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Dangeruss & Tazer

Chapter 3

After what felt like a millennium of darkness and pungent smells, the trunk lid was finally lifted upward. An explosion of light filtered into the cramped space and consumed Patrick Kane’s vision. He blinked rapidly trying focus and heard his own muffled groans coming from behind the tape, which was still over his mouth. He gazed up, as the four arms reached in and grabbed hold of him. He was yanked out of the claustrophobic shelter of the trunk. Where was he?

He glanced around, observing the new setting. He seemed to be inside of a massive greenhouse or some kind of building complex filled with plants. Vegetables, flowers, and various other plants were spread out all over the area in rows. In the middle, there was a massive walkway at least two and a half yards wide.There was a large pool, filled with water lilies, delicate little pink flowers and a large cluster of tall green leaves, which could provide a safe sanctuary for fish.

The building had a glass roof with sturdy plastic walls. Normally the heat from the sun was absorbed and retained inside the structure. This design allowed the air to heat. Warmed by the heat the greenhouse-like atmosphere remained constant in the building thanks to the impermeable roof and walls.

However, this was not quite the same mechanism that produced the usual and customary “greenhouse effect.” It was different. This greenhouse was filled with some unique equipment such as well: screening installations and special heating, cooling, and lighting equipment. Small circular lamps dangled from the rafters below the glass ceiling.

Patrick was carried down the path through the middle of the building by his captors. They walked past many large bushes, a few Venus Fly Traps, and finally, what appeared to be a marijuana farm. When they reached the end of the walkway they entered a very large office.

On the long desk sat a big computer that automatically controlled the place to maximize potential plant growth. The two men headed to the left side of the room toward a tall cage made of silver metal bars. The men dumped him into a chair that was inside the cage. His wrists were still bound and the tape still covered his mouth. Then they backed out of the enclosure and locked it, leaving him inside feeling like a zoo animal. They didn’t seem to be concerned about his welfare. No, they left him just as he was. Helpless.

“We'll be back in a little bit, little shaggy hockey player!” one of the men taunted. Then he turned his back on Patrick, the poor, suffering caged creature.

As soon as they left the office and disappeared into the greenhouse, Patrick began to try to free himself from the ropes binding his wrists, behind his back. He focused his mind and strength as best he could, given his situation, and began a series of sharp jerks and twists. But, with no luck, he was unable to get himself free.

After several minutes of trying his hardest to get the ropes off, the Blackhawk leaned back into the chair and tossed his head back, screaming into the tape. Still he was unable to move or make his muffled sounds loud enough to be heard. Even if he was heard, it probably wouldn’t be by anyone who could help him. He was still helpless.

His only hope was that perhaps Jonathan would be looking for him and find him. He had no idea what was going on. What had he done to deserve this? What was going to happen to him? And who were the two masked men, who had kidnapped him?

He just wanted answers and to see his best friend again. He wanted to play hockey again. Heck, he wanted to be home again in his nice warm bed, safe and free!


I couldn't help myself, I had another flood of ideas. Poor Kaner......like always! The helpless little shaggy blonde haired goal scoring Blackhawk forward!! ;P (Don't you like 'em when they struggle!?) Okay sorry about that, it sounded rather creepy...
More updates tomorrow!! YAY!


Alright! I shall wait then ;)

A Shruinger A Shruinger

@A Shruinger
Glad to know you enjoy the cliffhanger and now you have to wait about three weeks for the sequel to begin! HaHa! :D

EvelynaKitty EvelynaKitty

AHHHH! What a cliffhanger!!! 8OOO Bravo! Bravo! *applause, applause* I enjoyed the story a lot!! :D Great job on it!!! :DDD

A Shruinger A Shruinger

Message to Readers, I am slowly going back over this and applying changes, if it pops up as an update, I apologize. I am just editing and making small corrections for it to read well. Thanks, Stephi AKA: Evelynakitty :)

EvelynaKitty EvelynaKitty

I know!!!! Everybody loves Kazer!! (And maybe Shawzy and Sharpie...) :) But seriously, how can anyone dislike any of the Blackhawks???? And jealousy doesn't count!! ;)

EvelynaKitty EvelynaKitty