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AAOOOSC! Wheatie Bits!

"Swapping Powers"

Back in the humble house of Brandon, Nolan is smoothly moving his fingers down in a row one by one in a repetitive motion, examining the long, sleek silver claws protruding from his fingertips.

From next to him, Kale is eyeing the odd motion of his claws oscillating. “So now you’re stuck with Carter’s powers.”

He keeps his eyes on his new powers. “Yep.”

“Sweet!” Reid pipes in from next to Kale. “Now you can be a bear and I can ride on you and we can be a part of the wild!”

“Not happening,” Nolan snaps, keeping his eyes on the moving claws. He then halts his movements with a scowl. “I don’t like these powers. I want my powers back, but I’m stuck with these thanks to Carter Messed-Up Hart!” In anger, he slams his clawed hand against the wooden table, thrusting the sharp claws through its surface.

Kale eyes the claws protruding from the surface warily. “Ooohhh ummm…” He lifts his eyes up to their owner. “I would try to help, but I don’t know how.”

Nolan pulls his arm to slip the claws out from the table; they do not budge. “Are you an expert in magic?” he asks him brusquely.

Kale hesitantly swishes his eyes from side-to-side. “No…”

“Then stay out of it.” Nolan gives another tug at his still hand.

“Maybe I can read a few Harry Potter books,” Reid suggests, tapping his chin. “There should be a spell in there!”

“I don’t think that’d help,” Nolan states through grunts as his struggle to free his hand intensifies.

“Well then, I say you should get used to your new powers!” Reid throws his index finger at him with a delighted expression. “They must be pretty cool!”

Nolan halts in his strive, giving the forward a look of indignation. “I have the Everett Silvertips powers! I am NOT a Silvertip!”

Kale grimaces at the swapped power player. “Ohhh yeah, that’s not good.”

“Does Carter even want his powers back?” Reid asks with knitted eyebrows.

“It seemed like it, but who knows?” Nolan rolls his eyes. “He might get used to them.”

Kale places a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Well, if he doesn’t want to, we’ll step in.”

Nolan gazes at him with uncertainty. “Thanks…” Then with one single wrench, his claws slip out from the table.

He instantly senses a flow of energy churning beneath the palm of his hand, causing him to lift his liberated hand into his vision. His eyes immediately widen at the sight.

Pooling out from his palms is a steady stream of liquefied silver.

“Ewww!” Nolan wildly shakes his hand in the air, spraying the silver in all directions. “Get it off, get it off, get it off!”

“Whoa!” Kale ducks from the flying silver droplets, shielding his voluminous hair with his arms and hands.

Reid eyes the silver in awe as it splatters onto the table. “That’s so cool!”
Nolan halts his crazy hand movements, spotting that the silver is persisting in its flow. It is dripping onto the table’s surface, creating small puddles of silver.

“It’s getting the table dirty!” he cries out in horror.

Kale lowers his arms and gazes at the glimmering pools in wonder. “It’s silver!” He turns to the one generating it. “Can you retract it like your throwing stars?”

Nolan sternly eyes the dribbling silver as he mentally takes control of its inner flow. He then pulls it backward cognitively, causing the stream to disappear from view.

Reid appears completely stunned at the sight of silver sprinkled on the table. “Now you can make silver!” he exclaims to Nolan. “It’s like me and my powers, except the closest actual gold I can make is my golden energy and knight suit!”

Nolan reverts his unamused expression to his two friends, keeping his hand above the table. “So now I’m a grizzly bear dripping in silver. Lovely.”

“Hey, better than wheat powers,” Kale tells him with an embarrassed shrug.

“True.” He turns back to his hand. “I’d get a bad reaction to those.”

Kale chortles at the outcome if Nolan did acquire the team powers of the Wheat Kings.

Nolan then places his hand on his lap and turns to his former teammates. “I’ll be seeing Carter for the afternoon session. He better have a plan by then.”
“And if he doesn’t?” Reid asks with raised eyebrows.

Nolan slyly holds his hand back up into view, revealing his long, silver claws once again. “He’s getting a taste of his own medicine.”


E.7 "Swapped Powers"
Part 4/6
Episode 7/10


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