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You're My Favorite Mistake

Chapter Five--

Allison's POV:

I broke down. I couldn't keep the whole James thing to myself anymore. I grabbed my phone and quickly dialed Mel's number. If there was anyone I could trust with this information, it was her. "Hello?" Mel said

"Mel, I have to talk to you!" exclaimed

"What's up?" she asked

"The other night at the game, I ran into James! That's why I did't have a pop, because he spilt the one I bought all over me..."

"Oh? Yeah that makes sense...he broke his wrist last week in a game against Boston..."

"Yeah..." I replied

"Okay...what's wrong with that? I mean other than him spilling pop on you..."

"Well...when I saw him again I felt something and no it wasn't anger or nausea."

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I don't know...he sent me a text and he says we should talk, but I don't know about that. I don't want to talk to him about the past...I'd rather just forget. I feel like talking to him will make me want to get back with him and I just couldn't do that again...I just...I don't know...I miss him, Mel." I sighed

"I think that maybe you should talk to him. You guys never really had closure and I think maybe a good talk will sort everything out." Mel suggested

"What should I tell Max?"

"Whatever you think he needs to know, I guess. I gotta go though...me and Vero are going to the mall. Don't be a stranger! Call me more often. Bye!" Mel said hanging up before I could reply. I laid my phone down and sighed. She was right. I did need to talk to James...

James' POV:

"Mother fucker..." I mumbled, rubbing my wrist. I banged it on the kitchen counter and it stung like a bitch. "Stupid injuries..."

"You okay, Jamesy?" Jen asked coming inside with Nolan in her arms

I nodded, "Yeah I'm fine."

"Daddy!" Nolan called reaching for me

I smiled and picked him up, "Hey buddy! Did you have a good time at aunties?"

"Yeah yeah! Toys!" he squealed pointing towards the kitchen, "Daddy play!"

I laughed, "Alright. In a minute. You got out and play and daddy will be out after talking to mommy."

He nodded at me and I sat him down, watching him walk over to the toys. Nolan was growing up so fast, he was going to be two the next month. "What's up?" Jen asked

"I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow for my wrist." I said

"Do you need me to take you?" she asked

"No. Vero is going to. I just wanted to let you know." I replied, kissing her cheek before heading to the living room with Nolan, sitting down to play.

Jen smiled at down at me and went back to doing dishes. Just then my phone rang, it was her..."Uh hello?"

"James, we need to talk."

"I can't right now. I'll call you back, Vero."

"James...it's Allison..." she replied confused

"Vero, I know that it's important, but I'm busy with my son right now. I'll call you back." I said quickly hanging up

"What'd Vero want?" Jen asked

"She needed my help with this thing for Flower...I'll just call her later." I lied. I couldn't believe that Allison had actually called me...or that she was even willing to talk to me about us. I knew one thing for certain, however...and that was that I needed to call her back...and soon.



Thanks:) I like to keep people guessing and I feel like a good cliff hanger intices the reader to continue on reading to find out what happens next!
crosbyfan87 crosbyfan87
There are a lot of cliff hangers in each chapter and I love it
Sidster87 Sidster87