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AAOOOSC! Wheatie Bits!

"Beware Of Green"

“That was the most epic, yet challenging fights I’ve ever had.”

Kale lowers his glass of water from his lips. He turns to his left to look at his friend.

The two roommates are sitting on the sofa in the living room. Reid is staring at the wall on the other side of the room with awe.

“Pat…” Kale mutters. “...he’s...gone…”

Reid breaks from his trance and turns to him with bewilderment. “Gone? Like as in dead?”

Kale clears his throat. “Gone as in MIA.” He places his glass of water on the coffee table. “Carter never told me where he was. He just said he was safe. Most likely safe on his terms.”

Alertness immediately springs up in Reid’s expression as he straightens up. “We’ve gotta find him!”

Kale eyes him with a hint of fear while picking up his glass of water again. “With Carter around like this?” He takes a sip of it and swallows. “No way, he’s gonna choke me again! I don’t ever wanna go through that again!” He plunks the glass back on the coffee table. “We have to defeat him THEN we can get Pat.”

“How do we defeat him though?” Reid shrugs with his hands out toward him. “He’s got magic as powers...even I had a hard time holding him back.” He relaxes his position.

Kale leans over in deep thought, placing his forearms on his lap. “I think we need more people to help us…”

“‘More people’?”

Kale turns his head up to look at him. “Yeah.” He nods. “The more powers, the better. And I know just whom to contact.”

Kale and Reid are now sitting at the dining table with the dining room’s light shining over them. Joined by them are the three familiar teenage power players: Kailer Yamamoto, Brett Howden, and Jake Oettinger.

“Let me decipher your mishap,” Kailer starts off with an index finger in the air. “So Hart has possessed Patrick and is using his body to fulfill his desire for beauty and adoration and has extremely potent magic.”

From across the table, Kale slowly nods his head in anxiety. “Yeah…”

“Dang,” Brett comments with disgust. “So no sign of Pat?”

“Nope.” Reid shakes his head with pursed lips. “He’s gone berserk. But that’s because it’s actually Carter!”

“Maybe Pat’s in Carter’s body?” Jake suggests, scratching his head.

“Wherever that’d be.” Kale rolls his eyes. “He should’ve come home by now.”

Reid peers at each of the power players. “So where’s Carter’s body?”

“That is the least of our worries!” Kailer throws his hands in the air, redirecting the conversation’s path. “We have the task to defeat Carter before he does another assault to not only ruin Patrick, but also any of us.” He peers across the table to gaze at the two roommates. “He still does not take a liking to you men, am I correct?”

“If he shows love by choking me, then yeah,” Kale replies mirthlessly.

Reid’s eyes fly open as his hands shoot to his hair. “He’s going to destroy us.” He tugs at his hair in distraught. “He knows we caught on to his act of replacing Pat and he doesn’t want us to uncover him even more.” He lets go of his hair and turns to Kale. “That must’ve been why he attacked us.”

Brett nods his head with a slight frown. “Makes sense.”

“So how do we go about defeating him?” Kale turns to the three with worry.

Kailer eyes him while drumming his fingers on the table. “What can he do exactly?”

“Ummm…” He scratches his stubble-lined jawline. “...he can choke me.”

“I can too,” Brett remarks dryly with raised eyebrows.

“Without touching me.” Kale shoots at him a stern look.

Kailer throws his index finger in the air. “Telekinesis.”

“But he has magic!” Reid blurts out, throwing his hands in the air. “It’s all magic!”

“What can you do with magic?” Brett gives the two former teammates a confused look. “Is there a limit to it?”

“It depends on each user,” Kailer tells him. “That’s what we’re trying to determine.” He turns back to Kale. “What else?”

“He can teleport,” Reid informs him with shock.

Jake’s eyes light up. “Like Yamma Mamma?”

“Yes.” Kale pauses as he retraces his memory. “If not, quicker.”

Kailer shoots him a glare at the subtle insult of his supernatural abilities.

“Anything else?” Brett asks the two.

Reid gasps as he remembers another tactic. “He made a sword!” He holds his hand up in the air as if he is holding an invisible sword. “Out of his own energy magic! I gotta give credit to him—he’s a great sword fighter.”

Kailer stares ahead at the two, completely stunned. “Balderdash, he has all sorts of capabilities!” He reverts his gaze to them. “They seem endless!”

Kale shrugs with a dejected expression. “I guess that’s magic for you.”

Jake slams his hands on the table and gazes around the table with a fierce expression. “So how do we defeat him? I want to crush him…” He lets out a rolling growling as his shoulders hunch forward.

Brett eyes his protective friend with fright. “Um—” He rubs his friend’s back, causing him to relax his position and facial expression. “—we got to think of a strategic way…” He peers up at the others. “Because with what we heard about his powers, I don’t think any of us is a match for him.”

Reid looks at each of the power players around the table. “What about all of us together?”

“If he is unable to handle multiple people at once.” Kailer shrugs at the possibility. “We can give that a try, since he fought with you men one-on-one, right?” He raises his fine eyebrows at Kale.

“Yeah.” Kale scratches the back of his neck. “I was getting choked before Duker stepped in.”

“Sorry, I was too busy watching a cat sing hard rock,” Reid admits bashfully.

Kale glares at him.

“At least I came on time?” He gives him a closed smile and a shrug.

“Maybe we should just fight him and see how it goes,” Brett suggests, his arm now slung over Jake’s shoulder. “With that, we won’t necessarily beat him, but evaluate him to know his strengths and weakness.”

Jake gazes at his friend with excitement. “Yeah, yeah, yeah!” He rapidly nods his head.

Kailer, on the other hand, does not seem too pleased with the proposition. “That is a gamble. We can get acutely injured.”

Brett narrows his eyes at him. “So what is your idea, Yamma Mamma?” he asks bitterly.

“Well,” he starts off confidently, straightening up. “...we can…” His voice trails off and he turns away with a lost look as he attempts to mentally create an alternative plan. “...we can…”

He then lets out a defeated sigh at the blankness of his mind. “Fine, I suppose we can go with your idea.” He turns back to him with a grave look. “But we MUST be cautious and not make careless errors. We do not have any room for errors.”

“I’ll keep you safe!” Jake wraps Brett in a hug as he presses his cheek against his hair.

Brett swings his eyes at him with a grin. “Thanks, Jake Dog.” He uses his slung arm to pat his shoulder.

Jake responds by letting out a satisfied squeak and closing his eyes with a content smile before pulling him closer to him.

Brett’s eyes fly open to the sudden movement, yet succumbs to his embrace.

“Alright—” Kale turns to Kailer. “—so when do we do this? We go to him or he goes to us?”

“How much do you want Pat?” Brett asks tautly, still in his friend’s massive hug.

Kale and Reid turn to each other, exchanging looks of worry.

Reid peers back to the three. “A lot.”

Kale whirls to face them. “I guess we can do this—” He places his hand on the table: “—tomorrow, we fight after the Flyers are done with their practice.”

Kailer nods his head in growing agreement. “Fair enough.”


E.10 "Beware Of Green"
Part 5/10
Episode 10/10


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