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Later that night, Liz sat in the library of UMass studying for one of the many tests she had later that week when she felt her phone vibrate in the pocket of her sweater. Putting her book down she grabbed her phone checking the screen momentarily looking at it in confusion when 'Hotshot' was the name on the screen. A smile spread across her face as she read the message.
'I hope your afternoon was as good as it would have been if you had stayed here ;)'
Running her free hand through her hair, she smiled down at the phone and chuckled to herself responding.
'well, I did get screwed, but definitely not in the way I would have preferred :('
Putting her phone down on the table beside her she went back to reading but found herself only staring at the words. She couldn't stop thinking about the night before, and it made her smile remembering it. In her mind, it had all been a one night stand, that was her letting her hair down and having some fun while she was still young enough to have it. But something about him was different, and she knew she was right when he had asked her to stay even though she tried to go. She sat with her eyes on the book, remembering how warm she felt when she cuddled into him last night when suddenly she felt hands on her shoulders.
"So what happened to not being that kind of girl, Liz?"
She turned seeing Tyler sitting down beside her with the grin of a cheshire cat plastered across his face. Looking to the other side of her she saw Fred pulling out the other chair at the table also with a grin on his face.
"Hey, I say good for you. See what happens when you leave the sweat pants at home for a change?" He grasped at the bruins pants she was currently sporting.
"See, I'm kinda curious now. Quaider's game was good when he was just trying to woo you, but if you had seen him at practice this afternoon. Damn. Now I wanna know what you got going on there Liz."
With her mouth hung open in a confused fashion, and eyes slightly squinted, she diverted her gaze from Tyler back to Fred.
"What is he doing here?" She turned back to Tyler, "you don't even go here!"
Tyler wrapped his arm around Liz, smiling at her.
"I'm here to congratulate you Liz! You finally got some!"
"Shouldn't you be doing this weird congrats, bro hug thing with Adam not me? Since, you know, I'm not a dude?"
"Don't worry, we already did after practice."
"Oh great, now I was the talk of the weird group shower."
Tyler scoffed, "I wish. He wouldn't say a damn thing about you."
She furrowed her eyebrows together, "Why not?" She wasn't sure how to take that.
"Something about respect and some other bullshit like that. If it wasn't for the way he was playing, we all would have thought you sucked."
"Excuse me, I do not suck. And also, it's called being somewhat of a gentleman, might want to take notes there Segsy."
Fred shook his head at his two friends fighting before cutting in on their argument.
"Alright, alright. You know that he's just trying to get a rise out of you and you're giving in!"
She turned to look at Fred, this time her face more pleading than the last. "Seriously, why is he here? I have a med-surg exam Thursday and I have to review 3/4 of the human anatomy."
"Anatomy, huh?" Tyler smirked.
She turned back to Tyler, about to say something when she heard her phone vibrate on the table. Picking it up quickly before Tyler had a chance to intercept, she read the message on the screen.
'I tried to warn you! But if you let me take you to dinner tomorrow night, might be able to find something to cheer you up… :)'
She tried her best not to smile at the message on the screen in front of her because she knew it would tip them both of to who she was texting. She took a second to quickly respond.
'It's been less than 12 hours and you already want to see me again… and dinner none the less… boy, those must have been some pretty damn good pancakes I made.'
Tyler was trying to lean around her hands to see who she was texting, but Liz kept holding the phone away from him.
"Have you ever heard of privacy, mister?"
"Come on Liiiiiiz, I just want to know."
Before she had the chance to respond to him, her phone went off again.
'why wouldn't I want to see you again? Plus, if things work out good, I might get more pancakes ;)'
"Seriously, guys. Exam. Study. Can't do that when you're here!"
Fred stood up, rubbing her arm and grabbing Tyler by the hoodie. "Come on asshole, let's go."
He looked down at Liz who was looking up at him with a pleading look.
"Fine. But don't think this is the end of it!"
Ignoring Tyler she looked over at Fred and mouthed 'thank you', he nodded and the both of them headed out.
'boy, you're going to get fat from all these pancakes, McQuaid! You'll have to hit the gym double time!'
Putting the phone back on the table she went back to her notes, even though she knew it was useless. Less than a minute later her phone lit up again.
'You know what I heard was a better workout than the gym…'
'this isn't helping me study, mister…'
'everyone needs a study break now and then, Liz. :)'
Shaking her head with a smile on her face she shut her books knowing at this point, it was no use. Packing up her books and heading out of the library to her car, she responded to his message.
'Well thanks to you filling my brain with HORRIBLE things, I've given up on studying all together. If I fail, it's all on you!'
'Good thing I have big shoulders!'
Liz got home and immediatley fell into bed, with her late night and afternoon of studying she finally felt the exhaustion take her over. Deciding it was time to sleep for the night, she grabbed her phone sending one last text.
'Good to know :) I'm falling asleep, but I'll see you tomorrow night?'
He responded quickly to her message 'Of course, I'll text you tomorrow with details. Sweet dreams, Liz :)'
After reading that message, she smiled to herself putting her phone on her beside table and cuddling up into the blankets falling asleep.


Thanks for reading everyone! Sort of a filler chapter, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!


You aren't a horrible person!! Life happens, and it's okay to have taken a break. But now, if you're back, I'm so happy for updates to start coming back!!
I think that in a traditional sense, an engagement/wedding/etc. would come next. That's always an option to explore for Adam and Liz. If not, maybe just some good old-fashioned drama (car accident? hockey collision? sick baby?? ENDLESS POSSIBILITIES)
Honestly, I'll be happy to read anything about the McQuaids at this point. Just take your time and things ideas may come! :) :) :)

caleb617 caleb617

SO MUCH ADORABLENESS. Honestly, major plot isn't even my concern right now as long as I get to read these precious little Daddy Adam chapters!! So happy that you updated!!!

caleb617 caleb617

@caleb617 Thaaaank you! I'm going to try my best to update soon, I've just been so busy! I'm going to start working on something soon!

kateuhlyn kateuhlyn

I spent the weekend rereading this, and it made me realize how much I MISS this story! I really hope that you have an opportunity to update with a new chapter soon -- I'm so eager to see how things go with their little family! Much love, hope things are going well for you!

caleb617 caleb617

Yaaaay!!! I'm so happy that you had a chance to update!! :)

I love the little moments between Adam and Amelia. SO precious. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing Liz managing on her own during the playoffs, too! That's bound to be interesting! Thanks for updating, hope you're able to post more soon! :) :) :)

caleb617 caleb617