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Confessions of An Ice Girl

Chapter 18-

Morning came and I found myself staring at a bowl of soggy fruit loops. I sighed and threw them into the garbage disposal before getting Ella from her crib. I prepared her a bottle and heard my phone ringing. Without looking at the ID I picked it up, "Hello?"

"Hey. How are things going?" James Neal's voice said back

"James. Hey. Things are okay..."

"Why do you sound unsure? Is Ella okay."

"She's fine. Right here actually. Daddy is on the phone, Ella." I smiled holding the phone to her

"Hi Ella." James said. Ella smiled instantly hearing his voice and she cooed

I smiled "just getting her a bottle."

"Are you doing anything today?"

"No. I have the day off. So I was going to work on some things here. Why?"

"Well...I'm about there."

"You're here? Why are you here? Don't you have games?"

"We had a home game last night and we get the next two days off. So I asked coach Lavi if I can miss practice to come see my daughter."

"Great. She'll be so happy to see you." I mumbled gritting my teeth

"You don't sound happy."

"I'm happy, James...I just..." I sighed "I had a long night is all. I gotta go though. Just head in when you're here."

"Okay. See you in a bit." James said hanging up

"Shit..." I mumbled putting Ella in her bouncer and fixing up the bed. I don't know how much help it would be, my sheets reeked of Bortz's cologne. I threw the comforter over the bed and started picking up the two beer cans and my clothes that were scattered around the bedroom.

I hadn't seen James in a while. It would be good to see him again, but I didn't want him knowing what happened with Bortz. I knew he probably wouldn't care. For all I knew, he could've been messing with half of Nashville, but another part of me still felt guilty for what happened with Rob. I quickly changed into a pair of yoga pants and my Pens' hoodie before putting my hair in a side braid. I laid a blanket out on the floor and just as I got Ella laid down, James walked in. "Hi."

"Hey." he smiled kicking his shoes off and sitting on the carpet beside me. Ella instantly smiled seeing him "Hi, sweetie." he said to her causing her to squeal with delight

"She missed you." I said

"I missed her too." James replied

"Hows Nashville?"

"It's okay. It's hard getting used to a new city, but my parents came down last week so I had some company."

I smiled, "That's good."

"Yeah. How have things been here?"

"Uh...they've been okay. Just work and taking care of Ella."

"Oh. Do anything interesting recently?"

"No. Not really." I replied

James eyed me suspiciously, "I see."

He knew. I don't know how he knew. But he definitely knew. Maybe Bortz told him out of guilt? Or someone else. That's when it struck me. Paul Martin. Paulie could've seen me leave with Rob, but would he have told James? If he did tell James why wouldn't he just bring it up? Maybe he wanted me to confess...

"Abby? Are you okay?" James asked, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yeah. I'm fine. Have you talked to any of the guys lately?" I asked nervously picking at my thumbnail

James looked down and shook his head "There's a lot of tension in regards to the trade, Abby. A few of the guys bought the rumors. I mean, I talk to Geno, Beau and Paulie of course..."

"Oh. Have you talked to Paul recently?"

"No. I mean he texted me a few days ago, but that was it...why?"

"No reason. Just trying to have a conversation." Whew...maybe he didn't know

James nodded, "Abby, there's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?"

"Well...I met someone."

"You met someone?"

James nodded, "I met a girl. In Nashville. She goes to the same gym me and some of the guys go to."

"I see. How long have you been seeing her?"

"Well, nothing is really official. We went on a few dates."

I forced a smile, "I'm happy for you, James. That's wonderful."

James nodded, "Thank-you...I told her. About you and about Ella..."

"You did?"


"I met someone too." I blurted out. I don't know why I did, but it just spewed out.

"Oh yeah?" James smiled "That's great, Abby. I'm sure he's a great guy."

"Yeah. He is."

"Awesome. So what do you feel like for lunch? I've been dying for Primanti's." James laughed

"Primanti's it is. I just have to change Ella..."

"I can do it." James offered. I grabbed him her diaper bag and a new outfit and he went to work changing her, while I excused myself to the bathroom.

Why was I lying to him? I wasn't seeing anyone...I mean I'd slept with Rob, but one night stands weren't "seeing each other". I should tell him that it was Rob, but I didn't want to come between them as friends...what was I going to do now?



Love this story the end of this chapter makes me sad eel happy cause James admits he loves her but sad cause he says he can't let her move. I so want to say idiot to James cause I want these two together so badly love them together

Stacey_cakes1 Stacey_cakes1

This chapter made me sad too :(

Stacey_cakes1 Stacey_cakes1


yes:( the trade always makes me sad. *sigh*

crosbyfan87 crosbyfan87

So sad I knew the trade was coming

Mel13 Mel13

I like the story so far keep it up

Flyers62 Flyers62