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Have Some Cake

Christmas: Secret Santa






“Including the spiked ones!”

Nolan Patrick, who wears a Flyers holiday patterned holiday sweater and an elf hat, clasps his hands together and gazes up. “Okay. I think it’s perfect.”

Staring back at him is his cozy living room, which holds a live fireplace in front of the semi-circle of sofas and reclining chairs with a coffee table in the middle. Across the room, by the front door, is a large Christmas tree decked with gold and red ornaments, ribbons, lights, and tinsel topped with a glowing star.

The mantel is lined with garland decorated with lights and ornaments and has candles placed on top of it. Holiday-themed throw pillows lay on the furniture and reclining chair. The warm air is filled with the scent of fresh evergreens and soft, jazzy Christmas music. All together, the room looks like it came out of a magazine.

Carter Hart steps up to him, wearing an Flyers-themed ugly sweater and a Santa hat. “You think? It IS perfect.” He puts his arm of reassurance around his shoulder. “No worries, Pat, this Secret Santa session is gonna go perfect!”

A knock from the door sounds.

Nolan lets out a huff. “Hopefully.”

He then makes his way to the red door and opens it. Under the porch’s light stands Nico Hischier and Miro Heiskanen, who each wear winter coats and beanies.

A grin pops up on Nico’s face. “Hey, Patty!”

Nolan gasps with glee. “Hischy!” He hugs him before turning to Miro. “Hey, Heisky!”

“Hyvää joulua, Nolan!” Miro exclaims in Finnish before giving him a hug.

Nolan pulls away from him. “I don’t know what that means, but thanks.”

“It’s ‘Merry Christmas’ in Finnish,” Nico pipes in. “I recognize it from when Heisky told me that.” He then eyes Miro. “Do you know how to say ‘Merry Christmas’ in German?”

Miro’s face goes blank. “Uhhh…” He darts his eyes around.

Nolan giggles. “No worries, I don’t know either.” He pushes the door fully open. “Come on in.”

Miro shuffles in first. While passing Nolan, Nico looks up at him. “And I just taught him too!”

After shedding their coats and placing them in the coat closet, they find Carter sitting on the sofa. They are both dressed in their teams’ holiday patterned sweaters.

Carter waves to them with a smile. “Hey, Merry Christmas, guys! Glad you can make it!”

“Thank you,” Miro replies before settling on the sofa across from him.

Nico sits next to him and interlaces fingers on his lap. “Hartsy, do you know how to say ‘Merry Christmas’ in German?”

Carter furrows his eyebrows at the odd question. “No… How do you say it?”

Nico eyes Miro.

Miro looks at him, bewildered. “You’re Swiss, not me.”

Nico huffs. “Frohe Weihnachten.”

Carter holds up a pointer finger. “Yeah, I’m not gonna even try to repeat that.”

Nico looks back at Miro.

“Finnish is much easier to speak,” Miro remarks innocently.

Nolan strolls up to the party with a tray of holiday goods.

“Here are the drinks and pastries.” Nolan sets the tray on the coffee table and places its contents on the surface: two mugs of hot chocolate, a platter of holiday sugar cookies, a cup of candy canes, and two mugs of eggnog.

“I’ll take these.” Carter pulls the mugs of eggnog closer to him.

Miro gasps at the cute sugar cookies. “Oh, they’re so cute!” He picks up a Christmas tree-shaped one and takes a bite. “And pretty good!”

“Thanks, Patty!” Nico takes a hot chocolate mug and a candy cane.

Nolan plops next to Carter and clasps his hands together with a bright grin. “Okay, Secret Santa time?”

The three stare at him, confused.

“Patty,” Carter warns.

Nolan huffs and drops his shoulders as a scowl forms onto his face. “Fine.”

Nico eyes Nolan as he stirs his hot chocolate with a candy cane. “Why don’t you like them?”

Nolan raises his eyebrows. “Kelly’s fine; it’s him who I don’t like.”

Carter suppresses a laugh. “Nolan, you can say his name.”

Nolan folds his arms. “Don’t make me.”

Carter can’t help but chuckle as he grabs a mug of eggnog and holds it to Nolan. “Here, maybe you need to loosen yourselves a bit.”

Nico raises his eyebrows at the mug. “Is that spiked?”

Carter glances at him. “It is, which you can try out next year.”

Nolan snatches the mug and takes a gulp. He then plunks it on the table, wearing a dark look. “I still hate him.”

The door knocks. Everyone gazes at Nolan with looks of anticipation.

Nolan darts his eyes to each person. He sighs before turning to Carter. “This is all your fault for inviting him.”

He then gets up and stalks over to the door. He swings the door open, letting in a gust of chilly wind.

Standing on the other side is Clayton Keller and Brett Howden. They wear winter trenches and beanies.

“‘Sup, Pat,” Brett remarks with a smirk.

Nolan opens the door and moves himself to aside.

Clayton looks up at the host. “Thanks for inviting us.”

“Sure thing. Come in.”

The two then step inside and hang their coats, revealing their teams’ holiday sweaters they are wearing.

From the other side of the room on the sofa, Carter waves his arm in the air. “Howdy! Kelly! Come on over!”

With a bright grin, Brett steps over the rest of the group. “Hey, Hartsy!” He grabs Carter’s outstretched hand before pulling him into a hug. “How ya doing?”

Brett then turns around to face the two foreigners and waves at them. “Nico, Miro, hey, guys.” He then settles on the reclining chair next to Carter.

Miro gives him a shy wave while Nico nods to him with a smirk.

Clayton steps up to the other reclining chair in between Miro and Brett. “Merry Christmas, y’all.” He sits on it.

“Thanks,” Nico replies back. “Do you know how to say ‘Merry Christmas’ in German?”

Clayton shakes his head. “No.”

Nico closes his eyes and shakes his head in disappointment.

Nolan makes his way back to the party with two mugs of eggnog. “Okay, here you guys are…” He places the mugs in front of the two older players and sits next to Carter. “Help yourself to the cookies and candy canes too.”

Brett raises his thick eyebrows playfully. “Trying to ruin our game, eh?”

Nolan shoots him a flat look. “It’s Christmastime.”

Brett chuckles as he grabs a mug. “Just joking.” He then takes a sip before showing surprise. “Spiked! Wow, awesome!” He drinks some more.

“You do have a limit with how much eggnog we can consume, right?” Clayton asks with his weary eyes at the hosts.

“Uhhh…” Carter looks at Nolan.

“Sure,” Nolan replies. “Just one mug. No one’s gonna get drunk. We got two underaged guys here.” He holds a hand out to the two foreigners.

Miro turns to Brett and Clayton. “Thank you for not getting drunk.” He nibbles on his cookie.

“We should’ve held this party in Europe. Or at least Canada,” Nico starts with narrowed eyes. “Then we all could drink.”

Nolan gives him a flat look. “If I don’t have to deal with flights plus snow, then I won’t.”

Nico raises his pointer finger up. “Good point.”

Brett then places his mug on the table. “Alright, present time?” He rubs his hands together as he leans back.

Carter points two fingers at his teammate. “Patty?”

“Right!” Nolan clasps his hands together. “So, I got your presents—thank you for putting them in the same wrapping paper—and they’re over there.” He points beyond the party to the towering Christmas tree.

Underneath the tree are six presents varying in size and matching in wrapping paper: white with gold designs.

“So pretty!” Miro remarks with twinkling eyes.

“Cool—” Brett turns to Nolan. “Who’s gonna go first?”

Carter shoots his hand in the air. “I got it!” He jumps to his feet and speeds away from the furniture.

Nolan watches him leave the living room. “Carts…” He gazes at the others. “I apologize in advance for what he’s gonna bring out. It’s ridiculous.”

Clayton raises his thick eyebrows. “I’m actually curious.”

Brett stifles a laugh. “What’s he gonna bring out, a wheel with our faces on it?”

“I’m back!” Carter slips into the semi-circle of furniture and flops onto his spot on the sofa.

In his hands is a holiday-themed tissue box, which he shakes its opening over the table. Fluttering out of the box are cutouts of each of the partygoers’ headshots.

Everyone leans forward to gaze at the six scattered cutouts.

Brett raises his eyebrows. “Okay, I did not know I was gonna be that close.”

“How long did it take to cut all that out?” Nico asks with narrowed eyes.

“Two hours,” Carter remarks proudly. “But I think they turned out good!” He recollects the slips of paper and stuffs them into the box.

“You think that’ll really work?” Kelly gazes at it with suspicion.

Carter leans back with the box in his hands. “Let’s try it out…!”

With a face of growing excitement, he shakes the box for a good five seconds. He then dips his hand into the box and pulls out a cutout before looking at it.

“Howdy!” He flips the headshot to show everyone else Brett’s grinning picture.

“Oh yeah!” Brett pumps his fists in the air. “I’m first!” He then brings his arms down to ask, “So, who’s my Secret Santa?”

Nolan blinks at him. “You’re supposed to get your present and give it to the person you’re assigned to.”

Carter shoots him a confused look. “Wait, I thought we were choosing who was receiving the present.”

“I thought we were choosing both,” Miro pipes in.

“We should’ve discussed this before picking,” Clayton grumbles.

Carter lets out an embarrassed chuckle. “Heh, whoops… I was just too excited to use my box with you guys.”

Nico shrugs. “Let’s just pick again.”

Brett huffs. “But I was picked first—”

“No, no, Hischy’s right,” Nolan cuts in. “Let’s pick again.”

Carter reaches for his box. “For…?”

“Ummm…” Nolan gazes at the others. “Who should we pick for?”

“Getting presents,” Brett states.

Nolan looks at the others. They all nod in agreement.

“Fine.” Nolan leans back and gazes at his teammate. “Pick again for the presents.”

Carter shakes the box again. He then sticks his hand into it and pulls out Nolan’s smirking headshot.

“Oh, okay, I see where this is going,” Brett mutters while leaning back with folded arms.

Nolan presses his lips, unsure of the coincidence. “This-this isn’t rigged, Carts, right?”

Carter shakes his head. “Nope. Made with one-hundred percent honesty!” He puts the cutout on the table.

“Good.” Nolan straightens up, his cheeks glowing red with embarrassment. “So...uh, who’s my Secret Santa?”

Clayton rises to his feet and rounds his chair to get to the Christmas tree. He scoops up a tube-sized present and brings it back to the party.

“Merry Christmas, Nolan.” He hands it to him.

Nolan chuckles as he receives the present. “Oh, wow, thanks…” He puts it on his lap. “Should I open it?”

Carter nudges him. “Of course, Patty! Let’s see what it is!”

Nolan finds the tape on the wrapping paper and pulls them off. He unravels the paper and folds it neatly before putting it aside.

Now lying on his lap is a PVC tube with taped ends on each side.

“I didn’t want to unbox it myself,” Kelly tells him.

Nolan chuckles as he grabs a knife under the coffee table’s surface and slices through the tape. “That’s a good choice.”

He then pops the end off and puts it aside before sticking his hand inside the tube.

His eyes instantly light up.

He pulls out a seemingly never-ending fishing rod, swaddled with bubble wrap. “Oh my goodness…!”

Carter leans to a side with wary eyes on the growing rod. “Uh, Patty?”

Nolan spots his predicament. “Oh, whoops!” He slants the rod with the tube toward the ground and pulls the rest of it out.

Then with it reclining on his lap, its other end against the floor, Nolan cranes his head and reads the type of rod through the plastic wrapping. “Oh my gosh, I’ve always wanted this rod!” He looks up at Clayton with sparkling eyes. “Thank you!”

Clayton gives him a shy smile. “I’m glad you like it.”

Then with an large grin, Nolan looks up at Carter. “Okay, who’s next?” He clutches onto his rod.

Carter jiggles the box before selecting another headshot. He holds up Clayton’s bashfully smiling headshot.

Clayton himself raises his eyebrows at his picture. “Oh, wow, it came so quick.”

With a growing smile, Carter puts down the picture and box, stands up, and moseys to the Christmas tree to grab his present. “You deserve it, Kelly.”

He ambles back to his spot, sits down, and hands him a good-sized present. “Merry Christmas.”

Clayton takes the present, undoes its bow, and unravels the wrapping paper. Nestled in the wrapping paper is a moustache care kit.

He holds a bashful expression at his present. “Aw, Carter, this is…”

“You got a nice moustache and I want to do all I can to make sure you take good care of it.” Carter holds a proud smirk at him.

Clayton raises his eyes back at him with an uneasy look. “Hah, thanks. I will continue to and put this to good use.” He pats the top of the kit.

“Good.” Carter points to him. “You’re lucky you can pull off a moustache.”

“I can too,” Brett chirps.

Nolan peers at Carter. “Can we go to the next person, please?”

Carter raises his eyebrows as he turns back to Nolan. “Oh yeah!” He then takes up the box and gives it a good shake. He pulls out the next headshot of Nico’s scowl.

Nico’s eyebrows perk up. “Oh fun! Who’s got me?”

Brett raises his hands as he stands up. “That’ll be me!” He swaggers up to the Christmas tree, swipes a thin, squared present into his hands, and makes his way to Nico’s side. “Here you go.”

Nico takes it and undoes the wrapping paper as Brett returns to his seat.

Delight comes upon Nico’s face as a box of Swiss chocolates lays on his lap. “Oh yes, these are the best…!” He gazes at Brett with a smirk. “Thanks, Howdy. You know chocolates good.”

Brett reclines in his chair with a smirk. “Of course, gotta know the best chocolates.” He gives him a thumbs up.

“I’m gonna have some.” Nico removes the plastic covering, pulls off the lid, and plucks a ball of chocolate before biting into it.

Across from him, Nolan gives him a disgusted frown. “Shake it, Carts.”

Carter shakes his head from staring at the delicious chocolates and joggles the box. He then reaches into it and selects his own frowning headshot. He peeks at the cutout, his eyes lighting up.

“Oh, that’s me!” Carter drops the contents onto the table and hops onto his feet before— “Wait, I’m supposed to get the present…” He lowers himself back onto his sofa.

“Yeah, I already got your present.” Clayton raises his moustache care kit.

Silently, Miro gets off the sofa and pads to the Christmas tree. He scoops a massive present into both of his arms.

Carter watches the large present nearing him with wide eyes. “Whoa, wow; move, move!”

Carter slides to the nearest armrest of the sofa as Clayton scoots him and his chair away from the coffee table. With the space made by Clayton, Miro slips through into the semi-circle of furniture and sets the present on the sofa in between Carter and Nolan.

Carter scans the present from head to toe. “Wow, it looks like a giant...I dunno, but it’s pretty big.”

With a suppressed smile, Miro steps backward to watch Carter take off bits and pieces of his wrapping work.

Amazement grows on Carter’s face as more of the present is revealed. “It’s...it’s…”

Sitting in between him and Nolan is an oversized stuffed teddy bear.

“A giant teddy bear!” Carter throws himself at it, hugging it. “Oh, it’s amazing, thank you!” He cranes his head back to look at Miro. “I would’ve never had expected this, but I love it!”

A shy, skewed grin pops on Miro’s face. “That’s good you like it. Hyvää joulua.”

“Merry Christmas, right?”

Miro nods. “Yeah.”

“Well, yes, Merry Christmas, to you too.” Carter straightens up and looks up at the large teddy bear. “I gotta name you, buddy.”

“After the party,” Nolan steps in. “First, pick.”

Carter then turns to the box and mimics a drum roll before grabbing it and shaking it. He sticks his hand into it and whips out Miro’s grinning headshot.

Brett snaps his fingers. “Dang it!”

Miro holds his hands to Brett. “Oh, it’s okay, he can go—”

“No, let him pout,” Nolan tells him. “It’s your turn.”

Nico places his chocolates on the coffee table. “I got your present, Heisky.” He stands up and strolls to the Christmas tree.

Almost everyone eyes his chocolates, except for Nolan, while Nico retrieves his present for Miro. Nico returns to his seat and hands a small box to his friend.

“Frohe Weihnachten, Heisky,” Nico tells him.

With a bashful expression, Miro takes the present, removes the bow to undo the tape, and pulls out a leather box.

“Oh, vau…” He opens the box to reveal a Rolex wristwatch. “Vau…” He turns to him with a bright face. “Hischy, I love it!” He pulls him into a hug. “Thank you!”

Nico chuckles as he pats his back. “Ah, enjoy it, Heisky!”

Miro pulls away and looks back at the watch, biting his bottom lip.

Brett narrows his eyes at the Swiss man. “Is that a Rolex?”

Nico gives him a cool look. “Yup. I signed in extension, so now I can get it.”

Brett turns to Clayton.

Clayton shakes his head. “I’m not buying you anything like that. Not even with my contract extension.”

“Alright, Brett,” Nolan starts off, grabbing everyone’s attention, “you’re the last person to go, so it’s your turn to get a present.”

Then, Nolan pulls his rod off his lap, puts it on the ground by the sofa, stands up and strolls to the Christmas tree.

Brett lets out a chuckle of amusement as he follows him with his eyes. The others watch, surprised as well.

“What?” Brett cries out, incredulous. “What? You’re my Secret Santa?”

Nolan stands next to the tree. “I thought you could’ve figured that out by now.” He scoops up the lonely tiny box and struts up to him. He then hands the box to him. “Merry Christmas.”

With sparkling eyes of anticipation, Brett rips the paper off the box, revealing it to be a small cardboard box. He lifts the flips, snapping the office tape, and peers inside.

“Ohhhh, you actually read my request…!” He pulls out a car key with a familiar horse logo marked on it.

Nolan keeps an expressionless look at the keys as he juts his thumb over his shoulder. “It’s in the garage.”

Instantly, Brett hops to his feet and zooms out of the living room.

Nolan then looks at the others, who have large eyes and dropped jaws aimed at him.

“You got him...a car…?” Clayton croaks.

Nolan sashays toward his spot. “Not just any car…” He flops back onto the sofa. “A Ferrari. Just like what he asked for.”

Carter eyes him, stunned. “Pat, that doesn’t make sense: you hate him, yet you buy him a—”


Instantly, Nolan hurls over and bursts into laughter.

Brett storms back into the living room, fuming. Pinched in between his thumb and pointer finger in the air is a small red toy car of a Ferrari.

With one look at the toy car, the other five erupt into laughter.

“This-this isn’t funny!!!” Brett snaps his hand down and stands in his place, shaking in anger.

Nolan lifts his reddened face up at him. “You think anyone’s gonna buy you a car? We’re all still on our rookie contracts, okay?” He then turns to Carter to share some chortles.

“Kelly’s not on his rookie contract.” Brett holds burning eyes at his friend.

Clayton shakes his head with raised eyebrows. “I told you, I ain’t buying you a car.”

Brett shakes his head. “Forget you all, I’m buying myself an actual Ferrari!” He then flounces across the room to the front door and exits. The door slams behind him.

Chuckling, Nico shakes his head. “Tsk, tsk, tsk…” He turns back to the others. “If only he knew Lamborghinis are better than Ferraris.” He then pops another chocolate to his mouth.

Clayton leans forward to gaze at Nolan. “That’s a good joke you did. Thank you.”

“Obviously.” Nolan adjusts his elf hat. “Just to lighten up the mood, y’know?”

Carter eyes Clayton. “Do you think he’s really gonna buy a Ferrari right now?”

Kelly blinks before looking down. “The dealership’s closed.” He then jumps to his feet and dashes to the front door. “Howdy!” He throws the door open. “Howdy!” He speeds outside, slamming the door behind him.

Nolan looks at the untouched, closed coat closet. “And now they’re gonna freeze.”

“Not as long as they’re running and Howdy’s being mad.” Carter sips on his eggnog before pretending to share some with his massive teddy bear.

Miro peers up at Nolan with a star-shaped cookie in his hands. “That was a pretty good joke. It was funny.”

“Thanks, Heisky,” Nolan replies with a small smirk.

“And this is a pretty good party. I like it.” He then resorts to consuming his cookie.

A grin pops on Carter’s face. “Awesome!” He puts his mug down on the table. “Anything we should do next?”

Nico chews on one of his chocolates. “Chocolate fondue?”

Nolan shakes his head. “No way.”

“Okay, then, karaoke!” Carter brandishes his teddy bear’s thick arm in the air. “My teddy bear wants karaoke too!”


“Gingerbread house?” Miro pipes up.

Nico smiles at him. “Aw, you still want to try that out?”

Miro nods. “I saw it in the store. It looks fun.”

“That does sound fun, right, Patty?” Carter eyes him with a smirk, pushing the teddy bear closer to him.

Nolan sighs. “We didn’t serve gingerbread, so I guess we could make gingerbread houses.”

“With the others?” Miro asks, pointing to the door.

Nolan looks out at the closed door. He then turns back to the other three. “Sure. When they come back.”

“If they come back,” Carter corrects.

The four then can’t help burst into chuckles.

The End.



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