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Picture Perfect


Kat gets hired as the Philadelphia Flyers' photographer and it's a dream come true. She feels like she has it all: a great boyfriend, an apartment with her best friend Julie in Philadelphia, and her dream job. However, when she meets Claude Giroux on her first day, her attraction to him is undeniable and her world is flipped upside down. Between trying to liven up her dull romance with Kyle and ignoring her attraction for Claude and keeping up with the rest of the team taking photos, Kat struggles to keep her life organized.

Claude Giroux is loving his role as captain for the Philadelphia Flyers but his life off the ice is lack luster. He knows he can't keep doing one night stands and short relationships for much longer, but it's the only thing he can manage during the demanding season. When Claude meets Kat, he develops a quick liking to her, but when he finds out she's working for the organization he tries to bury his feelings for her, knowing it's dangerous for them to get involved.

[I don't own anything Flyer's affiliated but I do own the story and Kat and her family/friends. (I feel stupid saying that but whatever).]


Claude Giroux

Claude Giroux

Julie Ruiz

Julie Ruiz

Kat Reilly

Kat Reilly

Kyle Greene

Kyle Greene

Parker Cirone

Parker Cirone

Steve Mason

Steve Mason



I NEED an update!!!!! AHHHHH! This story has me crazy! I want to know what happens!!

ThatFlyersFan ThatFlyersFan

I NEED an update!!!!! AHHHHH! This story has me crazy! I want to know what happens!!

ThatFlyersFan ThatFlyersFan

Makes me realize how much I've missed Mase in Columbus.

FliggyAndJoey FliggyAndJoey

Totally just saw this!! That is AMAZING! Such an awesome field of study!

Flyers3516 Flyers3516

miss this story so much :(