Special Delivery.
It was by shear luck she got involved with the Blackhawk's family, but it was no coincidence that she wound up in love with #50.
Charlie Parker
Sutton's dad, Aviation Engineer
Claire Parker
Sutton's sister in law, high school English teacher.
Corey Crawford
Chicago Blackhawks goalie, #50
Dr. Shawn Parker
Sutton's older brother, dentist.
Dr. Sutton Parker
young and talented OBGYN, falls into friendship with the Chicago Blackhawks WAGS finding a little more than friendship along the way.
Kelsey Norris
Sutton's best friend, trusty scrub nurse and instigator in all things Corey Crawford.
Lorraine Parker
Sutton's mom, trauma flight nurse.
Rowan Parker
Sutton's niece
i love your stories &&& your polyvore, they're amazing!! update soon :)