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Of Icings, Halfpipes, and Pterodactyls

Chapter 33: The Clash of Queens....Westeros ain't got nothing on this


My rather determined power walk faltered as I turned my head towards the sound of my name.

It was Mario Lemieux. Of course it was Mario Lemieux when I was running late trying to get to the family box before the game started. Well, Mario Lemieux along with some other important men standing in power suits. Honestly, I don’t think I’d ever seen Lemieux in anything other than a suit. Or doing anything that wasn’t directly involved with his team.

“Hey Mr. Lemieux,” I smiled and gave a small awkward wave wondering on a scale of 0 to how-dare-you-ignore-Sidney’s-second-father-and-be-that-awful-person-that-keeps-walking I would land if I restarted my jaunt into box.

However, the decision was taken completely out of my hands when the gigantic man came over and pulled me into a tight embrace. At first my hands waved around awkwardly behind his back as I had no clue what to do with them. What was the proper protocol for this? Hug him back? Pat his back? Why was he even hugging me in the first place?

“How are you feeling?” he asked. As innocent as the question was, it answered my question as to why he was hugging me.

But it also raised the question of what the reaction of everyone in Consol would be if I went down and throttled their captain right before the puck drop.

“Uh, okay,” I sputtered as he released me looking me up and down concerned.

“Good,” Lemieux’s voice was as warm as I had ever heard it before, “Congratulations on the announcement, by the way.”

“Thanks,” I muttered back unable to actually look at him. Sidney had told him. I hadn’t even told Geno yet. Jen didn’t know. And this man knew. Wait, and he knew about the captain announcement?

There was a pause between us.

“He plays better,” Lemieux finally said.

“I’m sorry?” I asked confused.

“He plays better when you visit,” there was an odd smile on the legend’s face.

“Oh.” It was a very terrible response, but how else was I supposed to answer that?

“You know, after I met Nathalie, my game improved as well,” his damn all-knowing-French-Canadian eyes were twinkling as he said this.

I felt an incredible urge to bury my face into my hands. Or pull my jersey over my head. Or bang my head into the wall. All seemed like pretty decent options.

“I’m sure we’ll see you later,” he finished in that damn charming way as if he understood my brain was on overload, “But we are so very glad you are home for the holidays.”

I watched Mario walk away. He knew. How the hell could he know. I’d just figured it out and this man I’d maybe met twice before was pulling some Yoda shit? I slapped my face a couple of times and deeply inhaled and exhaled trying to pull myself together and continued my way into the family box.

“LILY?!” I barely heard the yell before I felt the hug.

“Vero,” I replied warmly. It was easy to return the hug the French-Canadian was giving me just as enthusiastically. All the stress seemed to be fading away in the smaller woman’s arms. I was here to be with friends and to relax. Vero made the first step of the process easy.

“What are you even doing here?” Vero was practically vibrating as she pulled me down to where some of the other wives and girlfriends were. I smiled hello as we walked to some seats.

“I’m surprising Geno,” I laughed.

“He doesn’t know you’re here?”
I bit my lip and put on my most innocent expression as I shook my head, “Just Sid.”

“Of course,” Vero rolls her eyes, “They said that Sid had claimed a ticket, but I thought maybe Taylor had come down or something. I am just wondering where--Oh there she is!” Vero turned around looking behind me and I followed suit to see who had finally arrived.

The woman who had just walked looked completely at ease with the women and children in the box. Even though a step above me, she was tiny, a good, what, 7 or 8 inches shorter than myself making her maybe 5’1 and God I would be surprised if she was over 100 pounds. It was obviously that even under her Penguins sweatshirt, she was pure muscle. Her summer tan was fading leaving her fair but pretty flawless with even light brown eyes. The light hair that reached from what I could tell about mid back was a dirty blonde maybe more of a brunette color. This woman was a warrior; she had clearly broken her nose at some point and had a scar on her left eyebrow. Despite all of that, she carried with herself with confidence and conviction.

Oh fuck.

Here I was standing, my hair up in an strange sort of bun in an attempt to hide the fact I had bounced around on flights all day so it was actually a disgusting mess, my face devoid of any makeup (though now it was probably breaking out in stress hives) or jewelry, wearing Geno’s much too large jersey, baggy boyfriend cut jeans, and a pair of worn out Nike running shoes.

Vero was saying something but I didn’t quite catch it. I think she was introducing us, not that I needed it.

This was Victoria McKinley.

I saw McKinley’s lips move. And I blinked. All of the noise of the stadium came back.

“Hello,” I managed before shutting my mouth so I couldn’t add something like ‘So you are the woman who is trying to date my Sidney and take away my best friend Geno along with all the rest of my friends.’

Victoria gave me a tentative smile. I bit my tongue and for the second time tonight I felt my head numbly move up and down. Quickly, I turned back around to focus on the ice.

Well, a sincere attempt to focus on the ice.

Vero handed me Estelle without a thought a few minutes after the game started. I gulped as I held the child, my discomfort clearly visible to not only Estelle who immediately began to fuss, but to everyone around us I was sure.

“It’s okay,” Vero smiled at me encouragingly, clearly not understanding the extent of everything, “Just relax.”

I stared down at the little girl who was in return staring back at me, studying me very closely. So many thoughts were flooding my head and I felt slightly nauseous for no real reason.

Estelle was the first baby I had ever held months ago and was still the only baby--or was she now a toddler? Toddlers were over a year and she wasn’t quite a year, so definitely a baby. So baby. Right, so she was the only baby I had ever held or really ever knew in my entire life. We had had several interactions, most of them included me awkwardly holding her until Geno or Sidney scooped her out of my arms. I don’t think she hated me...it would be better when she was a little older right? But I was supposed to be good now.

What if I had been pregnant? What would have happened? Clearly I am not a baby whisperer or whatever if Estelle looks so unhappy.

And Sidney clearly wanted kids one day. I had always thought of having kids, but that thought was many, many years down the road--after retirement, after I was old, and could handle a kid. Though who knew if a person could ever really prepare for kids. But Sidney had said he thought about them with me. With me. Jesus.

I couldn’t even keep Estelle from fussing for less than a period of a hockey game.

I would be a terrible mother. How could Sidney have any interest in me for any future possibility like he said. There could be no future, right? But I...that L word...Sidney. Could I maybe learn to be an okay mother? Did they teach classes or something? I would sit through classes if meant I could be a passable mother.

I blinked up and looked at the scoreboard; there were only a few seconds left of the period.

“I have--can you?” I breathed to Vero moments before the clock hits zero as I deposit her child to Vero without finishing my weak excuse. I made a break for the exit without making eye contact with anyone.

But it didn’t help the situation that I still saw that Victoria McKinley on my mad dash out.

Leaning against the wall outside of the box, I took some deep breaths. My entire body felt like it was shaking. Other people started to appear in the hall so I fumble for my phone to look like I am doing something instead of standing there like an idiot. Should I call Jen? No, she would blow up the situation. Plus she still doesn’t know about the entire scare and now would not be the time to tell her. Scrolling through my contacts I see David Boudia’s name. My fingers hover over the name for a few seconds and I wondered if it was stupid or not to do. I could text him and try to casually ask what type of person McKinley is. But he would definitely be closer to her than to me and would more than likely say something to her about it.

I bit my lip. ‘You are being insane. Just make it through this game, talk to both Sidney and Geno and get that situation sorted out and then you can face the next thing.’

Taking a deep breath, I headed back to the box, passing Vero on the way who’s holding Estelle in an arm and motioning the universal sign for ‘baby needs changing’. Smiling weakly, I continue my way in. None of the other women are back yet, but McKinley is sitting there playing on her phone.

I pause, staring at McKinley weighing the pros and cons of sitting down without any of the other women. Taking a breath, I force myself to head back into my seat.

“So I realized where I’ve heard your name before,” her voice is a little louder than need be behind me in attempts to grab my attention.

“Oh?” I turn in my seat to look up at the woman.

“Yeah,” she seems encouraged for some reason, “You spent time this summer with David Boudia. Filming the show?”

“Yes. I did.” I answered slowly.

“Well that’s how I’ve heard of you! David and I are really good friends.”

“I know,” my voice sounds clipped, and I know my acting skills have not gotten any better.

“You’ll be in Sochi, right?” she tries again for some reason.


“Well good luck...” She trails off.

Catherine slides into the empty seat next to me at that very moment. We watch the game for a while in compatible silence. Second period speeds by just as fast as the first but this time I spend the second intermission exchanging pleasantries with family members before settling back down for the third. I do my best to chat with my seat mates and focus on the game, completely ignoring the McKinley.

Finally, FINALLY, Sidney intercepts a pass from one of the Minnesota players and speeds down the ice. I don’t even notice I am holding my breath until the puck is buried deep in the net. Holding myself back, like I always do with Sid, I stand up like the rest of the family members but just casually clap. But I can’t help but watch him as he skates around, wishing I could go crazy like Vero. Literally, I could watch him all day and be happy.

And less than a minute later, James finds the back of the net from a pass from Paul allowing us the shutout victory.

I’m slow to head out of the room, knowing full well that both Geno and Sidney are always two of the last to ever finish changing out of their gear.

“Lily!” A name calls from down the hall. I turn and see Nathalie Lemieux. Because once again, of fucking course.

“Hello Nathalie,” I smile as best as I can. Nathalie is much less intimidating though I am sure she knows as much as her husband, which is too much.

“We are so happy you are back!” she beams as we make our way down to the bowels of the building.

“Me as well,” I sigh.

“I know you must be exhausted, but I do just want to check in about yours and Sids plans for Christmas.”

My jaw actually drops, “Our Christmas plans?”

“Well, normally Sidney comes around for Christmas day. Obviously we don’t expect it now that you two will be starting your new traditions--” I see her lips moving but the roaring in my ears drown out all of the words.


“Right. Right. Christmas. Could I get back to you on that? We haven’t exactly talk about the day. Though I am sure we can come over,” I hear myself reply pretty robotically.

“That sounds perfect,” she gives me an incredibly warm smile.

I nod numbly yet again for the billionth time that night.

“Now, if you’d excuse me?” Nathalie smiles at me and leaves to go find her husband I’d assume.

I glance around the room and realize Vero deep in conversation with Catherine both of them firing back and forth in French. Assuming it has something to do with the WAG group dynamic, I quickly weigh my options as my eyes settle on McKinley who is holding Estelle.

She is murmuring something to Estelle and I take a step closer to hear whatever it is.

“--your mommy just passed you off so she didn’t have to hold you anymore,” McKinley coos to Estelle.

“Vero is a wonderful mother.” I snap defensively at her as I feel an icy chill run through my body. How dare this woman accuse Vero of being a bad mother.

“I know that,” she says back, “Vero is an excellent mother.”

“Then don’t accuse her of wanting to get rid of her child,” I shoot back almost venomously.

“I didn’t say she wanted to get rid of her child,” McKinley’s kind facade or whatever was starting to crack now, “I said she didn’t want to hold her anymore. There’s a huge difference. Babies are heavy, and holding them gets tiring after a while. Most mothers take as many opportunities as possible to have someone else hold them for a minute, if nothing else but to give their arms a rest. I don’t mind it at all, Estelle is an angel. And she clearly loves and trusts me. Which is why Vero asked me to hold her.”

Anger trickles my body and I know despite my best efforts, I can’t keep it off my face. How dare she take my obvious weakness which was on display in the box and exploit it so.

I open my mouth to retort but James and Paul come bursting into the room.

“Tori! Lily! My two favorite American women!” James yells as he bounces into the room followed by a much more subdued Paul with his amused ‘Oh James’ smile.

“Hey James!” I beam at James, the anger I was feeling before ebbing away as I see pair.

“I know, you couldn’t stay away from me,” James gloats as he pulls me into a hug, “I forgive you for ignoring me on your last visit. Though, I don’t quite understand why you would ditch all of us for the Captain.”

I hit him lightly in the side trying to give myself some time to think of something to say. James still didn’t know. But James was preoccupied as he dropped his arm from my waist and headed over to McKinley.

“Who else would take Pauly’s family tickets?” James snarked over at McKinley and Paul before basically bending in half and kissing the diver on the forehead.

“One day, Paul is going to have a wonderful girlfriend. And I doubt she’ll be okay with me taking his tickets all the time.” McKinley winks.

“You know, you could just pretend to be my girlfriend and take my tickets,” Beau Bennett chirped, appearing with Robert Bortuzzo behind Paul, “I wouldn’t be opposed to that.”
James and Rob start laughing, while McKinley turned a rather intense shade of crimson. I watched the interactions quietly.

“We’ve been over this, Sunshine. Tori is way too good for you.”

“Oh, don’t be mean, James!” McKinley scolded, “Beau Bennett, I would be honored to be your fake girlfriend. But I know for a fact that you could find a real girlfriend who would make you much happier.”

I hold back a snort. Yeah, she could be a great fake girlfriend. Great coverage or whatever.

“Don’t give him any hope, please,” Robert whines.

“You and Nealer over here both just need to raise your standards. Maybe try talking to girls outside of the clubs,” McKinley pokes Beau’s arm.

I frown at her comment. Why would she say something like that to Beau? That would be something supportive and kind. Something I or Sid would encourage. But McKinley? That didn’t make any--

“Lazy hopeless. Never get girlfriend.” A thick Russian accent says startling me out of my thoughts and out of the strange interaction.

I jerk up my head to look in the direction of Geno grinning broadly.

But Geno isn’t returning the smile. Well, he is smiling, but it’s not at me, because he hasn’t seen me yet. And that smile--is a very specific Geno smile which he doesn’t flash at me.

I blink several times before looking over at McKinley. She has a matching grin on her face as she looks up at Geno.

“Hey, Geno.” McKinley murmurs softly.

“Hello, Tori. How are you?” He inquires.

“Well, my favorite team just won so I’m great,” she is smiling even more sweetly at him.

“I’m think Hawks play tomorrow?” Geno teases her.

“Shut up,” she laughs, giving him a bit of a hip check him.

“I kid, I kid.” He chuckles.

I stare, my mouth slightly slack. This isn’t just Geno’s same-old-same-old teasing. This is absolutely in the territory of flirting for sure. I’ve seen many times before. And McKinley is definitely flirting back, isn’t she?

I take an involuntary step forward, completely confused now and some strange noise comes out of me that is halfway squeak halfway moan of confusion.

Whatever the hell it is, it finally gets the attention of my Russian Bear.

“Lily?” Geno’s entire face lights up.

I shove the confusion to the back of my mind to focus on Geno.

“Hi Yevgeni,” I sigh smiling up at the Russian.

“You know, this is a pretty good gesture to make everything up to me,” he smirks in Russian as his Geno’s lips twitch into a smile.

With such ease I slipped into his arms, and buried my head into his chest.

“Though, a phone call explaining what the hell happened would have worked too,” his chest rumbled.

“I told you, I couldn’t explain that easy,” I murmured frowning slightly as I started to pull away, though Geno didn’t let me go. His kept his arm wrapped around my shoulders as to easily tuck my neatly into his. It was a protective gesture, like he felt the need to shield me from whatever unknown that was bothering me so greatly, no matter what it was. My body relaxed into his and I felt happy with my Russian.

“What can’t you explain? You replace me with your boyfriend? Only want to see him when you come to visit? Not poor old Yevgeni? A phone call letting me know can do that just fine.” Geno whined. It was teasing, yet I could hear some hurt in his voice.

“Tonight at home? It’s not something I want to talk about here,” I gesture around the area looking around the group of people. Just then I saw the doors of the dressing room opening again and Sidney walked out, glancing around. He saw Geno and me and headed straight for us.

“Home? My home? So you’re coming home with me?” Geno was also eyeing Sidney as he made his way over to us. But now Geno had a grin that could rival that of the Cheshire Cat, “Not going home with the boyfriend?”

Sidney came up right next to me and accidentally-on-purpose nudged my hand with his. I nudged back but kept my focus on Geno.

I rolled my eyes, “No, I’m splitting my time with you and Sidney while I’m here. Besides, who else would I’m spend New Years with?”

“You’re staying until New Years?!” Geno barked rather loudly and excitedly.

“Empty my life until after,” I confirmed.

“Have I told you that I love you?” he squeezed me tighter, “But I am still mad.”

My lips twitched slightly in a frown. I glanced around to look anywhere but at Geno, and realized the room was starting to empty. Sid had started to talk to McKinley and I felt my heart sink. Glancing back to Geno, I whined, “Do we have to go out tonight or can we just head home, just us?”

“Oh, don’t you want to see Sid more tonight?” He asked. There was something about his voice that wasn’t as innocent as he was trying to make it. It wasn’t like he was teasing me about spending time with Sidney, no, it was something almost like yearning in his voice.

“I’m see him tomorrow,” I bit my lip as I heard Sidney’s giggle. I turned my head to look, not glare (sorta), at Sidney and McKinley.

“You’re coming out with us, right?” Sid’s voice caught not only my attention but Geno’s as well.

“I can’t, I’m sorry.” McKinley pouted, “I have to go home.”

“When we see you again?” Geno switched back to English so fast, my eyes narrowed before I could stop them as my head whipped back to look at him and I definitely didn’t miss his crestfallen expression.

“I’m not sure. Next game, maybe?”

“I’ll leave my tickets for you, as always,” Paul volunteered.
“I thought we were leaving my tickets now?” Beau whined, “Since she’s my fake girlfriend now.”
“That’s only after Pauly gets a girlfriend, dumbass.” James cackled, causing Beau to pout even more.
“Oh, Sunshine,” McKinley coos in reply, “Do you want to be my fake boyfriend?”
“Yes,” Beau doesn’t hesitant. McKinley starts laughing and moves away from Sidney to hip-check, well, more hip to thigh check Beau.

Everyone seems pretty focused on McKinley and Beau, so I take the opportunity to step closer to Sidney. I brush my hand against his softly, realizing I might be losing my mind because of how much just even this proximity is making me feel better.

His fingers twitch back against the back of mine and I fear we are both losing the game of ‘hiding smiles’.
“Now I really have to go,” McKinley insists, “My mom is going to kill me if I show up exhausted tomorrow morning.”

“Your mom is too nice to kill you. Tell her I say hi!” James demanded as he hugged McKinley tightly.
“I most definitely will,” she replied to James before she moved to hug Paul goodbye.

Eventually, McKinley got around the group, leaving Geno and Sidney for last.

I stiffen as she curls into his arms and I do my best to not shoot daggers at her. And then my brain falters. The way Sidney is hugging McKinley resembles, well, the way he’d hug one of his cousins or even Taylor. Sid definitely doesn’t look uncomfortable touching her, but it isn’t the close lingering touch I am familiar with. And on her part, she is definitely not putting out any type of ‘come hither’ vibes to Sidney. For sure it looks like a pair of siblings or friends hugging.

And before I can really think about it more, she is out of Sid’s arms and moving into Geno’s and oh.


Geno draws her in close like he is trying to shield her from the world. Or would prefer to. But not in the way Geno shields me. No, this is much more. Well, hot. And McKinley lets herself be drawn into the hug, melting into Geno and the gesture looks rather familiar.

Suddenly, she pulls back, as if she has caught herself doing something she isn’t supposed to. There is a slightly guilty expression on her face and she now is pointedly avoiding looking in my direction completely. Which I realize because I am staring her down as my brain is trying to piece together the fragmented cluster fuck of tonight.

McKinley heads out of the family room. I feel Sidney taking a step closer to me trying to get my attention, but my attention is fully on Geno.

Geno who is...

“Yevgeni Vladimirovich Malkin, are you checking her ass?” I yell in Russian as everything clicks in place.

The 6’3 Russian bear jumps about a foot in the air before hunching down, looking like he had stolen the last cookie from the jar.

“No, that would be disrespectful,” Geno mumbles back to me.

I bury my head in my hands unsure if I want to cry or laugh as I mumble through my hands.


McKinley isn’t after Sidney. And Geno isn’t trying to replace me. And Sidney and me are completely still what we are.

No, no, Geno has a crush, to what level it seems pretty damn serious. Sidney has a new friend. And this McKinley is still the unknown factor. Well, unknown to the point that I was not a fan.

Overall, I may need to revaluate my brain. And as always, I need to be better about communication.

“I have a rental car, so I’m to the house. If you are going out, whatever, but I need to just--not.” I answer finally as I rub my eyes.

“I’m coming home too,” Geno’s reply actually sounded like he was pouting--and I was pretty sure it wasn’t because I had said I wasn’t going out but because someone else had declined.

I dropped my hands from my eyes to glare up at the now meek cub who was starting to slink out of the room.

“Do I want to know?” Sid asked his tone light and one of his eyebrows carefully arched.

I shook my head, “We’re off to Geno’s.”

“I figured as much. Want me to come and help explain about November?” Sidney’s voice dropped so I could barely hear it.

I glanced around and at James who was staring at us intently. He still didn’t know, we hadn’t had the chance to tell him.

“It’s fine. I’ll see you tomorrow morning early, yeah?” I mutter back softly, though I sneak a glance up hopefully.

“Of course,” he replies as I smile up at him for a moment longer.

“Bye guys!” I yell before taking Geno by the elbow and marching out of the door.

“I am really surprised you agreed to go to this.”

“I only said yes because Vero asked me so nicely,” I rolled my eyes as I switched my slightly muddy boots with the heels I had brought. The boots were muddy because Sidney and I had just spent an hour wandering around outside in the freezing cold hunting down the perfect giant Christmas tree. It was actually quite hilarious affair.

Sid started laughing again, knowing full well Vero hadn’t asked nicely. Vero had sent both Sid and me a text saying there was a lunch all the WAGs would be at and I would too. No option.

“Well, thank you for playing so nicely,” Sidney said as he pulled to a stop in front of the restaurant.

“I know better than to mess with a goalie’s wife,” I said honestly and wide-eyed.

“See you after?”

“Always,” his voice was warm and low, it made me wiggle slightly in the seat and I frowned.

“What’s wrong?”

“I just wish the guys weren’t coming over later,” I whine, “I haven’t gotten to say hi properly.”

And with that, I leaned over kissing him quickly before making my exit with haste, grabbing my purse off the floor as I left. After I shut the car door I paused, grinning at the dark tinted window before turning and heading into the restaurant.

The restaurant was modern, but not overly deco and was decently crowded for the lunch rush.

“Hi,” I smiled at the hostess, “Fleury party.”

She led me to the back room with a smile, my heels clicking rather loudly on the hard wood floor as we walked toward the back of the restaurant.

There was a long table already filled with women looking over menus.

“Sorry, sorry I’m late! We couldn’t decide on what tree and Si--” I stopped dead in my tracks.

Victoria Fucking McKinley was sitting right there at the end of the table.

My mouth snapped shut as I blinked several times in quick succession turning my head to Vero who had stood up and was grinning happily.

“Just happy for you to be here,” Vero beamed gesturing for the last empty chair at the table.

The last empty chair which was of course right across from McKinley. Because of course it was.

But what was she doing here? It was a WAGs lunch or whatever. Granted, I was pretty sure not everyone sitting here knew about Sidney and I, but the vast majority did.

Carefully I shrugged out of my coat, settling it on the back of the chair along with my purse, before settling down on the chair myself. I glanced around, taking in account the separation of the French-Canadian duo and realizing that I had McKinley here at the end of the table.

I was never one to squander an opportunity, even if I already knew she was a pretty terrible person based on the comments she said to me last night. But this wasn’t about me. Geno had some sort of awkward crush on her and until he got over it, I needed to be fully engaged in knowing everything about the enemy.

“So, Victoria,” I took a deep sip from my water glass letting the pause lengthen, as I stare at McKinley unblinking, “What is it that you do? Aside from diving.”

“I’m a senior at Ohio State University,” she looks slightly alarmed.

“Senior in college, eh?” I raise an eyebrow looking down at the menu trying to find something I could eat, but actually I was much more interested in whatever McKinley was going to say.

“Yeah. Hopefully graduating in the spring.”

“What are you studying? Are you planning on going to a graduate program afterwards? Or are you going to be a full time diver? Is a full time diver the proper term?”

“I’m a communications major with a focus in sports journalism. I don’t really plan on going to graduate school at the moment, because I don’t think I could study anything that would help me in my profession. Also, I have a very nice scholarship for diving that pays for the majority of my undergrad tuition. I won’t get any financial help for grad school, so I probably can’t afford it. I’m planning on continuing my training and hope to go to Rio in 2016, and maybe another Olympics after that. But it won’t be my main focus. There isn’t really any money in diving. There are very few sponsorships in diving, other than Speedo. And Speedo’s contracts aren’t ever worth that much,” She manages all of that in what seems like one breath.

I stared at her unblinking. I knew I should say something but I didn’t know what to say. I tried my hardest to keep the frown from my face as I stared at her. It wasn’t even a frown about her person, for the first time since I met her.

That was definitely not the answer I was expecting.

Geno went for girl’s who liked to go out. Girls who liked to drink and didn’t really think about more than the next night maybe the next week. Girls who knew complained about the importance of the color snow and baby powder. There wasn’t anything wrong with women like this, it’s just that both Mama Malkin and I were in complete agreement that this type of woman was not the right type of woman for Geno.

No, Geno needed someone who could work themselves through something like college or a sport at a profession level. Someone who had a plan. Someone who had longterm goals and didn’t let setbacks hold them back--


There is a waitress staring at me expectantly. Glancing back down at the menu, I make a face and order some pasta dish. Completely out of the realm of what I would normally order, but I needed to eat more.

“Thanks,” I trailed off as she left to go place the tables’ orders.

“So Victoria,” I start again.

“Lily,” Vero leans over and interrupts my inquisition, stating the obvious, “What is with the interrogation?”

I smile as innocently as I can, and for once, I think it is passible, “It’s not an interrogation. Geno just told me how nice she is, so I’m just trying to get to know Victoria.”

For some reason, this makes McKinley look guilty.

“Speaking of Geno,” Carol-Lynn butts in, “Did you get all that Thanksgiving mess sorted out? He was a mess after you came into town for that trip and didn’t see him.”

Oh boy, had that been a fun conversation the previous night. Geno was pretty hurt that I hadn’t told him about the pregnancy scare that wasn’t actually a pregnancy scare the moment it was happening. Though he agreed that it was much better that I didn’t tell him over the phone. He also confessed that he had been in denial that Crosby and I would even have sex. Geno had been in the belief that we would just stare into each others eyes deeply and call it a day. When I asked him straight faced if that’s what he’d like to do with this Victoria McKinley girl the entire conversation had dissolved into him chasing me around the house until he tackled me to the ground.

“Everything is fine,” I sighed, “It was really just a miscommunication of sorts.”

“So how long are you staying this time?” Vero saved me without even knowing.

“Till after New Years,” I smile trying to hold back my excitement. I hadn’t really stayed in the same place for this long since summer let alone a place where Sidney would be along with everyone else.

“He’s really got your number, hasn’t he?” Vero asked smugly.

All the warm fuzzy feelings I was having for Vero saving me a moment ago vanished in an instant. The ‘he’ she was referring to was clearing not Geno. Obviously everyone in earshot who knew about Sidney and I, were grinning obnoxiously ear to ear.

My face felt red as I glanced at McKinley who was watching us. She had an odd expression I couldn’t quite place, but it almost felt like--

“So Victoria, how long will you be in Pittsburgh?” I ask abruptly before I can over think anymore, remembering how much trouble that got me into last time.

“Until early January,” she responds quickly.

“And then you will be going back to Ohio State?”


“And where is that located?”

“It’s in Columbus. About three hours from here.”

“So you are driving back? That must get boring.”

“Sometimes it does. But my cousin Aubrey and I will be driving back together, so it won’t be too bad.”

“Do you have to go back early for diving?”

“Just a couple of days. We don’t start classes until the second Wednesday, and we have practices starting the Friday before then.”

I nod and begin to ask another question but--

“Wait, Lily, if you’re staying for such a long time, what are you doing for training?” Carol-Lynn interrupts my continued investigation of McKinley.
“I truly have no idea,” I groan shutting my eyes. This part of the plan I hadn’t worked out so clearly in my life, “During playoffs was the only other time I’ve been able to be out here for more than a couple days. And then I was just at the local tramp gym because I wasn’t doing any serious since I was still rehabilitating my foot. So I’ll have to find a gym.”

“The gym that we go to is wonderful,” Maureen Kunitz suggested.

“I’m sure it is, but unfortunately it probably doesn’t have a trampoline,” I smiled warmly at Maureen Kunitz. These women were so incredibly helpful, well, trying to be.

“You could train at my gym,” a voice slightly barks out.

It takes me a second to realize that it was McKinley, and another to ask, “You have a gym?”

“Well, it’s not my gym,” she corrects herself, “But it’s the gym I’ve trained at my entire career.”

“And it has a trampoline?” my head still not wrapping around the fact that she is offering for me to use her space.

“Of course,” McKinley’s face contorts like I’ve offended her.

“Um...” I start.

If she is offering--It would be incredibly convenient. It probably isn’t public and logging long hours there wouldn’t be frowned upon.

“Okay.” I finish before I can change my mind.

“Perfect! Glad that it’s all fixed!” Vero clapped her hands once together beaming at the two of us as if we had just announced we had become BFFs and were showing off our friendship forever bracelets.

I shot McKinley a tentative smile, but I think it may have been my first real one towards her. She definitely didn’t need to offer up her space.

“It’s so strange, having you two here with us,” Catherine calls from down the table looking between McKinley and me. I am not sure if the entire table of women had been paying attention or just the other French-Canadian.

“What do you mean?” McKinley asks.

“Well, for so long it’s been just us girls.” She gestures to the other ladies.

“I’m sure you’ve had other women in and out of here,” I say knowingly.

“What she means is, we’re not used to having two Olympic champions in our mix,” Vero clarifies with her freaky French-Canadian connection.

“I’m not an Olympic champion,” McKinley says this so quietly that I barely make it out.

For some reason, I feel my heart sink slightly. I can see the heartbreak of loss on her face.

“But you are a very successful athlete.” Carol-Lynn answers. “You’re a national champion, an NCAA champion, and an Olympic silver and bronze medalist.”

“But not an Oly--,” she starts.

“So what?”

Everyone around the table turns to stare at me.

Oh fuck, I said that outloud.

“I mean,” I try to recover, “You have two Olympic medals. That is the same as me. And my sport has always been American-dominated, the rest of the world just has not caught up with us yet. Meanwhile you came within a point of beating China, who-- correct me if I am wrong-- has only lost two women’s gold medals since 1980.”

I want to bury my head once I realize what I had said. ‘Great job stalker Lily,’ my brain chirps, ‘Is it really stalking, or just being really prepared?’

Fortunately for me, Vero’s phone starts ringing and she excuses herself to take it outside. The other women have gone back to discuss something amongst themselves so it just leaves me with McKinley. I awkwardly glance up at her before glancing back down at my plate and taking a huge mouthful of pasta so I have an excuse not to talk.

And McKinley seems fine not pushing conversation as she takes a drink from her glass.

“Lily, darling. I am so sorry, but I am going to have to leave early. The babysitter has a family emergency and I have to go home,” Vero apologizes when she comes back.

“Oh, don’t worry about it. I can get a ride from someone else.” I say without a thought thinking about who lives around Sidney.
“Of course, of course. Tori, would you be willing to take Lily home?” Vero asks without shame.

My eyes widen and I realize McKinley has the same exact expression on her face. This is not the afternoon I had in mind. At all.

“Um.... Sure?” she agrees hesitantly, “I mean, if you want...”

Because my stupid mouth is never one to back down, “Sure. Of course if it isn’t too much of an inconvenience.”

We finish our meals listening to Carol-Lynn and Maureen Kunitz tell stories about the kids before we settle the check.

Both McKinley and myself bundled up before leaving the restaurant.

“I’m parked around the corner, not too far,” she offered obviously in light of my slightly ridiculous heels.


We stayed silent in the frigid walk. A gray Jeep Wrangler with a hard top beeps as we walk closer to it. I realize as we draw nearer, it has a Team USA sticker placed with precision on the back.

“So um, do you know how to get to Geno’s from here?” Tori asks as we both climb into the car.

“Well,” I bit the bottom of my lip, “I’m actually headed to Crosby’s house.”

The silence was deafening.

Actually deafening would be an understatement.

“Ohkay. Do you know how to get to Sidney’s house?” She finally manages.

“Yeah, he lives in Sewickley so get on 65 going north,” I say without missing a beat. Maybe I said that too quickly.

“Cool. Music?” she breaks the silence.

“Music is good.”

She flips the radio on, and begins to switch through the channels at a lightening pace. I grimace at her ADD with the music stations.

“You know what? How about a CD?” she decides after not finding anything on the radio to her liking after going through the millionth station, “I think Aubrey’s Christmas mix is in the case in this thing.”

She pats the center console, and I may be a little too enthusiastic as I open it.

There are dozens of burned CDs in the case I pull out. Some have pretty ridiculous titles, those I may eye a little more skeptically than others. Though, those might give me a little more insight on who this McKinley is.

“You can put whatever on, really,” she says, right as I find a CD titled ‘Play Me, Bitch. PS I Love You.’

I gulp and continue flipping through until I find the Christmas one McKinley mentioned. Taking it out, I slide it into the CD player.

High pitched squeaky voices of doom blast through the car speakers that make me wince.

“It’s our favorite Christmas song,” McKinley laughs, before she starts to hum along. A huge smile spreads on her face.

Thankfully, the song ends pretty quickly and I gesture for her to get off the highway. A couple minutes, and a couple less painful Christmas songs later, we are pulling into Sid’s driveway.

There are several cars in the driveway, but immediately I spot Geno’s car. We were all going to watch my episode of that Olympic show this afternoon. I glance back at McKinley.

The things I do for Geno.

“You could.... um. You could come inside if you’d like?” I ask looking at Geno’s car. I feel my palms starting to sweat against the steering wheel.

“Um...” she hesitates.

“I insist,” I push. A bunch of the guys are going to be over since they insisted we HAD to watch my damn episode of that Olympic partner thing, so it’s not like I will have to entertain her alone. Plus it’ll make Geno happy.

“Okay,” she finally answers and turns the car off, “Okay.”

“Great,” I pause, wondering if I should looks like she’s going to say something else, but instead she decides to hop out of my passenger seat.

I head straight for the door and just as I have for almost a year, don’t even pause as I open the door, walk in, and show McKinley inside. I indicate for her to add her shoes to the pile that had already been started before I ask for her coat which I promptly hang up in the closet before my own. I grimace hoping she is taking in Sidney’s beautiful house instead of realizing that there are multiple female coats in the closet including the one I had worn the night before.

“They are probably in the kitchen or down in the basement getting ready for the show,” I mutter and begin to make my way that way.

Luckily, Sidney, Geno, Paul, and James are all assembled in the kitchen arguing over what snacks to bring with them.

“Hey guys,” I grin easily hip checking into Geno just cause he is closest. And because I may feel sorta like preening for my accomplishment of being a wing-woman.

“Ugh, stop it,” James complains, “The show is going to start soon.”

“Show?” McKinley asks confused looking between James and Geno.

“Drag Tori here and not said why?” Geno asks amused.

“We are watching that Olympic show thing that I participated in,” I roll my eyes, “With David. It was on last night, but the guys demanded to watch it together this afternoon.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Sidney pips up with that grin.

I stick my tongue out at Sidney before quickly retracting it, forgetting that we were in company who didn’t know about us. On the James front I had nothing to worry about; he looked completely obvious, happily munching on popcorn. But McKinley was eyeing us with a slightly odd look on her face.

“Let’s go get settled,” I offered quickly and left the room to head down the stairs into the entertainment room Sid had set up.

I plopped down on the end of the couch next to the big comfy recliner I knew Sid would take.

McKinley eyed the seating and took the other end of the couch. Unsurpisingly Geno took middle of the couch.

“Best,” He sighs as he snuggled down into the cushions.

I giggled and leaned into his arm he was offering.

“You are one tricksy-trickster,” He muttered to me in Russian.

“Don’t be jealous that I did what you couldn’t in months,” I gloated back tilting my head to look up at him.

“Sid, can I get a glass of water?” McKinley asked suddenly, her voice rather strained.

“Sure.” He said starting to get up out of (surprise, surprise) his recliner, “I can-”

“It’s fine,” she shake him off, “I can get it. Thanks.”

“She,” I grimaced, “is not what I expected.”

“Oh?” Geno was grinning, “Someone you didn’t know, who you had previous expectations of, surprised you? And you might actually grow to like them? That is so shocking.”

“You are the worst,” I mutter in English.

“No, best,” he beams.

A loud ringtone goes off beside us. All of us look at the phone.

“Tori, your phone is ringing!” Sid yells.

“Is it someone important?” she hollers back.

“It’s... it’s Tazer?” He questions, more than states.

“Can you answer it for me? Give him shit if you feel like it,” It’s clear even from this distance she is laughing as she answers Sidney.

“Crosby,” Sid answers the phone.

There is a long pause.

“Uh, Sid?”

“Yes,” Sid is clearly trying to fight back giggles.

“Sorry, this is Jonathan Toews. I am--did I call you?”

“You did. What do you want?” Sid asks as gruffly as he can.

“I don’t think I called you?” his voice goes up at the end like he is really confused.

“You obviously did.”

“I swear man, my phone says I called Tori.” He mumbles.

“Well clearly you didn’t. I’m a very busy man, Jon. And you interrupted my meeting.” Sid says seriously, but with a playful smile.

“Well.... shit. I’m so sorry.”

Sid pauses before cracking another smile and giggling.

“What-?” Jon starts.

“Jesus, Taze. You really are way too serious.” Sid laughs.

“I’m really-” Jon tries before stopping.

“You’re way too easy, Jonny,” McKinley chuckles.

“Tori?” Jon asks.

“Yeah babe,” she responds, “Sid answered my phone for me while I was out of the room.”

Geno stiffens at the same moment I do.

There is a groan on the phone and then another male cackles in the background.

“You’re meaning to tell me....” the second male gasps out. “That Sidney Crosby just punk’d you?”

“Shut the fuck up, Kaner.” Toews grumbles.

“What’s up?” McKinley laughs.

“I can’t do this. Kaner, talk.” Toews sounds like he is clearly frustrated that he fell for Sid’s prank.

“Hey Tor.” The Kaner says.

“Hey Patty. Why are you guys calling me?” McKinley cuts right to the chase. Maybe clearly aware of her very captive audience.

“Jonny and I want to know what your plans are for New Year’s eve.”

“I’m not sure, honestly,” She sighs. “I’m probably just going to do something with Aubrey and Amy. Maybe some of my other cousins. James and Holly are going to be home, I think....” she trails off.

“So you wouldn’t be interested in coming to Chicago?” Toews asks, over his frustration and probably humiliation from earlier.

“Uh... no.” she begins to laugh again, “I’ve come to you guys twice now. I’m tired of planes.”

“But Tori, we have off from the thirtieth ‘till the second,” the Kaner whines, “And I wanna see you.”

“I’m not flying to Chicago, Pat,” she is damn firm on that.

“But baby...” Toews whines which causes my eyebrows to shoot up.

“That’s not what the future Mrs. Toews is supposed to say!” this Pat complains.
“Future Mrs. Toews?” I can’t help myself as I turn to Geno instantly hissing in Russian, “She is engaged with this Toews?”

“I don’t know,” he mutters even more upset, “She was single a couple of months ago.”

“That is sort of a big thing to miss, baby bear,” I just want to hug Geno as I see the heartbreak on his face. Clearly I had underestimated just how much Geno liked this girl.
“How about you two come here for New Year’s Eve?” Sid suddenly spouts out of fucking no where.

I whip my head around and the desire to throttle my god-damn boyfriend who must fix every situation even when he is completely oblivious to the fact that he is doing more damn harm than good.

“Seriously?” Toew’s voice is loud over the phone.

“Yeah. That way you guys get to see Tori, but she doesn’t have to leave Pittsburgh,” Sid is happily oblivious as he believes he has righted the world.

“That’s actually a good idea,” Kaner sounds excited.

“I have them occasionally,” Sid exaggeratedly rolls his eyes not that the two men on the phone can see it, “Geno’s having a party at his place, and I’m inviting all three of you.”

“Is going to be all Russians,” Geno’s voice is more rough in this sentence in English than I think I have ever heard it before.

I glare at Sidney hoping it conveys, ‘Yes, an all Russian party which you wouldn’t even be invited to if I wasn’t here, so stop inviting people who aren’t welcome.’

“If it’s cool with you, that sounds like a good plan. We just want to see Tori,” Toews says.

“You more than welcome,” Geno mutters and I feel his body sag.

“Thanks, Geno,” the devil’s spawn grins that ‘Oh, I’m sweet and innocent’ fake smile at Geno that makes me want to throw up.

“We’ll sort it out,” I mutter darkly to Geno, “I’m stick with you all night so I won’t kill my boyfriend and so you don’t kill this Toews or something.”

Geno doesn’t even smile. No, instead he stalks out of the room heading down the hall. I stand up, following him quickly. But there isn’t a great need for he’d stopped at the end of the hallway.

“G,” I pluck at the back at his sweater.

He turns around slowly, his face clearly trying to close off everything to me.

“Hey, none of that,” I shake him slightly, “We promised none of that with each other.”

He takes a ragged breath, slumping.

“I see you with Sidney, and I know,” his voice is very small. I feel my heart leap. How can he know too?

But Geno isn’t done, “And all I can think is that is what I should be like with someone. If I was seeing a girl that I cared for as much as Sid does for you and there was an actual pregnancy, or not even a pregnancy, just as if I cared about her like Sid does for you--” Geno trailed off.

I blinked unsure where he was going.

“She was just, I thought she could be something. She is just very different,” he finishes with a small shrug.

I frown, knowing that there isn’t any time to say what I want to say, so I say something that will have to do for the time being, “But what would your mother say? She isn’t Russian?”

He cracks the tiniest of smiles and I launch myself at him giving him a hug.

“Right. So now we are going to march back in and manage for the next while until we can kick her out without making a scene. Yes?” I mutter into him.

“Yes.” he sighs.

“You could do so much better than Toews,” I hear James say upon re-entry to the room and my nostrils flare. I can feel Sid’s stare intently on me, trying to get me to look over at him, but I have my eyes firmly planted on Geno’s back.

“Russians are better than Canadians,” Geno mutters to me as we sat back down

“Jesus Geno, not now,” I frown shutting my eyes as I grimace.

I feel a large hand move onto my thigh and I feel the corner of my lips twitch upwards at Geno. Unsubtly, I move my leg so it is pressed against his. Touch is a big thing for Geno. He starts to draw patterns on the leg.

Glancing over to Sidney, I give him a small frown which is returned by a very confused Sidney look before he pulls up the show.

“Hi, I’m Lily Rivers and I’m a snowboarder.” I see myself say uncomfortably glancing between the camera and were Jen clearly had been sitting.

“No --beep-- Sherlock, tell us more,” Jen’s voice is muffled though the beep is loud over the audio.

Me on the camera glares at the camera or at Jen, “I’m a 2 time Olympic Gold medalist half pipe snowboarder.”

Everyone in the room is laughing at the onscreen me and I sink back further into the couch as the screen flips to a bunch of cut scenes of some of more spectacular moments in snowboarding.

It then switches to David’s intro where he does the same introduction and it is followed by the same montage of David diving.

Next it shows us in Oregon, me teaching David how to snowboard. It isn’t terrible--I had forgotten how kind he was. I should probably text him.

Sooner than I would like, it flips to my house in Colorado. It felt strange to see my house on camera, on national tv for anyone to see. The house tour was embarrassing, especially in the room that held all the accolades and trophies. There were just so many. It was an accomplishment, yes, and I was doing what I loved most in my life.
Wasn’t it what I loved most in life?

I felt the hand slide into my hand and squeeze it tightly.

“I’m so sorry,” I hear David’s voice.

Of course they included the part with my mother.

Glancing down at my hand, I realized it was my right hand being held, and I recognized the other hand easily. Of course I did. I loved this hand.

“I’m okay,” I smiled smally to Sidney.

He didn’t say anything just continued to look at me and squeezed my hand again.

“Lily look!” Geno said excitedly, bouncing slightly on the couch. I looked back at the screen just in time to see the picture of us when we had been painting. I grinned at Geno who was grinning back.

And then I knew what was coming and I felt the grin on my face despite being upset with Sidney and flat out anger with the girl sitting at the other end of the couch, as I waited and heard myself say, “ USA first. Russia second. And Canada last.”

Which results in loud squawks from Sidney and James, laughter from Paul and Geno (Thankfully). McKinley is frowning at the screen and then busies herself with her phone.

I tense up, my hand tightening around Sidney’s, which causes him to look over worriedly again.

‘Later,’ I mouth, returning my attention to the television. It would not do for me to make a scene and kick her out of our house.

The rest of the show goes on as expected and the guys laugh at a lot of it, wince at the parts I do bellyflops, and give me grief of my total inability of doing a dive.

The moment the credits roll, McKinley is off of the couch, “Thank you so much for having me, Sid.”

I don’t really pay any attention to what they’re saying as I nudge at Geno to distract him and in Russian murmur, “Almost there.”

“What is going on with you two?” Sid interrupts us. His voice is quiet but it’s clearly in his Captain’s voice.

“Nothing,” Geno mumbles.

Sidney doesn’t look at all convinced, but steps away so he can say goodbye to the Future Mrs. Toews.

Paul, James, and Sidney are all waiting for me to say goodbye, so I smile or rather grimace. Not that I actually care at this point. She’s done enough damage.

It is clear she is expecting a hug from Geno from the way she pauses instead of leaving. And now I actually almost lost it.

She has flirted with him, quite obviously, but she is engaged. And now she is trying to push this thing with Geno. Because Geno is a glutton for punishment, he steps into her stiffly and briefly before stepping away.

I bid Paul goodbye, trying and probably failing to compartmentalize as well as I would have preferred, as the two leave.

I turn around to glare at Sidney.

“Man, I was really enjoying the two of you getting along this afternoon,” James groans as he starts to tug his own coat on as he glances between Sidney and myself.

“See you soon James,” I mutter darkly.

He kisses me on the cheek and waved to Sidney and Geno before heading out of the door.

Now it just the three of us to clean up the mess that was left.


Hello Friends!!

Gasp! Who is this Victoria McKinley???? You can read her story, Citius, Altius, Fortius, here. Tori will be in and out of the story in the future. Give Flyers_girl some love!!!! She is utterly fantastic and she has pushed (dragged, yanked, saved from drowning, rescued from evildoers, etc) my story multiple times.

Anyways!! Happy Holidays!!! And who is cracking up from all the awesome Holiday Videos coming out?? (And the awesome Toews 80s workout inspired voting video????)

And as always, thank you all so much for all of the comments and ratings and subscriptions!!!!


Come backkkkkk

amyb11 amyb11


HockeyGirl17 HockeyGirl17

I have marathon read this in the last not even 12 hours and I want mooorreee! I reached the end of the chapter and saw it was the latest one and almost cried. This story is fantastic! Your writing is amazing and I absolutely love the plot. You are fantastic and I cannot wait for the next update!

scootsmcgoots scootsmcgoots


addiegregory addiegregory

Just reread this and I would surely love to see an update!?! I'm hoping you have time and are still interested in finishing it! Thanks in advance and hugs to you!

Maddie Maddie