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Life of a Fan-fiction Writer


You know all those innocent stories you wrote about your favorite team with your favorite players? Yeah, we all have those stories. But what happens when the legal division of the team you love and worship finds the smut you wrote about their star players, their barely legal rookies, or their backup goalies? What happens when the team you've been watching all season suddenly finds your stories? When they read the intimate details of the fan-fiction you wrote about your hockey-crush?

All hell breaks loose.



@Purple Crayon
You're veeerryyy welcome! :) Thank you, but it is an clever idea of yours! :)
OMG awesome! Thank you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed them!!! :D
Feel free to add in the Pens reading AAOOOSC! XD If you do, tell me :)

A Shruinger A Shruinger

@A Shruinger
Thanks! I don't remember how I came up with this idea, but feel free to borrow it if you want :)

And I think they would love your stories! : ) The ones I've read were fun and exciting to read!

Purple Crayon Purple Crayon

This is such an interesting concept! I never really thought of this tbh...
Now I'm REALLY wondering what the Pens would think of how I convey them in AAOOOSC! XD
I subbed! :)

A Shruinger A Shruinger

Haha I know, right? It would be the worst!
Thanks for reading! : )

Purple Crayon Purple Crayon

I wondered what would happen if they found all the smut I wrote. Hopefully it won't happen. (Clears Internet and wipes off the papers involving many Fan fictions of the Blue Jackets) Nothing was ever there,

FliggyAndJoey FliggyAndJoey