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My Knight in Shining Armor

Medieval “Hockey”

Back at Queen Taylor’s castle,

Tyler makes his way down the field, snatching up a wooden hockey stick along the way. He exits the palace, blinking at the bright and intense sun overhead. He walks out into the vast field, set up for a hockey game or just for practice. A net is set up at one end. Tyler heads toward the makeshift blueline. He drops a regular ball on the ground and readies his shot, testing it at first and warming up like a golf might do.

“Once I have that golden puck, I’ll be the best hockey player in all the land!! Everyone will finally know the name, Tyler Paul Seguin! They will shout that I am the best!”

He winds back, ready to hit it, gripping the stick and then with a loud tennis player-type grunt, he lets himself swing down at it and sends the ball flying across the field and into the center of the net.

“Balls are cool, but there’s nothing quite like a hockey puck.”

The new King twirls the stick in his hands, skillfully. He spins on his feet and faces the two guards assigned to watch him. “Tell me, gentleman, guards of the Queen Taylor, will the women and men alike not flock to me, if I am playing with a puck instead of a ball?”

“Certainly, your kingliness.”

“And would I not be adored by all?”

“You would.”

“Then why is there only one bloody puck in this whole bloody kingdom?! And it is GOLDEN!!” Tyler snaps, losing his temper again. He calms down though, taking a deep breath and twirls the stick in his hands. “Surely more can be made, correct?”

“Absolutely. We can pass the message along.”

“Good. Good. That is all.”

Tyler darts across the field and recovers the ball. He returns to take more slapshots at the net. He then does a cool down routine, skillfully showing off tricks, bouncing the ball on his blade and pulling sick moves and tricks like that. His hand-eye coordination is off the charts. He soon has enough of it and returns to the castle. “Don’t forget to let the Queen know about my wish, otherwise I shall run away.”

“Yes Sir, we will do just that, Sir.”

Tyler smirks and sets the stick back in place. He shoves the ball into his pants and walks back up to his room, with the guards close behind him. He pauses at his door and whirls around to them. “Do you have fun following me around like two loyal dogs?”

“We obey the commands of our lady.”

“Right. Whatever, I don’t need dog guards on me every minute. I’m a grown man and I can do whatever I want, plus, I promise not to run away, unless there’s reason too. I can’t really run now that I’m married and wed to the Queen anyway.”

“Right. But the Queen’s orders were--”

“Who’s higher in the ranking, the queen or king?! Now get out of here, I’d like to lie down and be alone.”

They dip their heads and walk off, leaving the young man to enter his chamber. He slams the doors shut behind him and leans against them, sighing rather empathically. “Jonathan, you’d let me be alone and play my hockey alone...oh, my Jonny, how I do miss you so. But I have not made the wrong choice. Power is sexy and soon, I will be the hottest, sexiest and most talented hockey player in all the land!”

He darts across the room and throws himself on the bed. “I hate love!”

(It’s Tyler Seguin the Drama “King”!!)


Segs...such a drama queen! :P
So Marchy named his pet gecko "Segs Jr." XP Oh man...they really just set this stuff up for themselves!! It's so awesome!! :)

Next up: Togetherness and Hints at Kazer!


You can call it whatever you want, but the way I see it, this site is called hockeyfanfiction and it is where people can post ideas that they have. There's no rule about what kind of stories those have to be. And if I want to write these I can, because it's fucking fan fiction. And I'll tell you again, you don't have to read ANY of these. And you certainly don't EVER put someone down like this. It is your opinion. If you don't like it, don't read it. I don't go and post mean comments to others who write all the romance-drama tales that always end up with someone getting pregnant. Grow up and get over yourself.

EvelynaKitty EvelynaKitty

Stupid and no this isn't "bullying" these are just dumb stories

ukiss ukiss

Tyler Seguin and Queen Taylor (Madalena/Mallery Jenson):

It's like looking in a mirror...teehee... :)
"I said I love you, as much as someone like me can love anyone."

EvelynaKitty EvelynaKitty

Here's a visual for the pairing we'll call Tazler:

EWWWWWW!!!!! Right?
Just remember this though...BergyxTyler is a thing apparently and I had the unfortunate pleasure of reading that ugly pairing, so....Tazler compared to that is a little better, but still can't beat the Kazer, which is coming up! XP

EvelynaKitty EvelynaKitty

Sounds very interesting...okay!

lazyisscoreee lazyisscoreee