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Blades of Love 2

Chapter 1-

“Mrs. Seguin? Are you okay?” the nurse repeated. Stacey slowly nodded and the nurse placed a sympathetic hand onto her’s. “We have counselors available if you need them...does your husband know?”

“No. We’ve been trying for a baby and I hadn’t yet told him about this pregnancy because we’ve lost two others…” Stacey choked out

“I’m very sorry to hear that. Have you considered other options? There is surrogacy or adoption?”

“Tyler and I haven’t really discussed that...we want our own child you know...but this was our third time...how am I supposed to tell him this?”

“I’m sure he’ll understand.”

Stacey nodded. The nurse finished up and handed Stacey a pamphlet regarding surrogacy, adoption, and other alternate plans. With a quick thank-you, she headed out of the hospital and into her car. Stacey sat down into the seat and started sobbing. She and Tyler had been trying for a little over a year to have a baby. The first child had miscarried after only a few weeks. The second, was after 3 months. Stacey had found out she was pregnant again a month prior and had decided not to tell Tyler until she was further along. She had started cramping and bleeding two days prior to her hospital visit and the visit confirmed her fears. She had miscarried again. This time, the doctors had informed her that it was unlikely she could carry a pregnancy to full term. How was she going to break the news to Tyler? How was she going to tell him she had hid a third pregnancy as well?

Stacey took a deep breath and drove to the pair’s home. She pulled her car into the driveway alongside Tyler’s jeep and headed inside. “Ty?” she called into the house. No response. She sat her keys on the counter and headed to the back yard finding Tyler throwing tennis balls with their three dogs, Marshall, Cash and Gerry. “I’m home.”

Tyler spun around and smiled “Hey hon. The boys and I were just playing some catch.” he said sprinting over to her and planting a soft kiss on her lips. “What’s wrong…”

“What do you mean?”

“You seem upset. What’s wrong?”

“Can we go inside and talk?”

Tyler nodded and followed her back into the kitchen taking a seat at the table “Is everything ok?” he asked his voice and face filling with concern

Stacey shook her head as the tears started to flow down her cheeks “I had another miscarriage, Tyler. I didn’t want to get your hopes up again until I was further along...so I didn’t tell you and I started bleeding a few days ago and I went today and they told me I lost the baby and that I might not be able to carry a child to full term and that we should start considering our other options…”

Tyler looked as if he was trying to process everything she just said, “What do you mean other options?”

“The nurse gave me this pamphlet.” Stacey said pulling it from her bag and handing it to him

Tyler looked it over “So...we...we can’t have a child of our own?”

“The doctor says it is unlikely that I can carry a baby to term. In using a surrogate, we could go the route of in vetro fertilization and the baby would be ours, but another woman would carry it to term. There is also adoption if that will not work…” she explained, “Ty...I’m...I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you…”

“Don’t apologize Stace…” he said pulling her into his arms “It’s going to be okay...we...we will figure this out.”

“What if we can’t have a baby of our own, Tyler?”

“Well...we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it...but we could look into that...in..ve...what was it called?”

“In vetro.”

“Yeah. Did you want to look into doing that?” Tyler asked’

“I want to do what we can to try and have a baby.”

Tyler nodded “I will do anything too.” he said pulling her into his arms

Stacey held him tighter “I love you.”

“I love you too. You go up, take a bath and relax. I’ll take care of supper and we can put in any movie you want, okay?”

Stacey smiled “You’re amazing, Ty.”
“I try.” Tyler said as Stacey headed up the steps. Tyler grabbed his phone off the counter and let the dogs in.

“Hello?” Jamie Benn’s voice said

“Hey, Jamie.”

“Hey, Seggy. What’s up?”

“Stacey had another miscarriage…”

“Man...I’m sorry...are you alright?”

“Not really...she said the doctor told her she might not be able to carry a baby to term and that we might have to consider other options…”

“Wow. That sucks man…”

“Yeah.” Tyler sighed “I don’t know what to do, Jamie...Stacey is heartbroken and I just feel helpless…”

“Well, the only thing you can really do is be there for her. That’s the most important thing. That you guys just be there for one another.”


“Are you gunna be alright?”

“Yeah, I’ll be okay.”

“Well, I’m here if you need me, Seggy.”

“I know, Jamie. I better go. I gotta get supper done. I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”

“Alright. I am sorry, man.”

“It’s okay, Jamie. Bye.” Tyler said hanging up. He placed his phone on the counter and after a quick glance through the fridge decided on fettuccine alfredo chicken for supper.



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