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A Second Chance at Love

Meeting the Team

The boys didn't stay too long. Andrej and Danielle promised them Friendly's and ice cream is way more alluring than newborns. It was a good thing. According to Danny, the waiting room was pretty crowded with people.

Mike, Jeff, Pam, Kris and Carcillo came in next. Mike went right for Daniel, while Pam made a beeline for Jolie. Mike busied himself telling his godson the importance of being a defensive forward while Pam handed Jolie to a shaken Jeff.

"Hahaha bro, you ready for all this" Carcillo commented as him and Kris asked the young nurse a million questions.

"So they just make a long cut on her tummy?" Kris asked wide eyed.

"More importantly, do you boobs stay big after breast feeding?" Carcillo cut in. I cracked up. Only those too would harass the poor girl. She looked bewildered.

Kris and Carcillo left and Daniel started whining. "Give him to me, he is hungry." I told Mike. I unsnapped my shirt and started to feed Daniel.

"Whoa, Rainy, really. Can't you warn a person. Mike raced to get Jolie off of Jeff. "Come here pretty mama. Let Uncle Mike see you before your mommy drowns you in boobie juice too." Danny just shook his head.

Lavy and Danny's agent Mark knocked and I threw a blanket over myself. I felt comfortable with Mike and Jeff, but no way coach was checking out my chest.

They congratulated me and checked out Jolie. Daniel finished eating and I gave him to Lavy. "Hows my little man? You gonna play hockey like the rest of them. You should be a goalie pal."

We all cracked up. Mark let us know he would release a statement that they were born, but he would love if we took a few pictures. Danny cut him off. "No way, not today. She isn't feeling up to it. We can do it the day we bring them home." I smiled at him in appreciation.

I fed Jolie quickly and handed her of to her grinning godfather who had just come in. "My god Rainy, she is beautiful, even if she looks like her father."

More people stopped by and I held a laugh in as Pronger cooed sweetly to Jolie. Mike never left the window, holding one baby or the other. I started to feel horrible. The meds were wearing off. Danny got the nurse and she gave me some oral pain medicine, promising me it was ok for the babies.

I feel asleep not long after. I must have slept for awhile. When I woke up the lights were off, Daniel was starting to fuss and Danny was sound asleep in the chair, one hand in Jolie's crib. It had me in tears it was such a sight to see. I held Daniel and stared. He was so alert, already knew what he wanted. He looked at me and I was in love. Him and his sister had already stolen my heart, the few short hours they were here.


Cheesy adorableness


Great job, It was such a good story. Well written and thought out

U are awesome. I am actually sitting down to post a few .... maybe even the ending up tonight. I appreciate all of the comments and am posting my other stuff because of your encouragement.

Jayla1231! Jayla1231!

Love it : ) It is super cute

I think she is learning french to teach the kids

That chapter makes me laugh too. I love that they have one big family. Everyone is so close.

Jayla1231! Jayla1231!