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AAOOOSC! Wheatie Bits!

"Nolan’s Birthday Crash"

Back at the house…

Kale and Reid are sitting together on the sofa in the living room. Worry is written all over Kale’s face while Reid has an indifferent look.

“Pat hasn’t been home for hours,” Kale points out, staring ahead. “Is he okay?” He whirls his head to look at Reid.

Reid has his smartphone to his ear with his eyes at the ceiling. He then lowers his phone and presses his thumb on it. “He's not picking up.”

Kale instantly launches to his feet, throwing his hands from his sides. “Where did he go?” He drops his arms. “I have no idea where he would go.” He whirls around to look at Reid. “Did he say he was gonna go anywhere?”

“Nope.” Reid dials Nolan and places his phone by his ear once again.

Kale begins pacing across the living room with his hand on his stubble-covered chin. “Maybe he went to a special bakery really far away.” He pauses. “But he didn't seem open to any bakery.” He continues on. “Or maybe he went to buy a new oven. Or kitchen.” He halts and flicks his eyes behind him, staring at the burnt oven on the other side of the room.

Reid has pursed lips, containing his frustration. “Wherever he is, he's not answering.” He cancels the call and places his phone on his lap.

Kale twirls to him, throwing his arms in the air. “We have to track him though! Is there a way we can track him?”

He holds his phone back up to his vision. “Hopefully he has his phone with him.” He presses on its screen a few times. Instantly, he freezes with terror. “Holda-holda-holda— He's at CARTER'S HOUSE!?” He jabs his phone at Kale, showing him the results.

“WHAT?!” Kale leans over to his phone, gazing hard at it with wide eyes. “No wonder—he's in trouble!” He straightens up, snapping his eyes up at him. “We've gotta get him!”

Reid has scrutinizing eyes on his phone’s screen while rubbing his chin. “Or maybe he ditched us and became friends with Carter…”

“No, that's not like Pat at all!” Kale rushes across the room, toward the front door. “Let's grab him!” He throws the door open and disappears into the night.

Reid hops up to his feet. “I'm coming after you!” He dashes in his tracks, closing the front door behind him.

Back with Carter...

Carter is now sitting on the floor by the island with his legs criss-crossed. Lying before him is Nolan, who is still in his peaceful sleep.

“I infused the cake with my sleeping magic…,” Carter starts explaining to himself, staring down at Nolan’s resting face. “Good thing it worked.”

He holds his hands out in front of him, their palms facing each other. He closes his eyes, focusing on the surge of his powers coursing through his arms and accumulating in his hands. His hands begin to glow a pure, beautiful green, increasing in its strength.

“And now…,” Carter murmurs, keeping his focus and position. “...I can finally—”

“HALT!” Reid is heard bellowing from behind him.

Carter instantly snaps his eyes open and drops his hands and radiancy. With shock, he spins around and becomes face-to-face with Nolan’s friends.

Reid has his white and golden sword in the air. “IN THE NAME OF GOLDEN BIRTHDAYS!” he finishes off.

“It’s ‘in the name of love,’” Kale, who is next to him, corrects him lowly.

Carter rises to his feet with a glower. “What are you two doing here?”

“The question is” —Reid jabs his sword’s blade at the goalie— “what are YOU doing with Doctor Pat?” He waves the blade at his friend on the floor. “What is this, nap time?”

Kale whips out a sharp, metallic wheat stalk and holds it out at Carter. “Release Pat. Now.”

Carter begins stalking up to the two. “Why don't you guys get OUT!?” He instantly lunges straight at Kale with immense force.

Reid swiftly swings his sword at Carter, batting him off to the side.

Kale retracts his stalks. “I'm getting Pat!” He rushes off to Nolan. “Fight off Carter!”

Reid nods at him. “Right on it!” He quickly spins to his left, where he threw Carter toward.

Carter has gotten up to his feet and is now angrily speed up to him.

“YAH!” Reid emits a streak of golden energy at him.

The goalie is blasted across the room and slammed against the wall on his back.

Meanwhile, Kale slides on his knees by Nolan. He quickly scoops him into his two arms, jumps to his feet, and makes a dead sprint toward the exit of the room.

Carter perks his head up from the ground and spots his hostage being taken away. “HURH-HURH—” He lets out a ground shaking roar as he rises to his feet: “HUUURAAAHHH!!!”

He makes a mad dash straight at Kale carrying Nolan.

Reid instantly slides into his way with another zap of energy.

The zap strikes his chest, causing him to halt in his tracks and soften his features with discomfort.

Reid waves his blade at him with raised eyebrows. “Turn into a bear and you'll be a nice carpet!”

Rage sweeps through Carter’s face again. “THAT'S NOT FUNNY!” He pulls out his silver, razor-sharp claws and darts at him, swinging his claws.

Reid holds his sword up perpendicular to him, making contact with the hard claws. CLANK!
He pulls his sword away and blocks another swing of the claws. CLANK!

He continues maneuvering his sword in the air with skill and speed, deflecting the claw attacks from the goalie. He steps back while waving his blade at him with precision to gain more room, approaching the island with the cake.


Reid flicks his eyes to the left, spotting the appealing cake displayed on the island.

“Whoa, you have cake?!” He quickly leans over the island, dodging a high swing from Carter.

Reid reaches out to the cake on the cake stand and grabs a fistful of the dessert while protecting himself with his swinging sword. “Can you try some for me? I wanna see if it’s good!” He quickly spins back around and stuffs the mashed cake against his mouth.

Carter instantly freezes with eyes widen as he takes in the cake. He stares blankly ahead, as if in a daze.

Reid raises his eyebrows at him. “Mmm, stunning, eh?” He peers down at his chocolate-covered hand. “I think gonna have some too—”

“REID!” Kale is heard shouting from another area of the house. “HURRY UP!”

Reid quickly turns back to the frozen goalie. “I'm gonna go now! Nice cake, bye!” He then sprints off past him.


Reid halts in his tracks at the sound and spins around to spot the source of the thump.

Carter is face-flat on the ground in a deep sleep.

“Oh, okay.” He then continues his sprinting out of the room.

Back at their house...

Nolan is now peacefully lying on the sofa with his hands on his stomach and a tranquil expression.

Kale and Reid are standing next to him, peering down at him with concern.

“Is he okay?” Reid asks, tilting his head at him.

“He's just asleep. Really deeply.” He flicks his eyes at Reid. “He's usually a light sleeper.”

Reid furrows his eyebrows while rubbing his chin. “That’s funny because Carter all of a sudden got sleepy once he ate that cake of his.”

“Huh…” He scratches the back of his head. “Maybe that's why Pat's asleep?”

Reid narrows his at Kale. “But can he not even have cake?”

“True.” Kale turns back to the sleeping teenager, instantly spotting a piece of paper protruding from his jeans’ pocket. “What's this?” He pulls out the paper and unfolds it.

Reid turns to it with a curious expression. “Hmmm…”

Kale scans through the typed words inked on the creased paper. “It looks like a recipe. But it's gluten and dairy-free!” He peers at Reid. “Pat found a recipe and was keeping it for us! Why else would he have it in his pocket?”

“Awesome possum!” Reid pumps his fists in the air. “So we bake it?”

Kale folds the paper in half. “Tomorrow.” He pauses, remembering the current time. “Or later on today.” He lets out a weary sigh. “It's super late.”

“Riiight…” Reid turns around and begins lumbering away from him. “Being in a deep sleep sounds so good right now…”


E.9 "Nolan's Birthday Crash"
Part 5/6
Episode 9/10


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