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Savannah bolted up in bed, having just woken up from a nightmare. Actually, her life wasn't too far off from what she had been dreaming about. Her mind cleared as she tried to separate the nightmare from reality. The day before at work had been terrible. She had felt much more confident going after Bartholomew and Junior this time. She had spent all week researching the two of them, as well as Odessa. She thought she was prepared this time, but she had been wrong.

For the second time in one week, she found herself getting shot at. This time, she was able to hide behind a car for cover to avoid a bullet going into her. But, that also meant that the two drug dealers were able to get away. Again. She hated that.

Dominic had told her she had done well, they just needed more backup. It had just been Dominic, Liam, and herself going after them. Dominic was determined to bring at least three more people next time.

Still, the two criminals should have been behind bars right now. Savannah should have been able to capture them, but she hadn't. She hated feeling like she hadn't done enough. Even if both Dominic and Liam had given her praises afterwards.

She had gone home that night, throwing her jacket on the table just inside her doorway. She contemplated going to the bar, but instead decided to just stay in and make herself a drink. She had more than enough whiskey and Diet Coke for the night. Hell, she had enough for a month's worth of drinks.

She walked back to her bedroom, undressing along the way. Her knee was bothering her, likely from falling on it while taking cover from behind the car. She tried to ignore it as she changed into a tank top and a pair of short shorts, her usual bedtime wear.

She made herself a drink before sitting down on the couch and turning the television on. She texted the group text, but didn't hear back from Shea or Alex right away. They both were probably getting laid right now. She wished she was, too.

She needed sex right now. A stress relief. And doing it herself wasn't really cutting it right now. Maybe she should go to the bar. But, she was too lazy to change right now. And, she didn't really want to make small talk with a guy for a night of sex.

She sipped on her drink as she changed the channel on her television. She stopped on a random channel when her phone buzzed. She put the remote down and exchanged it for her phone. Alex had texted her back. I'm just watching the game at home if you want to come over.

Savannah contemplated it, but just as she was too lazy to go to the bar, she was too lazy to change clothes to go to Alex's either. Thanks for the offer, but I'm comfy at home.

She threw her phone on the couch next to her again and looked up at the television, only to find herself looking at Tyler's face. She had apparently stopped it on the Stars' game. She didn't usually watch hockey, but she didn't really feel like changing the channel either.

She watched the rest of the game, her eyes constantly searching for Tyler. Lucky for her, it appeared the announcers had a man crush on Tyler because they were always talking about him. She knew he was a big player for the team, but she didn't know just how good he was. Or how physical of a game he played. He was getting his fair share of hits, but he also was out there throwing his body around as well. It turned Savannah on, though she just chalked it up to not having sex in so long that anything would work her up.

She had broken her own rule and finished her third drink by the time the game ended. They showed a post-game interview with Tyler, and she stared at the screen. He was wearing a t-shirt that showed off his tattoos and his hair was wet, apparently fresh out of the shower.

"Fuck," she muttered. Even from hundreds of miles away, he was good looking.

She was tipsy, but not drunk. She was pretty clear headed as a thought popped into her mind. She grabbed her phone, texting Tyler. He had texted her before asking how her day went, but she didn't want to talk about it. Instead, she texted him something different. I've got a proposition for you.

She didn't think he was going to text her back tonight and she went to bed, not worrying about it. Now, she had woken up from a nightmare of her getting shot in the back. She shook her head, reaching for her phone to check the time. She saw Tyler had texted her back a few hours ago. I'm all ears.

She didn't care that it was three in the morning. She decided to reply. He could respond when he woke up the next morning. No strings attached sex. She wondered what he would think when he read that. She couldn't help but laugh, picturing him reading it.

She didn't have to wait long for a response, though, and was surprised when he texted her back a couple of minutes later.

Tyler: Excuse me?

Tyler: Are you drunk texting me right now?

Tyler: Or did someone steal your phone?

Savannah: It's me. I'm not drunk. Just stressed. And need sex.

Tyler: So you're using me for sex?

Savannah: Don't act like you haven't done the same.

Tyler: You're stressed from work? What happened.

Savannah: Don't worry about it. Just tell me if you're in or not.

Savannah: No relationship. No dating. Just sex. Whenever you get back from your trip.

Tyler: I feel like there's some rules behind this…

Savannah: Two of them. Don't call me Shea in bed.

Tyler: Hahaha I can handle that one. And the other?

Savannah: I'm in charge.

She didn't get a response from him immediately and figured he was out. Oh well, she'd just have to go to the bar tomorrow night then. She thought it'd be better to just have sex with him. She knew he was into Shea and this was the closest he'd ever get to sleeping with her. And, she knew he'd be pretty damn good in bed if the muscles and veins in his arms were any indication. Plus the physicality she had seen during the game made her think he would be pretty good at the rougher side of things in the bedroom.

Her phone buzzed in her hand and she hesitantly looked at his answer. You've got yourself a deal.

Savannah smiled to herself as she shut the phone off and set it down on the night stand next to her bed again. Maybe she'd be able to get to sleep this time and not dream of getting shot in the back.

She woke up the next morning and texted Alex, asking if she wanted to get coffee before she needed to be at work. She knew Shea had to be at work early, so she didn't extend the offer to her sister this time.

They met up at Starbucks and after ordering their drinks and grabbing seats at a table, Savannah set her phone down on the table in front of Alex. "What's this?" Alex asked, looking down at the phone.

"My conversation with Tyler from last night. Tell me what you think?"

She watched as Alex's eyes skimmed the texts, growing larger as she kept reading. "You seriously just asked him for a booty call?" she laughed loudly.

Savannah shrugged her shoulders. "A girl has needs!"

Alex kept laughing. "Well, if you're looking for just sex, I'm sure Segs can fulfill your needs. But, are you sure that's what you want?"

Savannah tilted her head to the side. "What do you mean?"

"Just sex," Alex replied. "I mean, I know you put up this barrier and you can take care of yourself, but do you really just want to have sex with Tyler? I’m not saying date the guy. I mean, he's a good guy, but he's also kinda a playboy. But, I just want to make sure this is what you want…" she trailed off.

"It seems to be a good deal for both of us," Savannah shrugged. "And, I'd rather have something like this than pick up a guy at the bar and end up in a bad situation."

"Point taken," Alex nodded her head. "Have you told Shea?" Savannah shook her head.

"She's going to have a fucking field day with this," Alex laughed. "Can I be there when you tell her?"

"I'll just put it in our group text," Savannah told her, grabbing her phone and sending out a text, even though Alex was sitting in front of her.

Savannah: Shea, I just told Alex, but figured you needed to know, too. I propositioned Tyler for sex.

Alex: She straight up asked for a booty call!!

Savannah: I just need a stress relief! He seemed like he could get the job done!

Alex: She also made him promise not to yell out your name in bed.



Shea: He was texting me last night about you…was this before or after you asked for a booty call?

Savannah: He texted you? When? What'd he say?

Shea: Just asking how you were, knowing you had a long day at work.

Alex: Awww he likes you!

Shea: You're going to kill the man.

Savannah: He knows what he's getting into. I told him from the beginning.

Alex: He's going to fall for you.

Shea: I’m sure he already has.

Savannah: He has twenty girls ready to go home with him every single night. I'm no different
than any of them.


Shea: We will talk about this. In person. Before you do this.

Savannah set her phone down on the table, looking over at Alex. "Don't give me that look," Savannah warned.

"I’m giving you no look!" Alex responded, taking a sip of her drink.

"You're judging me."

Alex shook her head. "Not judging. I just don't think you're really thinking this through, that's all," she admitted.

"It's sex. I've had sex before. It's not like I'm asking him to take my virginity," Savannah argued, rolling her eyes. Alex always thought more deeply into things than her, but Savannah really didn't think she was at risk of not thinking things through completely. She wanted sex. She knew Tyler had one night stands. What was the big deal?

"When was the last time you had a one night stand?" Alex asked her. She wasn't judging Savannah, but just asking a question.

Savannah thought about it. "Okay, so I've never done a one night stand," she admitted. "How hard can it be?" she shrugged. "He's a pro at it."

Alex rolled her eyes, knowing she wasn't going to be able to change Savannah's mind. When the woman got an idea, there was no changing her mind. It was that drive that had gotten Savannah so far in life. "Fine, but you better tell us how he is in bed," Alex said with a giggle.

"Deal," Savannah smiled as she changed the topic of conversation to something else. They finished their coffee before Savannah left to head into work.

She hoped to have a shorter day today, but it seemed like every day was long. At least she got to stay in today and not go out trying to get Bartholomew and Junior. Dominic, Liam, and Savannah were going to regroup and try to come up with a new strategy. It appeared Bartholomew and Junior were always one step ahead of them, and they needed a new plan. They figured they'd wait a little while before going in again. And, they still needed to know what side Odessa was on.

Liam was already at work when Savannah got there. "You're here early," she commented.

Liam laughed. "No, I'm on time, you're just always here early so I appear to get here later," he told her. She looked at her watch to see it was 8:30. She usually was there earlier than that so his explanation panned out. "It's good that you slept in today." He had already noticed that she worked all the time.

She shrugged. "Didn't sleep in," she told him. "Actually didn't sleep well at all last night," she said, remembering the nightmare. "But had coffee with a friend before coming here."

"Worrying about the case?" he asked her.

"Not worrying, I know we'll get them. But yeah, it was on my mind," she admitted.

"You need to find a stress relief," Liam told her. "I like to workout after work, get all the built up stress out before bed," he said.

Little did he know, Savannah had a plan for a little stress relief. "Yeah, maybe I'll try that," she said, though she had no intention of changing up her workouts from their normal early morning time. But, she did have plans for something she could do at night to get that stress out.


We all know this deal isn't going to end well...


Best story ever. Really enjoyed it so thanks for writing it. I lovr how in love they are with each other. So happy there will be a sequel best news ever. Can't wait to read it and see the future these two will have together.

FootieJo FootieJo

Yes he told her that he loved her. And she said it back. absolutely brilliant. I never want this story to end. love them together

FootieJo FootieJo

Seriously one of my favourite stories going right now. Can't wait for more!

tangerine21 tangerine21

So happy that she's not too hurt. so happy she told him that she needed him. he needs her too. it was huge that she admitted she needed him and for her to cry. and I loved that she called his place home and wanted to go to his house without being asked by tyler. love these two.

FootieJo FootieJo

Oh I need another update so badly. at least she's able to make calls. I'm glad he knows he was an idiot and at least admits he loves her he just has to tell her now. hope she's ok. and the guys she works with.

FootieJo FootieJo