.”

“Cass! You’re gonna make me cry,” she said, wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

“I mean it. You single handedly got me through high school. And you taught me mise en place. I don’t know how I’d live without knowing that.”

Nicki laughed with her, she remembered that like it was yesterday. She’d been so nervous about Tyler’s family liking her, about whether or not they would even last. Yet there she stood almost five years later, surrounded by their family, carrying his child.

“What are you thinking about?” she asked, noticing Nicki’s sudden silence.

Her hand moved to her stomach and a grin formed on her face. “Just how God damn lucky I am.”

“Awwww, I know. Basically everyone wants to be my sister-in-law. I’m kind of a big deal.”

As Nicki was about to respond, the doorbell rang. She grabbed Cassidy’s hand and led her to the foyer, where Tyler was already greeting Freddy and Evaline.

“Oh my God, that is the cutest baby I’ve ever seen,” Cassidy muttered underneath her breath.

She had to agree. Declan somehow managed to steal Evaline’s piercing blue eyes, but was the spitting image of Freddy. It was the only baby she could truthfully say looked like his parent.

“This is way too much baby for me to handle.”

“Get used to it Cass. Soon enough it’ll be Candace, too.”

“Hope it doesn’t get Brad’s nose,” Cassidy said, snickering.

After Freddy broke out of Tyler’s hug, he made his way straight to Nicki. It had only been a week since they’d been together last, waiting for Declan to be born at Mass General. Evy had recovered quickly, and was already shedding her baby weight. They were the perfect example of proud new parents; exuberant and exhausted.

“How’s little Satan? Moving around yet?” Freddy asked before placing a kiss on her cheek.

“Really, Freddy? You don’t have anything else to say to me?”

“Have the hooves shown up on the ultrasound yet? The horns, maybe?”

Nicki squeezed her arms around his neck and whispered into his ear, “You’re such a prick.”

“I’m a tired prick. There’s a difference,” he said, hugging her back. “All. He does. Is cry.”

She glanced over Freddy’s shoulder at Declan, who was sleeping peacefully in his mother’s arms.

“Yeah, he seems like a real monster.”

“You have no idea. I don’t know what I did to deserve it. I think he’s the unhappiest baby that’s ever been born.”

“At least he’s a looker,” she said, secretly fearing that the same might happen to her and Tyler.

“That he is. Takes after his father,” he said proudly, turning his gaze to his newborn.

“He certainly does.”

Nicki looked with him. All she could think about was how badly she longed to hear the same words come from Tyler’s mouth.

** * * * *

Tyler used the last remaining energy he had to fall back onto the couch, collapsing the second he hit leather. He had underestimated just how exhausting it was to hold a holiday party. It was the first one he’d been to for his family that wasn’t at his mother’s house, and he had no clue how she’d managed to host all of those years.

Shortly after he got comfortable, Lisa and Nicki returned from putting Bella to bed. Lisa took Danny from Zach and sank into the couch. After picking up a few stray cups that were strewn across the room, Nicki slipped onto Tyler’s lap. He noted the change in her weight instantly, not like it was overpowering. Although she was wary of the eight pounds that had been added to her slender frame, he almost welcomed it. Her curves were more noticeable, but only in the sexiest way. Since the day she found out, he hadn’t been able to keep his hands off of her.

“We should probably leave, but I don’t know if I can get up,” Freddy said, tilting his head against Evaline’s shoulder. She’d passed out over an hour ago, and so far Declan hadn’t made a peep.

“If you want to stay over, there’s one more bedroom,” Nicki offered. “You have the diaper bag, right?”

“I thought you were never going to ask,” he said, chuckling. “I’m gonna take her upstairs. Will you hold Declan?”

“I’d love to.”

Freddy gently removed him from Evaline’s hold and placed him in Nicki’s waiting arms. Tyler wrapped his arms around her midsection as she slumped back, and rested his chin on her shoulder so that he could watch her with Declan. He marveled at the sheer tininess of him, and at how confident Nicki seemed with him. Tyler left soft kisses along her neck and shoulder, enjoying how comfortable the entire situation felt. One day, it would be their baby in her arms.

They both watched as Freddy picked Evaline up off of the couch, and laughed quietly as her body went limp in his arms. It reminded Tyler of all the nights they’d stayed up drinking, and had to carry the girls to bed.

“Just like the good old days,” Freddy joked as he walked by them towards the stairs.

“Look at you two,” Lisa said as she adjusted Danny on her lap. He had hit his first real growth spurt, and had nearly double in size since the last time Tyler had seen him.

Nicki snuggled up to him, accepting Lisa’s compliment and savoring it. They were both so ready to be parents, it almost wasn’t fair that they had to wait so long while everyone around them got to take their shot at it.

Freddy came back into the room and declared that he would stay until Lisa and Zach left, for the sake of catching up. Nicki offered up Declan, but he declined.

“Please, you keep him. If he starts wailing, it’s your job to make it stop.”

“Jeez Freddy, you’re so enthusiastic,” Nicki teased.

He sighed and reclined into the couch. “I know I sound like a total ass, I’m just so fucking tired. No one gives you any warning about how hard it actually is.”

“That’s because no one can describe how hard it is,” Lisa said. “It’s something you have to experience. It gets easier buddy, I promise. You’re still probably all worked up from him being born. Give it a couple of weeks. It’s a big adjustment to make.”

Tyler couldn’t help but worry a bit. He knew that nothing could ever tear him and Nicki apart, but Freddy and Evaline nearly equaled them in strength. If Freddy was so miserable, he didn’t hold out too much hope for himself.

“Eh, thanks Lisa. I’m sure you’re right.”

“I know I’m right,” she quipped. “Just hang with us for a while, wind down. You’ll feel better in the morning.”

“Want a beer?” Tyler asked, feeling like he needed one himself.

“I think that’s just what I need,” Freddy said, slapping his hands together.

Tyler tilted his head towards the kitchen. Normally he’d get it for him, but the chances of him getting out from underneath Nicki without waking up Declan were slim to none.

“Bottom drawer of the fridge. Grab one for me?”

Freddy nodded and got up again, stumbling a bit as he rose from the couch.

“Poor Freddy,” Nicki muttered when he left the room. “I feel so bad.”

“Guy’s got it rough,” Zach said. “We got lucky. Even when Danny cries, it’s only for a minute or two. From the sound of it, once that one starts, he doesn’t stop.”

Tyler peered over Nicki’s shoulder at the sleeping infant. He had a hard time believing it due to the fact that he hadn’t made a single noise the entire day, but feared he might awake later that night to screaming and crying. Well, at least it would prepare him.

A beer shoved its way into his hand and he took a long sip, hoping it might ease the sense of worry that had crept up on him.

“What I would give for a glass of wine,” Nicki said, sighing.

“Or an appletini?” Lisa proposed.

“Don’t do that to me Lis.”

Freddy began to laugh, and every head in the room turned to look at him. He’d already polished off his beer, and lazily draped himself across his part of the couch.

“Remember that night when you made martinis? And brought that fuckin’ game? We basically had to watch Ty and Nicki fuck on the living room floor,” he said, laughing hysterically now.

“And you said you wanted to sleep with Betty White,” Nicki reminded him, evoking laughter from the rest of the room.

Lisa shook her head and looked down at Danny in her arms. “Things were so simple then. If someone had told you then that we’d all still be together, married and raising families, would you have believed them?”

“No way,” said Zach.

“Never,” chimed Freddy.

Nicki shifted in Tyler’s lap, being careful not to wake Declan. “Absolutely not.”

“Not in a million years,” Tyler said. “But honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


Update soon!!!!! Love this story!!!!!

mm.kkzz mm.kkzz

PLEASE UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bookworm93 Bookworm93

Please please pleaaaase update soon! I miss this story so much!

racheal racheal

Please update this is my favorite story!!!

Hockeylover123 Hockeylover123

please update soon! :)

hockeyloverxo hockeyloverxo