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After a nice stretch of 4 home games, it was finally time for the guys to head on the road again and neither Liz or Adam were looking forward to their time apart. Ever since new years, the couple was more inseparable than they had been before. Adam had told Liz how much his family gushed over her when they got back to PEI after their short visit to Boston and she was extremely relieved that she was accepted into the family.
She wasn't sure if it was because she was sad that she would be without her boyfriend for an entire week, or another reason but Liz just wasn't feeling good today. Adam had left earlier that morning to start their 5 game road trip and she had settled herself in on the couch with movies and a big, fluffy blanket. Julie came out of her room about a half an hour later and settled herself in the big chair at the side of the room joining her in her plans to do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day.
Neither of them really said anything until Liz let out a huge sigh and sat up, looking like she was going to get sick.
"You okay?"
"I feel like shit today."
"I don't want to sound like a bitch, but you kinda look like shit too."
Liz attempted a chuckle that came out more like a groan, "thanks. You're too kind."
"I try. When did you start feeling like this?"
"Right after Adam dropped be off before heading to the arena to catch the bus."
"Man, you've been without him for what, 3 hours, and you're already falling apart?"
Liz rolled her eyes and laid herself back down on the couch, the urge to empty her stomach subsiding.
"You're quite the comedian, you know."
"Someone's gotta be miss pukey!"

The next day was no better, she was woken early in the morning by her stomach at war with itself and ran to the bathroom just in time. After staying that way for about a half an hour she felt like she could head back to bed and cuddled into the warm sheets that waited for her. Grabbing her phone, she did the one thing that she knew would make her feel at least a little better and texted Adam.
'I'm sick :('
':( my poor babe'
'See, look what happens when you leave me.'
'I'm a jerk, huh? Trust me, I wish I could be there with you instead of with these jerks'
'day one and you already can't stand them? ouch.'
'nah, they're fine. But they're not nearly as nice to look at as you are :)'
'well ain't you sweet. :) but I'm not looking so hot right now, so you might want to stick with their ugly mugs.'
'I still think you would win hands down <3 sorry, but practice time. I'll text you after to see how you're feeling. Love you'
'Love you. Practice hard hotshot <3'
She tossed her phone on the bed beside her and curled back up into a ball, falling asleep for another couple hours until her phone went off again. Expecting it to be Adam she grabbed it quickly, but noticed that it wasn't Adam, it was Katie.
'Lunch date so I can hear all about your escapades since new years? :)'
'I wish, but I'd probably throw it all up :('
'Ouch :( Want me to bring you over soup? I've got some in the freezer I keep around for Greg when he's sick?'
'You're a sweetheart, but you really don't have to.'
'nonsense, I'll be over in ten!'
Since she was going to have company, Liz dragged herself out of bed and to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. Coming back out she threw on a new shirt and pulled on some leggings before heading out to the living room, blanket in tow. A couple minutes later Katie was knocking on the door and Liz made her way over opening the door for Katie and the large container of soup in her hands.
"I've come to your rescue!"
Liz chuckled and smiled at the girl.
"You're amazing."
"Anything for a fellow wifey!"
"Wifey? Man, what did happen new years?" Liz joked.
"I donno, you tell me little miss."
The two settled in on the couch to start story time all about what happened new years and the days that followed after.
After Liz had done her part, she stopped starting to feel the nauseous warning she had experienced many times that morning.
"Well aren't you two just the most adorable couple ever. And see, I TOLD YOU that his parents would love you."
She mustered up a small chuckle, "I'm the queen of freaking out over parents, I even told him that his mom was going to think I was just the whore fucking his son."
Katie laughed and looked at her with wide, amused eyes. "Oh yeah? Well isn't half of that statement true?"
"And that's exactly what he said."
Before Katie had the chance to respond, Liz was up and off the couch running to the washroom yet again to let the soup she had just eaten come back up. After a few heaves, she washed her face and rinsed her mouth heading back out to the couch where Katie was waiting.
"You okay, hun?"
"Yeah, I haven't felt that great for a couple days now, it'll pass though."
Katie looked at her with a wary eye, but decided not to press the issue.
"So speaking of you two being all in love, how's this road trip going for you guys?"
Liz shrugged, "It's weird, he's been on road trips before but after everything that happened at Christmas and new years, this one just feels like he's already been gone forever and it's only been 2 days."
Katie gave her a soft smile, reaching out to grab her shoulder. "I know exactly how you feel, after Greg and I got pretty serious, it was hard to leave him for even a couple days. I know it sounds preachy, but it will get easier. I mean of course you're going to miss him, but it doesn't hurt as much when you do."
"That's good to know, because right now I want nothing more than to cuddle up with him and do absolutely nothing."
Katie raised a playful eyebrow, "absolutely nothing?"
"Okay...maybe something."
"That's the young couple attitude!" She chuckled and Katie stood up.
"Excuse me for a second, that bitch mother nature came around to visit and it's time for another midol!"
Liz chuckled at her choice of wording as Katie headed to the kitchen to retrieve her purse and grab a glass of water. Suddenly a thought hit her. She hadn't had to complain about mother nature for the past couple months, and usually she was right on schedule with those things. Her heart started racing and suddenly she felt her phone go off beside her. Looking down at it, it was a text from Tyler.
'It's only been 2 days and he's already whiney from missing you. You broke Quaider, Liz.'
The worry still coursing through her prevented her from smiling at this, but she still sent back a reply.
'You're just jealous you don't have anyone waiting at home for you, Segs.'
'pfffft. Lies. We're going out tonight, and that means I can dance with aaaalll the girls I want ;)'
She rolled her eyes, putting the phone back down when Katie came into the room. She sat back down on the couch and went to say something, but she paused when she noticed that Liz's face had went white.
"Are you sure you're okay? You really don't look good."
She stayed silent trying to think back to a timeline. She had gotten together with Adam mid September and the last time she remembered a visit from the monthly fairy was November. Her heart started racing again and she felt Katie inch closer to her on the couch.
"Seriously, what's wrong."
Before she could answer she heard footsteps coming from down the hall and noticed Julie heading out towards the kitchen, but she stopped when she took in Liz's expression.
"Are you okay?"
"That's what I've been asking." Katie commented.
Julie walked over to the couch and as she did Liz's eyes welled with tears. Both girls moved in, very worried about their friends sudden change of attitude.
"Why are you crying? What's wrong?"
She looked at Katie, "you mentioned your period...it made me think and I haven't gotten mine since November."
Julie was around the couch in a second, engulfing her friends shaking body in her arms.
Katie reached out and stroked Liz's hair. "Hun, are you sure?"
LIz nodded and pulled her head out of her roommates shoulder. "I didn't even think about it because I was so caught up with school and placement and Adam."
A fresh round of tears started again when she thought of everything.
"What am I going to tell him?"
"For right now, nothing. I know it sounds selfish, but there's no need to mess up his game for the week if this is just a false alarm, right?"
Liz thought about it and nodded, she wouldn't want him to be thinking of this over hockey until she knew for sure.
"I'm going to go to the drug store and get you some stuff, okay?." Katie asked.
Liz lightly shook her head yes, wiping tears from her cheeks.
"Hey, you're not alone in this remember? He might not be here but you've got us." Julie said looking between herself and Katie.
Liz nodded and Katie headed to the kitchen grabbing her purse and shoes and then made her way to the door to run the errands. Julie and Liz remained in their spot on the couch and neither said anything for a few minutes.
"I thought we were careful Jules."
"Sometimes careful just isn't enough, we know this, we're in nursing." She chuckled trying to gain a smile from her friend.
A fresh wave of tears came instead of the chuckle she was hoping for. "What am I going to tell Adam? What if he doesn't want this? What am I going to do?"
The look on Julie's face became stern and she pulled Liz back to look at her in the eyes.
"That man is so in love with you it's somewhat insane. You met his family. The way he looks at you is something everyone looks for and you don't even see it. He's a good guy Liz, I really don't think he would just up and leave you."
"I know, but he's young and he's in the NHL. He could have any girl he wants! Why would he stick with the one who's going to drag him down?"
"You have no idea if you even are pregnant yet Liz. You're getting yourself worked up over nothing! LIke you said, you've been really busy and distracted, that could be the reason you're body isn't keeping up either."
"I just don't want to lose him." She looked down at her hands and watched a couple of tears fall over her fingers.
"If you are pregnant, and he leaves you, then you're better off without him."
The thought scared her more than she would ever tell anyone. Liz was the strong one who didn't need anyone else, but after meeting Adam she wasn't so sure of that anymore.
Katie walked back through the door a couple minutes later with a white bag in her hand. She headed over to the couch and dumped the contents on the table in front of the group of girls.
"Pepto, kleenex, pregnancy test and of course, chocolate."
Liz chuckled lightly at the bars of chocolate that spilled from the bag.
"What? All crises deserve chocolate," she smiled at Liz before adding, "even if we don't know if it is a crisis yet or not."
Liz sighed looking at the pink box on the table.
"So, you gonna go take it?" Julie asked her rubbing small circles on her back.
She shook her head no and both girls looked at her silently.
"I don't want to take it without him here."
"You sure you can go that long? That's another 5 days."
"I know. It just, it doesn't feel right without him here."
Both girls moved in to wrap her in a hug and they stayed like that for a couple minutes.
"You know me and the girls are here if you need to talk at all. Call me, Brit, Krista, anyone."
Liz nodded.
"I don't know if I really want to talk about it for the next 5 days, it would probably only drive me crazy."
"Understandable, but don't be a stranger either, okay?"
She nodded again and Julie moved to grab the remote flicking on the netflix.
"How about we crack open that chocolate and watch some bridesmaids?"
All three girls agreed and they remained in their spots on the couches for the rest of the day.

Later that night, Liz couldn't take it anymore. She was tired of worrying about what Adam would say when he got back and didn't want to give anyone a false sense of security. She grabbed her phone off the charger and looked at the time. 11:45, which meant Adam's game was long over and he was probably back at the hotel stuffing his face with room service. Scrolling to the top of his message, she clicked the call button and listened to the phone ring. Much to her dismay, it went to voicemail and she sighed throwing the phone across the bed. Of course, right now was the time that he didn't answer his phone. Over their relationship it was very rare that Adam never answered her calls. After stewing in her thoughts for another half an hour she grabbed the phone trying to call again and again got voicemail. After her third attempt she had given up and put the phone back in the charger knowing that she wasn't going to get much sleep that night worrying about what he was going to say when he found out.

The rest of the week Liz tried to keep her worries at bay, but it didn't help that Adam had never called her back and when he texted her the next morning he mentioned nothing of the three missed calls he surely knew he had. She was sitting in the kitchen at the table surrounded by her notes when she heard her phone buzz.
'Hey baby, home safe :)'
Liz sighed, reading the text off of her phone. She took a deep breath before texting back.
'Good :) Are you free any time tomorrow?'
'After practice, why?'
'Just need to see you, that's all :)'
She added the smiley face at the end of the message, but her face held anything but a smile.
'You could come over now... I've missed you'
She knew that right now she didn't think she could face him without him knowing something was wrong.
'I'm already in bed and I've got class early or else I would :( But I'll see you tomorrow?'
'Of course. I'll let you get to sleep. night love <3'
'Night <3'
She put her phone in the charger beside her bed and flopped down. She knew that she wasn't going to get to sleep anytime soon and she was starting to feel horrible about lying to Adam. As she was laying in bed contemplating how she was going to tell Adam tomorrow there was a knock on the apartment door. Knowing that Julie was already asleep in her room, she slid off the bed heading to answer it before they knocked again. Looking out the peep hole she noticed Freddy standing on the other side and opened the door looking at him confused. Before she spoke she spotted Tyler beside him and her confusion level rose.
"What are you doing here?"
"You know, you're really great at warm welcomes"
She stood back letting both boys in as she closed the door.
"I would probably give you a warmer welcome if it wasn't 11:30 at night."
"Yeah, sorry about that. Had to pick this clown up at the airport and figured since your place is on the way back I would stop and grab those notes from you before tomorrow."
She shook her head and let out a small, dry chuckle. "The night before class is when you finally decide you want the notes? Nice."
"He doesn't need to study, he's a hockey player!" Tyler chuckled from behind Fred.
Liz turned from the hallway on her way to get the notes, "if anything, that means he needs to study harder."
She grabbed the notes off her desk and headed back out to the living room to the two awaiting boys. She handed the notes to Freddy and he thanked her. Since she knew that she wasn't going to sleep for a while she looked at Tyler, "How was the roady?"
"Long, but I'm sure you know we won them all." He chuckled.
"Don't get too cocky Seguin." She rolled her eyes.
"You know, you're the only girl who reacts that way when I tell her we're on a winning streak." He replied with a smirk.
"Let me guess, that was your opening line at every club you went to, right?"
"Hey, wasn't always me," he chuckled again, "finally got all the guys to come out and join me again, well except for the married ones. Got a lot of free drinks by hinting at that winning streak."
She stopped to think about what Tyler just said. "You guys all went out?"
"I know right, shocking!"
"What night was that?"
"Uuuuh... Wednesday? I figured Quaider would have told you we all went out."
She sat thinking for a minute, finally it clicked. Wednesday was the night that she figured everything out and called Adam in a panic but he never answered.
"Liz? You okay?"
She snapped out of her thoughts and looked back at Segs, "Sorry. Yeah. You guys have fun?"
"Hell yeah! All the guys were just reeling in the ladies. Pretty sure Quaider even had girls buying him drinks at one point, quite the ladies man that gu-"
Freddy cut him off mid sentence, "You know, Liz looks like she's tired and probably doesn't want to hear your shit anymore there Ty." He looked up noting the blank look that was still on her face.
"Yeah, I should probably get to bed. Had a long day."
"Shoulda just said something Lizzie!" Tyler went over to her, pulling her into him in a hug, but noticed that she didn't hug back.
Fred waited until Tyler had hugged Liz before stepping in and looking down at her with a concerned look before puling her into a hug. "See you in class tomorrow morning?"
"Yeah, for sure."
She tried to put on her best brave face, but with all the new information she had just gotten, her brain was swimming. Both boys left the apartment and she closed the door. On her way back to her room, anger flooded her system at the thought of Adam surrounded by pucksluts at the bar while she was at home freaking out about being 21 and pregnant. When she got into her room she grabbed her phone out of the charger and sent him a text.
"You still awake?'
A few moments later her phone buzzed with a response.
'yeah, what's up?'
'can you come over?'
'sure :) be there in 5'
She sat down on her bed and tried her best to hold in her tears. She didn't want to think the worst, but when she heard from Tyler that the guys went out and Adam was mr. ladies man, her mind only went to one place. Just as she thought she had it under control, she looked up at her desk and saw the bag with the pregnancy test she had bought on her way home yesterday. Just as the tears started to fall, there was a knock on her door. Wiping at her eyes, she stood up and made her way to the door. She took a deep breath before opening the door and being met with Adam's smiling face. His expression quickly changed when he saw the look on her face and the left over tears she had missed wiping away.
He stepped in the door and his hands immediately went to her face. "Baby, what's wrong?"
She didn't move, she just looked up at him with tears sitting in her eyes. "Where were you Wednesday night?"
"Uh, went out with the guys for a couple drinks after the game, why?"
"Did you happen to notice I called you 3 times that night?"
"Yeah, but-"
"But you were too busy having pretty girls buy you drinks to call your girlfriend back, right?"
Confusion quickly spread across his face as he dropped his hands from hers.
"Don't act stupid Adam. I already talked to Tyler tonight."
The anger was staring to build inside of her and her tears of sadness were quickly turning to tears of anger.
"And what did Tyler say?"
She couldn't read him and that was making her even angrier.
"He told me all about how you guys went out and were using your winning streak to get girls, and apparently you, Adam McQuaid, are quite the ladies man!"
Her voice started to get louder and she was pacing around for lack of anything better to do to occupy herself.
Adam's brain couldn't process what he was being told fast enough. Yeah he went out with the guys, and of course there was girls there, they were professional hockey players, but he didn't touch a single one of them.
"I'm loving the silence right now Adam, it's making me feel really great."
"Liz, I didn't-"
"Please don't try to make excuses for this. Either you did or you didn't."
"Of course there was girls around, but-"
As soon as of course came out of his mouth she felt her world crashing around her. She thought back to the pregnancy test sitting on her desk, the multiple panicked phone calls she tried to make to him when she figured out she had been late by 2 months. She cut him off before he could finish his sentence.
"You know what, you should probably go." Her voice came out stronger than she had expected, but she could feel the tears starting to pour down her cheeks.
Adam stepped closer to her, his heart racing, not understanding what was going on. One minute he and Liz were completely in love and on top of the world and the next minute he was standing in her living room, watching her cry and telling him to get our of her apartment.
"Liz, I don't-"
"No. I don't want to hear it."
"But baby,"
"GET OUT!" After the words left her mouth a sob escaped her lips and almost choked her. Before Adam could do anything he heard another voice from the other side of the room.
"What the hell?"
Looking up he saw Julie heading towards Liz. She was fighting sobs, but they were winning as she slowly crumpled herself to the ground. He was frozen to the spot watching the girl he loved hurt and not being able to do anything about it because she wanted him out. It was all too much to process for him and he just stood there staring. Julie wrapped her arms around Liz, looking down at her and then back up at Adam.
"What did you do?"
He started to respond but was cut off by Liz's strained voice again.
"Get out."
Hearing the hurt in her voice killed him. He had no idea what Seguin had said to her, but he knew that he was going to find out at practice in the morning.
"You heard her." Julie stared at him her eyes hard set as she had her arms wrapped around her best friend.
Taking one last look at the scene before him he turned and headed to the door walking out. Once the door had closed, Julie sat herself on the floor beside LIz and grabbed her face looking her in the eye.
"What happened? He didn't hurt you, did he?"
She shook her head and started to speak, but it was hard to understand through the tears. "He didn't answer Wednesday because he was too busy with his puck sluts."
"Are you fucking kidding me?" Was the only thing that Julie could manage to find the words to say. "Who told you?"
"Tyler was here, Fred had to get notes." She tried to keep going, but the sobs over took her again. Julie pulled her friends head into her chest and rubbed her back.
"Shhhh. You don't have to say anything else."
After Liz had calmed down some about twenty minutes later, Julie spoke. "Does he know?"
She felt Liz's body shake as another small sob escaped her lips before she shook her head. She sighed, shaking her head slightly, her heart breaking for the situation her friend was in.
"How about we get you to bed and we can deal with this in the morning?"
A weak nod came from Liz's crumpled frame and Julie stood up slowly pulling Liz with her. She got her to her room and pulled back the blankets letting her crawl into her large bed. She covered her back up and sat on the edge, looking down at her.
"Try and get some sleep, okay?" She squeezed Liz's arm before she got up, shutting off the light and heading out.

The next morning Adam walked through TD Garden with a purpose. His face was set in stone and you could feel the heat radiating off of him. After he got home the night before from being kicked out of Liz's apartment, he sat and put all the pieces together. He had tried texting Liz, but she was ignoring his texts and was denying his calls. Pushing the door of the dressing room open, he noticed that Tyler was already there and dropped his bag at the door walking directly over to him. In one swift move Tyler's back was up against the wall and Adam's arm was across his chest.
"What the fuck Quaider?!"
"Trying to mess up my relationship with LIz? Are you fucking serious Seguin?"
"What the hell are you talking about?"
He shoved him into the wall a little harder with his arm that was pressing up against his chest.
"Where do you get off telling Liz I got with all these girls when we were on the road?"
"I didn't-"
He punched the wall beside his head.
"Like hell you didn't! she told me you said I was a ladies man on the road, you know damn well that I didn't give any of those girls the time of day! I was fucking home with Dougie by midnight!"
Despite the situation he had himself in, Tyler was surprisingly calm.
"If that's how she took it, that sucks, but I never said you went home with them."
Before he could respond to that he felt two sets of arms prying him off Tyler, looking beside him he noticed Shawn and Zdeno pulling him away, both of them sharing the same mixed emotion of anger and concern.
"Well whatever you did say you need to fucking fix it because she won't fucking talk to me."
After that, he shook off his team mates who had pulled him off Tyler and stormed back out the door he came in having absolutely no desire to skate that morning.

After Adam left the arena he immediately hopped in his car and headed to LIz's apartment building. He knew that the chances of her actually talking to him were very slim, but she had to try none the less. He was so distracted by his thoughts that he didn't even realize he had gotten to her building by the time he pulled into her parking lot. Hopping out of his car he headed to the door and took the stairs 2 at a time, needing to get up there as quickly as possible. He reached the door to her apartment and started banging, hoping that she would answer his pleas. The door opened to reveal a very pissed off looking Julie.
"What are you doing here?"
"Where's Liz?" He tried to look past her to see if he could find her in the apartment but she blocked his way and grabbed the door.
"Why do you care?"
"Because she's my girlfriend and whatever Seguin told her is wrong."
"I don't know if I believe that. She's known him a lot longer than you and never once has he made her cry like that."
"Yeah, well he's a fucking jackass who doesn't know how to keep his nose out of other people's shit!"
"Maybe you're the jackass! Do you have any idea what she's going through right now? Oh wait, you don't cause you wouldn't answer your damn phone!"
"Then why don't you tell me, and maybe I'll understand what the hell's going on!"

Liz slowly awoke the next morning to the sound of banging on the door. She was about to get up when the banging stopped. She could hear Julie's voice, but it was muffled. She was about to roll over and go back to sleep when she heard the sound of a deeper voice following Julie's. She sat up, trying to hear who the source of the secondary voice was. She got up went over to her door, opening it a crack only to hear the voice again. This time it was unmistakable who it was, it was Adam. Walking back over to her bedside table she grabbed her phone and clicked on the screen. The display told her that she had 6 missed calls and 15 text messages, all from Adam. She was about to open them to read them when she heard the voices from the living room getting louder. She didn't necessarily want to go out and face him just yet, so instead she decided to listen from her doorway.
As Liz stood in the doorway listening to two people she cared most about fight, she felt her phone vibrate in her hand. Looking at the called ID it was Tyler, she eyed it cautiously before she hit accept.
"Hey Liz, listen I need to clear last night up."
"Ty, it's okay. At least someone could tell me he's been cheating."
"What? Who said he was cheating?"
She stopped for a second, thoroughly confused at Tyler's statement.
"You said that Wednesday he was being quite the ladies man when you guys went out to get some."
She heard him sigh from the other side of the line. "That's not what I meant Lizzie. Yeah most of us went out to get some but Quaider wasn't paying any attention to those sluts."
"You don't have to lie for him Tyler, I would rather know-"
"Liz I'm being serious. He left with Dougie before midnight."
"Then why was he ignoring my calls that night?"
"Because we made a no phone rule, none of us were allowed to use our phones."
"Tyler, if you're lying to me I swear to God..."
"I know I'm a jackass a lot of the time, but I wouldn't lie to you about this Lizzie. The guy's crazy for you."
She sighed and focused her attention back to the voices in the living room. "Thanks Ty, I've gotta go fix this though. Talk to you later."

"It's not my place to tell you! I'm not a part of your relationship."
"Then let me go talk to her!" The anger was rising in him and Julie could tell by his reddening neck.
"After what I saw last night I really doubt that she's going to want to see you."
"It's fine Jules."
Both of the people arguing in the doorway stopped and turned their attention towards the small voice that came from the living room.
"You don't have to do this, Liz."
"It's okay, really."
Julie turned around and looked up at Adam again, still not impressed with his presence in their apartment. She stepped back opening the door for him so he could go in.
"I'm going to class, okay? Call me if you need anything." She said staring intently at Liz as she stood near the hallway still in her oversized pyjama's, face puffy from her breakdown the night before. Liz nodded at her and started down the hall back to her bedroom. Adam watched her for a second before starting to follow her. He hated to see her so upset, and he was determined to fix this before he left her apartment. When he got into her room she was sitting on the bed, clutching a pillow to her chest.
"Liz, last night everything happened so fast that I really had no idea was happening. But I promise you that whatever Seguin said he's fucking lying."
She looked up at him, not saying anything yet. She wanted to hear what he was going to say.
He sighed and sat on the edge of her bed, the look on his face borderline heart breaking.
"Baby, please you have to believe me. I didn't pay attention to any of the girls who were around us that night. Me and Dougie were out of there by midnight and back at the hotel. We had some stupid no phones rule and I completely forgot to call you back when we got to the hotel because I was exhausted from the game."
She continued to be silent but she stared at his face with intent. He reached one of his hands up and ran it through her hair lightly.
"Please say something."
"Tyler called me."
Adam scoffed and let out a breath. "If he-"
"He told me that you didn't pay attention to any of the girls that were around you and that you left with Dougie."
When he looked back at her she was looking at him with a softer look o her face than before.
"So I believe you."
Closing his eyes in relief, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against her forehead, his hand still resting on her neck. "Thank God."
She really was happy that they resolved this, but she couldn't let herself relax until she told him the rest. He could see the struggle on her face and looked at her confused.
"What else is going on?"
"There's a reason I needed to talk to you that night."
She took in a deep breath trying to keep the tears at bay. She was still exhausted from this whole situation and knew it would be more difficult to keep her emotions in check.
"I'm late."
He wasn't understanding what her being late for class had to do with their situation until his eyes landed on the bag on her desk with the unmistakable pink box peeking through. His heart stopped and his eyes shot back to Liz. So many thoughts started racing through his head and he felt awful for not being there for her sooner about this.
"Have you taken it?"
She shook hear head as the tears started to well up in her blue orbs. "I wanted to wait for you." Her strength broke and she let the tears spill down her cheeks.
Within seconds Adam's arms were wrapped around her and his lips were on the top of her head. She relaxed a bit into his arms as the tears continued to fall. She had missed this feeling while he was gone, but she wished that it had come under better circumstances.
"Oh babe, I'm so sorry I wasn't there," he pulled away from her and moved his hands to each side of her face. "Why didn't you tell me sooner, I would have come back."
"I didn't want you to do that, and I wasn't going to tell you until you were done because I didn't want you to lose focus."
He stroked his thumb across her cheek, only Liz would keep this to herself for days so that he could play his game. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "You didn't have to do that. You're more important, if it meant missing a game they would just have to deal with that."
She let out a shaky breath and looked up at him reaching out and resting one of her hands on his knee giving it a squeeze.
"What do you want to do?"
She let out a small chuckle and answered his question, "I donno, what do you wanna do."
He copied her chuckle and smiled lightly, "I kinda wanna find out if we're gonna have a baby."
"You sure you're ready for that?"
"Whatever happens, we're in this together."
She nodded and squeezed his knee again.
"I love you, you know that right?"
"I love you too, hotshot." She leaned up and pressed her lips against his for the first time in over a week and in that moment she could honestly say there was no better feeling. As she pulled away, she sighed and grabbed the bag from her dresser and headed to the bathroom. She came back a minute later with the stick in her hand and set it on the table beside her bed as she reclaimed her spot on the bed with Adam. She pressed her back into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.
"I'm sorry. I should have been there for you."
She reached one of her arms back and ran her fingers through his curls.
"You're here now, and that's all that matters."
They both sat in silence for the few minutes that it would take the test to work. Adam closed his eyes, resting his head against Liz's as they sat there, happy to have her back in his arms again. After a few minutes he opened his eyes again and his heart started to race knowing it was time to look at the test. He kissed the side of her head, "We should look at it."
She let out a shaky breath and sat up, reaching for the test that sat on the bed side table. She let out a deep breath before she turned it towards her and looked at it. Her heart raced as she took in the tiny screen on the test.


Oh I love this.

SO this is the one I had pre-written which is why you lovely people get it so soon after the other one! aren't you a bunch of lucky ducks?!
Also, didn't realize how long it was!


I haven't exactly figured out what the little screen is going to reveal, so why don't we put it to a vote! yes, I like that idea.

therefore, leave me a comment on what way you want to see this go and I shall pick the winner and continue on!
Love you ridiculous people!


You aren't a horrible person!! Life happens, and it's okay to have taken a break. But now, if you're back, I'm so happy for updates to start coming back!!
I think that in a traditional sense, an engagement/wedding/etc. would come next. That's always an option to explore for Adam and Liz. If not, maybe just some good old-fashioned drama (car accident? hockey collision? sick baby?? ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES)
Honestly, I'll be happy to read anything about the McQuaids at this point. Just take your time and things ideas may come! :) :) :)

caleb617 caleb617

SO MUCH ADORABLENESS. Honestly, major plot isn't even my concern right now as long as I get to read these precious little Daddy Adam chapters!! So happy that you updated!!!

caleb617 caleb617

@caleb617 Thaaaank you! I'm going to try my best to update soon, I've just been so busy! I'm going to start working on something soon!

kateuhlyn kateuhlyn

I spent the weekend rereading this, and it made me realize how much I MISS this story! I really hope that you have an opportunity to update with a new chapter soon -- I'm so eager to see how things go with their little family! Much love, hope things are going well for you!

caleb617 caleb617

Yaaaay!!! I'm so happy that you had a chance to update!! :)

I love the little moments between Adam and Amelia. SO precious. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Liz managing on her own during the playoffs, too! That's bound to be interesting! Thanks for updating, hope you're able to post more soon! :) :) :)

caleb617 caleb617