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AAOOOSC! Exposed!

I Broke It, I Fix It


Kale’s hands pat on the soft, gray clay that has its surface lined to the granite surface it is tucked into.

Kale peers down at the odd-coloured fix to the dip his kitten created a while back. “Once it dries, I can put glue on it and that should do it.” He turns to his right, where the kitten itself is perched on the granite countertop. “Hopefully, you don’t try to break it again.”

Ding dong!

Kale perks up with bright eyes. “Oh! Someone’s here!”

Kale hastily dusts his hands against the apron he is wearing before grabbing his pet and placing it on the floor. He bolts across the room to the front door and swings the door open, gazing ahead excitedly at his new visitor.

Standing on the other side is Stuart. The Ruler has his royal robe over his street clothes; on his face is a firm, yet sympathetic expression.

“Skipy!” Kale chirps. “Hey, what are you doing here?” He nudges his shoulder.

“I need to tell you something.” Stuart grabs the defenceman’s arm and leads him into his own place.

The door shuts behind them with Stuart’s free hand.

Kale swishes his head from the door to the Ruler in utter confusion as he is being dragged farther from the door. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, what’s up?”

Stuart stops his movements and lets him go. Kale pulls away from him and straightens up. He gazes at the tall man, standing in the silence of the living room.

Stuart has heavy eyes on him. “Kale, the power player system of the NHL is going to be terminated.”

A shocked, yet confused look grows on his face. “Wait, ‘terminated’? What do you mean?”

“Like the system—” He jabs his pointer finger at him. “—yours and everyone else‘s powers in the NHL—is going to be gone.” He pauses while lowering his hand before adding on, “Forever.”

A gawk forms on his face. “Why? Why would that happen?”

Stuart crosses his arms. “Because Gorman claimed Stamkos is ruining the team powers and this is the only way to stop him.”

With disbelief, Kale slowly shakes his head. “No… No…” He speeds the shaking motions. “No, this can’t happen! This can’t—” He peers up at the ceiling as his mind attempts to process the news.

A worried expression comes across his face. “Oh my goodness, this is all my fault…” He then stumbles backward to the sofa and plops on it.

Stuart smoothly settles on the sofa to Kale’s right. Even his kitten joins him, trotting up to his feet. Kale scoops it up and places it on his lap for comfort.

He runs his hand down the kitten’s back as he mentally makes more connections between his actions and the doom of the system. “If only I didn’t use my powers during that fight, these matchups wouldn’t have happened. And with that, Stamkos wouldn’t have used his powers to damage our powers…” He halts his petting motions and dips his head in guilt. “I destroyed the NHL’s power player system.”

Stuart peers at him with concern. “Hey, it’s not your fault, buddy— “ He pats his back twice. “—it’s Stamkos’s choice to use his powers in an abusive way, not yours.”

Kale turns his head up to gaze at him. “But if I didn’t use my powers in the game, then none of this would be happening…!”

“Well, there’s nothing we can do to fix it now.”

Determination becomes evident on his face. “Yes. Yes, there is.” He rises to his feet and places his pet on the ground.

He whirls around to face the ruler with a resolved expression and fists by his sides. “I am going to talk to Gorman.”

“What would that do?” Stuart has his palms open toward him with disapproval.

Kale crosses his arms, not faltering in his mien. “I’m going to offer him a deal.”

In NHL basement, the elevator doors slide open, revealing a hectic Kale on the other side. Kale bursts into the dim room; Stuart calmly follows after him with the kitten in his arms.

“Mr. Gorman!” Kale hollers into the room.

On the other side, Tommy himself spins around in his swivel chair to face the owner of the voice. “Oh, hello there, Clague.”

Kale halts in front of him and pants out, “Please don’t get rid of the power player system!”

He sadly shakes his head with pursed lips. “I have to. The team powers are damaged and they cannot afford to be damaged more.”

“I’ll fix it!”

“I’m sorry, but if I can’t fix it, you certainly cannot.”

“I’ll defeat Stamkos!”

Silence takes over the room at Kale’s offer.

“What?” Stuart spits out from behind him; he halts to his left and peers at him. “Seriously?”

Kale whirls to face him. “Yes, seriously! If that’s what it calls to save the system, I WILL defeat him!”

“Every other power player has been defeated by him,” he hears Tommy point out matter-of-factly.

Kale turns his head to ace the founder as he hears Stuart comment, “What makes you think you can defeat him? You’re going to get seriously injured!”

The defenceman steps back to view the two. He states with shaky, yet growing confidence: “I was the one that brought this mess into the power player system. It’s only right if I have a jab at Stamkos. He’s the last power player I have yet to play against.”

“The last thing I need is for another team power to be damaged,” Tommy tells him, pinching his holographic nose. “It’s only the Kings’, Rangers’, and Lightning’s team powers that are in their natural state.”

Stuart faces the founder with surprise. “Wait, the Rangers’ team powers are still okay?”
Tommy peers at him, lowering his hand. “Their power player went missing before the Rangers played against the Lightning, therefore he has not fought against him.”

“So what happened to the matchup?”

“A shootout took its place.”

“Oh…” Stuart nods his head with understanding.

Kale brings the conversation back on track; he turns to Tommy and states, “Gorman, I will train SO HARD to defeat Stamkos. I want to do this; I need to. Please give the system one more chance.” He slams his hand to his chest. “Let me have this battle.”

Silence immediately answers his plead. The founder scratches his jaw as his eyes are lifted with contemplation.

He then lowers them back down on him. “When is your first game against the Lightning?”

Kale pulls out his phone and taps on it a few times. “It’s in two weeks.” He peers up at him.

Tommy nods his head, attempting to become assured with his offer. “Very well. Train hard for the matchup.” He lets out a small sigh. “At least the Lightning have their week break this week.”

“Yeah, and they come back with a game against us.” Kale shoots him a slight frown.

Stuart turns to the defenceman with an unassertive look. “Are you sure about this?”

Kale peers up at him, his face firm, but his eyes waver with uncertainty. “Yes, I am.” He scoops up his kitten into his arms from the Ruler’s arms. “I would regret even more if I do nothing about the mess I put the NHL in.” He then clutches the kitten against his chest as a form of comfort in this challenging time. “I have to do this.”



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Enjoy! :)

A Shruinger A Shruinger