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One Shots

Damien Brunner~ As Real As it Gets

Walking inside of the Chicago hotel Lily pulled out her phone. She held onto the strap of her purse and let out a breath, she unlocked her phone. Going through her contacts she found Damien's number. Hitting the call button, she lifted the phone to her ear, and waited for him to pick up.

Lily had flown all the way out to Chicago to talk with Damien, her boyfriend of a year and a half. Holding her phone she walked over to a couch in the lobby and sat down waiting for him to pick up his phone.

"Come on."

She said into the receiver impatiently. When the last ring sounded it was cut short and Damien's voice came to her ears.

"Lil, shouldn't you be asleep?"

"That's the first thing you say? No, 'hi bae, how are you?'."

He laughed, making a smile come to her face. She could tell that he was smiling as well.

"Hi bae, how are you sweetheart?"

"I'm alright. How was the game?"

"You didn't watch? You always watch my games."

"I know, I got back from work and just couldn't stay awake."

Again he laughed. Lily looked at her hand in her lap and let out a sigh.

"What's wrong."

"Nothing. What are you doing?"

"A whole lot of nothing. I'm just in my room."

"I need to ask you to do something."

"And that would be?"

"Could you come down to the lobby?"

Damien said nothing and Lily held her breath waiting for him to say something.


"Damien, I need to talk to you about something. Please."

He moved his mouth away from his phone and called to whoever was in the room that he would be right back.

"You are crazy. Let me change into some pants and I'll be right down."

Lily laughed and hung up her phone. When the line went dead she put her phone in her lap and closed her eyes for a moment. She started to count the seconds till Damien was down in the lobby. After about a minute in a half she saw Damien walking out of the elevator, his eyes looking around for her. When he saw her, he flashed her a smile and started to walk towards her. Lily stood up and smiled back at him and gave him a small wave, then rested her left hand on her stomach where her belly button is, taking a deep breath as he got closer.

Three Days Ago

Lily sat on the bathroom counter, kicking her feet as she counted in her mind. She had been sitting there for five minutes, two minutes already too long. She could bring herself to open up the drawer right under her.

Lily hadn't been feeling herself for the last two weeks. In the mornings she would go for a run, but she had done one for a while. Damien had noticed that she had been herself, but she just told him that she was coming down with something. However the day Damien left for his west coast road trip with the team, she had lunch with her sister Sally. At lunch Lily told her older all about her last two weeks and her fear of what was wrong. Before she ended her story, Sally was almost jumping out of her chair in excitement. Lily saw how her sister was acting and she started to feel bad about how she felt.

"Sally's right. This is amazing. I won't feel this way forever. Everything is going to great, not matter what happens."

Lily said to herself as she got off the counter and placed her hand on the handle of the drawer. Letting out a deep breath, she opened the drawer and grabbed the test. She didn't look down at the plactic test in her hands at first. She let out a few more breaths and told herself that everything was going to be okay.

Looking down she saw that the little teat was showing her a plus sign. She shook the test a few times, trying to make the vertical line dispenser. Lily let out a cry of disbelief and ran her free hand in through her hair.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. I'm going to be a mom. Me. A mom. Oh, my God."

She said out loud, still in disbelief. Next she laughed at the test in her hands, then placed it on the counter and looked down at still. Her mind now started to think of how different her life is going to be now and forever. She was going to get huge, knowing how her mom and sister was during their pregnancies they got as big as a whale and borderline bipolar. Then she thought beyond being pregnant, and being a mom to a little toddler. Taking them to kindergarten, going to birthday parties, and playing with them with in the backyard.

"Think of all the cute little baby clothes I'll get to buy. And Damien teaching them how to skate. Oh, my GOD! Damien! How am I going to tell him? What is he going to think? He won't leave me... at least I think he won't. I know he won't. Right?"

She pulled out her phone from her back pocket and called her sister. It took only one ring before she answered.

"Is it positive?"

Sally almost screamed into the phone. Lily moved her ear away from the iPhone as fast as she could before she answered her sister.

"God, Sal. Quite down, will you? I don't want to whole world to know."

"So it's positive? It's positive, isn't it! Oh, my God I'm going to be an aunt!"


"Sorry. What does Damien think?"

"I don't know yet. He's gone on a road trip."


"West coast. He'll be back on Tuesday."

"Girl, that's in five days! You need to tell him now."

"I'm not telling him on the phone or Skype. This is more of a face to face think, Sal."

"Then go to him, Lil."

"You're telling me to fly out to wherever and tell him?"

"Um, yes. It would be so romantic. You flying in and surprising him. Do it. I'll pay for it and everything! Just please do it."

Lily let out a sigh and nodded her head. She laughed a bit too.

"I'll do it."

"Awesome! I'll call you when I get your ticket. Love you, sis."

"Ugh, you know I hate that name."

"I know it. Bye."

"Bye. Love you."

"What are you doing here?"

Damien asked when he held Lily in his arms in a hug. She let out a small light hearted laugh as she hugged him back. Being pulled out of the hug, Damien kissed her forehead and smiled down at her. Lily smiled back then looked down at her purse resting on her hip. Damien followed her eyes then tilted her head up at him.

"Bae, what's up?"

"Damien, I have something to tell you."

She said taking his hands and lead him over to the couch that she was sitting on a minute or two ago. Sitting down, Lily let out a breath before looking back at Damien. He gave her hands a little squeeze and she looked at him, seeing that his eyes were filled with worry and questions.

"Damien. I know that we've been together for a while now. I mean this is the longest relationship I've ever been in... and I have something to confess."

"Lily, this isn't what I-"

"Just let me finish. All questions will be answered in the end, I promise."

He laughed and continued to look at her, awaiting the news that she was going to dump on him. Lily took her hands out of Damien's and opened up her purse, her right hand went in and dug around for the test. Before she took it out, she looked back up at Damien.

"Before I tell you, I want you to promise that you won't freak out."


"Promise me, Damien."

"I promise."

Holding her breath she pulled out the test and held it out to him, not looking at his face. She felt Damien pick up the test and her eyes couldn't look up at his.

"Lil... are you... is this real right now?"

Lily just nodded and let out her breath. Her brown eyes didn't look up at Damien's brown ones. His hand went back to her chin and made her look up at him again. Her eyes still didn't look into his.

"Lily, are you okay?"

"Damien, this is life changing. Think about how this is going to change everything in our lives. If you want to live right now, I can raise this child on my own. I've taken care of myself long before I had you in my li-"

"Lily Ann Wilson."

She stopped her ranting and look up at him. Damien took her hands again and looked her straight in the eyes.

"This is our baby. I will do anything and everything to help you in the next nine months and the rest of my life to help you and our child."

"Let me get this straight. You're not mad?"

"Mad, about this?"

He asked placing his hand on her stomach, with a smile on his face.

"Darling, how can I be mad about something as amazing as this?"

Lily smiled up at him and kissed him.

"Just wait until we tell the team."

"We have to tell our parents first."

"I guess you're right about that."

"Damien, I'm right about everything."

He let out another laugh and pulled her into a kiss. Lily wrapped her arms around Damien's neck and smiled into the kiss.

He was happy about this. She knew that the next nine months weren't going to be a walk in the park, but she knew that Damien was going to be there every step of the way with her.

"Just think of this little guy being drafted first overall."

"Excuse me. It could be a girl too, you know. Just because you are a manly hockey player doesn't mean you are only able to have male offsprings."

Damien chuckled at her words and kissed her nose.

"Marry me."

"You can't be serious."

"Why not? Let's go get a ring right now. We can have the wedding before you get bigger. Just think about it."

Lily smiled and looked down at her belly then to her hands. Looking back up at Damien she smiled even wider before answering him.



"Let's do it, Hot Shot."

Damien let out a laugh and kissed her again, pulling her up off the couch and to her feet.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

She told him. The smile didn't leave Damien's face as the couple left the lobby of the hotel. It didn't leave as they walked down the Chicago street together. And it didn't leave his face while they looked for a jewelry store. This girl who held onto his hand and that was carrying his child was his life, from this moment on. When he was finished with hockey he will still have LIly and their child to come home to. He alway knew that hockey wasn't going to be forever, and he knew that Lily was going to be apart of his post hockey world. He loved her and that was all that mattered.


Yay! My first requested one shot! I hoped you liked it.

Send in those requests people!!!


I'd love to. However I need a scenario from you first.

Can you do Reilly Smith please?!